Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Welcome back Petra! I intended to stay more active on here again and see it's been a few weeks since I've posted. But yesterday I got the okay to start running again, with the common sense warning that if my foot feels wrong, stop. Just in time for Jantastic (I also joined the MFP runners team). Jantastic helped me a lot last year, and I was excited to see swimming & biking added to the mix this year.

    My chiropractor and trainer both want me to ease back into running since my foot still isn't 100% so today I'm doing W1D1 of C25K. My trainer was concerned I'd be frustrated by him wanting me to start slow but actually I'm pretty excited about it. I needed a mental break from running as well as a physical one, and it was just Monday this week where I found myself thinking "I need to run." Bought new Asics (GT-2000) on Tuesday night, so I'm ready to go. Snowing & frigidly cold so I'll be on the treadmill, which is okay.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Welcome back to running Laura! And glad to see you are on the way to recovery Taeliesyn.

    My daughters bought me a running journal for Christmas so that and Jantastic have been motivating me to get out. 7km yesterday and 5km the day before. Today is a rest day so just did some yoga. I am planning entering a 10k in March to give me something to aim for, it is uphill for much of the way so not expecting a great time, I'll just be happy to complete it. I also want to take part in some Parkruns, it is a bit of a hassle travelling there so it won't be a regular thing. Then I'll have my usual 10k race at the end of September, and maybe the Aviemore HM a couple of weeks after.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    AglaeaC - Echo taeliesyn's thoughts above, hope it gets better soon and that you can get out and run on Sunday.

    upsaluki - some nice goals there, you have made awesome progress on your weighloss so far, keep going. Glad the infection is clearing up and that you feel well enough to get out for a run.

    laura - you need to make sure you take it easy to build strength in your body as you subject it to the stress of running. It looks like you are getting some good support there.

    romy - nice to see you out and about, rest days are good. Rather than plan the 10k in March, enter it today, make that commitment for you.

    taeliesyn - you have some nice runs there. I am glad to see that your recovery continues. Re the plans, the old plan was based on a 12 week coolrunnings plan but they are 12 weeks long and so I modified it, so it was weeks 1-10 of the HM plan, weeks 4-11 of the FM plan and then weeks 11&12 of the HM plan. I had to modify the boundary weeks to get it to fit, this was to get to a 19 week plan for me. In hindsight the FM plan is not really that beneficial to the HM. So I have dialled in the 15 week 80/20 plan starting at week 4 unmodified. Hope it makes sense. You expressed some concerns about the taper on my old plan, I was not sure about the stretch from HM to FM. All in all canning it, is probably right for me.

    I entered the Humber Bridge Half (28 June) this morning. It was the longest single span suspension bridge when it opened, it is still the 7th longest today. Todays run was a bust, although I did the plan, my ego and ambition got ahead of my capability. I decided that the long run on Sunday would be better done today and I'd extend it by 10% to get a HM in. Well 5 miles in I felt awful, at 5.8 at one of my bail points, I bailed, I was exhausted. So although I managed the plan requirements, it was not the session I wanted. I felt so disgusted that rather than ride back I walked the 3.5 miles back. It was cathartic, examining my emotions and what had gone so wrong. It was also good to understand the impact that poor nutrition yesterday and earlier today had on my performance. Tomorrow is another day so unsure whether I take an unplanned rest day or struggle through the next few days to Mondays rest day.

    Hope you guys(gals) have some good sessions.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I did a three mile run today. I'm just keeping to week 2 of the plan.

    Ftrobbie- keep your head up. It's one stumble on a great trip. I struggle with trying to keep my goals modest. There is a Ragnar relay in June, but after thinking about it I'm pushing anything like that off until next year.

    Park runs sound fun. It's not a very active thing in the US from what I've read though. Too bad.

    Jantastic starts soon. Looking forward to it.

    Great job everyone.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I had a great ride yesterday with my friends- 35 miles, then brought in the New Year with them and other friends!

    Today, I celebrated my granddaughter's 1st birthday- such a special time!

    My training plan called for a 5 mile run today. I had almost talked myself out of it for several reasons- it was cold and raining, my legs were feeling the 35 miles from yesterday, my body was complaining because I ate (and drank) too much last night, it was getting late by the time I got back to my mom's house.

    I did it though! It wasn't easy, but I did it. 5 miles in 51:51 (RunDouble) around the town where I grew up. I ended the run by lapping around the court house because that's the only area that is lit up and it was getting dark. I'm pleased with the way I'm holding a fairly steady pace throughout. My miles were 10:25, 10:24, 10:19, 10:08, 10:09 (Strava)

    Tomorrow I make the 9 hour drive back home. :neutral_face: At least I will be forced to make it a rest day! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thanks for the warm welcome backs!!

    Ceci, your bike rides always sound wonderful. Nice time on your run, too!

    The weather has been gorgeous here: sunny and crisp. I've gotten out for 2 lovely runs. The one on December 31 was longer and felt really good.
    Today's run was on the treadmill. My right leg is feeling weird....almost like I was dragging it a bit. I've got to keep an eye on that but maybe it's nothing and will just go away.
    I ran 5K in 43:00, then walked the rest. My plan had been to run 6K today but that leg didn't want to.
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    upsaluki, Ceci and PaytraB, well done on the runs/ rides. Glad it is all working out for you.

