Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    My wife & I ran a short 2.8 mile trail race this morning. The first two miles was rolling through the forest with a fairly steep descent towards the end of mile 2. But that last 0.8 was brutal! It climbed very steep at first and then was more of a gradual incline the rest of the way. After the steep part my legs felt like they weighed 100 lbs each but I kept going. And then I saw the finish line and burst forwards with what energy I had left. I forget my official time but the clock was just hitting 23 minutes as I was running through the finish. I finished as the 3rd overall male with a pace of 8:17. My wife was not far behind me and was the 3rd overall female with a pace of 8:44. This was the 2nd of an 8-race series and should help my overall points standing. We have about 6 weeks until the next trail race and I plan to work on hills much, much more before then.


    Go Tim!!!!! You guys look so happy!!!

    Go Beth!!!! You are amazing!!!!

    Go Laura!!!! You are amazing also!!!! I could not run in snow like you hardcore runners - I'd be afraid of falling and hurting myself ;( you are two tough little ladies!!!

    Welcome fleetzz! That's a great pr! You will do just fine - :)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Awesome runs Tim, Beth, Solar & Madmiss!

    It was warmer today than it was most of January - 11 degrees above zero (windchill hovering around 0) - but I managed to dress perfectly for it. We got an inch or two of fresh powder this morning and the roads were surprisingly icy & uneven underneath, so my run did not come without some scary spots. Even with my Yaktrax there were spots where I was slipping, and of course I can't see where the icy spots are under the snow until I'm sliding. I went out with the attitude that I would run as long as it felt good, which turned out to be 7.5 miles, which left about a half mile cool-down walk back to my car. That was just enough time for my legs to stop hurting. (Anybody else's legs cramp as soon as they stop running?)

    But with this run I'm 12/12 for my Jantastic commitment for January. Yay!

    Hooray!!! You are a champion! How awesome that 7.5 felt good!!!! There wasn't really any ice for me to deal with, just lots of slushy puddles and wet, mushy snow. I still need to run again tomorrow for Jantastic. It was a rough work week.

    My legs don't cramp as soon as I stop running, but if I sit down right after (like in my car to drive home), they do feel like they are electric, kinda buzzing and tingling. Anyone else experience that? I have been on the couch since after dinner. (How can I run 8 miles and then be such a slug?! LOL!) I am stiff when I stand up and walk though the the house. I think I will be sore tomorrow. i already sort of feel it in my quads. I iced my shin for a bit. I don't know if it was the run, or the banging it got from a grocery cart, but it's sore. (It just had to be my bad leg that I rammed with the cart!)
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Hi! I am joining my son's running club in 2 weeks for my first 10K. I ran a PR 5K today (28:17---wow!), and the most I have run at one time is 4 miles. I have run as much as 5.5 miles in one day, tomorrow I plan on a long slow run. Thinking about either 6 or 7 miles at my typical slower pace of 11-12 min/mile. Hope to do ok, the 10 K is HILLY! Well, hilly for me :-)

    Hi and Welcome! That sounds reasonable. Practice some hills on your shorter runs this week (maybe even on the actual course), but don't forget to cut yourself some slack 2-3 days before the race, so you will be fresh. Good luck! It sounds fun!!! :-)
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I've never had cramps knock on wood - I don't know what that feels like - which I am thinking is a good thing! I've got plenty of aches and pains instead ;)

    Are we all running tomorrow? I have to go long so I can eat some of these that I'm making!!!!

  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Hi! I am joining my son's running club in 2 weeks for my first 10K. I ran a PR 5K today (28:17---wow!), and the most I have run at one time is 4 miles. I have run as much as 5.5 miles in one day, tomorrow I plan on a long slow run. Thinking about either 6 or 7 miles at my typical slower pace of 11-12 min/mile. Hope to do ok, the 10 K is HILLY! Well, hilly for me :-)

    Welcome! Congrats on the 28:17 5K - that is an awesome time.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    My legs don't cramp as soon as I stop running, but if I sit down right after (like in my car to drive home), they do feel like they are electric, kinda buzzing and tingling. Anyone else experience that? I have been on the couch since after dinner. (How can I run 8 miles and then be such a slug?! LOL!) I am stiff when I stand up and walk though the the house. I think I will be sore tomorrow. i already sort of feel it in my quads. I iced my shin for a bit. I don't know if it was the run, or the banging it got from a grocery cart, but it's sore. (It just had to be my bad leg that I rammed with the cart!)

    The couch! I'm doing the stiff-legged walk through the house too, although I've been trying to move around some.

    I get that electric/buzzing/tingling feeling (along with the cramps) when I first slow to a walk. I only get that on my longer runs, but if I walk long enough for it to go away then my legs hurt significantly less the rest of the day. Now that it's starting to get light out a little earlier in the morning I'd like to see if I can get my run in before yoga class, because how amazing would that feel?
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've never had cramps knock on wood - I don't know what that feels like - which I am thinking is a good thing! I've got plenty of aches and pains instead ;)

    Are we all running tomorrow? I have to go long so I can eat some of these that I'm making!!!!


    Those just look scary. I can't wait to hear how yours turn out!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Welcome fleetzz, great to see you joining us!

