What Have You Done Today That Is Healthy



  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    I'm also trying to stay within an 8 hour window with intermittent fasting. My problem is coffee. I just don't like the taste of black coffee, so I add a little cream to cut the bitterness, but I really don't want to wait until 11 for my first cup. I held off until 10 today and the rest of the day shouldn't be a problem. We're meeting friends for dinner and he works a really early shift so they eat dinner between 4:30 and 5! I should easily be done eating by 6 today.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Sounds like a healthy dinner, Cindy! Mine will be turkey and potato salad tonight.

    I had the rest of my breakfast from yesterday (couldn't talk Wade into eating it) so my numbers are a bit higher today as well:

    cals: 1062
    carbs: 67
    this one is high - sat fat: 20
    protein: 69
    I was high for sodium at 1897 and low on potassium at 683.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    I stayed in my 8 hours, but just checked my calories and should have eaten a bit more protein and calories

    Dinner was pork loin sautéed in butter flavor Pam with onions and peppers, dry baked potato and green beans.

    Calories - 809
    Carbs - 105 (top of my range)
    Sat fat - 9
    Cholesterol - 88
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    I am planning on a bison smash burger and green beans for dinner! That helped bring up the protein.

    Cals: 1012
    carbs: 68
    sat fat: 14
    protein: 72
    sodium: -646 (1800 is my limit)
    potassium: +348 (1000 is my limit)

    The two fish oil capsules I take brought my calories slightly over. They are 20 calories and 2 grams of fat!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited January 2023
    I split and stacked firewood with my husband today. We were out for 2 hours, came in for lunch and went back out for another hour. Got 3 loads done, but there's still so much to do! (from the 2 trees he took down just before Christmas). I had leftover chicken and steamed broccoli with 3/4 cup veggie Alfredo pasta... maybe 355 calories... but then I had hot chocolate, so that probably added another 180 calories to my lunch. We're heading out to watch our older granddaughters play soccer and then taking them out to dinner so our son can take our daughter-in-law out for her birthday. Hopefully I'll find a low cal option
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    Phew - I am tired just thinking about splitting and stacking that firewood...but a nice cozy fire sounds good. And all of those calories burned!

    Calories - 874
    Carbs - 78
    Sat fats - 11
    Cholesterol - 152
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited January 2023
    Here's our word storage area... the wood on the right is from last year - so it's already seasoned. But if it gets cold this winter, we'll burn through most, if not all, of that
    7ixagmrr4qwn.jpgHere's what we got done today (the far left section):
    xq8u4bnstra3.jpgWe've still got more to cut and stack, so we'll go back out on Monday to do another 3 or 4 loads
    Some of the logs are this big:
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Wow, Cindy. I remember when Wade did that chore for our little wood stove. We pretty much did the work as we needed the wood for the stove, but the trees he cut had been down for awhile, so the wood was dried out already. So glad we have a gas stove now! That was when we lived in a cabin without electricity!

    I haven't figured out what I am going to eat for dinner yet, but I have 364 calories to work with to stay within my calorie range for today. Yesterday was a free day, but when I weighed this morning it hadn't added anything to my weight, so praise the Lord for that!

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited January 2023
    We usually only cut up dead wood (which, by the way, is lighter to lift and stack), but these two trees will have to season a year or so first. At least the sun is shining today. It's more work, but the wood is free, and we'll use less natural gas for heating, so there's a savings there. And the stacking burns calories. That's my optimistic take on things. 😁 Have a great day. I'm needed outside
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited January 2023
    Today I was mostly in charge of running the bobcat, picking up large logs and driving them over to the log splitter. We'll hopefully have enough wood for at least the next two winters when we're done. I also went to my exercise class tonight... I haven't been in months. Every muscle in my body is sore, but it's a good sore.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    You are right about that burning calories, Cindy. I looked up "stacking wood", it burns around 192 calories every half hour! Very good exercise! And all that fresh air - also a good benefit!

    Here are my numbers for today. They include two chicken McNuggets!
    Cals: 1065
    carbs: 141
    protein: 96
    sat fat: 12
    - 92 sodium
    + 554 potassium

    no weight lost
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited January 2023
    I was amazed at the wood! I have been pretty good for the last couple of days, but just neglected to post. Today is "cheat" day, but I am planning to just cheat a meal and not go overboard.

    Not so successful
    Calories - 1170
    Carbs - 130
    Sat fat - 20
    Cholesterol 135 - at least I did t blow that!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Those "cheat" days really help me during the week, gives me something to look forward to - but like you, it can't be a gorge day either!

    Here are my numbers for today:
    Cals: 936
    carbs: 129 (split pea soup)
    sat fat: 14
    protein: 88
    +109 sodium; +464 potassium

    I did a small workout yesterday, bicep and tricep curls; and the ones you do for the upper back; I did some squats and other standing leg exercises. It was maybe a 10 minute workout - but it was something. I will do that again today!

  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Here are my numbers for today:
    Cals: 1042
    carbs: 87
    protein: 81
    sat fat: 13
    sodium a little over; potassium a little under

    Did two laps up and down the driveway, a little more than 400 steps. Phew, legs hurt and had a little bit of trouble catching my breath even though I was meandering!

    Weight the same.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    I took a walk this morning - two laps down our street, which is a little over 2 miles. I'm ending the day right around 5,350 steps. I made stuffed cabbage soup for dinner yesterday and added a few leftover pot roast potatoes to it tonight, which made it a little heartier.
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited January 2023
    My calories were seriously low today when I slotted my food in the tracker so I ate a couple slices of low cal toast. Still ony about 760 calories, but totally full. Other numbers were fairly good.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,540 Member
    Good job, gals!

    Yesterday was a "trash" day for me, I ate whatever I felt like. I'll weight tomorrow to see how much damage it did.

    Today's numbers: cals 1016
    carbs: 70
    prot: 71
    sat fat: 10
    sodium and potassium both in

    I'll do some arm and leg exercises, but no walk, too chilly today!
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited January 2023
    It's also too cold here for walking - currently 21°.
    I'm making white chicken chili for dinner tonight. Haven't had breakfast yet, so I'm thinking about chaffles for brunch - mostly protein, then a hearty chicken chili for dinner. Someday I'll get back to actually counting calories instead of just estimating
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,807 Member
    edited January 2023
    I don't know what tonight's calories are going to look like. I am making BBQ ribs. I found a crockpot recipe and decided to try it. It uses some BBQ sauce, but I always make my own, so we will see. The actual sauce for the ribs tasted a bit tart, so I added about a TBS of sugar free pancake syrup to it. The recipe was funny. It said to cut the ribs (3#) and lay in a single layer in the bottom of the crockpot.....you would have to have a crockpot the size of Texas to get that many ribs in a single layer. I have a large crockpot that is about 18 inches long, so I got them in two layers. Hopefully they will be done by dinner. If not done an hour before time to eat, I will finish them in the oven.

    Yesterday: Again, I added in calories to my snack because I was low.
    Calories: 977
    Carbs: 116 (that last minute snack!)
    Sat Fat: 9
    Cholesterol: 40
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,743 Member
    edited January 2023
    Somewhere I said I was going to have chaffles today but I ended up just grabbing a slice of peanut butter toast. We're emptying our dining room and kitchen of everything on the floor... furniture and appliances... to have our hardwood floors refinished next week. It's a bigger job than I thought it would be, but I'm getting organized and burning calories