Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Lill, I agree about how hilarious the tables look. I guess if one is really rich you can afford to have a professional with a table devise move your body around for you. Thanks for educating me about the "free range" version.
    Ha! Free range pilates! I love it! :-)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Thank you Mary and Mardy, I have been going to Y for three weeks now, and have thought this was the problem. I guess it takes longer. Thanks so much for the feed back. Beth

    Right! Could also be pesky muscle gain :-)

    Lil, Your right, it could be the muscle gain or even the water gain.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Challenge coming up. Tomorrow we head to an overnight at a friends. They normally eat in south beach style so maybe not so bad. But they like desserts. The next day, breakfast should be OK. We are going to bring our own lunch for the golf course but there is a pot luck afterwards. Peter's blood sugar is absolute steady at a completely normal level for days! We don't want to blow the diet or the Blood Sugar. So trying to hang tough together.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Lill is right. Your low weight is your real weight. Only change your weight when you drop below your low.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    @Marney, I watched those videos (well mostly). I'm not diabetic, but have some insulin-resistance issues (I get headaches if I overload on carbs). My body helps me though as I have an aversion to anything that tastes too sweet (I have a friend who insists there is no such thing as too sweet -- to me most chocolate is too sweet unless combined with some salt). So, are you fasting? I know that @Gayle did the 5:2. @Gayle are you still doing that? I looked at your diaries and it doesn't seem that you are right now. Taking a break or didn't it work for you? @Lill, are you doing some fasting? 16:8 maybe. I must admit, before I gained weight and for most of my life I did the 16:8 or close to it without thinking about it. I seldom ate breakfast and ate my entire day between lunch and dinner. Since I don't snack (except on the rare occasion) at night, it was just how I ate!

    @Marney: You know what to do and will do fine on your getaway! The potluck will be tougher as even potluck salads tend to be very "carby". Have fun on the course!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Talk about claiming weight! I have a MFP friend whom I thought must be losing weight like crazy. She is always showing losses. However, after several months I realized that she must be totally resetting her weight with each gain. Total she has only "lost" 5 pounds. Her losses though add up to about 40! I get frustrated enough gaining and relosing the same 5. I don't want to log it, too! :D
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    edited August 2015
    Mary, 4 pounds! Wow!.

    Lill, another tip: learn to use the check in feature to track your lows. From home click on "check in" and record you weight. Record your current weight then in the future only record the new low. Then mfp will give you a graph of loss related to date (reports) and state your weight loss to date on your home and profile.

    In my mind there are actually THREE "real weights". I have my Senior Challenge weekly weigh in here on Friday/Saturday, and thanks guys for making me accountable! I have my MFP "check-in" which I described above in this message and where I record new lows. As I said, this is the one that mfp knows and displays and tracks for me (can see progress in "reports"). Then third, and last is the Daily Scale. As Charlie and others have noted the daily scale inevitably bounces up and down a few pounds. Water weight, health, medication, salt, constipation, stress and all of that. However!! Weighing daily (for me) keeps me honest. Cheating a little? Cheating a lot? Not eating enough to keep your metabolism going? Exercising too much or too little? Meals too big? Eating after 8:00 pm? Skipping breakfast? Too much sugar and refined food? The scale will warn you that temporary lapses or excesses must be vacated as soon as possible and indulgences (I think) need to be built into your daily meal plan to avoid feeling deprived, which can justify later binges.

    Mary, welcome back and glad you had the courage to start again. Cheryl, you have demonstrated discipline in the face of grief and loss. Pam you give me hope for my future! Even more exceptional than losing weight is keeping weight off (those are the long term statistical facts). So you are beating the odds and demonstrating that it can be done! Charlie, your diligence and sensible head really help me as well! Marney, you came back and are really getting the job done! Beth hang in there! Doing the right thing consistently inevitably creates the desired results. Lill, just tell it the way it is each Friday/Saturday, record new lows in "check in" and watch but don't take too seriously the daily scale. Or, conversely, take it seriously but expect the bounces.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks Gayle. Really good advice. I did reset my weight when I came back since I was about 15 lbs up so I am losing those 15 again. Sigh. So, you will hear when I get back to 162 which I think was where I was when I got sick and deviated so much. I also got lost in new lbs and old lbs. Somehow, the last 5 of those 15, I felt were old lbs. The others, I view as new lbs, even though I am losing them for the second time. I guess unconsciously, I have been over 170 for so long, I didn't feel the 160's measurements were real enough to count. The mind is a funny thing.

    After the last reset, I am not going to reset higher ever.

    Charlie, I read another thing by Dr Fung. He said he recommended the fasting diet to his patients for a variety of reasons other than effectiveness. 1) the low carb/high fat diet takes a good deal of education and commitment and many patients could not change years of eating habits and indoctrination where fasting is easy to understand 2) fasting costs nothing where LC/HF can get expensive 3) fasting can be done anywhere and anytime where LC/HF is awkward when you go places 4) you can fast before and after a special event but eat anything at the special event which is easy follow and to understand.

