What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member

    All good at the doctor except she said that I was taking too much vitamin D2. I am ALWAYS low on vitamin D, and have had to take prescriptions a few times to get it leveled out. She said to cut the dosage in half, so Bill and I will start taking it every other day until these are gone, then buy a lesser dosage.

    Kim - Praying for your SIL. That is really scary!

    I have a prayer request as well. My best friend from high school days is now a quadriplegic (bad car wreck about 15 years ago). She is in the hospital with COVID right now and both of her care-givers also have it. They are all vaccinated, and they are doing fairly well, but with Mona, she is really struggling. She is not strong enough to cough, so it is causing a lot of issues.

    Today: Calories - 1088, Carbs - 96, Sat Fats - 13, Cholesterol - 250 (egg in the pea-salad).

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 265 Member

    I'm praying for your sister-in-law, Kim. What is her name?

    Also praying for Mona, Connie. Even though the vaccine makes COVID cases milder, there's a lot of uncertainty with someone in her physical condition.

    Have either of you had the booster yet?

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member

    Carole - For me, I am just now at the 2 week mark on my second vaccine. The booster is about 6 months out for me. I also had a Moderna vaccine which they say is actually more effective for a longer amount of time. We will see what is going on in the 6 month time-frame.

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member

    I have the Moderna vaccine as well, plus, having had covid, we should have a stronger resistance to any exposure to it. I'm glad to know what it does last longer. I'm only about two months out from my second shot and not sure I'll get a booster, we'll have to see.

    My SIL is Jacqui. I haven't heard anything new since we got that call a couple of days ago, but I'm sure as soon as they know anything they will let us know. I appreciate your prayers. I'll be praying for Mona as well, Connie!

    Wow, not sure I like this new set up, but eventually it will be old hat!

    I'll be heading out for my walk pretty soon. I think we are supposed to get some rain tonight and tomorrow, so may have to do my walking indoors tomorrow!

  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member

    Well, on my way home from lunch we got SNOW! It was snowing to beat the band, but it was in the mid 40s. The news tonight talked about us having every kind of weather imaginable in one day. Bright sunshine, rain, snow and mid-50's temps.

    I did okay on the calories, but the carbs are rough. My husband wanted sausage, great northern beans and fried potatoes for dinner. Rough on carbs, but it did taste good. I started the beans in the instant pot, then had to make the sausage and cut and fry the potatoes, so it wasn't an easy meal, but the guys ate a BUNCH of beans and taters.

    • Calories 1069
    • Carbs 110
    • Sat Fats 13
    • Cholesterol 141
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Sounds like a meal my husband would like. Mom and Wade like to have pintos and cornbread now and again. I'm not a pinto fan so I eat something different. Oh, and being from the North I like sweet cornbread - they don't. Wade sprinkles a little sugar on the top of my piece of cornbread - what a sweetie!

    Did get to walk today but was only able to do about 600 steps. It's funny, but my heartrate hadn't gone above 106 and I was even telling friends how I might try to do without my metoprolol and see how I do, but today while I was walking it got up to 118 at one point. Hmmm??? I guess because I'm not feeling great it was just a struggle to get it done. And it was hot out there too and that made it harder for me to breathe. Very congested today and having back pain as well. Mom needed her feet washed and that keeps me bent over for about 10 minutes. Great for my flexibility though! I can touch my fingers to the floor and almost my palm! I couldn't do that before out dog Jake got sick, but bending over helping him helped the flexibility as well. I used to be able to sit on the floor with my legs out and touch my chest to the floor - nope, don't know if that will ever happen again! LOL!

    Eating well today too. Had chaffles for lunch with egg, cheese flavored nutitional yeast, about 1 Tbsp of parmesan cheese, and two slices of Canadian bacon (separated between three chaffles). It was yummy!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories - 1113
    Carbs - 83
    Sat fats - 10
    Cholesterol - 153

    I would love to make cornbread again. We all like it sweet, but it is hard to keep the sodium low. I usually use a mix, and the salt is so high in them. I thought about just buying cornmeal and making my own, but even baking powder and baking soda have quite a bit of sodium and self-rising cornmeal is high. We had to quit eating anything except yeast raised breads due to sodium, too.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    The carbs were high today, and calories higher than my norm. It started really high, but I did get them down some. Whew!

    Calories - 1139
    carbs - 124
    Sat fats - 8
    Cholesterol - 189
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I don't know exactly why my carbs are running so high. I need to start planning earlier in the day.

    Calories 1048
    Carbs 123
    Sat Fats 11
    Cholesterol 101
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    Good morning! It's been crazy busy here. Lots of work and not much sleep lately. That can't be good for me. I'm off today. Went to bed at 11 and slept 11 hours straight through. Woo hoo!

