Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Yup, going full face gear friday..temps are upper 60s today...just crazy

    And it will be back in the teens in a few days!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Everyone is doing so well! Congratulations on all you races last weekend!

    Didn't get as much running and biking in this past long weekend as I wanted, but still did enough to be happy with myself. I wanted to get out on Wednesday afternoon, Friday, and Sunday. Instead I managed Thursday (5k run) and Sunday (5 mile run/walk) outside, a little on my bike but not enough to count, and some inside playing around with my Wii.

    Very happy with the Sunday run as I was only getting twinges in the right leg (IT band) by the end, rather than limping through to the end as usual. Yeah!

    This week, I'm planning weight machines (Mon, Wed, Fri), water aerobics and swimming (Tues and maybe Thurs), exercise bike (Wed), and run (Friday). This coming weekend is a flyball tournament. After the tournament, my runs should increase in number and length.

    I went to my local running store (Fleet Feet) early Friday morning to celebrate Black Friday. It was my only stop. They served pancakes and offered a bag of goods if you purchased $50 worth of goods. I went a bit beyond that as I bought new shoes, lightweight gloves, and a cute bright yellow reflective knit cap with a pony tail hole off the back. The shoes were what I went way over my budget with, but they are really nice and lightweight and were %15 off. I'm ready now when it's time to replace my current ones.

    My bonus bag had a bunch of energy bars and gels, a reflective slap wristband, a pair of arm warmers, and a pair of socks.

    I used my new gloves and hat for my Sunday run. The gloves were great and just what I wanted. The cap was too much for the weather, sunny, no wind, and upper 30s, so I pulled it off halfway. One nice thing about the pony tail holder was that it gave me the ability to tie the hat to Fells leash and not have to carry it the rest of the way. Really happy with all my winter clothes now. I think can handle any weather that Maryland can send except if it's cold plus raining or sleeting. Snow I'm okay with. I won't run in the dark when there is ice on the ground either, but I've got options.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Sounds like you cleaned up! Good wishes for your IT band not giving you any more problems.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Yep, it hurt pretty good on the left leg. The right leg didn't hurt. I can definitely see how this needs to be a regular deal. I didn't even realize I had knots in my left leg. It hurt while I was doing it but feels better when I finished.

    I didn't realize my IT Band was tight until my trainer had me get down on the foam roller. Hurt so much I actually couldn't do it. Started out with a tennis ball to get the worst of the pain out, then moved onto the roller. I'm not as consistent with it as I should be for maintenance, but as soon as I start getting those twinges it reminds me.

    btsinmd, sounds like that was a stop well worth making! Love your prize bag stuff. What kind of shoes did you get?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Way to go Laura!! I did 7.2 today,, so happy ;)

    Awesome run!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    2 treadmill miles after my trainer session. We're in day 1 of a 3 day snowstorm so I didn't trust that I'd be able to get to the gym before work tomorrow, and the look on Jason's face when I told him I hadn't done it this morning didn't seem to leave skipping it as an option. Played around with building speed - up a smidge every quarter mile for the first mile, then dropped down to starting speed & built every 2/10ths the second mile. Usually treadmill run at 4.5 or 4.6, but did 4.7 --> 5.1 tonight at a 1.0 incline. That was about as much as I had in me, and my face matched my pink shirt by the time I was done.

    p.s. I bought a pink shirt from the gym in October (breast cancer awareness) in a size too small - could get it on at the time, but it was too tight for me to breathe. Wore it tonight for the first time!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Good for you BTS - new shoes are inspiring!!!! :) I'm about to pick up a 3rd pair - which is sad :) I don't have any normal girl shoe collection, but I have everything sports sock/shoe combination you can imagine!!!!

    Today I procrastinated about running and ate way too much, I was RAVENOUSLY RAVENOUSLY hungry the ENTIRE DAY!!! I have no idea what the deal is, something to do with the big run yesterday perhaps? Also if I run super far (which is like 7 miles lol) then the top of my left foot hurts a bit (I think the shoe is slightly too tight) and the ball/pad of the same foot hurts for a day then it's fine again - I must be putting more weight on that foot still as compensation for my other ex-foot-surgery foot. I read lots today that that sounds normal due to getting used to the zero drop business, but I'll keep an eye on it I guess.

    So I have to either run in my old shoes the next day (which makes me really miss the vibrams). That's the justification for a 3rd pair of shoes :) A pair to run in when my feet hurt LOLOLOL. They're more for if I do a run that has a trail component, I really need something that is a bit more solid, yet still barefoot-ish... I consider myself a real runner for justifying all this in my head!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    2 treadmill miles after my trainer session. We're in day 1 of a 3 day snowstorm so I didn't trust that I'd be able to get to the gym before work tomorrow, and the look on Jason's face when I told him I hadn't done it this morning didn't seem to leave skipping it as an option. Played around with building speed - up a smidge every quarter mile for the first mile, then dropped down to starting speed & built every 2/10ths the second mile. Usually treadmill run at 4.5 or 4.6, but did 4.7 --> 5.1 tonight at a 1.0 incline. That was about as much as I had in me, and my face matched my pink shirt by the time I was done.

    p.s. I bought a pink shirt from the gym in October (breast cancer awareness) in a size too small - could get it on at the time, but it was too tight for me to breathe. Wore it tonight for the first time!

