Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Great shot Tim!!!!!! I can feel the cold permeating!
    My first 8 mile run in late November was horrible. So horrible it took me 6 weeks to try again, and that was on a day where I wasn't actually planning to run 8 miles until somewhere in the 4th mile when I decided I had it in me. And that was 8 miles on snow! Excited to see what I can do next. Not quite ready to tackle madmiss' HM for fun though.

    So cool Laura!!!! 8 mile club ;) woot woot!!!! You are going to rock it on dry land ;)

    I really sort of only did it to make sure I "could" do it in 3 weeks time. Sort of ;) I am competitive a bit also ;) Today I found all the bits that weren't sore yesterday how ever! Ouch!

    OMG!!! A competitive runner!

    And here I was just going along assuming that we were all a little bit competitive somewhere in there.

    Well, except me. I'm VERY competitive. Just not genetically gifted.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Here's me looking very happy to be approaching the finish line in Saturday's trail race (hmm....definitely heel striking):


    But not over reaching.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Here's me looking very happy to be approaching the finish line in Saturday's trail race (hmm....definitely heel striking):


    Great picture!!! Love it! (Except for the heel striking. :-))
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My first 8 mile run in late November was horrible. So horrible it took me 6 weeks to try again, and that was on a day where I wasn't actually planning to run 8 miles until somewhere in the 4th mile when I decided I had it in me. And that was 8 miles on snow! Excited to see what I can do next. Not quite ready to tackle madmiss' HM for fun though.

    My first 7 mile run sucked. So I stopped doing hills on long runs. Then my eight mile run sucked. But I was already committed to the half. Nine sucked. 10 sucked. But only the last 2 miles on any of them. So I went from 6 good miles to eight good miles. Then the drop back week: 8 miles. The last mile sucked. But I was faster. The actual half was better than any of the training. So don't hold yourself back unless you really want to. At least know that you don't have to. it's not a wall.

    That's great advice. During C25K I would read about people in the forums repeating weeks that they had successfully completed because they just didn't think they were ready to move on. I took the attitude that I was always, always going to try. I would repeat a week when there was one I couldn't get through. The first run I had to repeat was my first attempt at 4 miles during 5K-to-10K, and mistakes were made (it was warmer than I was used to, I was under-hydrated, and I let my brain tell me I couldn't do it even though my body would have kept going). I need to take that attitude back.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Here's me looking very happy to be approaching the finish line in Saturday's trail race (hmm....definitely heel striking):


    That is an awesome picture. I'm trying to decipher the expression on the face of the guy behind you.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    32 miles on the bicycle Saturday, then spent Sunday resting trying not to catch the flu my DH brought home!

    Stay healthy!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    TM run tonight. Wasn't feeling it, so I broke it up. Walked a quarter mile, ran 1 mile @ 5.3 (1.0 incline), which is fast for me, walked .25 miles, ran 1 mile @ 5.5 (1.0 incline) which is my fastest treadmill mile ever (longest I've ever made it at 5.5 was a quarter mile), walked another .25 at the 1.0 incline then dropped the incline to zero for a final .25. Three miles total, 2 running & 1 walking. Good enough to count for my first Jantastic run of the week.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    geez...great runs everyone!!! I feel like everyone runs so much more than me! I run 4 times a week...how bout everyone else?

    my last run


    Hopefully I can get a 35 minute in the morning
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Nice run Joe! I only run 3 days a week - currently Monday/Wednesday/Saturday but I'll need to shift that to Tuesday/Thursday/Sunday when I start my HM training (I'll be doing my long runs with a group).
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I'm a 3 times a week runner too, M/W/S. I weightlift Su/T/Th and try and fit in some cross training when I have time.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    To the voice of one of those funny direct tv commercials.

    When you are 10% sick still you go for a long run.
    Because you go for a long run you get the rest of the 90% sick back again.
    When you get 90% of the sick back again you leave work early and throw up.
    When you throw up you wonder how many calories to add back to your daily total.
    Don't think about how many calories to add back to your daily total.
    Switch to running when you're healthy.

    Incidentally I contained to toss my cookies the entire night and wish for death ;( the couch with a nice pack in your head is a very comfy place to sleep! I should have a fight with my hubby so I can sleep there again;)
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    madmiss - sorry to hear you are sick again!!! Get well soon!!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    To the voice of one of those funny direct tv commercials.

