Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Dennis, I saw that you changed your pic and was wondering if this was your tattoo, how cool! I love it :) Definitely a great motivator!! As for the midnight cereal, I can only pull from my own experience and say, there's something about being alone and fighting off those demons by yourself. 99.99% of my binges happen once I'm alone. I think it has something to do with releasing that energy (whether it be stress, anxiety, frustration) in a manner that we're used to, but away from the judging eyes of others. What I'm trying to learn to do is release that energy in a positive way - go for a run, angrily clean the kitchen, heck, even rant to my husband about my work stress. Anything. Idk, a little bit of a ramble there, sorry.

    Yes, I got the 26.2 tattoo last friday. Besides the obvious running connection it also marked 26 years and 2 days of being married the day I got it. My wife thought that was ironic.

    I am frustrated with the night eating. I just seem to do it unconsciously. And yes, I am alone at the time, my wife sleeps very soundly. I put all my cereal / oatmeal / bagels in a box and taped it shut the other day, and that helped. I may have to do that everyday for a couple weeks until I break that habit.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Dennis, great job on resisting the doughnuts! It's hard to stop yourself from cereal in the middle of the night, though. You're in a different mindset, still sleepy, more easily influenced, and at a more difficult time for you. Don't be hard on yourself! That's an awesome tattoo, btw.

    Sherambler, what you did for yourself in that negative self-talk is incredibly important. There's nothing more important for your mental health than you learning to love yourself as you are. Your self-appreciation will help motivate you to continue improving. Good job in recognizing how great you can be!

    WillLift4Tats, your pup was probably loving it! Great choices.

    I'm proud of myself because I realized that I cannot control myself if I'm home alone and have access to delivery and have done something to help prevent myself from ordering. I put my credit cards in little plastic envelopes that have letters to myself and the reasons why delivery food is a bad idea (I tend to eat enough for 3). I then took duct tape and taped each entire thing over so it's just a few cardshaped pieces of duct tape. If I want to binge on delivery, which is my go-to, I would have to patiently sit there and carve out my card, all while thinking how ridiculous it is that I'm doing that. Then I'd be met with the letter to myself that I probably won't get past. I carry an allowance cash for emergencies but I prefer to never use it.

    I know it's extreme, but I've been spending about $30 a day on binge food and find that I limit myself from having fun with my personal funds because everything has to be saved for binges. This is a new step in the right direction, I hope!

    Edit: Just saw the comment from Dennis about the tape! Tape helps!
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member

    I'm proud of myself because I realized that I cannot control myself if I'm home alone and have access to delivery and have done something to help prevent myself from ordering. I put my credit cards in little plastic envelopes that have letters to myself and the reasons why delivery food is a bad idea (I tend to eat enough for 3). I then took duct tape and taped each entire thing over so it's just a few cardshaped pieces of duct tape. If I want to binge on delivery, which is my go-to, I would have to patiently sit there and carve out my card, all while thinking how ridiculous it is that I'm doing that. Then I'd be met with the letter to myself that I probably won't get past. I carry an allowance cash for emergencies but I prefer to never use it.

    I know it's extreme, but I've been spending about $30 a day on binge food and find that I limit myself from having fun with my personal funds because everything has to be saved for binges. This is a new step in the right direction, I hope!

    Edit: Just saw the comment from Dennis about the tape! Tape helps!

    I love this comment about taping the credit cards. I'm glad I'm not the only one going to such extremes. Yes, I am taping a plastic storage box. But you gave me an idea - add a letter to myself inside the box.

    Seriously - I was looking for a box I could put a keylock on, and give my wife the key to hide.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    Dennis and Crepes - I've also used that method! Actually, I even bought a little gadget a couple months ago called the "Kitchen Safe" that takes it to another level... haha. It's a box with a lock and a timer on it, so if I feel vulnerable, but still think clearly enough, I'll put certain food items or my credit and debit cards in there and set the timer for any number of hours. There's no way to open it once the countdown starts. It was a bit expensive, but I thought the idea was great! Anyway, if you guys are interested, the website is Not affiliated!

    Today I'm proud of myself because last night I was alone and started overdoing it on some sweets. I stopped before it got too bad and went for a walk.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Dennis and Crepes - I've also used that method! Actually, I even bought a little gadget a couple months ago called the "Kitchen Safe" that takes it to another level... haha. It's a box with a lock and a timer on it, so if I feel vulnerable, but still think clearly enough, I'll put certain food items or my credit and debit cards in there and set the timer for any number of hours. There's no way to open it once the countdown starts. It was a bit expensive, but I thought the idea was great! Anyway, if you guys are interested, the website is Not affiliated!

    What a brilliant idea. I'm checking the website out. Thank You.

