Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Marney, thanks for telling us about your Atwood/Gibson meeting! I have not read Graeme Gibson but I see that he has a bunch of books on Amazon. Which do you recommend (first). I didn't know you were an English major!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Hi all,
    I will step on the scale tomorrow morning but despite being all over the place with friends, B&B and hotels, my clothes still fit so I might be OK. Glad to be home where I have better control.

    Yesterday morning, I rounded the corner to the breakfast room and there they sat, Margaret Atwood and her partner, Graeme Gibson. We saw the same play so she asked me what I thought. Now, I have seen her interviewed more than once and she can be really sharpish if she thinks people aren't thinking. And, I am an English major, although, since we weren't introduced, she might have believed I did not know that I knew who she was, yeah right! And I am not a morning person but .... I took a big breath, and said I liked it and there were some things I liked and some I did not like. Of course, she wanted to know what I did not like. I think I sounded intelligent since the conversation continued for awhile. I wish I had had a chance to talk to Graeme Gibson because honestly, his books are more often open in our family, than hers! She looks amazing. Her hair has gone from blonde to white/grey and she doesn't look her age at all. Very pleasant if brief meeting and if I sounded stupid, she doesn't know my name!

    Back to reality now.


  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Just realized i dont have scale in mich so my weekly report will be delayed again.
    Yesyerday had fruit salad with protien breakfast and was hungry all day
    Today did not and hunger back under control
    Interesting how breakfast carbs, even as healthy fruit, really mess me up.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Marney, thanks for telling us about your Atwood/Gibson meeting! I have not read Graeme Gibson but I see that he has a bunch of books on Amazon. Which do you recommend (first). I didn't know you were an English major!

    Graeme Gibson writes novels as well as birds and beast guides. The "Bedside" books. My brother has the "Bedside Book of Birds" open often. As far as novels, I remember "Perpetual Motion" but I have to admit that most Canadian books of the time were full of angst and I think Gibson was no exception to the rule. Try your library first! Both Gibson and Atwood are a bit too much work for me now. I tend to read less high brow and put in a 'good' literature book only now and again. And both Atwood and Gibson are left leaning political activists and environmentalist and they show it in everything they write.

    Yes, I studied English at University and I was lucky enough to take a course by Northrup Frye and Jay McPherson, two of the guiding lights for Margaret Atwood. Northrup Frye was a sweet, sweet man and such a towering intellect. He was a United Church minister who opened his lecture series with the statement that there are four great religions of the world: Christianity, Judaism, Islamic and Marxism and the lectures got more interesting from there. If you want some good reading "An Educated Imagination" is a very, very short book which details what he thought was the most important learning/reading that everyone needs. (He made no distinction between Arts and Science, since he viewed an educated imagination necessary for all creative work in any field.) He is very readable but only wrote non fiction, so high brow. His book about the bible as myth (he was discussing it only in terms of its structure, not it content, a distinction that, as a minister, he was always defining and defending, is still readable and fascinating.

    Tomorrow back to food and trying to keep mice out of my basement. But it was good to think of the 'good old days'! I have had my 'culture' at Stratford now and it should hold me for a few years!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Just realized i dont have scale in mich so my weekly report will be delayed again.
    Yesyerday had fruit salad with protien breakfast and was hungry all day
    Today did not and hunger back under control
    Interesting how breakfast carbs, even as healthy fruit, really mess me up.

    I have learned this to my peril too. Much better with protein for breakfast rather than fruit or cereal. Plain yogurt is better than yogurt and fruit for me. Otherwise, I am cruising the kitchen 2 hours later!
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    Challenge Goal: 245

    July 3 - 260.4
    July 10 - 259.2
    July 17 - 258.4
    July 24 - 253.4
    July 31 - 255.2
    Aug 7 - 255.2
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    drags59 wrote: »
    Challenge Goal: 245

    July 3 - 260.4
    July 10 - 259.2
    July 17 - 258.4
    July 24 - 253.4
    July 31 - 255.2
    Aug 7 - 255.2

    Difficult when it stays the same, however, I am pleased that I stayed the same this week. Onwards and downwards for me!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Goal: 169
    7/03/15: 174.3
    7/11/15: 175.1
    7/18/15: 174.4
    7/24/15: 175.5
    7/31/15: 175.0
    8/08/15: 174.4

    Down .6 and that is a win for me! Cooking more, making sure I have my treats. Marney and Lill, I have a better day when I start with protein rather than something sweet. I kind of break even a lot of day by having a smoothie with banana and protein powder. But an egg-beater omelet or a hard boiled egg and toast keep me full longer.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    drags59 wrote: »

    Difficult when it stays the same, however, I am pleased that I stayed the same this week. Onwards and downwards for me!