    Great NSV!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Wow! I am inspired by all of you! So many gains this last week! I am grinning! What a fabulous group!
    Running PRs in all manner of weather, making distance gains, running despite lacking the use of an eye! Love it!!!

    I ran outside today. The first since the dreadmill run on Wednesday. I drove all around town in the car first on a reconnaissance mission to find a suitable 6+ mile route since the roads and sidewalks are still patched and spotted with ice and snow, but not consistently enough to warrant yak traks. I ended up running 6.5 miles and walking another 1/2 to make 7 total. It felt harder than necessary today. For some reason, I never found my groove. My aches and pains seem to be increasing. Yuk! Boo! The plantar fasciitis is naggling me tonight and my legs were sore along the outside of my thighs from the get go. From what I've read, I need some quality time with a foam roller (which I do not yet own). I may try a tennis ball in a few minutes here. AND my knees are sore! I think the cheap Asics were not a good deal. (Beware the cheaper $60 Asics! My $120 pair were great.) I'm headed to a town 1 1/2 hours away on Friday for a Doctor's appointment. There is a running store there, and I may just plan a little time in for a visit!

    However, on a happy note, I wore compression socks and my shin split feels much better. Almost non-noticeable. All in all I'm grateful for the run. Hopefully, I can get back on track with my training this month. I've been missing good mid-week training runs and barely squeezing out the long runs on the weekends.

    Run on my friends! :-)
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    I have not been around much - logging on my phone means no forum time and I have been work work working. Fitted in my 5K parkrun on Saturday morning, with my slowest time yet by 20 seconds but I DID NOT WALK. Which was a major victory over the killer hills. Then slogged out 7K this morning. Off to work now and I don't know if I will get out again this week until Maybe the saturday parkrun. I joined a gym last week but still haven't made it to the half hour induction!

    You will all just keep running for me? Good.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Got in a nice 5k run after work yesterday. Might be my last one for a while- winter hits with full force in a couple of days!


    Felt really good and could have run longer, but ran out of daylight and wasn't prepared for running in the dark. Best part- no pain on the ball of my foot. I think I'm figuring this out!

    I spent some time on the phone with my brother the runner. It seems that some of my family thinks I'm obsessed with exercise. They act like that's a bad thing!
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    Who knew I would get so excited about a 40 degree day. It felt good to ditch a layer or two. I am in week 4 of RunDouble's 5K improver program, This workout was 600 meter run, 100 meter walk. I realize that I hate speed intervals and that has a lot to do with a good environment to do them in my neighborhood. It is like there are no public tracks in the city of Toronto, believe me I have checked and they are few and far between. The closest one to me is dirt and gravel so if it rains, it is nothing but mud for a week or more. Today I took it to a trail, that is scenic but not very busy. My husband asked me to avoid it for my safety. Today I saw a few runners and cyclists, but not sure if I should ignore my husband's warning and make this a regular route.

    I feel so limited with my running now that there is so little daylight hours. I am not a morning person. In the summer I would run 7 or 8 pm, now it is dark before 5. Toronto is a big trail city, which is great if you want something scenic, but incredibly dark at night. I'm from New York City and you can always count on a well lit track if you really must get your run in at night. I managed 24 miles last month which I guess isn't bad since I am still getting used to cold weather running, but I feel like I could have done more if there was a safe well-lit area that was an option. I am meeting up with run group in my neighborhood for the first time tomorrow, hopefully it goes well and I finally get some running buddies.

    Running the Santa Shuffle 5K this Saturday, looking forward to seeing if this 5K Improver program is working.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'm excited to see your time. How close are you to a sub-30 minute 5k?
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    Still dealing with this nasty cold and I just couldn't face 40 degrees and rain. Figured that wasn't a good idea while I'm still sick. I did my first treadmill run and it's going to take some getting used to. I know at some point over the winter I'll need to do some days inside. My gait must be different on the treadmill, still trying to figure out exactly what to tweak. The back of my legs starting at the ankle going to the bottom of my calf was rather sore. I haven't had that issue since back when I first started running in July. I also found that it's harder to go at the same pace on the treadmill. I keep hearing how it's harder to run outside on the pavement, but I find it harder to run on a treadmill. Maybe it's just what you are used to. At least my left knee didn't hurt today.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I'm excited to see your time. How close are you to a sub-30 minute 5k?

    Well my last 5K in August was 34:55. My fastest non-race 5K was 37:

    In the 5K improver program, I run intervals, today was 600 M/100 M, I managed a 9:48 pace for one of them, but generally I am between 10 and 11:30 min pace during speed intervals. So I'm hoping for a 2 minute or better improvement on my 5K time and then I can work on shaving off the rest in the new year.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    I spent some time on the phone with my brother the runner. It seems that some of my family thinks I'm obsessed with exercise. They act like that's a bad thing!