    Found the real reason for a poor effort on New years Day, viral infection. Felt awful over the last 36 hours, although went into work yesterday. My hips and shoulders ached, if feels as though someone has put a carving knife through my left shoulder and is now trying to dislocate it. Had very little sleep. Took a rest day yesterday and am taking another today. Will probably do the same tomorrow, rugby training will still go on though. Will now have to do, what I keep telling you guys to do, take it easy and recover properly. Will live vicariously over the next few days
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Great runs everyone. I'm looking forward to Jantastic too upsaluki, hope our team does well. Hope everything is okay with your leg Petra. Robbie, it can be hard to take our own advice, especially when it comes to running, but by the sounds of it you are feeling bad enough to want to rest!

    I have been out running 3 times this week so just one more run to fit in. Weather forecast is windy with snow showers so I will probably just go out for a quick run. Back feeling better so was able to lift weights yesterday. It was my oldest daughter's 17th birthday on the 31st, so guess who has to take her out driving? I don't know who was more scared!
  • ftrobbie
    ftrobbie Posts: 1,017 Member
    romyhorse wrote: »
    Robbie, it can be hard to take our own advice, especially when it comes to running, but by the sounds of it you are feeling bad enough to want to rest!

    Too true, my wife asked if I'd gone for a run today, because I had a long sleeved running shirt on. When I said no, she remarked that I must be ill!!

    Have fun and well done on getting out over the last week.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Welcome back to running Laura! Definitely take it easy on the recovery. C25K will work well as a recovery program.
    Some good runs there Romy and nice targets :)
    Robbie, hope you're back running again soon! The Humber HM sounds like a cool race.
    Good to see you running again upsaluki, goal races are good to find but no need to rush into the longer races.
    Nice ride and run Ceci! Although I don't envy 9 hours drive, it is good to have a rest day.
    Hope your leg is fine Paytra and it was just an off day.

    parkrun this morning, started off easy and built speed as the run went on. It ended up being a comfortably hard run and I'm pretty happy with my time for the effort level.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Laura6887 wrote: »
    Welcome back Petra! I intended to stay more active on here again and see it's been a few weeks since I've posted. But yesterday I got the okay to start running again, with the common sense warning that if my foot feels wrong, stop. Just in time for Jantastic (I also joined the MFP runners team). Jantastic helped me a lot last year, and I was excited to see swimming & biking added to the mix this year.

    My chiropractor and trainer both want me to ease back into running since my foot still isn't 100% so today I'm doing W1D1 of C25K. My trainer was concerned I'd be frustrated by him wanting me to start slow but actually I'm pretty excited about it. I needed a mental break from running as well as a physical one, and it was just Monday this week where I found myself thinking "I need to run." Bought new Asics (GT-2000) on Tuesday night, so I'm ready to go. Snowing & frigidly cold so I'll be on the treadmill, which is okay.

    Laura - glad to hear you are back running again! I hope all goes well for you.

    I'm still not cleared to run again. Gotta keep working on my psoas muscle and get that stretched out. Those 3-minute stretches are hard to hold! But it takes that much time to actually lengthen the muscle. Been having some SI-joint pain too which really didn't flare up until after I stopped running. Not sure what's going on there but my doctor has been helping to bring some relief, although temporary.

    I have a week and a half to go until I hit that 8-week point since I stopped running. In case I did have a stress fracture I don't want to do much running until then. I am enjoying getting back into the gym, which helps take my mind off running.

    Keep up the great work everyone!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Not so good news Tim, but I guess it's better to be safe than sorry, I ended up missing 3 months running at the start of last year due to a suspected stress fracture. Keep stretching and I hope you are back running soon.
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    Earned some hard miles today. It snowed last night and I had a pretty spectacular slip and fall on sheet of ice that was hidden. I was able to get in my five miles though.
    PaytraB- hope your leg feels better
    - Romy- sounds like you are getting into a nice consistent streach
    - Ceci- is it pretty cold riding this time of year? I have a six month and three year old at home so I can understand about that 1 year birthday. These have been fun times.
    - Ftrobbie- hope you feel better soon
    - taeliesyn- always look forward to your updates on Strava. Highly motivating.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    10k run for me today at my national park. Very happy with the run, finished in 1:03:37, which is my best effort for that route!

    Keep up the great work!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Great run Ceci!
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Tim, I hope you're back running again soon. I'm sorry to hear of your injury.

    Glad you didn't hurt yourself, upsaluki! I fell in the summer (tripped on a rock in the trail). No fun at all. You're a trooper for getting up and finishing your run.

    Nice run, Ceci! That's a wonderful time, too. Congratulations!

    It's pouring buckets here so I had another treadmill run. My leg seems fine. There's one spot on the calf that felt "tight" but nothing else that I could feel or notice.
    I ran a total of 6K in 51:00.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Good to see everyone making progress, albeit challenging times.

    I managed a 10K on Saturday forenoon, hard work and not a great time; 59 minutes. The slowdown in training is showing up with a reduction in fitness.

    I then took the girl out again for W1D3 of C25K, so she seems to be picking up the habit. Now that she's back home it'll be interesting to see if she manages to keep it going.
  • taeliesyn
    taeliesyn Posts: 1,116 Member
    Great runs Ceci, Paytra, and MM

    A hot and blustery 10k this morning. All done before breakfast and I didn't even think to have a drink before I left the house. I couldn't decide how far I was going to run, which in turn messed up my pacing. Glad I cut it off at 10k though.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Despite very cold temps yesterday, I managed a 2 mile run to finish week 6 of my HM training plan. 2.05 miles in 20:04. Back to work today after over a week off. :-1:
  • upsaluki
    upsaluki Posts: 553 Member
    I did a three mile run yesterday. More snow here and now really cold temps. -3F now. Running the next week or so will be a challenge. I should have ordered the yaktrax when I had a chance. 8)