Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Just over 8 miles on the elliptical yesterday followed by 1/2 mile cool down walk. Very thankful for the gym at this point during this sucky winter weather!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    so am i, Ceci. so am I.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Boot camp class was cancelled yesterday because the instructor is snowed in!

    So I rode the stationary bike 30 minutes (7.5 miles), then did a circuit on the weight machines.

    The Spin instructor is going to do an extended class tomorrow for those of us training for longer rides. It promises to be BRUTAL!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Can somebody tell me why I pay money to wake up at 5 am and freeze my butt off/twist an ankle in the dark?
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Can somebody tell me why I pay money to wake up at 5 am and freeze my butt off/twist an ankle in the dark?
    Because it's fun!

    I'm so excited! RunDouble has me averaging faster than a 12 minute mile! Last week I ran 4 miles in 53 minutes and also had a 5 minute walk before and after for a total of 63 minutes. Today I did 5 intervals of 0.8 miles running and 0.1 miles walking, ran 4 miles, walked 0.4 miles in between the 5 run segments and had the 5 minute walks before and after and completed it all in 61 minutes. Then I walked home. But, together my runs averaged to less than a 12 minute mile!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Can somebody tell me why I pay money to wake up at 5 am and freeze my butt off/twist an ankle in the dark?
    Because it's fun!

    I'm so excited! RunDouble has me averaging faster than a 12 minute mile! Last week I ran 4 miles in 53 minutes and also had a 5 minute walk before and after for a total of 63 minutes. Today I did 5 intervals of 0.8 miles running and 0.1 miles walking, ran 4 miles, walked 0.4 miles in between the 5 run segments and had the 5 minute walks before and after and completed it all in 61 minutes. Then I walked home. But, together my runs averaged to less than a 12 minute mile!

    Next time I won't ask a bunch of endorphin addicts...

    GREAT JOB! That's a huge milestone.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Whew! Three runs in three days. And my body is not complaining too much. A couple little aches but nothing major.

    Wednesday: track workout. The coach was easy on us - only 8x100m with 300m jogs in between. Fierce wind made it miserable out there. Total 4.3 miles.

    Thursday: group run. We haven't been doing the Tue/Thu group runs since it started getting dark so early. We don't enjoy running in the dark. Saucony was supposed to be there with some beta-test shoes for us to try. Their flight was delayed out of Texas so we never did see them. We did 4 miles that night at a very easy pace. Windy and cold again!

    Friday: much nicer weather today! We did 2 miles warmup, 2 miles at 8:00 pace, and 2 miles cooldown.

    Tomorrow I'll hit the gym in the morning for some strength training and some stationary bike. Sunday is another group trail run followed by a stop at Dutch Monkey Doughnuts!!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Sorry varda - you ok?????

    Great job everyone!!! I'm still struggling, but only the first mile today --- of 3.5 because my stomach was not happy and I didn't have it in me ;( low fuel. Then friends and I walked around downtown for about 4 miles - with a 7 month old. I count that as extra calorie burning!!!! Heavy kid at 20lbs ;)

    Wish I had a crystal ball for next weekend about what to do about the race...
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    I have a lot of catching up to do!

    Madmiss, it sounds like your group run was a success! I can’t wait for my group to start on Feb 25th. As for your race, why not try it? Walk some if you have to. You might be surprised.

    Romy! How awesome about the pants!!! I love it! Your rail line run sounds perfect for making you stronger and more appreciative of the next one!

    Ceci, I’m so with you on the weather! My Y track was mobbed! But when the temps are -2 without windchill , an outside run is not happening.

    Donna, I love your bathroom break routine!!! Smart! I may start something similar. Thanks for the idea! I hope you can get back on a better sleep pattern. I really pray it goes better for you. And for the rest of us too! Awesome about your 12 min average mile time!!!! Woot! Woot!

    What’s the deal with all of us having trouble with sleep?! You can add my name to the list.

    Stress is what gets me. I have tried melatonin an hour before bedtime, but I’m not sure it helped. I also sleep with a fan on. The only real cure for me is to do something to mitigate the stress that’s eating me. That can be hard to do! I had the same trouble as Tim and Varda with a whitenoise app. I also kept imagining the things that might really making the noise, like sizzling bacon. That’s some excellent advice about nighttime routine! I do that for my kids, why shouldn’t I do it for myself?!

    Laura, we all have slumps. You will break through it. You are far from wimpy! (But I know how you feel.)

    Varda, sorry about the twisted ankle. I hope it’s not too bad. Running goals make us do crazy things, i.e. my jogging etc. during Family Friday.

    Tim, I envy your group/coach runs and your similarly run addicted spouse! You are a lucky, lucky man! Operation Running Family has been halted by my terrible work load and the crudy sub-zero weather, but I’m not giving up!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Today’s run was short if not altogether sweet. I went to the Y track early and guess who else was there? EVERYONE. And they were fast, and they were fierce. The elite runners of Warren were out in force. I was, to say the least, intimidated. I also had a very unfortunate underwear/running tight combination. I was running my pants off, literally. I had to keep hitching them up as I ran. So I ran 2 miles in 19:00 with one hand on my pants, and got the heck off the track. I finished my workout on the bike instead. I really didn’t need to run much more than that anyway, since I am running tomorrow too. I am thinking about pushing pace on 5 miles vs. a longer easy paced run. I'm not totally decided yet.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Next time I won't ask a bunch of endorphin addicts...

