Daily Check In Thread -- 10k+ version



  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Totally sucky treadmill run tonight. It's just so much harder than running on the road or track. I think a huge part of it is how I hold myself. I think when I'm running on road or track I lean forward more and my body uses gravity to help propel me forward. It takes a lot less effort. On the treadmill the bar in front interferes with my arms' natural swing and causes me to lean back and run more upright hurting my forward motion. I don't think I stride in the same way either. I'm not sure how to fix this. I'm afraid if I back up away from the bar, I'll be in danger of slipping off the back.

    Me too. I can't hold my arms at the right angle, I feel like I'm in a straight jacket, and I'm doing something that gives me shin splints. However, it's almost February and you all are helping me through this!!! We will overcome!

    Yes! That is exactly how it feels! We will overcome. It can't be dark and arctic forever!

    On a happy note...I squeezed in a 5K run tonight in a 32:31!!!! A personal record! And in the first two laps I was helping a fellow runner with her form, and I stopped for a drink from the water fountain! i'm pretty pleased. Although it was a shorter run than I wanted.

    Laura, I ran in my glasses the last few times indoors and I thought of you. It wasn't too bad, much to my surprise. But I'm not sure about any solution for the gaiter-fog problem. I know there are anti-fogging lens cleaners, but I don't know if they really work. Maybe that would be worth a try?

    Well, I already worked 11 hours today and now I have to do a dreaded self -evaluation for work. Urgh. I can't procrastinate any longer...It's due tomorrow...so...*sigh*
  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    We had to do a self-eval at my work, I just ticked all the very good and excellent boxes, lol! What can I say, I'm good at my job, ha-ha!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Thanks Beth!!!!

    I did it! My running buddy took me to her gym, (bless her), I pouted until a treadmill became available (no really, I pouted!) then I ran for a glorious 37 minutes, or 3 miles, based on my lung capacity and the fact I've never run on a treadmill before! I decided it wasn't horrible, even though I didn't love it, I didn't hate it either. It it was nice that my lungs weren't burning in the cold outside, and, the most important thing. I ran!!!!!!

    You are a champ! Congratulations on your 1st ever dreadmill run! I'm so glad to hear that you are back at it.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    So I am a terrible terrible participant on here. Sorry. What I took from my catchup skim read was this though... Your weather beats my weather with lung searing cold though I did have a brutal long run in howling rain and ankle deep puddles this weekend. And MLP on MFP! I love that you are watching MLP Varda!


    Me? Sore stiff legs and a niggling foot injury. I should lay off on the distance but I didn't because I saw a 100 mile month was in reach and I went for it. Made the mileage but, yeah, sore. No run today but Parkrun tomorrow and I WANT WANT WANT a new PR!

    Volunteered at Parkrun last week, which was interesting because I saw that the front half of the pack who I always assumed were just breezing though in their superhuman way actually looked like they wanted to die each time they ran past my marshal position. Might have had something to do with being on top of a hill in proper wind with lashing rain but even so... Did a cheeky 5k on my own before volunteering though.

    Sunday was 6 miles on my friends 1/2 training schedule which we did so slowly due to weather and flooded paths that I know I can actually walk faster... So so wet. Also my heart rate averaged 118, which must be the definition of an easy run.

    Then some sort of madness gripped me on Monday and I went out and did 9 miles in just 5 minutes more than that slow 6 miler. That did feel like I was pushing myself though. I, for the first time, feel that yes, after a proper race you would need actual recovery time! My legs still hate me. (heart rate average on that was 145)

    Legs probably hate me because Wednesday was 7 miles to put me in reach of the 100 mile January. Can't say I enjoyed that one.

    Then yesterday 3 hard won miles to get me there and yes! 101 miles and thank goodness February is a shorter month and I can use that to trick my competitive wee brain into not needing to beat that mileage! The target for Feb will be 80 miles IF my legs and feet start to feel better.