    With all the medical issues, payroll taking money that doesn't belong to them, losing my best dog friend, etc. It could have been so much worse...I'll take it!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Yes, it is a win when you manage through stress. A major win, indeed.

    Gayle, I was remembering the struggle to reach onderland. Now more than 25lbs later, you are just motoring along. And with all your work, and with all my lack of focus and travel, we weigh the same now. You are now an honourary mini!

    I am still experimenting with Atkins per husband's doctors advice to him. I will have company starting on Monday. Hurray! Hopefully, two of us together will make it easier.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member

    It is easier loosing together, Mike is on the diet with me and we both push each other to exercise We are also both learning to cook things differently, not to mention it is so much easier to do grocery shopping.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cheryl, props for staying with it! Marney, thanks so much for the encouraging words! A mini! Wow.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Had a beautiful evening for the final of three chamber music performances this weekend in the park. Shared tonight's with 5 year old granddaughter. She loved Schubert's 3rd. We conducted and danced.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Had a beautiful evening for the final of three chamber music performances this weekend in the park. Shared tonight's with 5 year old granddaughter. She loved Schubert's 3rd. We conducted and danced.

    How very cool! What a great memory for her!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    What a great memory for you, Charlie! I can see it.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm beginning to get jealous (kd, mostly) of everyone's grandchildren. On my bucket list: live to see my son's kids.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Back in town
    Nice family reunion
    Loving, enabling relatives, sugar-wise.
    Why does love have to be shown with sugar?
    Sisters mountain of cookies constantly on display
    Aunts acre of peach cobbler
    Nephews assembly line of s'mores
    angry child took over after only one day
    Bingeing on sugar i told myself that when home id immediately go back on the program
    which made my angry child justify bingeing since the reunion was my "last chance to binge."
    She is so immature!

    Thank Goodness i am home and back on the program and can feel mature again
    and can confess to you guys who understand.
    Reporting late:
    Goal: lose one pound a week
    7/2/15: 193
    7/11/15: 192.8
    7/17/15: 191
    7/24/15: 189.2
    8/2/15: 190.2
    8/11/15: 190.8
    I cling to belief that 189.2 is my real weight.
    The extra is fake water weight.
    Good night group.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Back in town
    Nice family reunion
    Loving, enabling relatives, sugar-wise.
    Why does love have to be shown with sugar?
    Sisters mountain of cookies constantly on display
    Aunts acre of peach cobbler
    Nephews assembly line of s'mores
    angry child took over after only one day
    Bingeing on sugar i told myself that when home id immediately go back on the program
    which made my angry child justify bingeing since the reunion was my "last chance to binge."
    She is so immature!

    Thank Goodness i am home and back on the program and can feel mature again
    and can confess to you guys who understand.
    Reporting late:
    Goal: lose one pound a week
    7/2/15: 193
    7/11/15: 192.8
    7/17/15: 191
    7/24/15: 189.2
    8/2/15: 190.2
    8/11/15: 190.8
    I cling to belief that 189.2 is my real weight.
    The extra is fake water weight.
    Good night group.


    I think you did great on your diet while at the family reunion. All those goodies sound great, and looking at your weight for this week, you controlled yourself well. Heck, only gaining a pound after a family reunion I think is great!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    After my trip to Y, I will be taking my grandaughter's out for the day, buying school clothes/ supplies. They are 8 and 7, and I am sure I will sleep good tonight...LOL
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited August 2015
    @Cclill LOL! You sometimes need to indulge that Angry Child. Besides a little sugar can sweeten her up! You will be fine now that you are home.

    @gaylebodine You will see them, even though your son is young. My mother was 45 and my dad was 53 when they had me. They saw my kids. And look at how healthy you are becoming with this lifestyle.

    Grandchildren are the greatest! The pressure is off unlike when raising your own children. And I'm not even one of "those" grandmothers who live their lives for the grands. But doing things with them is great fun. I do not, however, spoil or indulge them. Mostly, I'm lucky that my son and dil are raising two well-behaved kids. I plan crafts for them since their mom will admit, the closest she comes to art projects are coloring books. We made glass pendents the other day (early for Christmas presents for aunts and their Mom since the oldest won't be around on my normal Monday visits once school starts). They loved doing the water-marbling. They had so much fun doing them that we did magnets, too, because I ran out of pendant bales!