Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    God the 80s when women dressed up to exercise! Why dont women need leg warmers any more? Why did men never need them?
    Pilates had a special table? What kind of special table?
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Charlie - what is positional vertigo?
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Gayle i just saw your post about clearer calmer mind from chinese medicine !!! I need that too!! What was the medicine? And very exciting to see you break your plateau!! I am so proud of you for not giving up. You remain my hero! What is clease effect? Your 173.5 is REAL. If it goes up again, it is just water weight!
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    I collect quotes and ran across one today that I love and it is perfect for this group.

    "Never compare your insides to someone else's outsides.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I love that quote. Yes, insides matter more! Both in character and kindness as well as health numbers. Great quote!

    I think the special table for pilates is called a reformer. Glad they got over that need! I know some studios still use them and they make the exercises both easier and more effective, apparently. The video is great and has a starting place prior to the 100 which is wonderful for me and gives me hope.

    Ah, leg warmers! With my legs, even when I was small, I never looked like a ballerina, more Scottish dancer, me, and although I had a pair, because one must follow fashion, they were never on my legs to my recollection. Hah! Brings back memories of farah fawcett hair, which I couldn't do either. :)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Reporting twice this week cuz first report was late, and now im thrilled to report ive dipped into 189's again!
    Goal: lose one pound a week.
    7/17/15 - 191
    Family reunion

    Great going Lil, you did great at the family reunion!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I can't look up at a ceiling. I can"t lay flat on my back. Sometimes other movements will do it. I will like I'm falling off an endless cliff. It is an ear thing. There is a physical therapy. In my city not many PTs do it. I went through it and you have to allow them to make the vertigo happen many times in a session. On top of it all you get very nauseous. It takes several sessions and between them you have to sleep pretty much sitting up. You can't turn your head much, or bend over. It went away for awhile, but came back. The therapist said few people ever do a second course. Besides you learn how to avoid it. So I try to do exercises that aren't floor based.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I, too, Gayle. am glad you are finding some solutions. What exactly are you doing? I have friends who swear by acupuncture. I tried Reiki (?)and really could feel the energy although I didn't understand it.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    God the 80s when women dressed up to exercise! Why don't women need leg warmers any more? Why did men never need them?
    Pilates had a special table? What kind of special table?
    Lill, I posted more about the diet in one of the other discussion threads. Did I ever tell you that I was able to conceive Patrick at age 45 because I had done Chinese Medicine (acupuncture and herbs) in my late 30's? Or so I believe. I am not able to totally follow the diet, at this point, because am not ready to give up a bit of low fat dairy and wheat. One step at a time (have given up ice cream, ice water, iced tea).

    Some insurance companies even pay for Chinese Medicine because of it's track record for fertility. I'm actually going to the same school now, in Denver. The students who worked on me told me that the students who worked on me are teachers at the school now. Anyway, I'd been having worse and worse trouble with fatigue for months and my weight has not moved much since I lost my first 45 which was months ago. Plus pains in my chest and feeling like I can't breath. I turned to Chinese Medicine when I was told by the emergency room that there could find nothing wrong with my heart and a chest x-ray showed that my lungs are clear.

    A "cleansing effect" is when a treatment causes the body to discharge toxins. Clears the colon or sinuses or like that. I've heard it called a "healing crisis" when the symptoms are flu-like. But I've just been getting clear. That has stopped, for the most part, and let's see what happens with my weight. But one of the students did say: "You'll be losing weight again". I am taking herbs three times a day and am eating warm food and avoiding cold food and icey drinks and food. I was diagnosed with "Deficient Spleen Qi" or "damp cold". Could be diagnosed as adrenal exhaustion by Western Medicine. Plus acupuncture, but looks like I will only be able to get in twice a month because they are very busy. Oh, "Qi", also called "Chi" is the energy that flows through the body and makes everything work. Acupuncture clears and stimulates the energy pathways.

    With one treatment my energy is better, I've lost a little weight, and my sinuses are much better. I felt totally relaxed on Sunday (my treatment was on Thursday) and very clear headed. Best I've felt in a while.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Glad you are feeling better, Gayle. Sounds like the treatment is doing good. I hope it continues. Hard to lose weight when you don't feel well.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Glad you are feeling better, Gayle. Sounds like the treatment is doing good. I hope it continues. Hard to lose weight when you don't feel well.
    Yes, sleeping all the time doesn't help with the calorie burn. I was feeling like I needed a nap every three or four hours or so.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Nothing worse that just "not feeling good" and tired. Sounds like you are on to something!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    edited August 2015
    Nothing worse that just "not feeling good" and tired. Sounds like you are on to something!
    Thanks for your support Charlie, Marney and all!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I feel I really ate alot today but the log doesn't seen to say that. Maybe just lots of fiber. I just have the feeling that I ate too much. Trying hard to trust the process of this new diet.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I feel I really ate alot today but the log doesn't seen to say that. Maybe just lots of fiber. I just have the feeling that I ate too much. Trying hard to trust the process of this new diet.