    Still not booked any races. Have a weird mental block going on that on any given day I won't be able to do more than 5K when I am expected to run more. Silly brain. Also everything local I am seeing falls into the categories of "Huge corporate sponsorship style, lots of walk/joggers but thousands of people. Boo!" or "Small and cheap but oops, I checked the previous results and I am coming LAST, maybe a bit elite"

    February for me, I hope, is going to be Positive Mental Attitude month - and more importantly than new running targets - needs to be an eating reset. I have a trip to Toronto for a family wedding in April with lots of rarely seen relatives which should be the perfect goal. I want to go out there looking happy and healthy and able to go for a run with my one very competitive uncle who has always run marathons, and has always been very, um, disdainful, of my plumper branch of the family. I want to go out for a run with him and for it to feel and look (sorry) easy.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    WAY TO BO BETH!!!!!!!! NEW PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
    So I am a terrible terrible participant on here. Sorry. What I took from my catchup skim read was this though... Your weather beats my weather with lung searing cold though I did have a brutal long run in howling rain and ankle deep puddles this weekend. And MLP on MFP! I love that you are watching MLP Varda!


    Me? Sore stiff legs and a niggling foot injury. I should lay off on the distance but I didn't because I saw a 100 mile month was in reach and I went for it. Made the mileage but, yeah, sore. No run today but Parkrun tomorrow and I WANT WANT WANT a new PR!

    Volunteered at Parkrun last week, which was interesting because I saw that the front half of the pack who I always assumed were just breezing though in their superhuman way actually looked like they wanted to die each time they ran past my marshal position. Might have had something to do with being on top of a hill in proper wind with lashing rain but even so... Did a cheeky 5k on my own before volunteering though.

    Sunday was 6 miles on my friends 1/2 training schedule which we did so slowly due to weather and flooded paths that I know I can actually walk faster... So so wet. Also my heart rate averaged 118, which must be the definition of an easy run.

    Then some sort of madness gripped me on Monday and I went out and did 9 miles in just 5 minutes more than that slow 6 miler. That did feel like I was pushing myself though. I, for the first time, feel that yes, after a proper race you would need actual recovery time! My legs still hate me. (heart rate average on that was 145)

    Legs probably hate me because Wednesday was 7 miles to put me in reach of the 100 mile January. Can't say I enjoyed that one.

    Then yesterday 3 hard won miles to get me there and yes! 101 miles and thank goodness February is a shorter month and I can use that to trick my competitive wee brain into not needing to beat that mileage! The target for Feb will be 80 miles IF my legs and feet start to feel better.

    Still not booked any races. Have a weird mental block going on that on any given day I won't be able to do more than 5K when I am expected to run more. Silly brain. Also everything local I am seeing falls into the categories of "Huge corporate sponsorship style, lots of walk/joggers but thousands of people. Boo!" or "Small and cheap but oops, I checked the previous results and I am coming LAST, maybe a bit elite"

    February for me, I hope, is going to be Positive Mental Attitude month - and more importantly than new running targets - needs to be an eating reset. I have a trip to Toronto for a family wedding in April with lots of rarely seen relatives which should be the perfect goal. I want to go out there looking happy and healthy and able to go for a run with my one very competitive uncle who has always run marathons, and has always been very, um, disdainful, of my plumper branch of the family. I want to go out for a run with him and for it to feel and look (sorry) easy.

    Solar, WOW! You have lost over 100 lbs and you are worried about your uncle? You should be screaming happiness from every corner of the universe little lady!!!! Everyone should be so proud of you - including yourself! Congrats on your 100+ mile month, that's amazing! Great job on all your long runs. Each time I see your exercise in my feed I must say I get a little jealous and feel GUILTY!!!! :) You are doing so amazing. Stop listening to your brain, you obviously are very capable of running longer distances :)
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    WAY TO BO BETH!!!!!!!! NEW PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Solar, WOW! You have lost over 100 lbs and you are worried about your uncle? You should be screaming happiness from every corner of the universe little lady!!!! Everyone should be so proud of you - including yourself! Congrats on your 100+ mile month, that's amazing! Great job on all your long runs. Each time I see your exercise in my feed I must say I get a little jealous and feel GUILTY!!!! :) You are doing so amazing. Stop listening to your brain, you obviously are very capable of running longer distances :)

    Bless you. And confession: have not updated my weight for a month because that 100lb loss has, um, bounced! It is an unrecorded somewhere in the 90s just now :ohwell:

