Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm on W9D2 of the 10K trainer. The workouts are nearly twice as long as the C25K ones, but I'm enjoying them.

    That's awesome! How many weeks is the program you're doing?
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    How cold is it? Al Roker was saying this morning Atlanta was expecting a -17 wind chill.

    Right now it's 30°F. Snow is still coming down. I'm so glad I left work before noon. And I won't even attempt to drive to work tomorrow. It will be 17°F tonight so everything will freeze up.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    How cold is it? Al Roker was saying this morning Atlanta was expecting a -17 wind chill.

    Right now it's 30°F. Snow is still coming down. I'm so glad I left work before noon. And I won't even attempt to drive to work tomorrow. It will be 17°F tonight so everything will freeze up.

    Yeah be safe.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    The dress code in my office is "you must be dressed."

    When i am the boss, this is how it will be! We are at least allowed to wear business casual. However, our largest customer, whose office is next door allows everyone to wear jeans every day!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    How cold is it? Al Roker was saying this morning Atlanta was expecting a -17 wind chill.

    Right now it's 30°F. Snow is still coming down. I'm so glad I left work before noon. And I won't even attempt to drive to work tomorrow. It will be 17°F tonight so everything will freeze up.

    I left at 12:30 with everybody else. 3 hours to do a 30 minute drive and then I still had to get the kids from daycare. I ended up abandoning the car and running through the snow with a stroller to get there on time. My husband shows up 5 minutes later having done the same thing. He carries the little one. I take the big one in the stroller and we hike back to our respective cars. It was insane.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So, yeah, I have a My Little Ponies (friendship is magic) addiction. Any episode prominently featuring Rainbow Dash is pretty inspirational.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Pilates after work, then a stop at the gym for a quick treadmill run. I was not in the mood even a little bit. I see Jason as soon as I come in.

    Jason: I don't usually see you here on Tuesdays.
    Me: I have to run. (grudging voice)
    Jason: You GET to run. (big smile)

    I know he was teasing, but you know what - I get to run, and how awesome is that? Instant better attitude.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I left at 12:30 with everybody else. 3 hours to do a 30 minute drive and then I still had to get the kids from daycare. I ended up abandoning the car and running through the snow with a stroller to get there on time. My husband shows up 5 minutes later having done the same thing. He carries the little one. I take the big one in the stroller and we hike back to our respective cars. It was insane.

    Oh my! I left the office a little after 11am and am so glad I did! I hope y'all stay safe!! I'll be staying home today.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I have a "be dressed" policy at our work. Half the week I wear jeans the other half I wear yoga pants and sneakers... As long as we don't look like slobs we are aok!

    Still no running. Coughing more now. Awesome. Hopefully tomorrow ;(
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The roads are mostly clear but my office will be closed tomorrow. If the kids' daycare is open I'll be working from home. I killed my lungs in the cold yesterday. My throat feels raw and I keep coughing. However, I think I'm good to run if I use my neck gaiter.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    The roads are mostly clear but my office will be closed tomorrow. If the kids' daycare is open I'll be working from home. I killed my lungs in the cold yesterday. My throat feels raw and I keep coughing. However, I think I'm good to run if I use my neck gaiter.

    Do you wear glasses (regular/sun/protective/any)? Bought a neck gaiter, happily pulled it over my mouth & nose, and immediately my glasses steamed up. Wondering if there's any way to get around that happening.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    The roads are mostly clear but my office will be closed tomorrow. If the kids' daycare is open I'll be working from home. I killed my lungs in the cold yesterday. My throat feels raw and I keep coughing. However, I think I'm good to run if I use my neck gaiter.

    I get a cough too every time I run in very cold temps. Two weeks ago when we had that trail race I was coughing all weekend. After the Hot Chocolate race I was coughing again but not as bad.

    I'm working from home again today. Got my laptop connected to the company network and it's just like being there. I was a little bummed that our Wednesday track workout was cancelled but there was no way I was leaving the house. Another day off from running couldn't hurt anyway (feeling some shin pain lately). Today I'll get out for a run when it warms up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    The roads are mostly clear but my office will be closed tomorrow. If the kids' daycare is open I'll be working from home. I killed my lungs in the cold yesterday. My throat feels raw and I keep coughing. However, I think I'm good to run if I use my neck gaiter.

