Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    tonight is the inaugural run group at the running store - should be interesting to meet new people and go for a group run!!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    tonight is the inaugural run group at the running store - should be interesting to meet new people and go for a group run!!!

    Have fun!! I've met so many great people and made a lot of new friends on the group runs. I don't do them that often since daylight savings ended (they run in the dark now). But Thursday the running store will have some beta-test Saucony's for us to try so I'll definitely be joining them.
  • Rindy12
    Rindy12 Posts: 215 Member
    I haven't been out here in a couple of weeks, but reading though the thread, it sure sounds like everyone is doing great!

    A page or so back some were wondering about glasses that fog up. I've been stuck in glasses most my life, as contacts just haven't worked very well for me. I picked up a few tips from folks in my running club last week. One told me to use regular Dawn dishsoap (the original blue one) and rub some of it into the lenses and use a lens cloth to dry it. Don't rinse it off, rub it in and then polish it with the cloth. It takes a little longer than just cleaning them but it does rub in clear, no smearing. Someone else also told me that they use put Dawn in hot water (as in filling up the sink to do dishes) and then put some in a small spray bottle and use that to clean your lenses. Another said to buy some Cat Crap (you can find it on Amazon), he uses it on his googles when he goes skiing.

    I tested both the Dawn options, one on each lens, before I went on my 3 mile run yesterday. For me the option of rubbing the dawn directly on the lens worked great. No fogging up of that lens even when I got back in my car afterwards. The lens that I used the dawn/water spray on did fog up a little but not as much as with nothing on it.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Thanks for your tips!
    I haven't been out here in a couple of weeks, but reading though the thread, it sure sounds like everyone is doing great!

    A page or so back some were wondering about glasses that fog up. I've been stuck in glasses most my life, as contacts just haven't worked very well for me. I picked up a few tips from folks in my running club last week. One told me to use regular Dawn dishsoap (the original blue one) and rub some of it into the lenses and use a lens cloth to dry it. Don't rinse it off, rub it in and then polish it with the cloth. It takes a little longer than just cleaning them but it does rub in clear, no smearing. Someone else also told me that they use put Dawn in hot water (as in filling up the sink to do dishes) and then put some in a small spray bottle and use that to clean your lenses. Another said to buy some Cat Crap (you can find it on Amazon), he uses it on his googles when he goes skiing.

    I tested both the Dawn options, one on each lens, before I went on my 3 mile run yesterday. For me the option of rubbing the dawn directly on the lens worked great. No fogging up of that lens even when I got back in my car afterwards. The lens that I used the dawn/water spray on did fog up a little but not as much as with nothing on it.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    5 miles on the elliptical yesterday, boot camp class cancelled at the gym today- might try to get a run in depending on how crowded the indoor track is.

    Have I mentioned how much I hate this sucky winter weather?!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Horrible run today, was supposed to be 5k but only managed a slow 4k. My legs feel heavy after weight lifting.

    I mentioned earlier in the thread that I'd had to buy a whole new wardrobe in December, well last night I had on a pair of my new jeans and I had to keep pulling them up! How much weight have I lost since December? None! I'm actually 2lbs heavier! Just shows what weight lifting can do for you.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Yeah, Ceci - but you're killing it!

    Romy - Win! Win! Win!!!

    I did 1.96 miles on the treadmill. I was supposed to do *something* intervally, but couldn't find my phone so I did a warm up run, one minute intervals at 10 minute miles/ one minute run for 10 minutes and then did a cool down run. Whatever.

    ETA - just found my phone. Warm up run. 2X (2 minutes@9:55/ 1:30 minute recovery run). Cool down run.

    I think I came close enough.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Go romy!!!! So awesome!!!!!

    So tonight was the run group! Kicked my butt, it was awesome!!!! 2 miles, almost record pace!!! In the low 10's which I very rarely do, and one girl who's very fast and I see all the time at events and such, paced with me so I wouldn't be left behind ;) so sweet of her! Really made me feel good - to have someone watching over me per se ;) had a lot of fun can't wait to go again! I call this speed work!!!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Go romy!!!! So awesome!!!!!

    So tonight was the run group! Kicked my butt, it was awesome!!!! 2 miles, almost record pace!!! In the low 10's which I very rarely do, and one girl who's very fast and I see all the time at events and such, paced with me so I wouldn't be left behind ;) so sweet of her! Really made me feel good - to have someone watching over me per se ;) had a lot of fun can't wait to go again! I call this speed work!!!

    I totally love it.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    I agree about the weather, Ceci! I know that others have it harder, but it's really annoying to get ready to do something and then not do it and still waste the time. On Monday I (went home from work, dealt with the dogs, grabbed something light to eat, changed into swimsuit and coverup clothes, then) went to water aerobics, on a cold, but clear, evening just to be told that they thought it might snow and so they cancelled the class. Yesterday, I (went home from work, dealt with the dogs, grabbed something light to eat, changed into old clothes, then) was halfway to puppy class when I got an email that class had been cancelled by the obedience director because of a predicted ice storm. Since I was almost there anyway, I went to class and opened the building. Three quarters of the class showed up anyway, not having gotten the email. So we just had a puppy play time, which was nice, but doesn't count as a class. So, with the prior cancellation in mid-January, I now have to teach two weeks longer than I had originally planned. This is really confusing my exercise plans. I don't do spontaneous well.

    Go Romy!! Dropping clothing sizes is terrific!

    Go Madmiss!! Terrific run with the new group!

    And continuous nice running from the rest of the group! Snow, cold, or forced treadmill, doesn't stop you!

