Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • shortly2Bthin
    Today I'm proud of myself for getting on the treadmill and exercising even though I find it mind-numbingly boring. The weather was inclement and I couldn't walk outdoors. I managed 55 minutes at 3mph!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,454 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for not letting the latest binge cycle get me down, dang it! I'm slowly feeling like I can eat again, without all the issues that come with binging.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    WillLift4Tats, so glad I was helpful with that! Reading this thread always helps make me feel a little stronger. Now that it's available on my phone (I only have a computer at work), I hope I'll be able to see you guys being awesome even more often!

    2B, great job going for a walk, even in the rain! That's pretty dedicated right there - you should feel proud of yourself! Great job in stopping the dessert and in your method for preventing binges while still allowing yourself to indulge and enjoy food and for walking on the treadmill when the weather was bad! Making great strides here.

    Summer, I completely get what you're saying. I'd go quite some time forgetting that life can be enjoyed doing anything other than binging. I'd cancel plans with friends because I already had plans to stuff my face at home. They're way more fun than a binge!

    MadDogManor, good job! Binge and shame cycles can be brutal - so glad you're being strong and not letting it get to you!

    Today I'm proud of myself for jumping out of bed and making myself a makeshift lunch of broccoli soup and almonds so I wouldn't find excuses to binge during my lunch break. I'm determined to make today a good day!

    Also, I'm a huge fan of organization books and office supplies, cause I'm super exciting like that. I like to-do lists and schedules. So I bought an agenda where I will write the frequency of things to do (certain exercise, household chores that I let slip away because I have to use that alone-time to binge instead, scheduled self-nurture time, etc), and round solid-color stickers to add to the days when I do certain things. The more stickers, the better the day was. One for exercising, one for swimming, one for taking the dog for a long walk, one for not binging, one for eating a good amount of veggies, etc. Also, who doesn't love playing with stickers. Weirdos, that who.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Summer, happy for you! It's so nice to find joy in other things again. :)

    2B, little victories for the win!! And great job on the dreadmill run. I totally get the boredom. Good for you for sticking to it.

    Traci, thanks. That girl keeps me active or else lol. We finally got her in a kennel that she can't destroy though, so that's good. Great job resisting the candy bar!! I like to do the same. I don't say I 'can't' have it, that just leads to a binge. Instead, I say I can, but it has to be after a certain time, wait til after lunch, etc. Did you finally enjoy it? :)

    MadDog, glad you're not letting it defeat you. What's that saying? Fall down 10 times, get up 11? Sometimes, the victory is just in trying again.

    Crepes, I LOVE that idea!! I am huge organization nerd too, and school supplies still excite me at 25 lol. I may need to steal your plan, because agendas and stickers and celebrating awesomeness!!

    Well, I can't say I love these new forums. Took me too long to find this thread again. But it's officially bookmarked and I won't miss a thing!!

    Today I'm proud of myself for making breakfast at home. It's been a lonnnnggggggg time since I've done that on a weekday. I either totally skip, or I'm in the drive-thru line. Neither of which I like doing. But today I made myself a nice egg sandwich on wheat that filled me up without weighing me down (either physically or mentally).

    What I really need to do is work on my sleep schedule. If I go to bed earlier, I can get more rest without oversleeping, running late, and continuing that cycle of bad mornings. I will try to be in bed by 9:45 tonight.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    WillLift2Tats, yay! Another organization nerd! It's so silly, but man if I don't get that super-surge of happiness when I flip through an organized agenda. Better yet when it's telling me how awesome I've been, haha! I'm glad you got breakfast at home! I have the same issue. I started keeping a box of Quest bars in my desk drawer at work to stop myself from ending up with drive-thru breakfast so often. 190 cals, delicious, microwavable if I want a sweet treat instead, and they don't require special care or anything.

    As for the sleep schedule, that's my goal for the month! Lack of sleep leads to so many bad things. Being in bed before 10pm has been amazing. I've been more productive, more alert, and my work has been impeccable.

    I think I'll get used to the new forums, but I'm hoping this won't drive down the participation in the group since there's a ton more clicking you have to do to get to anything!