    LOL! I've gotten a sigh and an eye roll a few times. But as a fellow runner your brother must be sympathetic?
    Glad to hear that your form/foot strike adjustments seem to be working.

    Still dealing with this nasty cold and I just couldn't face 40 degrees and rain. Figured that wasn't a good idea while I'm still sick. I did my first treadmill run and it's going to take some getting used to...The back of my legs starting at the ankle going to the bottom of my calf was rather sore. I haven't had that issue since back when I first started running in July. I also found that it's harder to go at the same pace on the treadmill. I keep hearing how it's harder to run outside on the pavement, but I find it harder to run on a treadmill. Maybe it's just what you are used to. At least my left knee didn't hurt today.

    Rindy- Were you running on too much of an incline? That might account for the soreness and the difficulty. (It is generally accepted that a 1.0 incline approximates the effort of outdoor running.) Also how was your pace compared to outdoors?

    I feel so limited with my running now that there is so little daylight hours. I am not a morning person. In the summer I would run 7 or 8 pm, now it is dark before 5. Toronto is a big trail city, which is great if you want something scenic, but incredibly dark at night. I'm from New York City and you can always count on a well lit track if you really must get your run in at night. I managed 24 miles last month which I guess isn't bad since I am still getting used to cold weather running, but I feel like I could have done more if there was a safe well-lit area that was an option. I am meeting up with run group in my neighborhood for the first time tomorrow, hopefully it goes well and I finally get some running buddies.

    Running the Santa Shuffle 5K this Saturday, looking forward to seeing if this 5K Improver program is working.

    I'm struggling with lack of light. My best bet time of day for a run is after 7pm. I'm also sooo not a morning person, but it's dark then too! Hopefully the group will know of some good well-lit places. Good luck with your 5K. I'm really interested to hear how it goes!

    P.S. I have the worst sore throat. Ugh...winter.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    There are a lot of aches, pains, illnesses, and rough runs on this page. I'm so proud of everybody because I don't hear one person actually complaining. :drinker:
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Still dealing with this nasty cold and I just couldn't face 40 degrees and rain. Figured that wasn't a good idea while I'm still sick. I did my first treadmill run and it's going to take some getting used to. I know at some point over the winter I'll need to do some days inside. My gait must be different on the treadmill, still trying to figure out exactly what to tweak. The back of my legs starting at the ankle going to the bottom of my calf was rather sore. I haven't had that issue since back when I first started running in July. I also found that it's harder to go at the same pace on the treadmill. I keep hearing how it's harder to run outside on the pavement, but I find it harder to run on a treadmill. Maybe it's just what you are used to. At least my left knee didn't hurt today.

    It's not easier or harder. It's different. Like any change, you should back off by about 20% and rebuild.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member

    I spent some time on the phone with my brother the runner. It seems that some of my family thinks I'm obsessed with exercise. They act like that's a bad thing!
    LOL! I've gotten a sigh and an eye roll a few times. But as a fellow runner your brother must be sympathetic?
    Glad to hear that your form/foot strike adjustments seem to be working.

    My brother is VERY supportive. He was telling me about another family member who was "worried" about me. He told them they were talking to the wrong person about that. He's excited to see my progress. We both plan to live another 50 years! (Good quality years, unlike our parents and grandparents who had numerous health issues.)
    P.S. I have the worst sore throat. Ugh...winter.

    I hate winter! At least today on the 21st anniversary of my 29th birthday, I get to join the local "seniors" only gym and I'll have a place to workout when it's cold!

    I rode the bicycle yesterday 15 miles. Nasty weather will hit later today or tomorrow! UGH
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member

    Still dealing with this nasty cold and I just couldn't face 40 degrees and rain. Figured that wasn't a good idea while I'm still sick. I did my first treadmill run and it's going to take some getting used to...The back of my legs starting at the ankle going to the bottom of my calf was rather sore. I haven't had that issue since back when I first started running in July. I also found that it's harder to go at the same pace on the treadmill. I keep hearing how it's harder to run outside on the pavement, but I find it harder to run on a treadmill. Maybe it's just what you are used to. At least my left knee didn't hurt today.

    Rindy- Were you running on too much of an incline? That might account for the soreness and the difficulty. (It is generally accepted that a 1.0 incline approximates the effort of outdoor running.) Also how was your pace compared to outdoors?

    I left the incline at 0, didn't realize I should put it up to 1 to have the same effort as outside. I typically do easy runs at a 13:30 min/mile pace, yes I'm slooowww. Yesterday it felt like more work to do it on the treadmill at a 14:17 min/mile pace. Maybe it was harder cuz I'm still dealing with this cold. I'm running again tomorrow and the temp is supposed to drop to below freezing with the wind chill in the teens, so I may do another treadmill run and wait to go back outside til my cold is gone.