Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Just got back from a fun group trail run. More and more people are showing up for these which is good! We got there early to get a few extra miles in. Had to run that in the dark which was pretty interesting, and spooky! Scared a few deer along the trail. We did a total of 7.3 miles at a pretty easy pace. And the doughnuts & coffee with our running friends afterwards was a nice treat.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    The weather turned out nice and I had a good run, saw some deer too!

    Laura, it was a 10k I was hoping to enter, but I checked the website and as of an hour ago there were only 2 spaces left! So I'll definitely not be entering this year.

    I really need new running shoes, I checked the tread on them this morning and it is totally worn down, I'm surprised they aren't leaking. Trying to find a decent neutral shoe at a reasonable price is impossible! I could just get another pair of cheap NB, they are very comfortable to run in, but I have had problems with my knees and would like to try something else to see if that would help.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Finally, I'm back!!!! our Wisconsinites are on the way back to the frozen tundra... To cheer me up we went to the running store, bought a pair of shorts, since all he rest were so big they were like skirts now, then I went for a nice long run - 1 mile for every 1000 extra calories I ate this delicious weekend!!!! 7 miles total. Bring on the half marathon next weekend!!!! (Also, I'm not getting on the scale for a few days ;) I'm too scared...

    Note... I've never eaten potato before a run and it seems I had a crap ton of energy for the whole 7 miles! Weird! I'll have to research this a bit more as I progress in my running "career" lol
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Madmiss, I usually have a light carb/protein combo of less than 200 calories within an hour of running any significant distance. I have never experienced the "bonk" that other people do running for more than 1 hour. I also haven't needed to fuel. Although I always carry a security snack. It sounds like the carbs in your potatoes were working for you! :-)

    Today I ran almost 6 miles in 4 inch deep snow. I think I will be very sore tomorrow. It was slow. Very slow. I had to walk a lot. It was very hard work. I was wondering if it was good for me or bad. I really had to dig in to get anywhere. My feet were slipping with every stride because the snow was so loose and slippery. I know my form was wrecked. It took me 1 hour and 20 minutes total including a WU/CD, so that works out to about a 14 min pace. It was also very beautiful. Almost half of my run was wooded, and part was along a broad creek. My phone was not charged so I had nothing to keep my pace and nothing to tell time. (It also occurred to me that I had nothing to call for help with. Not a good position to be in!) I liked being unplugged. It was snowing heavily most of the run and no one was out. It was just so peaceful.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I'd say it was good for you, Beth. Think of all the auxiliary/core muscle you were working. Also, your brain learns a lot about running from times you have to be mindful like that. It sounds fabulous. And hardcore. But we knew you are a monster.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Finally, I'm back!!!! our Wisconsinites are on the way back to the frozen tundra... To cheer me up we went to the running store, bought a pair of shorts, since all he rest were so big they were like skirts now, then I went for a nice long run - 1 mile for every 1000 extra calories I ate this delicious weekend!!!! 7 miles total. Bring on the half marathon next weekend!!!! (Also, I'm not getting on the scale for a few days ;) I'm too scared...

    Note... I've never eaten potato before a run and it seems I had a crap ton of energy for the whole 7 miles! Weird! I'll have to research this a bit more as I progress in my running "career" lol

    Sounds like you need the carbs. I ate half a bagel (and dropped the other half on my car floor, which was for the best) before my trail race (yes, my first) and still went ketonic (I smelled like ammonia in the shower). I think I might try gatorade before my next hard race).
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Friday- Ran 3 miles indoor track, just under 33 minutes. Same issue with blisters on the balls of my feet (both of them) that I had before! I could have run longer if not for that.

    Saturday- 75 minute spin class- brutal!

    Weather is looking better for outside activities later this week and might actually be able to get a couple of long rides in over the weekend!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Today I ran 9.4km in 49 minutes........... according to Runtastic! Which would be 8:20 mile pace!!! Thankfully it was a route I have run many times so I knew how far it actually was, which was 7km. That was 11:15 pace which is far more realistic for me, lol.

    And I ordered new running shoes today, so excited!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So I ran my trail 5k today. It was awesome: just technical enough to be a fun challenge - we even got to cross a creek on rocks. Not too technical where you couldn't run all of it. The 9 year olds that I assumed I'd be coming in after were left behind halfway. They were picking up sticks to joke with as their mom urged them on. My time was just over 36, so it was a 12 minute mile, but I know I put everything I had out there. I definitely want to do this one again. And I'll start a little closer to the front.

    One thing that I really appreciated about myself is how rock solid I felt. When I hit a loose rock or a slick patch, I could feel my core holding me together. I felt rock solid as I bounced down the hills.

    I cranked out a final slow, painful mile when I returned home so I could meet my jantastic commitment.

    In other news, I am not going to use gipis for training. When I tried to use it for my 10k, it didn't give me enough weekly miles, any long runs, etc. it was all speed work. I'm just too old and inexperienced to try experiments like 100% speed work. I've been uninjured and I'd like to stay that way. I'm trying Endomondo Premium in the meantime. I really liked many things about gipis and perhaps $2 a month is worth it.

    Ps. I'm ok. I was being a pessimist about today's run. Setting my alarm always makes me question what the hell I'm doing.

    If you didn't catch it on my wall - I medaled in my age group. I was the third woman in 40-49!!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    If you didn't catch it on my wall - I medaled in my age group. I was the third woman in 40-49!!!

