Talking Dead: Team Carol



  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha have decided that everyone should complete 5 minutes per day (for 5 days) of Wall Squats.

    Are we talking Wall Squats or Wall Sits? Because I have seen some people call a wall sit a wall squat, and I just want to clarify what we are doing.
    I think you can do either, whichever you are most comfortable (or uncomfortable :laugh: ) with.
  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    I asked my trainer and she said wall sits and that I could do 5 minutes. OMG, my thighs were burning! I did get it done, I'll thank the Sallys for that!

    This weeks plan....
    Monday:pilates(60) Elliptical (20) Strength (45) 1 punishment I rocked that!
    Tuesday: swim laps(60) Strength(20) 2 punishments
    Wednesday: Pilates (50) 1 punishment
    Thursday: I'm taking it off and spending the day with my husband! +1 punishment
    Friday:I'm taking it off and skiing with my daughter...But that'll be a workout of its own. I'll try and track how long I'm actually skiing for.
    Saturday: see if I can move after skiing, if I can I'll do my video.

    140+ ski time /220
    115/90 Strength, since core is in strength this week I'll count one of my pilates class towards that, she kicks our butts either way. (And I'd already requested the bars so everyone is going to be mad at me)

    Something personal= I decided to lose weight and get healthy because I have an autistic developmentally delayed 11 yr old and as he get bigger I need to stay stronger than him and I need to be healthy for him.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Tyreese and Sasha have decided that everyone should complete 5 minutes per day (for 5 days) of Wall Squats.

    Are we talking Wall Squats or Wall Sits? Because I have seen some people call a wall sit a wall squat, and I just want to clarify what we are doing.
    I think you can do either, whichever you are most comfortable (or uncomfortable :laugh: ) with.

    Oh thank goodness!! I've already done five minutes of wall sits today. I was afraid I'd have to start over!! LOL
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Okay, my plan for this week is to do my new Leslie Sansone DVD. Each day of the week has miles and a short strength training segment, so I want to give the video a try. It is called 5 day walk plan. What is odd is that the days are very different in lengths - I thought they might be aiming for a particular time (like 45-50 minutes) but alas, they range from 25 minutes to almost 75 minutes.

    Sunday Cardio 5 miles 74
    Monday Strength + Cardio 3 miles; 30 arms; punishment 85
    Tuesday Cardio 4 miles; punishment 67
    Wednesday Strength + Cardio 1 mile; 30 pilates; punishment 60
    Thursday Strength + Cardio 2 miles; Legs; punishment 73
    Friday Cardio 5 miles; punishment 79

    Projected cardio: 310/220 -- Aiming for the 300 club :laugh:
    Projected weight training: 128/90 (includes punishment minutes)

    The hardest day will be tomorrow because my day is already full and we are going to go see my dad after work so I likely won't be home until after 9 at night.

    Something personal:
    Like I haven't been personal already with talking about my dad and trying to get prego. So I guess I will tell you what convinced me to get started losing weight.

    I can't really tell my story without sounding potentially very judgmental, so please understand that I love my sister-in-law and I was (and am) concerned about her. My sis-in-law got married within a few months of each other and both of us were "bigger" girls. She gained more weight (as I did) after her wedding and then she got pregnant and had my nephew. But she never really lost the weight after she gave birth.

    The size she is does not look attractive and it is impacting her health. Occasionally she tries to diet, but she often gets almost immediately discouraged if the scale doesn't react as fast as she would hope. Me, I didn't try to diet because I simply didn't care as long as I fit in my clothes. Then I got on scale at the Drs office and saw an obscene number and I looked at a picture from my nephew's baptism. I was a whale. Really. :blushing: . Worse, I don't have a baby to justify the weight gain. :sad: I realized I had to do something. So we started eating healthier at first. Then my brother suggested MFP to me and I've been tracking since end of August.

