General Discussion :D



  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hey Everyone, back to my 6week 6pack after taking a week off for my shoulder to recover. Feeling better and did day 2 of my week 6. Because of my shoulder injury I have been thinking of purchasing one of those compression shirts to workout in. I know that they are not made to prevent injury but I read that some users have reported less injury. Anyone have an opinion?

    TXRanchgirl ---- I completely understand. I hate the creep too and I am stuck on a number that I like to be at. I did the same thing ..when ever I increase my calories I seem to gain. So it would seem my maintenance calories are about 1400 average --- I may be a little higher on weekends. But if I increase I gain....everyone says I am not eating enough but I think I am convinced that is where I should be. I am older (50) and I have hypothyroidism and post menopause so I have a few things against me. I will add that I eat very clean and healthy most of the time. I have played around with increased protein which has help me not feel tired but at the same calories. I am not hungry and don't really consider myself on a diet. I just eat good food and exercise regular.

    But I too hate the creep - it will depress me all day if that scale shows a steady gain.....Why are we (women in general) so hooked on a number....

    You look great by the way--very fit and your abs are amazing!!!

    Hope everyone is doing great!
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    Lobster, heck, I like the compression Id buy it and just see if it helped!

    yep, I think we all have to find what # works for US! While MFP has me at 1700..I usually hit 1400..and Im OK with works for me.

    Have decided to try dairy free for abit..on day 4 and Im back on the lower end of my range..interesting to see if this drops me back into the 116-117..Im not expecting it..but it would be nice if it did.

    Ive been going through cardio kickbox and been doing week three of thirty day shred..along with killer abs..just kinda alternate..even go home on my lunch hour sometimes to do it! so feeling pretty good..

    Thanks for the compliments..theres skin..or fat..there still..know itll come off or shrink back up evetually..
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Ladies,

    Sorry for the re-appear/disappear, been a crazy busy week as we wound up to finish school (i'm a teacher) but today the 5 and a half week holiday starts - hoorah!

    Sarah - I'm so sorry you have having such a hard time at the moment, I really wish there was something useful i could say to help! Do you find the number on the scale is what is really important to you? I mean if you felt as good as you do when you're in your happy 116-117 range, but you were actually 125 for example would that bother you? I am just wondering if you could concentrate purely on what is most important to you, it might help? I really hope the no dairy works well for you, i had to go dairy free after both my babes were born (due to breast feeding issues) and found it really hard! But then i love greek yog and berries and found it so hard to give up ;) I agree with you about the 'creep' though, it is very hard not to panic when the scale keeps creeping up and you've spent so much time and effort trying to keep it down! Totally agree with Lobster though - you do look fabulous, i'd love to have your abs :D

    Lobster - so sorry about your shoulder, injuries suck! I have never heard of a compression shirt! I will google it later :smile: but i hope if you do get one it really helps! Great that you are back to 6w6p - how are you finding the results? I always feel bad if i'm not doing a specific ab exercise even though i know many other weight training exercises target abs! Are you still eating the increased protein? If you don't mind me asking how much in grams do you eat - do you use the 1g per 1lb of lean muscle thing?

    Jmht - I think that's a great idea to give Jillian to your mom, I really hope she has excellent results with it. Are you following any particular program with your lifting? I too wish MFP would give us a way to track BF%, I try so hard not to focus on the scale number yet still get happy when it's low and sad when it is higher! Absolutely love your comment about the weight between you and the doctor and swimsuit you and the world - I may have to steal that and use it as my new mantra! :wink:

    Going well here, as i mentioned it is the beginning of the holidays for me so i'm hoping to get a few extra workouts in if the children will let me! Food is going well, back on track and am eating mostly salads re-created from my favourite restaurants on holiday. Current fave is a grilled pear, feta and walnut combo - yum! Exercise wise i'm back to focusing on total body strength instead of upper one day and lower the next - hoping for more of an after burn! No science to it, just me hoping! I have added one HIIT workout to my schedule though ( I really don't like HIIT!) And in good hydration news I have discovered that i like green tea as long as it has some milk in it! (it looks awful, like really watery hot milk but tastes fine) and i'm having about 4 mugs a day which i think counts towards my 'water' intake right? I hope so because i'm so very bad at drinking!

    Wishing you all a very happy, healthy Wednesday, Di :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    grilled pear! that sounds YUMMY! We got a new grill and I keep seeing recipes that use it tastes great..and coupled with walnuts..what a great meal!

    I keep telling myself that..that while there is some creep..I still feel lean..muscle weighs more then fat,ect,ect. I dont feel like Ive gained alot of weight..although my boobs seem bigger then before..not a bad thing.

