Daily check in



  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member

    Still hiding from scale, just socialising too much atm!!! Turned out it was our 4 year anniversary, so we went out for mexican...
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi amgreenwell, congrats on the triathlon! Happy anniversary Kiwi!

    Yesterday was good, I was a little under. I want to save up some more calories today--I have Apple picking (those orchards usually have lots of treats) and a lunch out this weekend.
  • IronLizerd
    IronLizerd Posts: 43 Member
    Hey guys!
    So I'm having a little trouble..
    I've never been under my weight goal before and now i'm focusing on toning and building muscle.
    Problem is, I don't know what I should change around to optimize my new game plan...
    I've heard it's still good to calorie count and I've heard you can stop once you start seriously strength training as long as you eat certain things and maintain a good diet. I'm trying to wrap my brain around this new goal and I can't seem to adjust. It's always been about the number on the scale and now I'm not weighing as often because I expect to gain muscle...
    I feel like i don't know what i'm doing..
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    So you've reached goal, but you're a bit under? I'd start by going with maintenance +100-500 cals. I'd keep counting. And keep your protein high 0.5g-1g per pound of body weight. Do this for 6 weeks and see where you are at. You'll probably plateau on gains, and if you do up your cals again. But remember, girls can't really gain more than lb of muscle a week, so don't bother going above 500 above your maintenance. The first week you'll probably see a whole lot of weight go on, but it's like muscle fat and not fat fat, don't worry about it too much :)

    Trying to get back on the horse. I have ANOTHER social thing tomorrow. No idea how I'm going to deal with INDIAN FOR DINNER!
  • CoadyMarie
    Hi amgreenwell - welcome back :)

    Liz - I'm with Kiwi on this one. Maybe start by going to maintenance for a few weeks, then gradually up calories? I've heard +250 -+500 is a good level for women since you'll probably put on and equal amount of fat and muscle as you gain. Mind you, I haven't gotten to that stage yet so I'm not speaking from experience :)

    .... But hopefully I will be soon! I'm still a little off the wagon because our kitchen took way longer to paint than we thought it would, so I'm giving myself until tomorrow (early Thanksgiving) and then back to cutting on Monday. I hit 125.5 this week, which is only half a pound away from my pre-uni weight gain, so the end is in sight! I'm going to try and keep losing until the end of October at least and then get another BF% estimate (I was about 26% a month ago) and decide whether to go to maintenance - now there's a sentence I've been waiting to say for a long time! I want to do a bulk to build some muscles but I know I should get a little lower than goal first so we'll see in a month.

    Wow, long update :) Must check-in more.
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Indian is tough Kiwi, and so good! Maybe have only a little rice and go with chicken tandoori.

    Coady, that's great, sounds like you are on your way!

    I ws over yesterday. Today we are Apple picking--I am going to try to focus on the apples and stay away from the orchard bakery!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Back on it!!! TIME TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT ;)
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Ok, I have not been very successful the past month, and I have been picking/cheating throughout the day. I get hungry, and have a cracker (or 2 or 3!) then don't write it down. Starting today I will try to have "zero tolerance" for nibbling!. If I am unbearably hungry I will measure something, eat it, and write it down!
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    That's good Dana, we need to be strict with ourselves if we want this to work! :)

    Way to go Coady, that's great news!!

    Gained a couple pounds a couple weeks ago from the food and wine tasting, but I lost it last week so I'm back to the irritating 140. I've been pretty good with my calories though, with the exception of Saturday. Went out for lunch and had a wrap and fries.. which came to 1,400 cals. AND THAT WAS JUST LUNCH. So needless to say I was waaaay over that day. Lowered my cals on Sunday, and went to the gym to burn off extra. Rest of the week should be good!
  • CoadyMarie
    I meant to get back on the wagon today but then I had leftover pie for breakfast and haven't improved from there.... sigh. Seriously, TOMORROW I need to get on this. gah.

    Dana - that's been me the last couple weeks too
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Dana, that's me! It's so hard not to pick!!!!

    You girls can get it! I started yesterday, we'll all restart this week and have good weigh ins on monday ;)
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Seem to be doing well :) hopefully I'll get my lowest ever again sometime this week.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Ahhh these forum changes are going to take me forever to get used to. :P
    Food and exercise has been good this week, I'm excited/nervous for my next weigh-in. I feel like I'll be downa pound or two, but I'll be pissed if I'm not.. Thanksgiving is this weekend, and next weekend is my birthday and anniversary sooo I'll have to be careful haha
  • CoadyMarie
    Ahhh these forum changes are going to take me forever to get used to. :P

    Yeah I meant to check in yesterday but I couldn't find my groups anywhere :neutral_face:

    Managed to actually stay on goal and get a run in yesterday... and then woke up stuffed up and achey today. Need to do my lifting anyways but I just want to stay in bed

  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Sorry Coady, hope you feel better! Good luck with weigh in Ashley. Thanksgiving is tough! For us it is end of November, and I really want my weight down by then.

    So I have renewed my efforts; I am tracking carefully. I usually eat every 3 hours alternating meals and snacks, but I have been hungry. So I have been trying a two hour scheduled which I think has been helping, though I have to make my meals and snacks smaller. I have been trying to eat more dairy and fruit for snacks instead of simple carbs. I have been running every day, and have not been eating all my exercise calories. If I keep this up my next weigh in should be good!

    Thanks for the encouragement everyone. We can do this!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Good job, ladies!
    Had a lower weigh in today, so Im hoping tomorrow I'll get a new record :D
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Awesome job Kiwi!
    Sounds like you're doing a great job Dana, keep it up! :)

    My Polar FT4 just came in the mail today, so I'm beyond excited!! I can't wait to get to the gym and test it out. I had a nightmare last night that I ate waaay too many calories.. I think this is a problem lol! I was really upset haha :|
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    Great news with your lower weigh in Kiwi! Let me know if you like your new toy Ashley-it's a heart rate monitor right? I'm thinking of getting one soon.

    Yesterday we went to a playgroup and I snacked. I did write things down and stay within calories, but there was guesswork involved, which I am really trying to avoid. Back to being strict today!
  • KiwipowaRoo
    KiwipowaRoo Posts: 220 Member
    Yay! Love my HRM :)
    Lowest weight ever this morning :)
    Can you plan for the playgroup, Dana? Skip breakfast or something if it's early?

    Nawww, Ashley! :(
  • DanaW13
    DanaW13 Posts: 207 Member
    That's great a Kiwi, congrats! The playgroup was in the afternoon; but I did plan pretty well for it. My only concern is the guessing, but as long as I'm not guessing every day, things should be ok. No guessing today...