General Discussion :D



  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    you can do it SMFRN! I think a big thing, at least with me, is being aware if things start to slide..catching it before it turns into a full out downslide! you can do it!

    Did killer abs 2 yesterday and my cardio kickbox this morning..I put ALOT of "umph" into the squat moves and Im feeling weekend was super busy outside cleaning up and clipping sheep for our show in 2 weeks... Even messed around on my wonderful pony (see my new profile pic)...We've had some hectic adventures the past few weeks moving our cattle to wheat pasture and rounding up the neighbor's cows who got out at 10PM, so some quiet ride time was nice!

    I dont think I drank enough water all weekend and it was HOT... had a dog agility dinner saturday night and had a small serving of dessert (dirt cake!). Ive been hovering in the 118 range..was 120 this morning..

    Im do you determine what is your "true" weight? Im assuming the 118 is mine..only because Ive hovered there..I KNOW I didnt eat 6000 plus calories over! so its just the water weight...

    I found a neat website that talks about your body type,,not your shape..but type..Ill share the link, let me find it..but it was very eye re-iterates that you cant change your body can be the fitest you can personally be..if you arent built like Kate Moss, for example, you will never LOOK like her.

    It was a boost for me..Ive been trying for some unattainable shape that I will never be..Im not a 5'11 model..Im a 5'2 hourglass..period, end of story. doesnt mean Im any less sexy or perfect then them..My husband thinks Im nuts..sometimes I wish he'd be abit more supportive of this stuff....but I wanted to share with my fellow ladies..I know yall with appreciate my ephifiany. :)

    I have a doc appt thursday..going to have a WHOLE bloodworkup done..Im afraid my hormones are wacky..I have days where I am VERY down..almost post partum down..and then days where Im extremly happy..Ive also been having hot/cold flashes..I hope Im not going thru early menopause..:(..going to see about, while there, getting my BF% measured too! We dont have a Bod Pod up here, itll be old fashioned caliphers..but I really want it professionally done!

    Hope everyone has a killer day!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    here is that website
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Still here plugging away at 6week 6pack. Week 3 - I only did 4 workouts last week so I am trying for 6 this week. That means I can't skip a day. : ( . I decided not to weigh myself this morning... I will do it later in the week. I feel good so I didn't want to ruin it LOL.
    I am still working on added protein without going over in fat...I keeping calories in range and try to keep my veggies up too, This is proving to be a little bit of a challenge but I am working toward it. I find that I will have to add a protein shake or protein bar (meaning a processed food Yikes) to my diet. but I am a work in progress.....

    Have a happy scale day!!!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    lobster, I really like my protein powder and the QUEST bars..I know they are processed..a little voice in the back of my head would chastize me at first..but its helped. I mix the powder with milk, bananna and ice in the AM (and sometimes some berries) and make a yummy smoothie.

    I am going to go to weighing once a week..I find I am stepping on the scale every timeIm in the restroom..its not healthy!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    TxRanchGirl, I am trying the protein powder with water, (don't like milk) or coconut almond milk. I will use a frozen banana or berries and once in a while a tablespoon of peanut butter. I been trying different protein bars. Right now I am trying Luna protein.

    I am working very hard on self-image. Trying not to have the "fat ugly days" I have never heard a guy say he feel fat/puffy or whatever...why is it us girls? I am older now (mature-I hate that word too) and I am healthy. (for my age - I hate that too) I am working on being healthy and fit... trying not to let the number on the scale rule me... especially when the number is not bad.
    SMFRN Posts: 108 Member
    I have been only weighing myself once a week usually on a Saturday. I don't weigh myself on Monday because it reminds me of how bad I ate on the weekend.

    I use my protein powder in my oatmeal or in my yogurt. I love quest bars, but they are so expensive. I only eat them when I get so hungry I feel sick. I've been trying to make my own protein bars. That way I know what goes in them and cheaper!

    I am trying to do C25K. Its hard to find time for that with a full time job and family but I am going to make it. Otherwise, I have been doing a lot of videos from Fitness Blender. Love them! So many different kinds to choose from.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend.
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Hello and Happy Friday!

    lobster - Interesting observation about men not usually complaining about how they look, so true!

    smfrn - I too only weigh on Saturday, and not even every Saturday at that!

    I mix my protein powder with water and Amazing Grass (powdered greens) and sometimes some PB2. Tried it with oatmeal and it came out like wallpaper glue, not doing that again! I also made some homemade protein bars, but my family ate most of them before I had the chance to try them, so good recipe, but clearly need to hide the better! Had a bit of a light workout week, but kept to the lifting which, for me, is the most important part.

    Have a great weekend!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I found the fitness blender..but I got bored with no music..think Im used to music and someone yelling at me..LOL

    Rest day today..I had alot of blood taken yesterday for every test under the decided to chill today. Hoping they figure out why Im so damn tired and why I am having such irratic mood swings.

    Going to go buy JM's Kickbox video today..we have no internet at the cabin we are staying at next week, so if I want my cardio fix, I need my video!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Protein powders - Someone had suggested that I mix it in with my oatmeal and I don't know what happened but jmht345 description of wallpaper glue sounds pretty accurate to me...LOL I am never doing that again!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    eww! LOL
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hello everyone, so I started level 2 for 6week 6pack. I think there is something wrong with me..... I am all of a sudden not coordinated. The moves are very different for me ---a lot of twisting - which I almost fall over. I thought my balance was getting better, but after three days I am convinced there is something wrong with me. LOL I found the moves awkward..... but I am pushing forward.... I will do this. On a good note I am sore in all the right places and I can seek my abs trying to peek out. : )

    So how is everyone else doing?