    When you are 10% sick still you go for a long run.
    Because you go for a long run you get the rest of the 90% sick back again.
    When you get 90% of the sick back again you leave work early and throw up.
    When you throw up you wonder how many calories to add back to your daily total.
    Don't think about how many calories to add back to your daily total.
    Switch to running when you're healthy.

    Incidentally I contained to toss my cookies the entire night and wish for death ;( the couch with a nice pack in your head is a very comfy place to sleep! I should have a fight with my hubby so I can sleep there again;)

    Oh no! Hope you will be recovered in time for your race. Here's to a swift recovery :sick:
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    To the voice of one of those funny direct tv commercials.

    When you are 10% sick still you go for a long run.
    Because you go for a long run you get the rest of the 90% sick back again.
    When you get 90% of the sick back again you leave work early and throw up.
    When you throw up you wonder how many calories to add back to your daily total.
    Don't think about how many calories to add back to your daily total.
    Switch to running when you're healthy.

    Incidentally I contained to toss my cookies the entire night and wish for death ;( the couch with a nice pack in your head is a very comfy place to sleep! I should have a fight with my hubby so I can sleep there again;)

    I've been sleeping on the couch/ guest bed for almost a week since my DH brought the flu home from work. I guess it worked, I didn't get the flu!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    3X a week here too. Tues/Thursday/Weekend.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    My first 8 mile run in late November was horrible. So horrible it took me 6 weeks to try again, and that was on a day where I wasn't actually planning to run 8 miles until somewhere in the 4th mile when I decided I had it in me. And that was 8 miles on snow! Excited to see what I can do next. Not quite ready to tackle madmiss' HM for fun though.

    My first 7 mile run sucked. So I stopped doing hills on long runs. Then my eight mile run sucked. But I was already committed to the half. Nine sucked. 10 sucked. But only the last 2 miles on any of them. So I went from 6 good miles to eight good miles. Then the drop back week: 8 miles. The last mile sucked. But I was faster. The actual half was better than any of the training. So don't hold yourself back unless you really want to. At least know that you don't have to. it's not a wall.

    That's great advice. During C25K I would read about people in the forums repeating weeks that they had successfully completed because they just didn't think they were ready to move on. I took the attitude that I was always, always going to try. I would repeat a week when there was one I couldn't get through. The first run I had to repeat was my first attempt at 4 miles during 5K-to-10K, and mistakes were made (it was warmer than I was used to, I was under-hydrated, and I let my brain tell me I couldn't do it even though my body would have kept going). I need to take that attitude back.

    I had never realized how much heat beats up runners. And I can understand your trepidation - obviously it didn't set you back. But, yeah, if you didn't have that "git-er-done" attitude in you, you would have quit at week 4, just like all the non-runners. Stupid brain.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I run 5 days a week, mon, thr, fri sat, sun ;) I also tend to get sick a lot lol - ceci I should have done that!!!!

    Thanks everyone for the well wishes, today i went through 3 boxes of tissues so hopefully it means it's moving on out... Race is February 15 so I should be good ;(
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Regarding running frequency - I started the year off by increasing my runs to 4x a week - Tue (easy), Wed (track intervals), Fri (tempo), Sun (LSD).

    After 3 weeks my body was telling me to back off. I skipped today's run hoping an extra day of rest will help. I might have to go back to 3x a week. Probably ditch the Tuesday run. Still trying to figure out the best day to do legs at the gym. Just did legs today and we'll see how that affects my track workout.
  • joedfro
    joedfro Posts: 270
    Regarding running frequency - I started the year off by increasing my runs to 4x a week - Tue (easy), Wed (track intervals), Fri (tempo), Sun (LSD).

    After 3 weeks my body was telling me to back off. I skipped today's run hoping an extra day of rest will help. I might have to go back to 3x a week. Probably ditch the Tuesday run. Still trying to figure out the best day to do legs at the gym. Just did legs today and we'll see how that affects my track workout.

    4 days a week doesn't seem to bother me. I also do a lunch time walk almost everyday, I don't cross train....I have a lot of respect for those with the drive to go to the gym...I'm all like bleh as far as working out goes
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member

    Every time you post, I keep being reminded of Yasso's Perfect 10 program in the back of his "My Life on the Run" book. It follows a 10 day cycle instead of a 3-4 day cycle. You might run 4 or 5 days a week, but a lot more of it is easy.