    I'm proud for eating a salad today for lunch! It was delicious, filling, energizing, and I feel good about myself. I'm hoping that this spirit will continue on throughout the day and that I make it until the evening feeling really good about myself and my food choices!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    So, even though I bookmarked this, the thread doesn't show up in my list of bookmarks :cry: :sob: Whyyyyyy MFP, whyyyy??

    Great job Crepes! It's amazing what a good nutritious meal can do for your mindset. Hope you have a fantastic weekend!

    I'm proud of myself for fitting in that strength workout yesterday. I realllllly didn't want to get started, but once I did, it was actually a lot of fun and I felt great afterwards. I'm excited for the weekend, especially now that we're staying in town. I plan on lots of fun movement-based activity :)
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    WillLift4Tats, that's great! Strength workouts are great and there's never been a time where I regretted a workout or didn't feel amazing after one, yet there are so many excuses I can make on the spot and I can whine quite a bit about them.

    4 days binge-free streak. I'm so excited! That's a big one for me, although it may seem small to some.

    In addition to that, I'm proud of myself for not going over my planned calorie deficit even while drinking twice this past weekend, and being in the presence of some pretty tempting treats. The binge beast just wasn't present! I haven't agreed to any social engagements in quite some time - mostly due to depression and the binge shame cycle, which only makes it worse... but this past weekend was jam packed, as was last weekend. I think I'm getting out of the slump and I'm really happy about that.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Yay! Congrats on your streak Crepes!! Not small at all. Really glad you're getting out of that slump :)

    Well I cannot say I'm binge-free this month. But I can say I'm proud I didn't let it boil over into a multi-day binge. I started anew yesterday and a challenge I am in has me focusing on protein intake this week. As a pescetarian, this will call for serious planning. And if I'm planning, I'm not ordering drive-thru. One day down.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    If you ever read Brain over Binge, Katheryn chose to allow herself to binge one she felt she had beat the binge-beast. I chose to do the same thing on Friday evening. I didn't get down on myself, I allowed it to happen. And the shame / guilt wasnt nearly as bad as it used to be. It was a controlled binge, I could have stopped it, the binge did not control me. I purposely took the weekend of from logging foods and counting calories. I dont regret it.

    I will be possibly be running 2 marathons over the next 2 weekends. That means my exercise will be down considerably the next 2 weeks as I save my legs. I know I need to be careful with the diet during this time.

    Best wishes to all. Battle On!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Dennis, I finished that book a couple of weeks ago and am now at 24 days binge free. I keep thinking about how the author did that and am tempted to try but am so afraid it will cause me to end up right where I started. Your experience is interesting.

    Crepes, amazing job! Four days is fantastic. Keep it up!

    WillLift, good work with planning. I'm a vegetarian and find that planning meals around the protein I can get is essential to a) good nutritional intake and b) not bingeing. I factor in a treat or two almost every day and it seems to be working for me. So you eat fish but no chicken, beef, etc.?
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    edited October 2014
    Crepes - Congrats on your four day streak! You can do it :smile:

    Lift4Tats - After a binge, it takes tremendous strength to fight the urge the next day. You managed to do just that, way to go!

    Dennis - I like what you said here: "the binge did not control me". That's really something!

    As for me, I would say simply say that I am proud that I didn't binge so far this month, especially since I wasn't so thrilled with my last weigh in (uncooperative scale = major trigger), and because I'm still going through some tough things at home (again, major trigger).
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    edited October 2014
    WillLift4Tats, great job on not letting that binge go into multiple days. I know how easy it is to let that happen, and now hard it is to make it stop in its tracks. I like your plan for the protein! Do you ever do panko breaded tofu cubes or tofu lasagna? I absolutely LOVE both of those as high protein treats. Deeeelicious.

    Dennis, I'm happy for you! I think it's madness that you're running 2 marathons, though. You're so tough!! Keep us updated on that and make sure to stay safe!

