Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Happy to read your post today BoubouChan. Continued strength!
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    Well I am glad to read that, Dennis! I am still doing good. It helps to keep posting here.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Glad the American Thanksgiving holiday weekend is over. Did well. Friday I struggled, but it was over carbs, not over Thanksgiving stuff.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    So many great successes to catch up on! Keep it going ya'll :)

    I am proud of having a good maintenance week during the first big American holiday - Thanksgiving. I actually ended up losing weight, which was quite the surprise. I am glad to be back to a routine and am hoping to continue this binge-free streak.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I have posted I get up and eat at night. Last night instead of fighting it, I simply left over some calories and set a yellow apple on top shelf in fridge. I got up, ate the apple, went back to bed, and it fit inside my calorie allowance. I can accept that. Its better then 300-400 calories in a bowl of oatmeal, or a bagel.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Olive, congrats on joining the group! It's a great support network.

    BoubouChan, that's a much healthier outlook on food and I'm glad you were able to accomplish that. Demonizing food just makes things seem more tempting, I think.

    WillLift4Tats, nicely done! Also, congrats on joining the Me vs TB post - I think it's good for getting a big picture of how you're doing.

    Dennis, That's perfect! Great job planning ahead and sticking with it when the time came.

    My biggest temptation time is when I get out of work. I immediately start thinking of delivery. Then, if my husband says he will be home late (which is often), binge mode kicks in so I end up ordering far too much for one person. Such a strain on my budget!

    Anyway, these past few days, I've been eating at home more. It's been shockingly cheap and simple. Delivery isn't really because I'm lazy, or because I particularly like the food. It's because I'm a binge eater. It's my main method. If I can break that habit, maybe I can get myself back in line. I'm hopeful!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    1st day of working with a new nutritionist. Very pleased with diet today.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I'd like to pat myself on the back because there have been bags of chocolates in the house for about a week now. I had 2 a few days ago, within my calories, and have not been tempted since. This is incredibly foreign to me.

    I am placing a lot of credit on the app TwoGrand, because it's keeping me honest and giving me motivation to eat "prettier" foods. It's pretty much an instagram for what you eat, matching you with similar people or those at your goal.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    They had a huge breakfast buffet at a morning meeting! Everyone was loading up with seconds and everything was so high calorie, but I kept it at around ~650 calories and didn't get seconds. Big breakfast, considering mine are normally ~200 calories, but totally manageable.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Speaking of breakfast buffets: We had a celebration this morning in the office - and there were dozens of cookies and donuts. I didnt have any! :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Two weeks binge free :) I've overeaten some days, but the focus for now is just not bingeing. For me they are so, so different in terms of where my head is at when it's happening.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    Two weeks without a binge is great! Congrats, Pudding :)
  • floralfriday
    floralfriday Posts: 24 Member
    I'm proud of myself for being two days binge free. That may not seem like much but it recently got to the point where I was bingeing everyday. I also got up early today to exercise :o

    For the rest of the month my sole focus is to not binge and I'm taking it just one simple day at a time.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Congrats pudding! 2 weeks is a great stretch! Great job.

    Floral - Good for you - 1 day at a time! Keep it up!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,464 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for stopping a Belgian chocolate binge. I overate most days this past month, and binged many of those days (I do distinguish between the two), but I'm still logging and exercising and in general still trying to be mindful of my food.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Dennis, way to say no to temptation!
    Pudding, you're doing so well! Congrats! I saw on the Me vs TB post that you are 21 days binge free. That's so great!
    FloralFriday, that's a really good way to do it. Divide everything up into manageable bits. One day at a time. You can do it!
    MadDogManor, that's huge! Great job. I know how hard it is to stop a binge in its tracks. You did yourself a great service that day. I hope you're doing better now.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I had an embarrassing moment last night, but it stopped me from binging and I'm proud of myself for not sneaking off to binge later. I asked my husband to help me with my eating and it has been working pretty well so far.

    Last night, after company left and all this leftover food was out in the open, I went and served myself an unnecessarily full plate. I absolutely had binge-brain, so it probably wouldn't have stopped with that first plate. My husband then, very kindly, said he would help me out and started putting some food back. I got upset, said that I'd rather not eat anything, and then left.

    I felt like a spoiled child, because I've never gotten upset about him helping me. I was embarrassed, both by my reaction and the fact that my consumption was abnormal enough to require outside help, but it worked and he helped me finally break the binge-streak from the weekend. :D
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Crepes, that's so awesome that your husband cares about you so much that he was willing to temporarily upset you to help you in the long run. I love this story! (I have had an embarrassing moment just like this where my husband called me out on overeating, by my earlier request, and I had a very similar reaction.) I think it's the initial surprise that they actually remembered to say something, and yes, a little of the spoiled child effect. I'm so glad you have that support behind you.

    Today, I'm proud of myself for posting here and getting myself back on track. I have let the festivities of the month discourage me and let all the events be my excuse to binge. I feel sick, bloated, heavy, and embarrassed by my lack of control. I am tired of having a "good" day, then having a treat and feeling like I've blown my day, I use that as an excuse to go hog-wild.

    I will take today meal by meal, focusing on how I feel and trying to get back in touch with my true hunger and full cues. I will log each food before I eat it and make sure I can fit it into my day. I will practice a yoga session tonight and remind myself to fall back into being happy with my goals, my habits, and myself.
  • zilannoj
    zilannoj Posts: 138 Member
    Today, I am proud of myself for not binging on a day that I normally would. I was under a lot of stress at work and in reading a lot of my old journal entries, it was always a source of stress and whenever I was under a considerable amount of stress, I would binge. And today, I was very close. I am also proud that I decided to walk home instead of taking the bus. I kept on thinking, "Today was stressful. I deserve to just sit on the bus and just not think about anything." The walk was extremely beneficial. Usually, I get home stressed and order take out. Instead, I was tired and sweaty... and happy. Work is work. But I'm home, and I'm not going to let that stress consume me.

    Five months and going strong.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    Several days ago, I got an edible holiday gift. (cue scary music!) I offered it to my kids and husband, and was pleased that at least someone could enjoy it. I did take a very small nibble each day, and was content with that. Every time I passed it sitting there on the counter, I felt drawn to have some, but I resisted.

    It's all gone now, I'm happy to say, and in total, I may have consumed about 40 calories of it. In previous years, I would have eaten the entire 2000 calories over three days or so.