    Have a happy scale day!!!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Lobster - I admire you sticking with it in spite of the awkwardness, I am horribly uncoordinated, so perhaps 6w6p should stay on the shelf at my house! Glad to hear that you're already seeing results!

    AFM - More of the same this week. Since I'm so close to my goal, I'm focusing a lot on lifting so that I can get the body I want, the scale really means nothing to me at this point, which I think drives my weight loss group crazy! Starting to try some strength training with resistance bands since I'll be headed off on a vacation and don't want to lose the gains I've made.
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So today is week 5 of 6week 6 pack and week two of level 2 --- finding some improvement in my coordination -- so it must be working. Wasn't too bad with the holiday weekend so feeling pretty good this morning!

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Got in my cardio kickbox friday AM on vacation..but didnt have time SAt, Sun or this morning. but did lots of walking and swimming while on vacay and didnt eat "to bad"..had afew beers and afew sweet treats..but tried to eat healthy for my main meals. I also got my I am avoiding the scale this entire week..the holiday, combined with TOM..Im sure its not purty..and it will simply make me I will get back to normal this week, take my waterpills, guzzle water and eat good.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi Ladies :smile:

    So after a slightly longer absence than i wanted I am back and properly motivated to continue to the next phase of my health and fitness. I had the *best* holiday and i think that was part of the problem! I was very lucky and most of the holiday was paid for by my parents as my 40th present and coming back from such an amazing time I definitely got the post holiday blues knowing that we can't afford that kind of holiday again :sad: And then i get cross with myself because i know i am pretty lucky to have everything we have and shouldn't complain - *sigh*

    Healthwise the holiday was the easy part - we walked an average of 6 miles a day round the parks and didn't really get a chance to have lunch (just some fruit or cereal bar) so even though i ate what i wanted i didn't gain a single pound! And having so much fun stuff to do every minute meant i really wasn't thinking about food that much - yay! Sadly since we got home it has all gone downhill, blues + obsessing again = bad choices. I downloaded and started Fitness Blender's 8 week plan (number 4) but i didn't enjoy the workouts (there was only one with weights) so gave up :sad: As a result in the two weeks post holiday i have gained 4lbs and lost the definition i worked so hard for, particularly in my abs :cry:

    Still ... as of yesterday i am taking responsibility for my choices and have started this week well with good food choices and back to the FB workouts i was doing before that i enjoyed. I also re-visited Jillian yesterday with RI30 L1 :smile: Still don't know what to do to stop obsessing though - any ideas greatly appreciated :smile:

    So fingers crossed i can get back to the happy place i was in before the holiday. I do seem to work better to a goal so my new goal is 25% bf by Christmas. Currently at 30% (according to my scale and i guess as long as i continue to measure by the same device it will be ok) so i think that is do-able.

    Sorry for the general reply to everyone, but hope you are all continuing to do well with your plans, TX i really hope you get some answers from your bloodtests :smile:

    Looking forward to continuing this journey together, hope you all have a happy healthy day and thanks for reading my very *me* post!

    Di :happy:
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    Welcome Back Di! Glad your trip was so much fun! I love your new goal, measurable and on a timeline, I'm sure you'll get there!

    Lobster- How goes 6w6p?

    TX - Sounds like you made good decisions, hope the scale is kind whenever you decide to weigh again.

    AFM - Holiday weekend wasn't a train wreck eating-wise, but other than continuing to lift regularly, I haven't really done any cardio this month. In an effort to motivate myself to do more cardio (and to accommodate my upcoming travel plans), I switched up from TDEE to NEAT. The new (lower) daily goal was a shocker, but I did some extra cardio after my lifting today and now it doesn't seem so bad!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    I did a sneak peek back down to 119..darn you water weight!!!
    I am loving my kickbox fast fix!really big stress relief! its 20 minutes and then I do 5 extra minutes of jumping jacks, jump rope, and head bangers
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    I am still here --- I "was" doing 6 week 6 pack and should be on my last week...But I woke up Saturday with shoulder pain that radiated all over... terrible. I have no idea what I did, but I have been resting it and only doing walking. It's better but I may give it another day before I start back with 6w6p only because there is a lot of twisting and some weights involved. I was seeing improvement and results and do not want to quit --- I planned on doing killer abs right I may just slow it down a bit.

    Feeling good except for shoulder pain. My weight is right in the middle of my range, so I am happy with that. Doing well with healthy eating (with added protein) and my water take is back up where it should be.

    Hope everyone is doing great too.

    DLD53 - welcome back!!!
  • jmht345
    jmht345 Posts: 189 Member
    lobster - Hope the shoulder continues to feel better!

    I've decided to give my mom four of my JM DVDs. She's been trying to get in shape for months without much success, so I think she could benefit from 30DS, BFBM, NMTZ and RI30 (which I hated, but maybe she'll love it). I used JM as a kickstarter and then moved on to other exercises and heavier lifting. Here's hoping JM works her magic for my mom the way she did for me!

    I've pretty much stopped weighing myself, even though I'm technically 10 pounds from my goal. I really wish MFP had a way to track goal body fat and not just weight. A lot of my clothes fit looser now than they did when I was 135 previously. I'll take the higher number and smaller body though! As I like to remind myself, how much I weigh is between me and my doctor, how I look in a swimsuit is between me and the world!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    So..Ive got a question.

    I am hovering in the 119-122 range. I upped my calories from 1400 to 1700 (before exercise) afew weeks ago..because I was so tired. Before that I was in the 116-117 range. so Ive gained some weight...:(

    interestingly, I have lost 1/2" off my waist though. I know the scale is evil and not always an accurate potrayal of your health...but I really dont like the "creep"...I was not healthy at 108..but was happy below 120..the gradual creep up is scaring me. :(