    Pudding, 3 weeks binge free is absolutely amazing. Seriously. You're an inspiration! I'm at day 5 and I'm looking forward to being able to increase that number by a lot more. :)

    BoubouChan, I'm sorry you're having a rough time! I know how stress in your home life can make it very easy to binge - don't give in, though. You've got the power to get past it! As for that scale, chuck it! At least until you get over the slump of tough times at home. Multiple triggers make things harder - try and make it easier for yourself!

    You guys are so awesome. Thanks for celebrating my streak - cause I'm super happy about it!

    I'm very proud that when I ordered pizza for others yesterday, I did not order anything for myself because I had already eaten. When the pizza came, I noticed that I was a little hungry so I logged 2 small breadsticks before taking them and still fell within my planned calorie deficit!

    I'm also proud that I had the opportunity to binge but instead took the time to cook myself a good dinner and then lunch for the following day. I kept myself occupied all while making affordable meals and reminding myself that health isn't the only reason I'm staying good - I want to buy a car and binging is expensive!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    crepes_ wrote: »
    Dennis, I'm happy for you! I think it's madness that you're running 2 marathons, though. You're so tough!! Keep us updated on that and make sure to stay safe!

    Thank You. I'm leaving my options open for this weekend. I will run, but I will only go as far as I feel I can. Next weekend has been my goal race all year and I will finish it if I have to crawl. :smile:

  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    That's so awesome! Update us afterwards, pleeease! Can't wait to hear of your victories.

    I went out to dinner yesterday. I had 2 slices of pizza and was very satisfied. I felt so proud that I could eat 2 slices and stop when I would honestly have gone for a full pie and then dessert previously. I'm also glad that I adamantly requested we eat at the pizza place rather than bring it home or call delivery. I find that when I'm home, I'm much more prone to binges, and when it's delivery, it's even worse since I can tack on a last second decision and then hang up. When I'm out with my husband for dinner, we sit and talk while we eat and it gives me much more time to feel satisfied with my food rather than just sitting there continuously eating. We brought home the remainder of the pie and I immediately put it in the fridge and closed out my diary for the day. :)

    Also, earlier in the day I was home alone and started planning a binge just out of habit. Instead, I texted my anti-binge buddy and she distracted me so well! <3
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    You're doing so well, crepes!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    crepes - I havent had pizza in 2 years because there is no way I could stop at 2 pieces. I would eat pizza until I was sick. Good for you!
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    crepes_ wrote: »
    BoubouChan, I'm sorry you're having a rough time! I know how stress in your home life can make it very easy to binge - don't give in, though. You've got the power to get past it! As for that scale, chuck it! At least until you get over the slump of tough times at home. Multiple triggers make things harder - try and make it easier for yourself!

    You're absolutely right. I need to lay off the scale for a while. It does me no good these days, and in the end we all know that a number doesn't dictate whether we're worthy or not.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I tested a trigger food today (peanut butter) and wanted to binge and resisted. I am eating a restricted diet and it is one of about 30 foods I can tolerate. Restricted diet also sets off cravings and I have not had an urge to binge in the last 12 days until today. New to this group. Appreciate the support.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    toadqueen - Welcome and congrats to you for fighting the urge to binge on a trigger food. :smile: Our brains learn to associate certain foods with binging, and those are some tough patterns to break!

    Today I am proud that I participated in a 10k race for the first time and finished it under my goal time. I did not put that much pressure on myself regarding my time, because I'm still kind of a beginner runner. My first goal was to finish the race and then to do it in a decent (for me) time. I wanted to finish under 65 minutes. My time was 60 minutes and 23 seconds and I felt great afterward. I could've kept running!

    It was an interesting experience. I always run by myself, so being part of an event like that with other runners and people cheering was a completely new feeling.
  • ruralife
    ruralife Posts: 28 Member
    Today I am proud that I managed to reduce the amount of sugar I put in my coffee, yet still enjoy my coffee. I am proud that I staying within my calories even though I went out for dinner. I am proud that although I did order my favourite and high calorie/fat meal, I only ate half of it. Little victories. Right now I am fighting the urge to indulge in a late night binge, which is a frequent occurrence. Thank-you to this group. Reading through it is helping me resist the urge.