Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Lil, one lb after a family reunion? Goes in the celebration column! And Gayle, grandchildren will be there for you in time. Think how fast the years fly! You will be fit and ready. Charlie, they are all such a charming age, enjoy every moment. I have to borrow grandchildren and people are less generous than they were with their own children, so it is harder!

    I am struggling a little with this new Atkins diet. Peter's blood sugar is dropping quite quickly (only on Day3 and the news is great!) and he is losing weight. The BS was why the doctor recommended it. For me, the weight is the same after Day 3 - so I am trying to have patience. The meal plan that was devised from the website is higher calories than I would normally eat. Aktins says that is OK as long as the carbs are low. So I am the cheering section and trying to have patience. Next week, I am going to get more involved in the planning so that the calories are better in my range and Peter makes up his higher calories in snacks. But it is taking a lot of planning to do 2 of us together!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Marney, hang in there. It should get easier. Years ago, I didn't do Atkins, but I did Carbohydrate Addicts and it is similar. The protein will get rid of the cravings after a few days. I didn't do it for weight management back then (but I did end up losing even though I didn't really want to), but it helped as I was getting migraine type headaches from too many carbs. Now I just watch it, but still, if I eat too many carbs I will wake up with a "hangover!" Headache, nausea, just like if I had drank too much.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks Charlie.

    Yeah, I found day 1 hard but the cravings are gone already. The thing I miss is fruit since I was eating the DASH plan and it increased fruit to 3 a day. That is gone for the time being. However, I can get my rings off easily which is new so I am celebrating that. And it is only the first week so I will have patience. Thanks for the pep talk.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Lill, I agree that 1 pound with angry child in charge is impressive. Check the book I linked to--the author says the big dangers when you are restricting favorite foods is the "last meal" binge and the "what the hell" binge, you describe both. He suggests that the "cure" is to eat a portion of your favorite "forbidden" foods for your morning snack every day. Then binging later can not be justified and child (no longer angry) will be happy.

    I'm not sure if I did atkins but did a protein and fat only diet that ended up giving my X husband a 8-bi bi-pass surgery. Some diet. If I eat protein only for more than one day I get really constipated. I am very optimistic for you Marney! It is so great that you two can have a shared food plan. He gets more protein snacks, maybe you apples?

    Just ate too much Chinese and ended up 2000 over with salt! Yikes.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'm on my tablet so I will link tomorrow in the links and articles, but did anyone read the blog about the fallback plan? This makes sense. I will think about my fallback plan.

    Marney, I agree about the fruit. That is hard. No one should do a protein only diet. You need to get fiber which you can get from healthy green veggie carbs. Even with Atkins you get to eat green veggies, don't you?
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    If you have clear skies don't forget to look up tonight - it's the Perseids meteor shower. We like to lay out and make up limericks to pass the time. DH is napping now - I'll have to wake him up ;)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I'm on my tablet so I will link tomorrow in the links and articles, but did anyone read the blog about the fallback plan? This makes sense. I will think about my fallback plan.

    Marney, I agree about the fruit. That is hard. No one should do a protein only diet. You need to get fiber which you can get from healthy green veggie carbs. Even with Atkins you get to eat green veggies, don't you?

    Yes, Atkins is a bit misunderstood. Other diets substituted protein, particularly meat for carbs and that is not what is recommended. Atkins is moderate protein, substantial fiber from veggies, and high fat. No trans fat, and as much as you can of the good fats. Saturated fats are OK particularly if they come from veggies. The diet rules have to be read closely. The high fat is hard to get your mind around but there are lots of fat to choose from!!! Just no sugar and no simple carbs. Since it was recommended by the doctor, we are going to give it a chance. Fruit gets added in after two weeks but because of the sugar, the recommended treatment for fruit is to regard it as you would candy: occasionally and not too big a serving.

    Breakfast is the hardest for me. I am egged out. Cheese and tomatoes or Atkins pancakes tomorrow.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    MapDancer wrote: »
    If you have clear skies don't forget to look up tonight - it's the Perseids meteor shower. We like to lay out and make up limericks to pass the time. DH is napping now - I'll have to wake him up ;)

    We are going to look too!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Rats! clouds rolled in as we watched... will try again tomorrow night
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @MapDancer Too much aurora "commercialis" around here. I usually drive out to the country, but was just too tired last night. (Did you finish Fated to Love You? I am really into The Time That I Loved You. A little slow, but the male lead is just the best of the Nice Guys!)