    I'm having a very difficult time sleeping, woke up for no reason at 3 am last night and never managed to go back to sleep. This is becoming a pattern for the past few weeks. So during the work week I'm having a very difficult time getting to work and being productive and an even worse time getting things done in the evening. I have a huge list of things I need to do when I get home and it gets longer each day. Then with things going wrong due to weather, nothing seems to get done, including exercise. I'm happy that I got my runs in on Friday and Sunday and got to the double water aerobics class on Saturday, but since then, not much happening.

    I have been relocated at work, from the 2nd story of the older 2 story building to the third story of the newer 6 story building which is located across the parking lot from the older one. I spent Monday packing boxes and Tuesday hauling some of my things and getting oriented. Tuesday I made a point to go up and down the 2 flights of stairs as I carried things over. Most of my boxes won't get here until next Monday. Today, I've given myself an exercise routine for breaks. Since I drink a lot of water, I need to use the rest room every 90-120 minutes or so. So, every time I go to the rest room, I come out and enter the stairwell, go down 2 flights of stairs, go up 5 flights, then go down 3 flights to my floor, go to my desk, do 12 modified pushups on my desk (yes, off the desk is easy, but the best I can do at work), and then finish off with 12 squats, and then back to work. At least it wakes me up.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Off the desk is NOT easy.

    Have you tried putting a sound machine in your bedroom? I sleep so much better with one.
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Great workout you have going there, I would struggle doing 12 push ups off my desk, my shoulders are really weak due to RSI. I have suffered from insomnia off and on for 12 years, I wish I could give you some advice but I haven't found anything that helps, hope you get back into a normal sleep pattern soon.
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I have used Melatonin Ultra from Costco to help me sleep. But you can't use it too long or it doesn't work that well any more. I just got some Holy Basil and slept great for a week before getting back into the pattern of waking up in the middle of the night wide awake. I think I need to switch between the two every now and then. The sound machine might help as Varda mentioned. I can only sleep with white noise. I tried the "falling rain" setting but my darn analytical brain started recognizing a repeating pattern in the rain sound and it drove me a bit crazy!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I do that! I'm totally like "the tape's about to start again"

    This one is really, really good though:


    I use the ocean sound. However, if you turn it up too loud, it sounds less like ocean and more like semis on a wet highway.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I can't sleep for crap ever either.... I take Benadryl every night but that doesn't work every day, especially this week... My brain never shuts off even if I'm absolutely exhausted - actually then it's worse;( I only sleep on sat and Sunday mornings, when I sleep till 10am each day. If I don't get this "catchup" sleep I'm a wreck the next week... Never tried sounds, I dislike constant noise with a passion - and we live backed on to a wildlife pond preserve, so I get a symphony of 1 million frogs every night to add to that noise caucophony hatred ;) lol
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    What I learned about good sleep I learned from my kids. Contrary to popular sayings, kids need a lot of help sleeping. They need routines and baths and quiet relaxation before bed and something to drink and quiet and white noise and dark. Treat your body like a two-year-old. Meditation helps to turn you brain off. I used to have issues. Now I sleep through the night and wake without an alarm most days.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Romy that's awesome about the pants!!!

    Madmiss that's super cool that somebody paced herself with you! Sounds like a great run.

    Donna I love your at-work workout routine! That's inspired. I go through streaks where I don't sleep either. Usually I wake up in the middle of the night & can't get back to sleep, but Monday night I was just wide awake - finally fell asleep around 4:00. Melatonin doesn't work. I tried Ambien, which didn't always work. I have white noise going. Last night I took two Tylenol PM and it actually knocked me out for 8 hours, so that was a relief. I've tried sleepy versions of tea. I've tried lavender.

    I didn't run today. Was supposed to, but didn't. Will run tomorrow. My strength workout kicked my butt. Haven't had a workout with Jason since last Wednesday since he was sick Thursday & we did my assessment on Monday, and I struggled with everything (especially the incline push-ups). I hate walking out of there feeling wimpy.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Some days are just like that. Next session you'll crank them out.
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Some days are just like that. Next session you'll crank them out.
    Yes, Laura, I would just say, bad day, and go on, which I'm sure you're doing. Today, no one will be able to keep up with you! :)

    Metabolic conditioning last night seemed to be all about the legs, we did do arm and ab work, but a lot more squats, ladder work, and even our bent over kettleball rows had a kick back as part of them. I don't know why I enjoy the class so much, but the varied exercises each time and moving quickly between them, really is fun.

    I'm finding it a little surprising that although I'm only averaging runs about 2 times a week, I am improving both in comfortable distance and speed. I'd had hoped to just maintain until I could get back to a more regular run routine. Cross-training is working. I'm sure that it won't continue this way, but I suppose that I had so far to go, that any exercise helps all the others.

    Interesting fact I found out yesterday, of all the athletes that have seriously competed (maybe medalled?) in both the Summer and Winter Olympics, the most likely pairing was speed skating (Winter) and cycling (Summer). The few runners who did both usually sledded (bobsled, luge, skeleton) as their winter sport.

    Tonight is water aerobics/swimming and tomorrow I'll get out for a run!

    I lowered the temperature in the house last night and added some white noise and did sleep better.

    Have a great day, all!
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    Glad you got a better night sleep!

    I had an awful run today. It was a lovely day (the only nice day we are going to have this week) so I really wanted to go out for a long run. Unfortunately my husband is on dayshift today and I had to walk our dog after work, didn't have time for a long run and a dog walk. So I decided to take my dog for a run up the old railway line. I've only ran on it once before and I know now why I didn't do it again! It is all uphill, it is a constant gradient so you don't realise until you turn to run back how far up the track has risen, and then you are too tired to enjoy running back downhill. And because of all the rain we've been having it was wet, muddy and very slippery. It took me 45 minutes to run 5km, I'm sure I could have walked it quicker!