    Last night, I put my night snacking foods in our dog cage, and put a keylock on it. I then took my dog out while the wife hid the key in the house. It worked!
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Crepes, I totally know what you mean about spending too much on binge food. Money was tight at the end of the month and I'm ashamed to say, it was completely because of me and my binge-fests. I think I might have to try your letter method. It's not so much the at-home food I'm having trouble with right now, it's definitely stuff I drive out to get. Maybe I need to lock away my car key...

    BoubouChan, good for you for stopping! That can be so hard to do. Congrats! I've seen that Kitchen Safe thing too, it's a great idea. Although my husband might not think as highly of it lol

    Dennis, nice plan! It's so nice that your wife is so supportive of you and can help you fight those battles. Do you get the key back in the morning or how does that work? I'm just gathering ideas.

    Today I'm proud of myself for allowing myself a treat and a little bit of a rest day yesterday. I kind of get gung-ho when a new month starts up, and decide I want to do "all the things!". Inevitably, I can't because, well, time, energy, and whatever. So I'm proud that I didn't do everything I had planned, but still did a little something. It shows me that every day doesn't have to be 1,000% percent to still be a good day. I can make progress with a little every day.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Dennis, nice plan! It's so nice that your wife is so supportive of you and can help you fight those battles. Do you get the key back in the morning or how does that work? I'm just gathering ideas.

    My wife & I get ready and leave for work at the same time. So while I was in the shower, she unlocked the cage. And I just ordered a dog cage from Amazon relatively cheap. It will be here on Saturday. That way I have a way to lock up the cereals every night, and I dont take my dogs bed :) I'm just desperate to defeat this.

    And yes, she has been wonderful. Once I was put off work and put on disability, she stepped in and has been so supportive. I made not have made it without her.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Dennis and Crepes - I've also used that method! Actually, I even bought a little gadget a couple months ago called the "Kitchen Safe" that takes it to another level... haha. It's a box with a lock and a timer on it, so if I feel vulnerable, but still think clearly enough, I'll put certain food items or my credit and debit cards in there and set the timer for any number of hours. There's no way to open it once the countdown starts. It was a bit expensive, but I thought the idea was great! Anyway, if you guys are interested, the website is Not affiliated!

    Thank you for sharing that!! I love the idea. I'm browsing through the website right now!

    Today I'm proud of myself for packing a work lunch despite being tired and not having many options. The taped-up credit cards seem to be holding! I had no temptation yesterday, because in my mind, I had no money. It was either packing a lunch or not eating. It's so satisfying to transfer that would-be-binge money into a savings account. I want to buy a car, but with a ridiculously expensive binging habit, that's been hard! Now I'm seeing the numbers add up and I'm so happy about it!

    I did weigh myself and found that I gained 29 lbs since March, when my binging went out of control. I'm proud of myself for not crying, firstly. I'm also proud of myself for not making myself feel 29x less valuable because a number on the scale does not control me. I'm proud that I am still focusing on my eating habits and trying to improve myself, not because I want to weigh less, but because I want to feel more like myself. Depression has been terrible, but I think I'm nearly at the finish line of this bout.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    I'm proud that I am still focusing on my eating habits and trying to improve myself, not because I want to weigh less, but because I want to feel more like myself.
    That's a wonderful attitude Crepes. Great job with pre-packing your lunch too. :)

    Today I'm proud of myself for really focusing on my activity this week. When I do that, I feel great. Let's hope I can continue that into the weekend, despite being out of town PLUS being with family, which can be stressful in and of itself.

    Hope ya'll have a fantastic weekend. Do something fun! The weather is changing and autumn is right around the corner :) Take advantage and report back Monday! :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Have fun WillLift! Working out while our of town is always hard but you can do it!

    I hit two weeks binge free yesterday :)
  • shortly2Bthin
    Today I'm proud of myself for:

    tracking all of my calories;
    exercising even though I really didn't feel like it;
    doing housework on a Sunday;
    being nice and not getting grumpy even though I'm feeling depressed!
  • AdieEve
    AdieEve Posts: 87 Member
    ...not giving in to the binge.

    I have a 2-year-old and 5-month-old. Most days (like today) I am left to take care of the children by myself. It has been a particularly stressful day full of screaming (from both the kids and, I'm not proud to say, myself). I've been struggling with postpartum depression, and while I've taken many steps to control it (medication, counseling, exercise, and eating well), some days are better than others.

    About twenty minutes ago I was prepared to load the kids into the van, hit up several drive-thrus, and binge in the car in some parking lot. I woukd then get rid of the evidence so my fiance would be none-the-wiser upon returning home tonight.

    Instead, I texted him telling him my intentions so that he would know what I had done if I followed through. Then I went into the kitchen, popped a bag of broccoli in the microwave, and filled myself with vegetables. After logging the calories, I searched for this support group. I'm so thankful that it exists.

    I beat The Binge, if only for today, if only for this hour.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    No night snacking at all last night!