    I have posted the link to the blog about having a backup plan on the links page. Basically, if you screw up or just don't feel motivated to choose one thing rather than just giving up! This one thing is something that you know you can do and will be so easy for you that you won't avoid doing it. Writer claims that it keeps the motivation going which otherwise we lose when we fall of track. Mine will be: Cardio walk for 15 minutes!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi guys,

    I am sorry but you are going to hear about my new diet a little more than I would usually share but it is something to get my head around so I need to talk to people who understand some of the issues.

    First, Peter's BS is falling; not rapidly but continually and we are only half way through week 1. He has also lost 5 new pounds. Yeah!!!! Me? I have lost 3 old pounds if you know what I mean. So for half a week not bad.

    The "fluffy flax pancakes" were a flop. Even I had trouble making my way through it and Peter gave up entirely. Back to the drawing boards for that one. But I did get 1/4 cup of ground flax into myself this morning so fiber isn't an issue today.

    Until we can settle into a routine about what we eat and don't, we are going to be very awkward guests. However, cross that bridge went we come to it.

    So despite my worry about eating bacon more than occasionally (!), it seems to be working and all the literature says you can eat eggs and bacon as long as you are low carb and they say your health numbers improve. And the doctor recommended it. Hanging on to that thought. It just goes against my professional training of a balanced diet with veggie, fruit and low protein.

    Other topics: couldn't even find the dipper last night, we had clouds everytime I looked. Will try again tonight too.

    I am going to read the backup plan article. Sounds really good, thanks Charlie.

    Thanks for listening guys! Appreciated!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited August 2015
    Marney: My cardiologist and most diabetic nutritionists will agree. High protein and low carbs. It was funny because when Atkins, the Hellers, the Zone, etc. first came out with this diet in the late 90's. Everyone! The Heart Assoc., the Diabetes Assoc., etc. were opposed. How could a diet that totally turned their pyramid upside down (those were the days of pasta, pasta, and more pasta) work? But it not only lowered blood sugar by controlling insulin release, but it also lowered cholestrol and bp. Took many years, but now, most will agree that a diet of high protein and lots of veggies is best!

    I am very, very pleased that you want to discuss as I am very interested in this, too. Not to do because I think I have found the right balance for me right now, but who knows.

    So have you made "cheese crackers" yet? I love them. Many different ways, but it gives you something for cheese and meats and a crunch! Also, I still like to make potato salad with cauliflower now.

    Here is a link for an Atkins Group. Not real active, but you might find some "friends." http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/5268-atkins-support-group

    The recipe section of Community also usually has some low carb recipes as do most recipe site like Allrecipes.com. Just search low carb in their search boxes.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    MapDancer wrote: »
    If you have clear skies don't forget to look up tonight - it's the Perseids meteor shower. We like to lay out and make up limericks to pass the time. DH is napping now - I'll have to wake him up ;)

    Thanks for the tip Pam!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Marney, here is a baking mix that the low carb people recommend. I'm going to buy some on payday. http://www.amazon.com/Carbquik-Baking-Mix-Now-lb/dp/B005YVU6FY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1439484200&sr=8-2&keywords=carb
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks guys.

    I have joined the Atkins group, thanks, Charlie. We are exploring the low carb recipe world. But I think my mantra at the moment is "Going Atkins and there are going to be dishes!". I think most of the Atkins MFP members have move to the LCHF group. The group is huge with Atkins, Low Carb, Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, all mixed together. They tend to stay off the main threads because their diets are so different and people do jump aboard to tell them they are doing the wrong thing. There is a thread for Ladies over 50 and their Special Needs on the LCHF group. So talkative that they have offered them their own group. Hah!

    There is some interesting info there with links which I might post to our links to articles area. They are of course from doctors that support Low Carb. There are a number which are video of talks in hospitals given from expert doctors talking about Metabolic Syndrome and meta data on huge numbers of studies. Quite persuasive. I will look up the best and post.

    The new Atkins changed things from high protein to moderate protein. I have looked it up and the difference seems to be accepted diet recommended protein, 4- 8 oz a day,, Atkins recommended protein, 8-12 oz in a day, but not all protein from red meat sources, so eggs, fish, chicken and cheese in there. They have also added more veggies but low glicemic load (difference between index and load is interesting) veggies only. So my brussel sprouts are right in there! It actual feels quite balanced if you don't count fat! Mayo, butter, coconut milk, oils are encouraged and animal fat is OK too.

