Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do cross-train. Mondays & Wednesdays I run & strength train. Tuesdays I have either Pilates or a Body Sculpting class. Thursdays I strength train & do some kind of lighter cardio. Saturdays are my long run and this weekend I'm going to start taking a Hatha Yoga class too on Saturday mornings which I think will be great for my running. Sundays I cardio cross-train (rowing machine, elliptical, bike, Jacob's Ladder) and do whatever homework my trainer has come up with for me. I try to get walks in at lunch at least a few days a week. I'd like to start swimming but the open pool hours are on Friday evenings, which is my rest day, so I haven't figured out how to fit that in too.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Hey all....finally got Mondays run done

    35 minute easy run---3.77 miles @ 9:27

    Supposed to have another 35 minute run tomorrow.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I do cross-train. Mondays & Wednesdays I run & strength train. Tuesdays I have either Pilates or a Body Sculpting class. Thursdays I strength train & do some kind of lighter cardio. Saturdays are my long run and this weekend I'm going to start taking a Hatha Yoga class too on Saturday mornings which I think will be great for my running. Sundays I cardio cross-train (rowing machine, elliptical, bike, Jacob's Ladder) and do whatever homework my trainer has come up with for me. I try to get walks in at lunch at least a few days a week. I'd like to start swimming but the open pool hours are on Friday evenings, which is my rest day, so I haven't figured out how to fit that in too.

    I don't know how you find the time Laura! My runs are squeezed in wherever I can manage them. I actually did today's run last night, was supposed to get up at 6am and run before my kids get up, but I had a free 45 minutes last night between dropping my son off at football training and picking my daughter up from Brownies so I put on my running gear and managed a 30 minute run ending up at the Brownie hall. Thankfully she doesn't get embarrassed by a sweaty mother in running tights!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member

    Every time you post, I keep being reminded of Yasso's Perfect 10 program in the back of his "My Life on the Run" book. It follows a 10 day cycle instead of a 3-4 day cycle. You might run 4 or 5 days a week, but a lot more of it is easy.

    Thanks for posting that. I looked it up and it sounds interesting. But it would be hard to get out of the normal 7-day schedule.

    I think a big part of the issue I have right now is trying to do too many things at once. I'm increasing frequency (by adding another running day), speed (by doing track intervals and tempo runs), and mileage (by running more & longer). I need to focus on one thing right now. I've decided that this year is going to be about building endurance. I'm not going to worry about speed right now. I'll still go to the track workouts but back off to a more comfortable pace. I will use those workouts to practice my pacing. I'm not worrying about PR's. At this weekend's Hot Chocolate 15K my wife & I will hold a 9:30 pace and treat it like a training run, and have fun of course.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I do cross-train. Mondays & Wednesdays I run & strength train. Tuesdays I have either Pilates or a Body Sculpting class. Thursdays I strength train & do some kind of lighter cardio. Saturdays are my long run and this weekend I'm going to start taking a Hatha Yoga class too on Saturday mornings which I think will be great for my running. Sundays I cardio cross-train (rowing machine, elliptical, bike, Jacob's Ladder) and do whatever homework my trainer has come up with for me. I try to get walks in at lunch at least a few days a week. I'd like to start swimming but the open pool hours are on Friday evenings, which is my rest day, so I haven't figured out how to fit that in too.

    I don't know how you find the time Laura! My runs are squeezed in wherever I can manage them. I actually did today's run last night, was supposed to get up at 6am and run before my kids get up, but I had a free 45 minutes last night between dropping my son off at football training and picking my daughter up from Brownies so I put on my running gear and managed a 30 minute run ending up at the Brownie hall. Thankfully she doesn't get embarrassed by a sweaty mother in running tights!

    Easy answer: I don't have kids, so my time is pretty much my own.

    Your daughter should be proud her mom is sweaty & in running tights! "Look what my mom can do!" I love that you ran to Brownie hall.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Happy 6 month running anniversary to me today. I'm celebrating with mucinex and more tissues ;(((((
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Happy 6 month running anniversary to me today. I'm celebrating with mucinex and more tissues ;(((((

    You've only been running 6 months? Wow have you come a long way in a short period of time! Happy anniversary.

    p.s. Not how I would have recommended celebrating, BTW.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hey all....finally got Mondays run done

    35 minute easy run---3.77 miles @ 9:27

    Supposed to have another 35 minute run tomorrow.

    If that's an easy run, what's your tempo pace?
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I do cross-train. Mondays & Wednesdays I run & strength train. Tuesdays I have either Pilates or a Body Sculpting class. Thursdays I strength train & do some kind of lighter cardio. Saturdays are my long run and this weekend I'm going to start taking a Hatha Yoga class too on Saturday mornings which I think will be great for my running. Sundays I cardio cross-train (rowing machine, elliptical, bike, Jacob's Ladder) and do whatever homework my trainer has come up with for me. I try to get walks in at lunch at least a few days a week. I'd like to start swimming but the open pool hours are on Friday evenings, which is my rest day, so I haven't figured out how to fit that in too.

    I don't know how you find the time Laura! My runs are squeezed in wherever I can manage them. I actually did today's run last night, was supposed to get up at 6am and run before my kids get up, but I had a free 45 minutes last night between dropping my son off at football training and picking my daughter up from Brownies so I put on my running gear and managed a 30 minute run ending up at the Brownie hall. Thankfully she doesn't get embarrassed by a sweaty mother in running tights!