    That's just freakin' fantastic! You were way ahead of my running friend Jennifer who's in the same age group.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    awesome Romy!!

    Congrats Varda! That's great!

    Sorry about your blisters, Ceci - have you tried those non-blister 1000 mile socks?

    >>> I usually eat TONS of carbs throughout the week - always some sort of snack before a run, ie bagel, muffin, couple bites of pasta - energy chews, etc - but this is the first time I tried the potato thing, and it really worked well, either that or the extra calories I had in my system from the weekend were fueling me... I ate about 500-600 more calories ech day than I usually do. I also had wine and cigars and chocolate and ibuprofen in the afternoon before the run :) lol I am a dietary MESS!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Friday- Ran 3 miles indoor track, just under 33 minutes. Same issue with blisters on the balls of my feet (both of them) that I had before! I could have run longer if not for that.

    Saturday- 75 minute spin class- brutal!

    Weather is looking better for outside activities later this week and might actually be able to get a couple of long rides in over the weekend!

    Hunh. I used to get blisters there when I was training for my half - it's when I started running fore/mid foot. When I started landing fore/mid but letting my calves load by letting the heel drop, I got a lot faster and stopped getting blisters.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Varda!!! That's fantastic! A medal!!!! (And you weren't also DFL like I was! LOL!) So totally awesome!!!!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Varda!!! That's fantastic! A medal!!!! (And you weren't also DFL like I was! LOL!) So totally awesome!!!!!!

    I checked and everything. There were 15 women in my group. I beat 12 other women. I probably actually passed most of them because I started pretty far to the back.

    Ok. I'm bragging. But this is magical.

    Heh. The race does not always go to the swift. Sometimes it's a trail run and goes to the person who can handle downhills.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Varda!!! That's fantastic! A medal!!!! (And you weren't also DFL like I was! LOL!) So totally awesome!!!!!!

    I checked and everything. There were 15 women in my group. I beat 12 other women. I probably actually passed most of them because I started pretty far to the back.

    Ok. I'm bragging. But this is magical.

    Heh. The race does not always go to the swift. Sometimes it's a trail run and goes to the person who can handle downhills.

    Running downhill is not for the feint of heart.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Great job, Varda!

    I've tried every combination of sock, etc. I guess I'll just bandage my feet until I can build up callouses in the right places!

    The only moving I did after work yesterday was from the couch to the bed!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I stayed home from work today and I'm glad I did. Last night's rain started turning to huge snowflakes about 6AM and it didn't stop until after 1PM. Our company sent everyone home at noon and already announced we are closed for tomorrow. After this first wave of Snowmageddon II ended I got out and ran 10K in the neighborhood at 9:07 pace. It was pretty with the entire neighborhood coated in white. Tomorrow the second wave comes in and we are expecting a "historic" ice storm, according to the National Weather Service.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Varda!!! That's fantastic! A medal!!!! (And you weren't also DFL like I was! LOL!) So totally awesome!!!!!!

    I checked and everything. There were 15 women in my group. I beat 12 other women. I probably actually passed most of them because I started pretty far to the back.

    Ok. I'm bragging. But this is magical.

    Heh. The race does not always go to the swift. Sometimes it's a trail run and goes to the person who can handle downhills.

    Congratulations, Varda!!! Terrific! Medalling in a trail race! Wow!

    I hope that you and Tim and your families survive the ice storm tonight and tomorrow!

    I did three sessions on the stairs in my building today. The first and third was a double. Went down two flights, then up five flights, then down five, then up five, then down three, and back to my desk, 12 desk pushups, 12 squats, 12 calf raises, a couple leg stretches, and done. For the second I just did a down 2, up 5, down 3 and done.

    I realized that the double was actually a HIIT workout as I was climbing as fast as I could, relaxing getting breath on the decent, and then climbing again.

    This is about all the exercise I'm going to be able to get in today, as I have to work right up until I have the minimum time to get home, and get to puppy class to teach the puppies and their people. By the time I get back, I need to crash to get up in time tomorrow.

    It's weird because I have all this work that I need to do, yet at the moment I am the only person in the whole room (about 20 desks in here and just me), so no one is here to notice what I do or when. So, fitting the exercise in is easy.

    At least tomorrow I have the metobolic workout after work. Really looking forward to that!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I stayed home from work today and I'm glad I did. Last night's rain started turning to huge snowflakes about 6AM and it didn't stop until after 1PM. Our company sent everyone home at noon and already announced we are closed for tomorrow. After this first wave of Snowmageddon II ended I got out and ran 10K in the neighborhood at 9:07 pace. It was pretty with the entire neighborhood coated in white. Tomorrow the second wave comes in and we are expecting a "historic" ice storm, according to the National Weather Service.

    Seriously? It was just rainy here. I got out at 2 when the rain stopped. If it freezes tonight, we're going to be iced in. I tried to convince Sergie to evacuate to Florida, but that was a no-go.

    I've started to incorporate short stair workouts into my day, when I need a mental break.
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Varda!!! That's fantastic! A medal!!!! (And you weren't also DFL like I was! LOL!) So totally awesome!!!!!!

    I checked and everything. There were 15 women in my group. I beat 12 other women. I probably actually passed most of them because I started pretty far to the back.

    Ok. I'm bragging. But this is magical.

    Heh. The race does not always go to the swift. Sometimes it's a trail run and goes to the person who can handle downhills.

    Brag on! Enjoy your gloat!!! It IS awesome!!!! I love it!