    Also, got my 20 mile training run in yesterday.
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    I beat The Binge, if only for today, if only for this hour.

    This is exactly how it's done. It's a long struggle, but we have to take it day by day, and if not that, take it hour by hour. Heck, even minute by minute. As long as you're focusing on keeping yourself on your plan and staying healthy, anything goes! Good for you, AdieEve!!

    Pudding, that's so great! Congrats on 2 full weeks!
    Dennis, very nice job! I know how hard that can be. The snacking, not the running. I can't even fathom that. You're awesome!
    2B, great work! Every little thing adds up.

    Today I'm proud of myself for improvising another work lunch instead of ending up ripping open my credit cards from their tape prisons to binge on whatever!

    Edit: Adding on that I'm proud that I had 2 co-workers birthdays with doughnuts, chips, cake, and soda. I had 2 doughnut holes and some chips in the area of 200~ calories total. I'm saving my lunch for later in the day when I get hungry again. I ate like a normal person!
  • shortly2Bthin
    Wow! So many people doing so well. :smile:

    Today I am proud of myself for taking my morning walk even though it was raining and I didn't want to do it.

    I am also proud that I was able to enjoy a dessert and stop. I have implemented a new procedure to stop the binge that seems to be working well. Nothing is foolproof, but I'll take what good results I can get.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    No night snacking at all last night!

    Also, got my 20 mile training run in yesterday.

    Marathon training is so impressive to me! My first ever official race, a 10k, is two weeks from now. I ran 8.4k this morning. That's only 5.2 miles and it still felt kind of long! lol Way to go on the no snacking at night, that's the toughest part of the day indeed!

    shortly2Bthin - Good for you, stoping after your dessert. Finding that balance is key.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Pudding, two weeks!!! *throws confetti* Happy for you :)

    Shortly2Bthin, great successes! Sounds like a productive Sunday you can be proud of, and your week is starting off fantastic! Heck yes, when you find something that works, you run with it!! May I ask, what is working for you?

    AddieEve, that's AMAZING :) I'm really happy for your win against the binge. It can be so hard to overcome, especially when overwhelmed with frustration and stress. And you're right, if only for this moment, you have won. Crepes is right. That's exactly how it's done, moment by moment. :) HUGE hugs for you.

    Dennis, I saw your update earlier but had yet to comment, I'm so so happy for you and your continued success!! You're doing great, and your planning has obviously helped a lot :)

    BoubouChan, I'm impressed! The most I've "run" (use that term lightly lol) was way less than 5 miles. You're almost to 10k!!

    Crepes, I wanted to save you for last because I had actually read your Proud Moment earlier before lunch and it inspired me to do better for MY lunch today. So congratulations on a great 'normal person' eating day, and THANK YOU for helping me today <3

    I'm proud of myself for saying no to the fast-food-devil on my shoulder, and saying yes to re-vamping some leftovers that was way more nutritious than my original desire. I'm glad I could defeat that at least one more day.

    I'm loving everyone's updates. You're all doing so well and inspire me to do better. Thank you so much for participating and sharing your successes <3
  • Summerfit321
    Summerfit321 Posts: 142 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for enjoying something which wasn't food related at all. :-) It is the first time I have done this in a long time.
  • shortly2Bthin
    Thanks for the good words, WillLift4Tats. What's been working for me is setting a timer. When I feel a binge hit, I indulge it up to 150 - 200 calories, then set a timer for 20 minutes and do something distracting. When the timer goes off, if I still need to satiate, I allow another 100 calories. I repeat this until I've done it up to 4 times, then if I haven't already stopped, I stop there. If I'm in the middle of a binge I do it 2 times. It doesn't always work because that's just the nature of the beast, it takes over control. But I'm fighting back for control and I'm winning enough to make a difference. Little victories.
  • traci9028
    traci9028 Posts: 104 Member
    I haven't written for a few weeks but am really inspired by how great everyone is doing in the past week. I have really given in to a lot since I got a cold a couple days ago. WillLift4Tats, you are awesome at inspiring everyone! I love the workout you have with your pup where you run to the river, swim, then jog back. I think that would be so refreshing and be able to work off a lot of stress.

    I really love the idea of the lockbox and the timer. I used to take medication for sleeplessness and would get horrible night cravings. Actually, I would get up the next morning and not remember what I did the night before. That was a horrible feeling; totally erasing my memory of what I did. My poor daughter would find all her school snacks gone. We resorted to taping the cupboards shut and that would at least hold me a little accountable. I can't blame it all on the medication because even after getting off it, I still snack at night; nighttime is the worst for my cravings. I really like the ideas of everyone I heard and can relate to all of their struggles.

    I am proud of myself today because I bought a candy bar about six hours ago and still haven't eaten it. I may later tonight but I'm taking this in small steps. If I can resist for a little while, why not a little while longer?