    Laura, I used to get cramp in my calves when I was overdoing my exercise, this has happened on a couple of times over the past year. When I dial back on my other workouts the cramp goes away, it's a bit of a pain but it kept me running. Now my legs are used to doing more I can workout alot more without getting cramp. This is quite common and is called exercise induced cramp, it can happen during or after exercise http://www.bupa.co.uk/individuals/health-information/directory/c/exercise-muscle-cramps

    Beth, I get the tingly legs too, I thought it might just be running in cold weather but I googled it and it seems to be caused by poor circulation and should improve the more exercise we do! Will have to see if that works!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Hi! I am joining my son's running club in 2 weeks for my first 10K. I ran a PR 5K today (28:17---wow!), and the most I have run at one time is 4 miles. I have run as much as 5.5 miles in one day, tomorrow I plan on a long slow run. Thinking about either 6 or 7 miles at my typical slower pace of 11-12 min/mile. Hope to do ok, the 10 K is HILLY! Well, hilly for me :-)

    Welcome to the group!! Excellent time on that 5K!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I've never had cramps knock on wood - I don't know what that feels like - which I am thinking is a good thing! I've got plenty of aches and pains instead ;)

    Are we all running tomorrow? I have to go long so I can eat some of these that I'm making!!!!


    Those are some ummm...interesting looking cupcakes!! Have fun on your run. We are doing 12 miles today at Ft. Yargo State Park with a huge group from Big Peach Running Co.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Finally got caught up on my running schedule today. Had to fit it in after Insanity and Stronglifts but still managed to run 8km in a good time (for me!) Got sore armpits now, will have to put on some body glide next time.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Laura, I used to get cramp in my calves when I was overdoing my exercise, this has happened on a couple of times over the past year. When I dial back on my other workouts the cramp goes away, it's a bit of a pain but it kept me running. Now my legs are used to doing more I can workout alot more without getting cramp. This is quite common and is called exercise induced cramp, it can happen during or after exercise http://www.bupa.co.uk/individuals/health-information/directory/c/exercise-muscle-cramps

    I get those too (usually if I haven't been eating bananas). This isn't a cramp like that - this is more my hamstrings & quads getting really tight, and it happens the second I slow to a walk. I'm not feeling it while I'm running, just when I slow down.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Sore armpits, romy? How did you manage that?

    5 for me today in gorgeous 56 degrees (sorry all you snowy owls)... First 2 miles were sucky sucky sucky again - even walked for a minute around 1.5 to get my head back in the game, but the rest was beautiful! 57 miles for jan total (makes me really sad) - at 9 already for feb (less sad) ;)
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Sore armpits, romy? How did you manage that?

    5 for me today in gorgeous 56 degrees (sorry all you snowy owls)... First 2 miles were sucky sucky sucky again - even walked for a minute around 1.5 to get my head back in the game, but the rest was beautiful! 57 miles for jan total (makes me really sad) - at 9 already for feb (less sad) ;)

    I was wearing a vest instead of a T-shirt under my top, I forgot that I got really badly chafed last time I wore it!

    I am at 14km for February, which is almost 9 miles so I'm happy too!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Today we had a big group trail run at Fort Yargo State Park. All the Big Peach running stores around Atlanta were taking part so there we a lot of people there today. It was very foggy and misting and the trails were a little mucky but not too bad for running. The trail conditions kept the mountain bikers away so we had the entire trail system to ourselves. It was supposed to be 12 miles but ended up at 10. We came to a confusing intersection at one point and I wanted to go one way but everyone else wanted to go a different direction. Turns out I was right and we got lost for a couple of minutes and then found our way to an inner loop trail which is shorter. That little detour cut out 2 miles from the main trail. Oh well, after yesterday's race 10 miles is plenty for me! I might go back to this park in 3 weeks for a half marathon if my shin pain gets better. Those trails were so soft and forgiving on my legs.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Repeated my Friday run, but more deliberately this time. Fells and I enjoyed getting out and enjoying the day.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    No outside activity for me over the weekend, other than a quick walk with the dog through 4 inches of snow! I did a killer spin class for an hour on Saturday. The bikes didn't have mileage, but the instructor estimated the distance for a 45 minute class at 18 miles. It was brutal!

    It doesn't look good here for at least the next week weather-wise, will have to hit the gym!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Ah Romy, makes sense. Glad you are having a good start to your month!

    wow Ceci! That is brutal! Damn!

    Good to hear you had fun, Tim! Sorry your shins are still acting up -

    Good to hear you had a better run, Bts!

    I ate like 3000 calories yesterday :( BLECH!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    WAY TO BO BETH!!!!!!!! NEW PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Solar, WOW! You have lost over 100 lbs and you are worried about your uncle? You should be screaming happiness from every corner of the universe little lady!!!! Everyone should be so proud of you - including yourself! Congrats on your 100+ mile month, that's amazing! Great job on all your long runs. Each time I see your exercise in my feed I must say I get a little jealous and feel GUILTY!!!! :) You are doing so amazing. Stop listening to your brain, you obviously are very capable of running longer distances :)

    Bless you. And confession: have not updated my weight for a month because that 100lb loss has, um, bounced! It is an unrecorded somewhere in the 90s just now :ohwell:

    But Madmiss, my brain is in charge!

    You need to put that brain somewhere else. You are doing these phenomenal 5ks (and, yes, that is a HARD race when it's run right). You are ticking of 6, 9, 7 mile runs and, what???, on RACE DAY, you won't be able to handle more than three miles. Not only is your brain in charge, it has serious issues.

    You deserve more than this. Live up to the person whom you are.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Got out on Friday and then on Sunday. Friday was still a little icy, so I managed to get that experience in this year ;)

    The Sunday run was three 100 meter (40 second) intervals. I used the gip.is app for the intervals. It just gave me a tone for when to speed up and slow down, which would be great if I could count to three. Of course I can't, so I did an extra interval during my final cool down walk. Which is ok, because my first interval was really slow.

    It was great to get back out in shorts and a tee-shirt. It was wet and mucky on the track, but I enjoyed every second of it.