    Definitely the wrong crowd for that question.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I had the same trouble as Tim and Varda with a whitenoise app. I also kept imagining the things that might really making the noise, like sizzling bacon.

  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So I ran my trail 5k today. It was awesome: just technical enough to be a fun challenge - we even got to cross a creek on rocks. Not too technical where you couldn't run all of it. The 9 year olds that I assumed I'd be coming in after were left behind halfway. They were picking up sticks to joke with as their mom urged them on. My time was just over 36, so it was a 12 minute mile, but I know I put everything I had out there. I definitely want to do this one again. And I'll start a little closer to the front.

    One thing that I really appreciated about myself is how rock solid I felt. When I hit a loose rock or a slick patch, I could feel my core holding me together. I felt rock solid as I bounced down the hills.

    I cranked out a final slow, painful mile when I returned home so I could meet my jantastic commitment.

    In other news, I am not going to use gipis for training. When I tried to use it for my 10k, it didn't give me enough weekly miles, any long runs, etc. it was all speed work. I'm just too old and inexperienced to try experiments like 100% speed work. I've been uninjured and I'd like to stay that way. I'm trying Endomondo Premium in the meantime. I really liked many things about gipis and perhaps $2 a month is worth it.

    Ps. I'm ok. I was being a pessimist about today's run. Setting my alarm always makes me question. What the hell I'm doing.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great run, Varda! Love to hear how your core is strong & how that supports your running. It really is the whole package.

    I ran 10 miles today. Previous longest run was 8 so I was aiming for 8.5. I was doing a 2.5 mile loop & I paused at the end of each loop to eat a few sport beans & take a swig of water. I'm experimenting with fueling sources/frequency to find what works best for me. Anyway, at 6 miles I was awfully tired and questioned whether I would even make it to 8.5, but after my final pit stop at 7.5 I decided to go once more all the way around. The next time I looked at my Garmin I was at 9.38 and knew I could make it from there. Walked another 0.6 after, then got cold & came home.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Great run, Varda! Love to hear how your core is strong & how that supports your running. It really is the whole package.

    I ran 10 miles today. Previous longest run was 8 so I was aiming for 8.5. I was doing a 2.5 mile loop & I paused at the end of each loop to eat a few sport beans & take a swig of water. I'm experimenting with fueling sources/frequency to find what works best for me. Anyway, at 6 miles I was awfully tired and questioned whether I would even make it to 8.5, but after my final pit stop at 7.5 I decided to go once more all the way around. The next time I looked at my Garmin I was at 9.38 and knew I could make it from there. Walked another 0.6 after, then got cold & came home.

    Nicely done!:drinker:
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    Hi all. I haven't been posting lately because I'm kind of spinning my wheels with my running. It sounds so much like the same old, same old that I didn't bother to post it.
    However, today I had a fantastic run.....6K in 46 minutes! I'm not sure how it happened. I didn't notice any extra speed (was running outdoors) and I wasn't trying for it. It just happened. I won't be expecting runs like this every day but I'm excited that it happened once. Goes to show what a good night's sleep and a day off will do. :smile:
    I'm rethinking my running plan. Or, to be more precise, I'm thinking of establishing a training plan. I've gotten some good info of things to think about (thanks, Varda). Up 'til now, I've just been getting out there and running, with no particular goal in mind other than to "get better". Time to get more focussed.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Well done in your trail race Varda, great time for your first race of the year.

    10 miles Laura!! Awesome, when is your half marathon?

    Great run Plex! Even though I haven't entered any races yet I find having a training plan helps keep me motivated and makes me consistent, I'm very lazy and probably wouldn't run as much otherwise, lol!

    I'm supposed to be running 6k today but I'm lying in bed listening to the rain thumping down on my window. Hopefully it will clear up later. There are now only 50 spaces left in the race I was going to enter at the end of March.... I still can't commit to entering. My husband is on a course that weekend and he is also on the waiting list to go into hospital for an operation, which could happen any time in the next 3 months. It's annoying but I do have a few injuries at the moment so maybe it's for the best.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Great trail race Varda!! Was that your first?

    Laura - awesome long run!! Congrats!

    Plex - super 6K run there!! Good luck establishing a running plan!

    Romy - hope you get out there and have a great run!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Romy what type of race you were hoping to enter? Certainly sounds like everything is conspiring against you on that. Hope you can find a way to make it work. And that you're able to get out today!

    The half I'm hoping to get into is in June. Registration opens tomorrow. It's a lottery system (limited to 6700 runners) so I'm nervous about getting in. They just implemented a rule this year that if you don't get in two years in a row, the third year you're guaranteed a spot. Don't know how many runners fall into that category but that will reduce the number of spots. There are other options if I don't get into this one, but that's the only local HM.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Had friends in town all wkend, so no running till later. Drinking and eating instead ;) oh and walking around lots with a 7 month old... I consider that a workout!