    I keep losing and gaining the same pound, which is very frustrating. It's cold but sunny here today. I'm going to try and get a walk in. The good news is I've been hitting at least 6,000 steps most days and got to 9,000 a couple of times this week (was working in a factory - Factory Zero actually. Did any of you see the launch with the president in the news?)
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    So good to see you Cindy. I didn't see Factory Zero, but as soon as I get off of here, I will look it up.

    It has been a better day, but no real exercise. I have done a lot of walking around the house, but not getting outside. For some reason I have been cold all day and even bumped up the thermostat....Bill was happy.

    I have been gaining and losing the same pound the last couple weeks, but that is due to the cheat days. I get below that and my BIL brings home Mexican, or it is our anniversary, or Bill's birthday. Next week it is Thanksgiving. At least I am consistently under 140, now.

    Calories - 1077
    Carbs - 95
    Sat Fats - 12
    Cholesterol - 133
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Eating well but not able to walk yet. My knee feels slightly better than it did yesterday which was the worst day yet, so I am very grateful that the pain isn't as acute today. I hope it's quite a lot better tomorrow and I'll be able to enjoy our service in person.

    Getting ready for Thanksgiving with the body, that is going to be a very nice day!

    was 234.6 yesterday, down another pound. Hoping to keep it off. I would love to be down to 230 by the time Christmas rolls around. We'll have to be very good about staying around that 1000 cals a day range.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories - 914
    Carbs - 99
    Sat Fats - 13
    Cholesterol - 42

    No exercise. I really need to get back to some form of exercise. I haven't been consistent at all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I had a McRib sandwich for lunch, but chose water and no fries - two out of three isn't bad!

    Waiting in line to get on THM for their sale. They are now selling a bread mixture that you simply add water to and bake. It has no gluten and very few carbs, so I thought I would give it a try. Wanna bet they are out by the time it's my turn???

    If my knee doesn't feel good in the morning I think I am going to go to see this PA that our pastor and his wife see when they aren't feeling well. He runs a clinic so I'm not sure he can do anything for it other than refer me to an orthopedist, but at least I can see him quickly; when my feet had been swollen for two months it took another month for me to see my regular doctor! So, no walking until I figure this out.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Good luck on getting news on your knee. My mom's NP treats a lot more than the doctors here do. Here, they send to 14 different specialists that maybe will get to the heart of the problem. Mom's NP does a much better job, and then refers if it is really something that can't be treated by her. She's a smart cookie, but is at retirement age and Mom is so worried that she will retire and leave the town without a doctor on a daily basis.

    Calories - 1042
    Carbs - 105 (my top number in goal)
    Sat Fat - 13
    Cholesterol - 104

    I made tacos for dinner last night and that usually doesn't really hurt my carbs, but last night I found a package of peppers, corn and black beans that I thought would really be a good add-in. It added 50 calories and 5 carbs. I didn't need either, and it definitely wasn't worth it. I won't do them again. The guys didn't really like it either and most went down the garbage disposal.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    I went to my exercise class last night, but sabotaged my efforts by having BBQ potato chips and 3 Hershey's kisses when I got home 😭
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I did well today. I stayed a little over 1000 calories and everything else in line

    Cindy, I always save a few calories for hershey hugs or kisses. They really don't have many calories and I make them melt in my mouth to make the last a bit longer.

    We are just having the three of us for Thanksgiving, but I do have a turkey I will cook, then freeze leftovers. I was surprised at the sodium in the turkey, but as long as it is paired with the right sides it won't be too bad. We aren't going to watch sodium for Thanksgiving, though.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,740 Member
    edited November 2021
    We're having Thanksgiving here - all four kids, three spouses, six grandchildren and my single sister - so 16 in total.

    My husband is deep frying the turkey (which he has for the past few years) and my newest daughter-in-law asked if she could bring a ham. I bought gravy from Costco because my son-in-law privately complained to his wife that we never have gravy. Lol We're having roasted cauliflower and broccoli and I'm making plain sweet potatoes, so there'll be a couple of healthier options next to the mashed potatoes, corn and dressing.

    This probably belonged in the Chat thread - sorry - so I'll mention that I'm doing housework today to burn calories.

    Happy healthy Thanksgiving everyone!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Today, I didn't want to do a big heavy dinner, so I made breakfast. The numbers look pretty good, but I'm not going to get but one Hershey Hug for my sweet treat.

    Calories 1028
    Carbs 102 (unless I forgo my Hug)
    Sat Fat 9
    Cholesterol 273 (300 top in goal) It was that egg!
    Hope that everyone has a great Thanksgiving.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Well, yesterday was great food, but I was ready to get back to my normal today.

    Calories - 1025
    Carbs - 103
    Sat Fat - 10
    Cholesterol - 109