    Do you wear glasses (regular/sun/protective/any)? Bought a neck gaiter, happily pulled it over my mouth & nose, and immediately my glasses steamed up. Wondering if there's any way to get around that happening.

    I should but I don't. When I wear them running, they'll steam up if I stand still anyway.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    today I'm going to try again. First time since the 18th!!!!! I would have gone yesterday but too scared for a relapse... It is still very cold here also - 29 for this area is ridiculous, but Tim apparently got all the snow up north! Still going back and forth about having enough time to get back to fitness for the half mara on the 15th. I am a very sad camper right now :(
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    The cold/dark/snow/ice is really sapping my energy toward running. I just couldn't make myself get out as yet, this week. It was 7F this morning, which is brutal for Maryland. I'm really in awe of those of you that are getting out there!

    Thankfully it's getting warmer! Tomorrow it's moving into highs in the 40's! Yeah, so I'm planning Friday and Sunday runs. With water aerobics on Saturday, things are looking good for future exercise. Also need to drive to NJ, but will fit that around my exercise.

    Today I have work, followed by a 5:30-7:00 pm k9 nosework class, and 8:00-9:30 pm flyball class. Since I'm there anyway, I'll help with the 7 pm beginning flyball class. So no formal exercise today, but I'll be up on my feet, doing some hauling, and doing periodic sprints for a few hours this evening anyway.

    Everyone enjoy your runs wherever and whenever you can get them in and I hope for all of you that it gets warmer into the reasonable to run arena, whatever that is for you. I'm happy with greater than 25F / -4C up to 75F / 24C. Here's hoping it gets there. :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    The roads are mostly clear but my office will be closed tomorrow. If the kids' daycare is open I'll be working from home. I killed my lungs in the cold yesterday. My throat feels raw and I keep coughing. However, I think I'm good to run if I use my neck gaiter.

    Do you wear glasses (regular/sun/protective/any)? Bought a neck gaiter, happily pulled it over my mouth & nose, and immediately my glasses steamed up. Wondering if there's any way to get around that happening.

    I should but I don't. When I wear them running, they'll steam up if I stand still anyway.

    If I don't wear glasses, I can't see the ground! Precisely why I got contact lenses- running in the rain is no fun with glasses!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Finally got out of the house and ran for the first time since Sunday's race. We did an easy 6 miles at a local park. There was still some snow & ice in the shaded parts but the path was mostly dry. 40° felt pretty good!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    The cold/dark/snow/ice is really sapping my energy toward running. I just couldn't make myself get out as yet, this week. It was 7F this morning, which is brutal for Maryland. I'm really in awe of those of you that are getting out there!

    Thankfully it's getting warmer! Tomorrow it's moving into highs in the 40's! Yeah, so I'm planning Friday and Sunday runs. With water aerobics on Saturday, things are looking good for future exercise. Also need to drive to NJ, but will fit that around my exercise.

    Today I have work, followed by a 5:30-7:00 pm k9 nosework class, and 8:00-9:30 pm flyball class. Since I'm there anyway, I'll help with the 7 pm beginning flyball class. So no formal exercise today, but I'll be up on my feet, doing some hauling, and doing periodic sprints for a few hours this evening anyway.

    Everyone enjoy your runs wherever and whenever you can get them in and I hope for all of you that it gets warmer into the reasonable to run arena, whatever that is for you. I'm happy with greater than 25F / -4C up to 75F / 24C. Here's hoping it gets there. :)

    There's so much to love in this post!
    1-You sound happy.
    2-You made me laugh as you said you would work driving to NJ "in around your exercise". That's awesome prioritization! LOL!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    today I'm going to try again. First time since the 18th!!!!! I would have gone yesterday but too scared for a relapse... It is still very cold here also - 29 for this area is ridiculous, but Tim apparently got all the snow up north! Still going back and forth about having enough time to get back to fitness for the half mara on the 15th. I am a very sad camper right now :(

    Don't be sad. I know how you feel, but there's always another 1/2. Just work on getting well, so you can get back to doing the things you love. :-)
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks Beth!!!!

    I did it! My running buddy took me to her gym, (bless her), I pouted until a treadmill became available (no really, I pouted!) then I ran for a glorious 37 minutes, or 3 miles, based on my lung capacity and the fact I've never run on a treadmill before! I decided it wasn't horrible, even though I didn't love it, I didn't hate it either. It it was nice that my lungs weren't burning in the cold outside, and, the most important thing. I ran!!!!!!