    Gayle, I will watch for the baking mix, thanks. Doubt it is available here in Canada and certainly not in backwater Canada. But, who knows? There is a specialty store about half an hour from here. There are lots of doctors warning of low carb "products" because they are often not low carb at all. Watch for alcohol sugars on label. The industry is counting these to 'offset' the carbs, which the doctors say is a fiction since alcohol sugars do have an effect on insulin levels. Check ingredients. I have more than once almost paid a great deal for a gluten free product to discover things like gluten free breadcrumbs that were made up of corn meal and sugar! At $9 for 500 grams!

    My flax seed flour did not work but I made some bread like thing with coconut flour which was a success.And rubarb muffins were a real hit. I also have not yet experimented with my almond flour. I think the trick though is to realize that sandwiches are a thing of the past for awhile at least and get used to tuna, chicken, salmon, egg salad or whatever on lettuce with no bread. Fine by me! I don't like sandwiches anyway.

    Gone on long enough! In a golf tournament with dinner following tomorrow so our first eating challenge.

    Thanks for listening! Hopefully, I will be less long winded as I settle in to this.

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks for support guys! Actually when i returned monday i was two pounds up, then lost one by wednesday when i reported in, and lost the other by this morning. So Turns out it was 2 lbs of water weight, that disappeared when i got back on the low-carb, no-simple-carb, program.
    Thank you atkins!
    Im so glad mr atkins finally vindicated!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Thanks for support guys! Actually when i returned monday i was two pounds up, then lost one by wednesday when i reported in, and lost the other by this morning. So Turns out it was 2 lbs of water weight, that disappeared when i got back on the low-carb, no-simple-carb, program.
    Thank you atkins!
    Im so glad mr atkins finally vindicated!

    Did not realise that you were using the Atkins plan! Makes me feel better to have company! I am such a beginner at it. I am sure it will settle down shortly for me.

    Well done on keeping the weight off during such a challenge.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Goal: 169
    7/03/15: 174.3
    7/11/15: 175.1
    7/18/15: 174.4
    7/24/15: 175.5
    7/31/15: 175.0
    8/08/15: 174.4
    8/14/15: 173.5

    Went to my Chinese Medicine appointment yesterday. They say it is a spleen thing and being too cold but that is within the context of their health view. They said I will start losing weight again (I was down this morning). They also said "in this medicine ice is for dead people". So no more iced tea, not more smoothies in the morning (they said OK later in the day). But to start the day with something warm. I've never been good with taking medicine half an hour before eating (who knows when I'm going to eat) but will try.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Goal: 161.5 (15 lbs.)

    July 3 - 176.5
    July 10 - 176.0 = .5 loss
    July 17 - 174.6 = 1.4
    July 24 - 174.4 = 1.6
    July 31 - 174.0 = 2.0
    August 7 - 173.8 = 2.2
    August 14 - 173.8 = 2.2

    No Loss this week, but I am feeling great going to the Y, I am feeling it in inches, my clothes are all feeling bigger YEA!!!!!! and I have more energy. Even with no loss, I am happy with this week.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited August 2015
    @dasher602014 @Cclill Kudos to you both! Atkins is not an easy plan to follow, but effective and healthy for many reasons and for many people.

    I have not had a better week, but I have not gained per se so that is a plus. I am once again at 148. (still 5 pounds over my low of 143 although I have been as low as 145 this week). I don't know what more I can do! :/ I have the following stats for the past 6 days. My week is Sat-Fri so I don't have today's yet.

    In 6 days:
    I have walked 99,427 steps with an average of 14,696 per day.
    I had a total deficit over 6 days of 6,434 calories.
    I averaged 130 min. per day of active minutes and a total of 908 minutes total for 6 days. (recommended 150 per wk.) Active minutes are minutes with a MET of over 3 sustained for at least 10 continuous minutes.

    Given all that, I should have lost at least 1 1/2 pounds if going by the 3500 calorie deficit theory, but I believe that article that was posted that the longer you diet, the slower and slower your metabolism is so that at the average for one year is more like 7000 calories for a pound and after a year, who knows? 10,000? 15,000?. Let's face it, I can't up it anymore to make up for it the slowdown. Just not enough hours in a day for more exercise and I don't want my body to get used to more exercise or it will be too difficult to maintain if I ever get to my goal and I get older. And I can't eat less than 1200 a day.

    Now the only saving grace is that I tend to whoosh. But I'm due. I first saw 143 on 7/13 and frankly 148 was my low way back in February.

    Given all that, I'm not really complaining. I'm just stumped on what I can do to lose this final 13-18 pounds. I know this is a lifestyle change and even when I hit my goal, I will never be able to go back to eating whatever or whenever I want without gaining weight. I won't be able to sit on my butt and read all day instead of going to the gym.

    Hope you all have something better to report this week than I have!