    Ive been doing good sans dairy still..think Ive finally got my morning food worked out..tried an egg yesterday AM..but it was to much..this morning did some unsweet cocoa powder, a bananna, strawberries, ice, some sugar free strawberry preserves, some almonds and some Kashi go lean cereal...going to calculate calories on it..but it tasted pretty good!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    That's great that you are finding things that work for you the one you had today a blended drink? Sounds delish! Also good that you can still see how lean you are, really hope you will find the right thing for you very soon. The non-dairy seems to be going well, are you going to continue it indefinitely?

    AFM - well something i ate yesterday definitely didn't agree with me in a big way. A whole night of sickness, fever, chills and aches like i've never felt before :( Feeling very delicate today and can't face anything other than ice-water which i am trying hard not to overdo! Silver lining is that i'm my lowest weight ever this morning of 128lbs! Absolutely not the best way to lose weight though! Going to take it easy next couple of days, maybe yoga tomorrow, see how i feel. Hate not doing my workouts though :(

    Hope you are all having a great day, Di :happy:
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Good Morning all - my last day of 6week 6pack is tomorrow. I can definitely see a difference. I will switch the dvds around a bit for the next 4 weeks. I will mix in extreme shred and ripped in 30 and killer abs. I leave for the beach on 8-28... YIPES!!!

    DLD - I have bee trying to aim for about 1 gm per 1 pound of lean body weight. (not sure what my lean body weight is but I another calculation is about .75 of total weight. Which would be about the same if my body fat % is about 25% ??? My body fat scale ranges between .23 (the lowest ever and .30 (my highest ever) so I am aiming for that and it takes a lot to get to it. I was barely getting 30 - 40 grams of protein on a average. I just never paid attention and I was eating like a vegetarian, I had given up most meats and chicken. But now I average closer to 70 - 80 grams. So it has made a difference.

    Hope you are feeling better...

    Hope everyone is having a happy healthy day!!!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Morning Everyone :)

    Lobster - that's great, well done to you for finishing the 6w6p - great that you can see a difference, i'm sure you will rock your swimwear on your beach holiday, where are you going? Thanks for the info on your protein intake, that's pretty much what i'm doing, my lbm is about 90lbs so i'm trying to get 90g of protein in per day and letting the rest of the macros fall where they may (within calories). Thanks for the kind thoughts, i'm feeling a bit better today thank you, still delicate and tired but the sickness feelings are much less frequent!

    Here's to a happy Healthy Friday to you all :smile: Di
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    glad youre feeling better DLD! being sick is for the birds..or at least feeling sick anyway...and congrats on hitting 128!!!

    Lobster, congrats on completing 6W6P! the mix up your describe sounds like me! I tried to do ripped the other day, but I didnt like it..I think doing it for so long burned me out!! still love my cardio kickbox and the killer abs..and alternating my level 3 shred..:)

    it is going well..I had to exert some serious willpower yesterday at the german market..they had cheese fave! but I did it..going well though..think I will keep at it for abit...see if it helps.

    this my moods are actually directly related to my cycle..seems day 14-20 of your cycle seems to be the biggest swings for most women..and thats when I have my biggest it may be something totally out of my control anyway//:(

    Hope everyone has a great great day!
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Thanks for the congrats :D Not the easiest way to get there, but i'll take it :wink: Really glad the no dairy is working for you, got to say though i've never heard of cheese curds! I'll have to google it ;) Also great that you think you might have identified what is causing your mood swings - at least now you can keep an eye on how you're feeling from cycle day 14-20 and then maybe the docs can help with the hormones? Fingers crossed it is the beginning of some answers for you :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    or my husband may pay for a beachhouse for those 2-3 days I go almost bi-polar..either way its a win win for me..LOL

    Cheese curds are wonderful..yummy, soft, slightly salty dairy husband did think of me when he got his summer sausage..he got some without sweet...;)

    We dropped off a lamb to be processed at the market and then made a trip in their store..I also picked up some Apple Pecan salad dressing and some mesquite chicken rub to try.
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    or my husband may pay for a beachhouse for those 2-3 days I go almost bi-polar..either way its a win win for me..LOL

    :laugh: Love this! Definitely do that, in fact i think we should all do that!

    If i see any cheese curds this side of the pond i'll give them a try, they kind of sound like Feta in my head, is that anywhere near close? That is really sweet of Hubby to have his meat cheese-less in solidarity and that apple pecan (one of my favourite flavours) salad dressing sounds delicious :smile:

    Hope you are all having a great weekend :happy: Di
  • DLD53
    DLD53 Posts: 118 Member
    Good Morning Everyone :) How was your weekend?