    But Madmiss, my brain is in charge!
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    WAY TO BO BETH!!!!!!!! NEW PR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    Solar, WOW! You have lost over 100 lbs and you are worried about your uncle? You should be screaming happiness from every corner of the universe little lady!!!! Everyone should be so proud of you - including yourself! Congrats on your 100+ mile month, that's amazing! Great job on all your long runs. Each time I see your exercise in my feed I must say I get a little jealous and feel GUILTY!!!! :) You are doing so amazing. Stop listening to your brain, you obviously are very capable of running longer distances :)

    Bless you. And confession: have not updated my weight for a month because that 100lb loss has, um, bounced! It is an unrecorded somewhere in the 90s just now :ohwell:

    But Madmiss, my brain is in charge!

    Yeah Beth!

    Madmiss, Great getting moving despite the weather and your health!

    Solar, 100 lbs lost (or close)! 100+ miles in one month! And you still have 2 months until April. Your uncle is going to be so impressed! I hope that you really enjoy the wedding! Are your kids going, too? Maybe all three of you could take turns and run him into the ground. :)
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I ran yesterday! 2.5 miles on the indoor track at the gym. It felt GREAT! (It did make the boot camp class that followed a little tougher though!)

    Weather promises to suck this weekend, so probably won't be able to do the planned 45 mile bike ride on Saturday. :-(
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Ceci you go girl too!! Your riding is inspirational! My butt hurts just thinking about how long you are in the saddle :) LOL
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    Wow! Did the weather change! My phone said the temp was 40F at noon. I got dressed and took off for my run by 1 pm. Ran a lot faster than I expected to and was feeling great! By the end, my phone said that it was 47F out. We haven't seen that in a long time!

    All the flat part of the run was dry, but when I hit the hill, the path still had snow and ice, mainly slush, that I had to run through. I ended up more than a mile from home when I had finish 5k, so I reset the app and ran the mile home. So I did a 4 mile run, with some stopping, ice negociating, and app resetting in less than an hour! 63 minutes with the 5 minute warmup and 5 minute cooldown walks added. This is great for me!

    If only the rest of the winter stayed above freezing, at least during the day, I would be happy. The 40s are not necessary, but are nice!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Great run Donna! I'm more than a little jealous of your warm day. Glad you were able to get out and enjoy. Did Fells run with you?

    I treadmill ran last night. My trainer was sick but he emailed me a workout - 15 minute run, 5 minutes rowing, shoulder press/assisted pull-up supersets, intervals on Jacob's Ladder, bicep/tricep supersets, bicycle crunches/weighted twists supersets, and finally a 15 minute run. I added on a 5 minute warm-up walk before and a 15 minute cool-down walk after. It all sucked. I'm really looking forward to getting outside for my run tomorrow. I've had several bad runs in a row, so I'm really hoping for a good one tomorrow.
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    February for me, I hope, is going to be Positive Mental Attitude month - and more importantly than new running targets - needs to be an eating reset. I have a trip to Toronto for a family wedding in April with lots of rarely seen relatives which should be the perfect goal. I want to go out there looking happy and healthy and able to go for a run with my one very competitive uncle who has always run marathons, and has always been very, um, disdainful, of my plumper branch of the family. I want to go out for a run with him and for it to feel and look (sorry) easy.

    What an awesome January total (despite the punishment you put your body through to get there)!

    Positive Mental Attitude February sounds like an awesome goal.
  • solardippo
    solardippo Posts: 54 Member
    Positive Mental Attitude February : Day 1

    Eating OK so far, though I did have to turn down going out for dinner (no good choices at that restaurant) which meant everyone else then cancelled plans. We are going tomorrow instead, but I do have a 10 mile run planned for the morning so...

    New Parkrun PR! 5K @ 28:21 (and so hard to breath going into the wind at the top of The Hill x 3 laps). Yay!
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Dang solar, you are flying!!!! Pretty soon if not already, you'll be placing 1,2 or 3!!!