    I KNOW I overate today.Logged it in and yelp ,ate too much .snacked too much.Didn't have a chance to exercise today.I had to put my life on hold yesterday waiting for a delivery on a new washing machine that didn't get delivered.life put on hold today waiting to get my washing machine.Finally delivered.
    Marney,trust your login.it takes awhile when trying something different.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited August 2015
    @dasher602014 Marney, I agree with Mary. Trust your log. A high protein diet is very satisfying. Remember fat keeps us feeling full.

    @maryschwartzroby Isn't it amazing how everyone just assumes you have all the time in the world to wait for them? Hope you like your new machine!

    Me, I didn't feel well yesterday. Rare for me. Was nauseous, light-headed, some diarrahea, etc. etc. I was really light-headed so I had an EMT in security take my BP and it was really low. So was oxygen level. I finally decided to go home about 2:30. Stopped at CVS and decided to pop into minute clinic and see what my BP was there. The NP said I should go to the ER. I really wanted to go home to bed, but she convinced me. After 4 hours and an IV, my BP went up and I went home, got sick and finally went to bed. Feel pretty good today. Back at work. Not ready to eat yet though. Had a high vitamin smoothie instead for breakfast.

    To make it all worse, I have two staff vacancies and only 13 applicants and they are less than encouraging. (I'm being diplomatic here.) The last time I had a vacancy in the height of the recession, I had over 100 applicants. Hired one of the best workers I could have ever hired. Of course, we promoted him and he doesn't work for me now. But, he deserved it! Just goes to show how important the economy is to the job market. Best score I have is 122 out of possible 170 and even then, I can see another issue as to why I probably won't want him. Same with the next best. Frustrating! And ... Why am I unsure about when I want to retire? The only complaints I have about my job are staffing issues. Everything else, I love! Guess that is why.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks guys. I am holding tight.

    Charlie, so sorry to hear about your health problems yesterday. A visit to the hospital is always horrid especially when all you want to do is go to bed! I hope today goes better for you.

    I hear you about staffing issues. I hated hiring (almost worse than firing). I always got a great many unsuitable internal applicants. Everyone wanted to get into IT and a Business Systems Analyst was a way in for non-computer graduates. BUT the job took BIG analysis skills, business knowledge, people skills and HUGE writing skills, as well as the usual time management etc, etc. Not many, in non recessionary times, had what it took. For 100 unsuitable, there was that one gem who took to the job. I am still friends with many of them. That was the part I liked. The really good team doing a really good job and having fun together doing it. You hang in there too!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, is your advertising method limited? Can you afford to wait? Maybe you could go to fitness clubs and hand out applications to clean looking body builders. I know all the furniture movers that I've ever used (I move a lot) all lifted weights. I know that sounds goofy but could work. Also the job bulletin boards at local tech schools and colleges. Some students are looking for fulltime day jobs for while they are in school and might just stay as well. I'm sure you are already racking your brain. Also know that everything is different with government jobs.

    Concerned about your BP and not feeling well! Glad that IV fluids did it. Diuretics/water out of balance? But I know you monitor yourself closely and glad you got what you needed. Hope you feel much better soon and your staffing issues are happily solved soon.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Gayle, I'm stuck as we ONLY can advertise on website. Unfortunately, we have a set time limit that the "ad" runs and we can't ask for anymore now. Given the past, it never dawned on me that we would get so few applicants. What I find is that we have a required on-line submission to which you can add a resumé. However, the "fill in the blank" form does not allow for much expansion on job descriptions. At the "Mover" actually "Dockworker" level, not many bother to add a resumé which tells me so much more. I have my fingers crossed that once I sit down with people, I can better get out of them what their work ethic is. Experience isn't that important, I can teach them how to move stuff. I need someone who wants to work, really work. What I see are a lot of people who jump around to a new job every few months.

    As for the BP, I do feel better. I did skip my BP meds last night and today. I finally ate lunch. I am funny, when I don't feel well, I eat the "last" thing most people would want. Garlic sounded good to me so I had a frozen pesto pasta for lunch. Now, I want a good piece of red meat for dinner later. A meat and potatoes dinner. Will try Tai Chi though first.

    I do need to follow up with my family doctor and I have an appointment with the cardiologist next month. Maybe. Just maybe, my fitness level is such that I can back off of a BP med. I know the last time we cut back on one med. And he said he would look at lowering another this time when I went. I take 3 meds for bp/heart. One is still a diuretic. (I also take Lasix, but only when necessary.) So, I'm looking at this as a good omen. :)