    Ok here, I am still feeling slightly sick every so often - must have been some bug as that's 4 days now! Have managed to eat normally the last couple of days in the hope that will help but so far doesn't seem to be making a difference! Haven't managed any workouts since Wednesday as i'm just too tired which is really bugging me :sad: Hoping today i'll be able to manage something - anything - this afternoon!

    Wishing you all a fabulous start to the week, Di :happy:
  • TXRanchGirl
    TXRanchGirl Posts: 303
    aw sorry to hear about the illness still! being sick sucks..hope you get to feeling better soon, good deal eating right through it ll though!

    I went to do my killer abs yesterday and ALL my jillian videos had been taken off of youtube! darn! only one I could find was level 2 I did it..and Im SORE..I forgot how much it works your lower body! owww!

    I did go to walmart and buy Jillians cardio got to do the workout 1 this AM (toning upper body)..will see how I feel if tomorrow is a rest day or workout 3 (abs).

    I REALLY went overboard last night with the peanut butter balls and I paid for tummy was rolling and I am bloated (still am)..yuck!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Hi everyone, still plugging along. I did extreme shred level two - I actually had to stop before the last circuit because I ran out of time. My first time doing level two and actually like it but it must be a little more than 30 mins or I started late or something. Will have to investigate that....

    I seem to be leaning toward the bottom of my range, is the added the protein finally doing the trick? I know that I have paid more attention to my protein intake so that's really the only thing. We not talking earth shattering but the bottom of my 5 pound range is much better than the top of my five pound range. : )

    DLD53, I am off to the Florida/Alabama beaches at the end of August ---- We are staying at a resort right near the state line but plan doing a little day in Destin - something called Crab Island. May try my hand at paddleboarding???? Just me and the hubbie for 4 days three night. Can't wait!

    Hope everyone is having a happy scale day!!!! (I need one tomorrow - dr. appointment LOL )
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    So little thing I thought I would share... since we all talk about being obsessed about that number on the scale. I went to the doctor today and my weight was right below my lowest range...ON THE DOCTORS SCALE! That never happens!!! So I guess my fluctuations where good on the right day!!! LOL But now I have to keep it that way until vacation on the beach : ) !!

    So am definitely keeping up with the increased protein intake. I think it took awhile for my body to adjust but it seem to help somehow. Maybe I am doing my workouts better , feeling fuller longer or maybe nothing and I am obsessing again. We are only talking 3-5 pounds. LOL

    Hope everyone has a happy healthy day!!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    protein is always a good thing!

    Ive noticed, since eliminating dairy..Im not hitting my protein like I was..yesterday I felt faint too..not good.

    I am considering adding my protein powder back has whey in it..but I think I can handle the small amount

    still no milk yogurt or cheese.

    I went and bought Killer Abs..did level 2 this morning..sweated like a pig. started my TOM so feeling fluffy and not stepping on the scale...I was up three pounds yesterday..damn waterweight!
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. Got in my morning workout and have my lunch and snack packed. My water bottle on hand and a smile on my face. What a great way to start a Monday!!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    Tuesday is my pity party..:(

    124.2..highest Ive ever been..and I feel sloppy and fat..:(

    nothing drowns your mood like a friggin number. Had hot flashes last night, couldnt sleep, so couldnt get my butt up to workout this morning..aiming to go home at lunch and do it then. Have been eating more and alittle more mabey "not the best for you" things lately..and Its going to stop..I will not let my hard work go down the tubes
  • lobster888
    lobster888 Posts: 861 Member
    Ok TXRanch Girl --- you need a pep talk ---- You are a healthy fit young female!!! You will not let that number rule you --- you rule that number!! Give yourself a break and then keep going!!! You are awesome.....

    Ok now... I understand and do the same thing ... : ) !! It's ok but we really need to learn (I put my self at the top of this list ) to work on the averages of the scale. I can have a four pound difference from one day to the next.... You work out hard and eat healthy 80 -95% of the time. I watch your post and you do!!! So you know that your doing it right even if the scale might not reflect that today.

    Hope this helps your mood!!!

    Have a great day!!!
  • TXRanchGirl
    Thanks Lobster..I hate the pity party..I need to stop letting it rule me..the number doesnt bother me as much if I still feel lean..but I feel kinda bloaty and swollen it compounds matters!

    Im on my fifth bottle of water and went home at lunch for Kickboxing..came back to work a sweaty mess..but I feel better..

    its the damn creep of the scale..its alittle scary..:)