What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    It does seem that the second shot takes people out for a couple of days. I hate that now they want you to get a booster around 8 months later! Not sure we'll do that one though. With our natural immunity boosted by the shots, I'm hoping we will be covered longer since natural immunity is stronger than the shots and does have that B cell that recognizes the virus and awakens when it shows up. The antibodies may fade, but that B cell is there in the background waiting to make more when I need it. I hope this doesn't last long.

    I'll have more treats on Sunday, but need to make sure that I don't have anything today. It really shows on the scale when I get too many.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Today was over by one carb, but when I started looking at "tweaking" it a bit, I decided that one carb was doable. It is still less than my "absolute" high level.

    Calories 981
    Carbs 101
    Sat fat 9
    Cholesterol 173

    We have been doing a LOT of ground turkey in everything since Bill has to watch red meat. That way we can still have burgers, meatloaf, tacos, chili, spaghetti, etc. The problem now is getting the turkey! I have ordered the last 3 orders and the last one they substituted 2 pkgs of seasoned turkey burgers. They had a lot more sodium, but I kept them...at least it wasn't red meat. We ate one of the packages tonight and it wasn't bad.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 1094
    Carbs 100
    Sat Fat 9
    Cholesterol 148

    Well, I guess leftovers did me good today! I even got a piece of string cheese snuck in there. I can't do that often due to sat fats.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    A friend told me about a chili that she makes using ground turkey and pretty much everything but the kitchen sink! She uses three kinds of beans, California veggie blend (broccoli, cauliflower, carrots), sauteed onions and peppers and canned diced tomatoes and the ground turkey. She adds cummin and chili powder and some garlic powder as well. She makes a huge pot and then freezes single portions. I thought it sounded good. I would probably add chicken rather than the ground turkey though.

    I didn't do much good for me today. Tomorrow I begin my holiday challenge so I can have two (single) treats this week. I'll weigh in the morning to get a starting weight. I might also lower my calorie intake to 900-1000 a day, I seemed to have some success with that earlier.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    My fellows would never eat the chili if it had all of those veggies in it. Sounds good to me, though. We have gotten so used to ground turkey that we don't even notice it...We use it for ground beef all of the time anymore. In something like chili, you don't really notice the difference because of all of the spices involved.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 943
    carbs 93
    sat fats 11
    cholesterol 108
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Ate well yesterday. A friend came over with a trunk load of fresh fruit. She gets notices from a local food bank and they got a huge shipment of fruit in and were asking anyone interested to please come and take some. There were mangos, pineapples, grapes, oranges, and kiwis. Yum! Now to eat it all before it goes bad! LOL!

    Did get in 825 steps. I'd forgotten at my normal time to walk, and when I remembered my first thought was - skip it - but then I got up and went outside and did it!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    My main activity today was in and out of a few stores, plus up and down the steps several times.

    Calories 1024
    Carbs 96
    Sat Fats 5
    Cholesterol 22

    Today was a good day, but tomorrow I will not be tracking. It is our anniversary and we will be celebrating with dinner out .... and cookies.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I got my 1000 steps in! Woohoo. It felt good too. I did about 800 outside and then the wind just made it too cold to keep going so I finished inside.

    Not eating well today. I had three cookies left so I ate one last night and two this afternoon. No more treats for me this week!

    I was down to 234 this morning - huh???
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 1014
    Carbs 94
    Sat Fats 11
    Cholesterol 286 (had breakfast for dinner - that egg always does it).
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Well, up two pounds today. These weight fluctuations are frustrating. I think the battery on my scale is going as well, so that could account for it too!

    Eating well and doing my walking. I may not get my walk in today. My legs are really hurting as is my back. I'm not sure if I have my willow bark in my pill keeper because I am having more overall pain than I usually have. It's hard for me to tell because several of my supplements look the same so I don't know if that is one of the brown capsules in there! Sigh. It's not something I can take extra of and be alright either, it's a stomach thing.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Calories 957
    Carbs 98
    Sat fats 11
    Cholesterol 125
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Didn't get my walking in yesterday, calves hurt too much when I flexed them.

    Went out to eat for a birthday party last night and had the fried shrimp and french fries. Yummy! I didn't want to do the pizza because that would be a lot of wheat and cheese together. This was the least bready/cheesy thing they had. I did have a THM dessert but ended up getting a headache from the almond extract! I couldn't believe it, I guess it's made from real almonds.

    We are having a King Tide here and the water is rising quickly. We are going to be getting rain on top of that so we are trying to prepare for possible power outages. So far we are looking alright, but I can just watch the water rise at the house across the street. There's a marsh before it reaches a river and then the ocean behind his house. That water is funneled into a culvert in front of his house which when it gets to a certain height it is carried across the street to our pastor's yard, which is on the far side away from our house, so we should be alright! His house is now up on stilts, so he should be alright as well. Lots of houses went up on stilts after hurricane Florence came through.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Hope that your property is protected from the tide and flooding!

    Calories 939
    Carbs 90
    Sat Fat 13
    Cholesterol 147
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Did okay with everything except sat fats today. Sundays are usually a little wonky somewhere. I did get out for a walk. The leaves in the neighborhood are so beautiful.that I kept stopping to take pictures.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I made my pumpkin fluff this weekend. I need to make it differently next time, but this time I used the non-dairy whipped topping (I forgot to take it off the list that I keep up in the pantry (Wade takes a picture of it before he goes to the store), so I just used that this time. 1 8 oz. container of whipped topping (I'll used coconut milk next time and whip it myself). 1 12 oz. container of soft cream cheese (I think I'll use the lower fat version next time) and 1/2 can pumpkin puree and about a 1/2 tsp of pumpkin pie spice which I will probably use one tsp next time, not enough of that spice flavor. I folded the pumpkin into the cream cheese then the spices and whipped topping. If I do the coconut milk, I'll use Stevia to sweeten it, but I just let the sugar in the topping do it this time. It's a nice treat, and with the changes to it it will be a healthy one. It makes a large bowlful and will help get that pumpkin pie feel without the carby crust!

    Didn't walk this weekend but will today. My calves are feeling much better! Oh, and here's a though, if you are having cramps, eat mustard - takes care of it right away - who'd've thunk it!?
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Had a good day. Got my mile walk in and it was so beautiful. It is supposed to rain for the next couple of days and turn cold again. I'm not ready for winter!! And I hate this time change. It is already dark!

    Calories - 1060
    Carbs - 97
    Sat Fats - 13
    Cholesterol - 68
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I did walk some yesterday, slow and not quite as far, but the day turned out so nice I hated to waste it! I'm planning on walking again today. Eating is pretty good as well.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I got my mile walk in, but ate very unhealthy. My BIL wanted enchiladas from our favorite Mexican restaurant. So good to the taste buds, but so bad for healthy eating...then I ate cookies (surprise, surprise).

    Today is my Doctor's appt...I'm glad that all of the blood work was done earlier, but I sure hate to jump on her scales. At least I know I will be down a few pounds from last year.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I did get some walking in yesterday, about 850 steps. My legs are hurting a bit today but will try to get some walking done anyway.

    Please be praying for my SIL, she had to go the one of those emergency clinics last night and is going to see her regular doctor today - she was coughing up blood. Thanks, y'all.