Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Awesome pace Varda! And Joe!

    And interesting reading about everyone's careers. I never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up - fortunately that job found me when I was 43 years old.

    As far as the MOA trip, my birthday is mid-October. Just saying.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Beth, I love the sound of that job! I might have to join you as long as the weather's not too hot for running, lol.

    Well I think I may be back on track. Today my first km felt good and the time was good too. Normally it feels hard and I'm really slow, and occasionally it feels good and I'm still really slow! I decided to push on a bit, more of a tempo run, and I took 3 minutes off my best 5km time!!! :bigsmile: So happy!!!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Beth & Varda both rolled this post, and I just saw a comment on another group I'm in about how that happens. When Beth posted she rolled into the new thread. Because Varda has special powers in this group :smile: she can quote on a post in an old thread, but it starts a second roll-over thread instead of combining with the one already started.

    Glad to hear your running is getting back to normal Romy!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Oh cool. Thanks for letting me know how that happens.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Beth, I love the sound of that job! I might have to join you as long as the weather's not too hot for running, lol.

    Well I think I may be back on track. Today my first km felt good and the time was good too. Normally it feels hard and I'm really slow, and occasionally it feels good and I'm still really slow! I decided to push on a bit, more of a tempo run, and I took 3 minutes off my best 5km time!!! :bigsmile: So happy!!!!

    Love it when that happens.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I consider dog walking/errand running during hard months.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    We just got back from our trail race. Boy I felt out of shape after that experience! It was cold - about the coldest temps I have ever experienced while running. 25°F at race time. That was good and bad. Good because it froze most of the trail, otherwise it would have been a mess. Bad because the cold air hurt my lungs and I have been coughing a lot since the race. Anyway, we got there a little early so I did a slow 2-mile warmup run. When the race was about to start I positioned myself at the front because these races do not have a starting chip time. They go by gun time and record your finish time via the chip. If you line up in back it can cost you 30 seconds or more. I went out way too fast: 7:36 in the first mile. The end of that first mile starting going up a steep hill. The hill lasted another half mile up before we starting going down the other side. I was totally spent at the top of the hill. The backside was in the sun and the trail was melting and getting sloppy. There were some ups and downs as we headed back through the forest and every uphill sucked the energy out of me. I felt awful until mile 3 when I started to catch my breath after some flat running. My pace had dropped before that and I tried hard to pick it back up but didn't have much energy. Ended up finishing about 9:30 overall pace and 5th in my age group. Guys in their 40's are always very competitive in these races! My wife was just 90 seconds behind me and finished first in her age group. This is just the first of an 8-race series for points so hopefully I can do better in the next races.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    So, in light of Beth saying she's going to have a hellish week, I pose this question; what do you all do for a living?

    I'm a graphic designer and production manager for a local media company, aka newspaper(s), and photographer on the side.
    Everyone else? Go!

    I calibrate & repair patient equipment in a local hospital. My main areas are Kidney dialysis machines and physiotherapy equipment. Part of the job entails operating a hyperbaric chamber as well.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Had a great run today. I got to go outside!! What a difference it makes.
    Today's run felt easy, light and fun. I ran faster (slightly) than my treadmill pace and felt great the whole time.
    I've noticed that my now "normal" running distance is about 6K (at least outside; the treadmill is harder to get that distance on). Today I ran 5K, walked 3 minutes, then ran another 1.5K (easily). I seem to be moving forward in terms of distance.
    I'm always happy when I notice an improvement in my running performance and to realize that I'm loving the experience of running.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Had a great run today. I got to go outside!! What a difference it makes.
    Today's run felt easy, light and fun. I ran faster (slightly) than my treadmill pace and felt great the whole time.
    I've noticed that my now "normal" running distance is about 6K (at least outside; the treadmill is harder to get that distance on). Today I ran 5K, walked 3 minutes, then ran another 1.5K (easily). I seem to be moving forward in terms of distance.
    I'm always happy when I notice an improvement in my running performance and to realize that I'm loving the experience of running.

    I love this. It was just a couple months ago you were still working to this goal, and now your gobbling down those miles on every run!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Proud of everyone getting out and about and doing so good! Thanks for everyone posting up your jobs, so cool!!'

    Today I went 3. Tomorrow is long run day - bring it!'
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Tim that race sounds brutal! That pace seems amazingly fast for me, especially considering the terrain. Congrats to your wife too!

    I ran 8 miles today for just the 2nd time ever. First time it took me 1:48:31 and this 1:46:32, but more importantly this run felt dramatically better than the first. The first I had fluids with me but started cramping somewhere in the 5th mile and the last couple miles I finished by sheer force of will. This time I paused at my car just before 5 miles for a gel & some fluids and that seems to have helped.

    My running-on-snow pace continues to slowly improve. My first run on the snow I averaged 14:02 and today was 13:19 despite forgetting my Yaktrax.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    8 mile run this morning with my wife. Beautiful day out today except for a little wind. Our goal was to take it easy and maintain a 10:00 pace. We held pace pretty well and ended up 9:59 overall. That makes 3 runs in 3 days - now I need some rest! Also my highest mileage week ever. On track to hit 100 miles this month if I don't hurt myself (knocks on wood).
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    65 minute run today....7 miles @ 9:20...nice long run for today
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    2:42:59 - you know what that is? Sunday long run day! How long you say?

    13.1 MILES! That's right, I just ran a half marathon, for fun ;)
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    2:42:59 - you know what that is? Sunday long run day! How long you say?

    13.1 MILES! That's right, I just ran a half marathon, for fun ;)

  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    2:42:59 - you know what that is? Sunday long run day! How long you say?

    13.1 MILES! That's right, I just ran a half marathon, for fun ;)
    You are awesome!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I was so proud, I did 10 in under 2 hrs... But then totally fell apart for last three ;( I wanted to laugh, cry, stop, curl up in a ball on the ground, even paused my app for 30 seconds to decide whether I could keep going, decided that I could. I have so much more respect for running now, wow. Had an energy bean and a few sips if h20 every mile after 3 - seemed an effective strategy, and for once, my stomach does not hurt after a long run! I even had a teensy breakfast, a muffin and some jam - which is unusual as I usually eat a lot before a long run. Also.... Drumroll, I do not even want to be in the same room as alcohol right now - yup. Wow, huh?!??
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    2:42:59 - you know what that is? Sunday long run day! How long you say?

    13.1 MILES! That's right, I just ran a half marathon, for fun ;)

    That's freakin' AWESOME!! Way to go!! Yeah the first time I tried that those last 3 miles were HARD!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    8 mile run this morning with my wife. Beautiful day out today except for a little wind. Our goal was to take it easy and maintain a 10:00 pace. We held pace pretty well and ended up 9:59 overall. That makes 3 runs in 3 days - now I need some rest! Also my highest mileage week ever. On track to hit 100 miles this month if I don't hurt myself (knocks on wood).

    So awesome Tim! Glad you had a nice day for a change ;) great job in highest weekly mileage - what was your total? Mine also highest, 32.1!!! It's so nice your wife runs with you - my hubby won't get off the couch for running ;) bicycling, yes, but not running. He also has my plague I had last week right now poor thing ;( nothing like running the longest you ever have then making homemade chicken soup- ouch!!!'
    65 minute run today....7 miles @ 9:20...nice long run for today

    Awesome!!!!! Beautiful pace - one day ill see that #!