    Currently, my sister-in-law is pregnant with #2. Her weight before this pregnancy was my highest weight and she is beginning her second trimester. I am just so concerned about her as I have done reading and know the dangers that come with being overweight, inactive and eating poorly in pregnancy. I am down about 60 pounds from that top dr office weight, and I think it might be "safe" for me to give the prego thing a go.

    So that's my story. Sorry, it's so long.
  • sawjan
    sawjan Posts: 161 Member
    Day 1 Monday 2/24/14
    Format for the week:
    Cardio: 62/220 (Aiming for the 400 club!)
    Strength: 45/110
    Martial Arts: 45/135
    Average calorie intake: 1/6
    Weight loss for challenge: 5.2/9
    Punishment (current) = Wall Squats: 1/ 5 days

    Personal note: Gosh, why is this so difficult. I have written and re-written this several times. I guess that goes with my personal note. I have lost 55 pounds, and still will lose the remaining weight to reach my goal. During this journey of course there is the weight loss, but it is not actually about the weight loss. It is what I gained, the confidence! I have become stronger both physically and emotionally. I have learned to say what I need, but without being selfish. Side note - My kids are seeing me in better shape (and smaller) for the first time in their lives. It took me 18 (& 15 years) to "lose" the baby weight. LOL

  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Morning Team! Just wanted to update where I am at so far this week.

    Cardio: 135/220 <-- goal is over 400
    Strength: 60/90 <-- hoping to get around 150
    Food: 1/6
    Weight loss for challenge: 4.8/15
    Punishment: 1/5

    Still hoping to get another long walk in today, but it's below freezing here and I'm not sure I can handle two days in a row. Maybe a shorter walk than yesterday just to get out and get moving.

    Has anyone heard of the Striiv pedometer? I am seriously considering one. The fitbit looks great, but the Striiv creates a game like situation and the more you walk, the more you actually donate to charity. You can earn clean water for children, polio vaccines, and spots in the rainforest. I really like the idea of moving for a purpose (other than helping myself).

    A little bit about me. I have been overweight most of my adult life. I was very active in high school, but once I stopped playing soccer the pounds crept on. And to think I thought I was fat in high school... hahaha. I have played the weight loss game before on MFP with great success but I got to a point where I thought I could do it on my own, have more cheat days, be less active, etc. Needless to say the weight I had loss came back plus some. My wake up call was looking at the scale one day and having a minor breakdown. I am in the prime of my life and I have so many goals. I don't want weight to be an issue for me anymore. One of my big things is travelling and I want to be able to explore as a healthy human being rather than one who constantly needs breaks to rest or catch my breath.

    Here's to another great week for team Carol! :drinker:
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    well today will be another day of no work outs :( I feel horrible I think more about this then being sick. yesterday in the evening I thought I was getting better but when I try to sleep it gets worse. I get maybe an hour of sleep at a time and when I cough my cheat is not hurting as well as my head. I'm getting a headache after I cough. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day but I'm laying in bed trying to sleep when I can.

    Sorry all I can't do much this week I really do feel bad
  • strive4more11
    strive4more11 Posts: 213 Member
    Skittles - have you done any workouts this week? I am officially adopting you and will finish whatever you are unable to do. If you can't get anything done, that's fine, just let me know! I hope you start feeling better soon... being sick is never a fun time. Don't stress about workouts, just get to feeling 100% again!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member

    Something personal= I decided to lose weight and get healthy because I have an autistic developmentally delayed 11 yr old and as he get bigger I need to stay stronger than him and I need to be healthy for him.

    Tinker, I'm only just becoming more aware of autism. What a challenge on a daily basis but very rewarding when you get closer and closer to your goals. My bro in law and I are starting our own pasta business and the doc I work for has a son with autism. She(the doc) reads everything she can get her hands on for nutrition and herbs to help keep her son as healthy as possible. She decided to fund our business and we are dedicating a gluten free line in her son's name. We will be loading it with herbs and veggies and making it something healthy that he will eat. We are also going to employ him(he's 15) and teach him the business. We will also be donating a dollar from each package to an autism charity. My bro in laws brothers son is also autistic and this has become a driving factor in our gluten free line.
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    WOW - clearly Im way behind. I didnt know until a minute ago I was MVP. That is awesome!!!! Thanks everyone.