    I finally got outside!!!! 4 miles, first two of which I decided I'd lost all the fitness I've gained over the last 6 months and didn't think I'd ever be able to get it back, last 2, glorious, light rain coming down, beautiful gait, easy, peaceful and wonderful again.... I love negative splits, and running! I've missed it so much.... Still no idea whether this time in 2 weeks I'll be able to run 13.1, but I'm going to take it easy training, hopefully build up my base again, and try!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    My wife & I ran a short 2.8 mile trail race this morning. The first two miles was rolling through the forest with a fairly steep descent towards the end of mile 2. But that last 0.8 was brutal! It climbed very steep at first and then was more of a gradual incline the rest of the way. After the steep part my legs felt like they weighed 100 lbs each but I kept going. And then I saw the finish line and burst forwards with what energy I had left. I forget my official time but the clock was just hitting 23 minutes as I was running through the finish. I finished as the 3rd overall male with a pace of 8:17. My wife was not far behind me and was the 3rd overall female with a pace of 8:44. This was the 2nd of an 8-race series and should help my overall points standing. We have about 6 weeks until the next trail race and I plan to work on hills much, much more before then.

  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    New Parkrun PR! 5K @ 28:21 (and so hard to breath going into the wind at the top of The Hill x 3 laps). Yay!

    Way to go!!! That's fantastic progress!
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    Romy, unfortunately my employer believes in essay form evaluations! Doh!

    Ceci, I hope you got your ride in.

    Dip, WOW!!!! What a month! You are a beast! Congratulations on your PR! I can’t wait to hear about your triumphant travel to Canada and your families’ reaction to the new, fit you. Good on you for PMAF!!! Mind if I join you?

    Donna, congratulations on your 4 mile run!!! That’s awesome! It is great to get back outdoors!

    Way to stick it out on your treadmill runs, Laura. You are a better woman than me. I can’t hack the treadmill and plan to avoid it at all costs. Thank God for the track!

    Madmiss, glad to hear that you got outside and that the second two miles were glorious! LOL!

    Tim, congrats on your trail run. (Is that a jar of money your wife is holding?LOL!)

    I am pleased to report that neither, rain, nor sleet, nor slushy roads and sidewalks kept me from my run today. It was hovering right above freezing but it felt like 60 to me. I was so grateful to be OUTSIDE. My new Avalanche soft shell hooded jacket performed wonderfully, as did my beloved yak traks. I ran 8 miles!!!! YAY!!!! I’m finally back (and a whole minute per mile better) than where I left off in November. Hooray!!!!
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    Tim, congrats on your trail run. (Is that a jar of money your wife is holding?LOL!)

    LOL -no!! Just some Cliff bars in there.
    I am pleased to report that neither, rain, nor sleet, nor slushy roads and sidewalks kept me from my run today. It was hovering right above freezing but it felt like 60 to me. I was so grateful to be OUTSIDE. My new Avalanche soft shell hooded jacket performed wonderfully, as did my beloved yak traks. I ran 8 miles!!!! YAY!!!! I’m finally back (and a whole minute per mile better) than where I left off in November. Hooray!!!!

    Awesome run!!!
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    Awesome runs Tim, Beth, Solar & Madmiss!

    It was warmer today than it was most of January - 11 degrees above zero (windchill hovering around 0) - but I managed to dress perfectly for it. We got an inch or two of fresh powder this morning and the roads were surprisingly icy & uneven underneath, so my run did not come without some scary spots. Even with my Yaktrax there were spots where I was slipping, and of course I can't see where the icy spots are under the snow until I'm sliding. I went out with the attitude that I would run as long as it felt good, which turned out to be 7.5 miles, which left about a half mile cool-down walk back to my car. That was just enough time for my legs to stop hurting. (Anybody else's legs cramp as soon as they stop running?)

    But with this run I'm 12/12 for my Jantastic commitment for January. Yay!
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Hi! I am joining my son's running club in 2 weeks for my first 10K. I ran a PR 5K today (28:17---wow!), and the most I have run at one time is 4 miles. I have run as much as 5.5 miles in one day, tomorrow I plan on a long slow run. Thinking about either 6 or 7 miles at my typical slower pace of 11-12 min/mile. Hope to do ok, the 10 K is HILLY! Well, hilly for me :-)