Today I'm proud of myself for....



  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Dennis, I am wildly impressed with your marathon schedule, but I'm glad you're getting a good break in between now! Strength training is so fun to me too. Do you follow a specific program? I am about to terminate my gym membership and will only have my home-weights so I'm kinda looking for something new to try.

    Actually no schedule for lifting. It was my first venture to the other side of the gym :) I'm just gonna have to figure out a routine!

    Something new to try ? Have you thought about insanity or p90x? Know several friends that do those from home and they are really fit.

  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    edited November 2014
    BoubouChan, great to hear of your 6k run! I agree, winter is coming and I can already feel my bones saying 'noooo, we don't want to run' lol But it can feel so good with the brisk wind against your face.

    Hehe I'm not so sure about the wind, but I do like crisp autumn air. To me, the ideal temperature to run is anywhere between 0 and 10 degrees (32-50F), so fairly cool. However, I never dared to run in the dead of winter, when temperatures here average at -15 or -20 (google says that's 5F to -4F) and sometimes drop lower. And that's not taking into consideration the crazy winds! Last year was especially bad, with the "polar vortex" and all. Unfortunately, I don't enjoy the treadmill much. :\
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    There's so many to comment on since I've last been here, but wow. You are all doing so well! I love all the fitness related things. I think running races is amazing - I hope that I'll be able to do that someday in the future.

    I'm proud of myself for having a 3 day binge-free streak! Longest in quite some time, as I'd been binging pretty badly daily for a while. I had a pretty bad cardiologist appointment that, quite frankly, scared the heck out of me and knocked me right off the binge train. It's like I finally regained control over myself and it feels wonderful. I'm hoping this is long-term success and that I'll be able to repair some of the damage I've done to myself.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    That's awesome, Crepes! A 3 day binge-free streak is something to be proud of. And I think after that it gets easier.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Crepes, SO glad to hear you are on a b-free streak!!

    I had a notsogood weekend which ended in an ugly binge Sunday. Yesterday I didn't make it to my calorie goal, but it was naturally occurring and I'm kind of glad I didn't forcefully over-restrict, my body just didn't want all that much after what I did the day before. So for that, I am a little proud. Over-restricting just leads me deeper into the cycle.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    My biopsy came back benign, and I started my Spring marathon running program yesterday. 7 miles of TM incline work on Tuesday and 7 miles at my goal marathon pace tonight. Hope to stay healthy & strong and hit it harder then ever.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    That's great Dennis! So glad to hear :) And great job on the goal pace!

    Today I'm proud of myself for having a well-balanced diet yesterday. I wasn't able to work out like I had hoped, but I won't beat myself up over it, as winning the food battle was enough to help me feel like I'm getting back on the right track again. Hoping to have another good day today.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Tats - It does seem to make a big difference each day we can win the battle against food.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    Today I took 1st place in my Age Group in a 5K race. The prize was a pumpkin pie. I did not eat any pie :)
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Dennis, amazing work on both fronts! Congrats :)
  • crepes_
    crepes_ Posts: 583 Member
    Dennis, that's great news for both! You're doing super well.

    Today I'm proud of myself for packing breakfast and lunch for work. I will not be purchasing any food today whatsoever. That's always my downfall and I need to fix that cause my poor wallet can't handle it anymore.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    Congrats, Dennis! That's fantastic!
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Whoo hoo crepes!
  • MadDogManor
    MadDogManor Posts: 1,452 Member
    edited November 2014
    Love to see this thread - I'm always inspired when I catch up on reading it!

    Today I'm proud of myself for getting back to the gym, and actually doing something. I've lapsed off on the exercise, and can totally feel the jigglies returning, lol
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    Dennis, great job on the 5k and resisting the prize! You are beastly dude.

    Crepes, nice job packing your meals! That seems to help so many people, I definitely need to set aside time to do this myself. You're right, the problem is two-fold: the food you buy, AND the money spent. Great tip.

    MadDog, way to go! Another gym sesh today? I just cancelled my gym membership unfortunately, but I *can work out at home. *can, but haven't :/

    I need to get back to a good schedule. I haven't been working out. I've had too many recent binges and I can't keep letting them happen. Today I am not proud of myself for much of anything. But I'm determined to be proud by the end of the day.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    I need to get back to a good schedule. I haven't been working out. I've had too many recent binges and I can't keep letting them happen. Today I am not proud of myself for much of anything. But I'm determined to be proud by the end of the day.

    Do you have an accountability partner for exercise or working out? Someone who will check in with you and ensure you got your workouts done? I know if I don't run, the lack of endorphin's cause significant depression. So my wife will let me take 1 day off, but she encourages me to run when depression hits hard.

    I don't binge too often anymore, but I do get seriously depressed when I succumb to night eating, or after a couple days of restricting to the same veggie - oatmeal - protein shake diet. Then I will just want to lay around, or even nap. So then my wife starts with the positive reinforcement to get me up and exercising.

    So just a thought - seek that positive & encouraging accountability ? That way there is someone there to help you rebound from a binge and keep you from staying away from the gym.
  • GoPerfectHealth
    GoPerfectHealth Posts: 254 Member
    Dennis4766 wrote: »
    Checking to see if image upload works. I talked about my "locked cage" idea.

    With my eating disorder, I primarily eat only a few select foods, normally (but not always) veggies, oatmeal, protein powders, eggs and some fruits. But when I snack at night, I might also eat cereals or peanut butter if they are in the kitchen / pantry. So here, I put the cereals, oatmeal, protein powders, bagels, peanut butter, etc in a dog travel cage I purchased for under $30 and I lock the cage door. My wife then slips the key into her pillow case over night.


    Dennis, it's awesome that you go to those lengths to control your eating. Whatever it takes! One's health is the most important thing!
  • Summerfit321
    Summerfit321 Posts: 142 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for reminding myself that I cannot please everybody all the time, that life won't go all my way all the time, and that no matter what, I should love myself... I keep trying :-)
  • olivebeanhealthy
    olivebeanhealthy Posts: 127 Member
    Today I'm proud of myself for joining this group. Even though it's fairly anonymous, I still feel vulnerable. I'm also proud of myself for not giving up. I intend to stick within my calorie budget today.

    One. day. at. a. time.
  • BoubouChan
    BoubouChan Posts: 163 Member
    edited November 2014
    Today I am proud of myself for being more detached from certain foods. At the same time I stopped counting calories, I began working toward letting go of the notion of food being "bad" or "good". And perhaps because of that, certain not so healthy foods seem to have lost a bit of their appeal. Yesterday I went to a gourmet food shop, and they had all these fancy, delicious looking French and Italian sweets. I entered the store thinking "If something really catches my eye, I'll get it. No biggie". As I was browsing, I realized I wasn't in the mood for any of it. I just thought "This looks really good, but I don't feel like it today. I'll come back when I want to try it". I didn't feel super scared that I would binge on these foods if I were to buy them, I just wasn't that interested.

    Also, I beat my PR on the 10k distance :D