    For the record, I live in heels so I found those sallys to actually burn more, but were way easier to go down farther than if I was just flat footed. Weird huh?

    Im two days down with no exercise yet, but Im still going to try my hardest to make the 400 club this week. At the very least I WILL make the 300 again.

    Sharing something about me: .........I will have to get back to you one that, Im not sure what to say.
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Skittles, sorry to hear you're still sick. Your team will work hard for you and will all of these 400 plus club, I'm sure we will have more to go around to help both you and TJ out.

    Janice, thanks for sharing your story. I share your feeling of gained confidence and am still losing that baby weight from my 20 and 16 year olds too. lol!

    Lara, nice for you to want to adopt Skittles in full! I was interested to hear in your story your set back. It's really easy to go back to bad habits and I'm glad your back at it.

    Kim, since I work in the OB field, I do see very unhealthy pregnant women. I do feel for them when they are overweight and seem to not care enough about themselves or their growing baby to change. I think it's a very complicated thing with many factors that contribute to it. Most of our patients are low income, poorly educated and lead very depressing lives. Why stop smoking when the whole family smokes and their parents smoked when they were pregnant and they turned out just fine. Why not smoke pot? It's an herb right? I just eat what I want, I like fried food. It's a disgusting cycle and that's the best part of my job is educating. I guess that will lead to my personal story.

    I have also been overweight most of my adult life but especially after I got married. My husband loves to cook and we loved food together. We were young and had very un healthy habits of eating what ever we wanted and being happy in love. Well, after babies and bad choices, I ballooned up to 260 lbs at 5'1", that's a lot! I too went to the doc and was just shocked by the scale. My husband discovered he was a diabetic and he was developing leg ulcers. I too got my glucose test and it was right in front of my face that I was going to either have to make a solid change or start taking meds. I slowly changed my ways with the phone app "lose it" (very similar to MFP) . I started making changes, bringing my own lunch and exercising every day starting with walking and the weight started to come off. I think after 30 lbs people started taking notice and asked what I was doing ect and sharing the knowledge actually motivated me more. My patients were now asking after seeing their fat MA rooming them for years, was shrinking before their eyes. My family noticed and started becoming motivated themselves. I switched to MFP because I have a couple of cousins on it and I got into fitness groups.(my cousin wrote a zombie fitness challenge) I lost more weight and started weight training, Jillian Michaels and Fitnessblenders. So, with support from family and motivation from patient care and MFP friends, I lost nearly 70 lbs. I gained some back after I had my galbadder out in Nov but I think I'm slowly getting back to my lowest weight. My hubby is also on MFP and trying more to get off his meds. It's amazing how much you can change for the better with support.

    Kim, I think your life changes may even inspire your sis in law to change her ways. You can show her the way happily cause you know it works. (I learn a lot from you myself). We learn from eachother. This team is full of monster women and I'm inspired everyday by all of you. I'm trying my hardest because I have to keep up! You ladies rock!
  • SaraAlexandre
    SaraAlexandre Posts: 1,313 Member
    Tj! I hope your feeling better! You're going to shoot for the 400 club?? I guess I better do that too then. LOL!

    OH! Kim, you are planning on sitting against a wall for 60 plus mins a day????
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member

    Something personal= I decided to lose weight and get healthy because I have an autistic developmentally delayed 11 yr old and as he get bigger I need to stay stronger than him and I need to be healthy for him.