    Romy - let me tell you how awesome you are. Way to fit it in!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I don't know how you find the time Laura! My runs are squeezed in wherever I can manage them. I actually did today's run last night, was supposed to get up at 6am and run before my kids get up, but I had a free 45 minutes last night between dropping my son off at football training and picking my daughter up from Brownies so I put on my running gear and managed a 30 minute run ending up at the Brownie hall. Thankfully she doesn't get embarrassed by a sweaty mother in running tights!

    ^^This is me, except it's horseback riding and boy scouts. My kids have a sweaty mother too. (And one that is often seen in running tights!) So far, they are actually proud of me, thank goodness!

    madmiss, your progress in only 6 months is amazing! Did you ever run before?

    joe- I try to run three times a week. Unfortunately my work and family life often get in the way. (That's why my diabolical plan is to get them to run too!)

    I ran/walked intervals tonight with my 13 year old son. We alternated running at walking for 1 mile in 14 minutes. Then I ran a mile by myself in 9:21 while he walked. I wasn't even trying that hard! I think the running intervals with Jo were about 50 seconds per 1/10th mile lap. I need to run with him more! I'm finding that I'm capable of a much faster pace at shorter distances without all that much more effort. Jantastic #1 completed. Yay!!

    I have another leg appointment tomorrow. I'm not sure if they will do any work on it. I think it will just be another ultrasound and then planning out the remaining treatments. Any treatment means 4 days without a run. I am not a happy camper about that. But on the bright side...it is still possible to make my Jantastic commitment even with the treatments.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member

    Every time you post, I keep being reminded of Yasso's Perfect 10 program in the back of his "My Life on the Run" book. It follows a 10 day cycle instead of a 3-4 day cycle. You might run 4 or 5 days a week, but a lot more of it is easy.

    Thanks for posting that. I looked it up and it sounds interesting. But it would be hard to get out of the normal 7-day schedule.

    I think a big part of the issue I have right now is trying to do too many things at once. I'm increasing frequency (by adding another running day), speed (by doing track intervals and tempo runs), and mileage (by running more & longer). I need to focus on one thing right now. I've decided that this year is going to be about building endurance. I'm not going to worry about speed right now. I'll still go to the track workouts but back off to a more comfortable pace. I will use those workouts to practice my pacing. I'm not worrying about PR's. At this weekend's Hot Chocolate 15K my wife & I will hold a 9:30 pace and treat it like a training run, and have fun of course.

    15K at an "easy'" 9:30 pace with my spouse...I want one of those. You are a blessed man, Tim! :-)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member

    ^^This is me, except it's horseback riding and boy scouts. My kids have a sweaty mother too. (And one that is often seen in running tights!) So far, they are actually proud of me, thank goodness!
    My oldest daughter just turned 16 and would be horrified if I turned up in my running tights! I wish Brownies and football was all they did, but they also do dancing, judo, boy scouts and decopatch, and on a Monday I help run a Rainbow group (my girls help out and if my husband is working nightshift my son comes along and helps out with cub scouts in the hall next door). Wednesday is the only day they don't have any activities and I love it!!! But my youngest daughter is due to move up to Guides in February and that is on a Wednesday :grumble:

    You are making huge improvements in your pace Beth! Running on the track seems to be working for you.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Last night was our weekly track workout. It was a little easier this time: 1-mile warmup, 12x100m intervals at 5K pace with 300m jogs in between, 1-mile cooldown. It was pretty darn cold out but with multiple layers of clothing I was warm as long as I was running.

    Also yesterday, I finally got to meet with the Atlanta Track Club and sign the paperwork to become an official staff photographer. There will be three of us working for the club so we can trade off on the small events and all work together on the larger events. It will be great to combine my love of photography and running, and getting paid for it is nice too!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Everyone is doing so good!!!!!! I'm so jealous all you 9 minute-ers....

    So cool Tim, congrats! You will have a blast and get more gigs out of it too I'm sure!

    Thanks Laura and Beth! And no Beth, I've never run before. Ever. I've decided this is my destiny and what I was meant to do somehow ;) just wish it didn't take 34.5 years to find me ;)
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    15K at an "easy'" 9:30 pace with my spouse...I want one of those. You are a blessed man, Tim! :-)

    No kidding. Of course, I'd have to 1) be born into a different family. 2) marry one of you.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Tim, congratulations on getting paid to do what you love, that's so amazing.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Everyone so doing so well!

    After worrying about getting exercise in all day, I just went into the gym at work and did the treadmill. I don't like the treadmill, but I really want to get my runs in. So 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown walks plus a 30 minute run between them, on the treadmill. Then I spent 15 minutes on the exercise machines. With the two 5 minute breaks I did during the day when I got some push ups and squats in, my 60 minutes of exercise was completed. Yeah!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Someone run for me. Finally went to the doc, squeezed me in - 3 hrs later, but I'm very great full! Sinus. Infection ;( + antibiotics ;(
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Someone run for me. Finally went to the doc, squeezed me in - 3 hrs later, but I'm very great full! Sinus. Infection ;( + antibiotics ;(

    I started antibiotics on Sunday for my sinus infection. Finally feel like I might be turning the corner.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Everyone so doing so well!

    After worrying about getting exercise in all day, I just went into the gym at work and did the treadmill. I don't like the treadmill, but I really want to get my runs in. So 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown walks plus a 30 minute run between them, on the treadmill. Then I spent 15 minutes on the exercise machines. With the two 5 minute breaks I did during the day when I got some push ups and squats in, my 60 minutes of exercise was completed. Yeah!

    Way to get it done!