    Tinker - we need to connect. My boys are 3 and 4 and both Autistic. It is a daily battle. I am always amazed that even this young, when we are having an "episode" that either one of them can drop me to the floor in an instant! Keep up the hard work. Its a club I never would have asked to be a part of, but that i am terribly proud to be in now.
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    Skittles - have you done any workouts this week? I am officially adopting you and will finish whatever you are unable to do. If you can't get anything done, that's fine, just let me know! I hope you start feeling better soon... being sick is never a fun time. Don't stress about workouts, just get to feeling 100% again!

    i got your back too. i have a determination about me this week. whatever i have left over can spill onto skittles as well!

    get better lady!

    wall sit vs squats... honestly i did squats with a ball against a wall this morning for 5 min. it was the most boring, unpainful thing i have done in a workout. i actually got done and did a sally cuz i felt nothing. I WILL be doin 5min sits from now on. i believe there is a very distinct difference. the sit means sit and HOLD for 5 min. THAT sounds like pain. i like it.
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    well today will be another day of no work outs :( I feel horrible I think more about this then being sick. yesterday in the evening I thought I was getting better but when I try to sleep it gets worse. I get maybe an hour of sleep at a time and when I cough my cheat is not hurting as well as my head. I'm getting a headache after I cough. I'm hoping tomorrow will be a better day but I'm laying in bed trying to sleep when I can.

    Sorry all I can't do much this week I really do feel bad

    I've got you too skittles!! Whatever you need, we have it.. I can pledge to do your wall squats!
  • Skittles2183
    Skittles2183 Posts: 1,626 Member
    Thank you all so very much. and I know I'm just getting on my self a lot and being sick is a reason not to work out. I now know its not being I am just being lazy. when I am well I'll be kicking butt.

    This is one amazing group of people. Thank you all
  • FunkyGranolaTree
    FunkyGranolaTree Posts: 399 Member
    Ok... I didnt think that there was a difference between wall sits and wall squats... now... I am confused!! Last night I spent the time on my phone!!! LOL
  • SweetPea_7
    SweetPea_7 Posts: 249 Member
    my personal note:

    i am 31 (ill be 32 in a little over a month). I have an 11mo baby boy who we adopted after 3 years of battling infertility, and another 3 years of the adoption process (6 total).

    I am in the middle of a rough divorce with a violent guy who i trusted had changed during the baby-process, only for him to show his true colors once again when Baby G was 2 mon old.

    I started my weight-loss almost 3 years ago in order to be healthy enough to have a baby. I started lifting weights 6 mon after that, in order to become stronger, physically and mentally, than my soon-to-be-ex husband.

    i am currently living with him, with a hopeful plan of moving to MN in a couple of months when the divorce is final. So i do what i can, when i can. and the fact that i never WANT to be in the house with him, makes it easier to find things to keep me busy.

    my mantra is all about keeping your 'sparkle' no matter how deep into the dark place your mind takes you. Never let your dark dull your sparkle.
  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    Tj! I hope your feeling better! You're going to shoot for the 400 club?? I guess I better do that too then. LOL!

    OH! Kim, you are planning on sitting against a wall for 60 plus mins a day????

    You are kidding right? :laugh: Those are my totals for exercise for the day. I just copied my spreadsheet over and it shows what type of exercise, what the specific plans are and then the total minutes (minimum) for the day. I can barely get the five minutes of wall sits done a day.
  • hajenkatt
    hajenkatt Posts: 331 Member
    Yes. It doesn't have to be REALLY personal, :laugh: just a short essay about why started your fitness journey or a short auto biography, just something you want to share that no one knows about you yet.

    Something about me is that we just had to move to Canada bc of my husband's job this past autumn. I have had to completely revamp a lot of of food choices because so many of the things I used to eat are not available here. I had my fourth abdominal surgery last summer, so between physically recovering from that, new foods, and a new birth control pill (bc I can't get my US Rx filled here) I am a hot mess. I haven't gained weight in over three years, and now I am struggling not to gain weekly. Joining this fitness challenge was meant to encourage me to get back to a regular exercise schedule. I am trying not to be hard on myself, and last week I restarted my C210K program. I am hoping to see some results soon because I am very discouraged.