    I did fast through to dinner one day out of the last 10 days. I did find it easy compared to when I tried on a standard low fat diet. I could not do it at all on that diet. It did end a weight loss stall of 2 days. With permission to skip breakfast and only eating it when I want to, I have been going with just a cup of tea with almond milk or cream in it which isn't quite fasting but I am often waiting 2 hours or so before having it, so I have done 16:8 a couple of days. I think though I confused the 5:2 diet which restricts calories in a 24 hour period and Dr Fung's idea where you restrict calories for many hours and then eat what you want to. Still experimenting.

    I thought his presentation was so good. It appealed to the geek in me. And Peter was convinced too although he is now experimenting with adding back his martini to his LC/HF diet. ( no bs change, much to his relief). So fasting is not even dreamed about there! However, he watched all the videos, was convinced about what raises bs and what lowers it, and he has fasting as a tool to fall back on when all else fails. He has had two days where there has been no change in bs at all and it is at a normal level, so he is convinced. And of course losing weight faster than I am.

    When I was young and slim, I was too busy to eat and like you Charlie ate most of my calories in a 4 -6 hour window. Mum hated it but maybe I was right.

    Having a good week everyone.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Marney: As they say, there is more than one way to skin a cat. I can see how the fasting can control blood sugar, but so does the LC/HF or HP. The object is insulin control.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Gayle Thanks! But i use ipad mfp app which doesnt have "check in" like the website, but i have been recording just my lows and it does have a graph so i can enjoy gazing at that smoothly descending line.
    What might be confusing is that my home page says ive lost only two pounds, because i initially guessed at my weight, and when i bought a scale i weighed five more pounds than i guessed, so my home page didnt record my loss of weight at first, but my graph did.

    Here is my bumpy weekly report :-)
    Goal: lose one pound a week
    Back on the program
    (Then went down to 188)
    I claim 188 :-)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Ladies, Can I get your opinion on this please? I am taking medicine and using an inhaler daily and also have a rescue inhaler to use as needed for my COPD, I was told today that this could possibly be the reason that I am having problems loosing weight because of the steroids in the inhalers. What does everyone else think?
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi Beth, your doctor would know best. In a Google search I pulled up no articles about weight gain related to COPD meds. But it really depends on the specific meds you are taking. I would research side effects of your specific medications. Interesting that long term people with COPD (you and me) are more likely to struggle with too much weight loss and needing to figure out how to add more calories (since it can take 20% more energy to breath in later stages). Think we have some time though, to worry about carrying too much weight. It's always something.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Thanks Gayle, I will contact my Dr. tomorrow, and also look at the side effects for my meds. I never even gave my medications a thought before concerning weight loss. I will let you know. Thanks again.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, I just google side effects for each of my inhalers and medication, non of which have side effects of weight gain or having hard time loosing weight. So, hopefully I can rule those out. I still will call the Dr. in the morning just to double check. I will let you know. Your right, it's always something! :)
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I would also imagine that living with COPD would be like living with a heart that doesn't pump efficiently. In order to maximize your body's ability to get oxygen to your vital organs, your metabolism would slow down, too.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Beth and Gayle (and others),

    It is my understanding that taking steroids as in injections affect weight loss/gain but steroids in inhalers do not affect weight. Hopefully the doctor can confirm this.

    Thanks Charlie. There are certainly different ways to get to a goal and for Peter insulin control is the goal however he decides to get there.

    We both had a blow out at the pot luck. We tried to choose well but the offering discouraged things. Anyway, I am expecting a bump up and certainly the blood sugar bumped up a little but hey, one has to live and party food does come our way now and again. We were pretty good and the only way for better is to refuse to eat what is presented.

    Tomorrow, back on the wagon.


  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Beautiful weekend here. Got a lot of walks in the parks and a picnic, too. Two of the walks were at dusk. Saw two bucks at a watering hole last night. Had dinner and movie with friends toright. Loved, absolutely loved, Ricky and the Flash! Will definitely see it again before it leaves theaters! Still one more day of my weekend. Yay!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited August 2015
    Charlie, I figured that this may slow my metabolism down a little. At times I have to use to rescue inhaler once while I am exercising, I try not to push myself too much.

    Marney, Steroids were one of my concerns. I looked at my meds. and there are not a lot of steroids in either. I am calling my Dr. today, to make sure.

    Your correct, party foods do come our way now and then and they are hard to resist. I hope that your blood sugar is not too high, and you can get it back to the norm.

    Thanks Gayle, Charlie and Marney for all your help. I really appreciate it. :)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, Charlie and Marney, I just spoke to the nurse at my Dr's office. She told me that my inhaler's do have steroid's, but not much to worry about and it should not interfere with any weight gain/loss at all. She did say however with my COPD, the doctor says I should be doing only a little exercise at a time till we get the results of my next chest x-ray, (scheduled for September 10). At least I know it's not my medications, so I am happy with the fact it is just water gain. :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Great that you have more information Beth! Do you have smoke in the air where you are? We have a thick haze here from the Canadian fires. Can't see Denver (usually can) or the mountains today. Supposed to have some weather to clear this on Wednesday. Denver is prone to having atmospheric inversions (or whatever they are called) that keeps bad air trapped sometimes. Still walked this morning but I agree, short consistent exercise is best for us.

    My acupuncture treatment has worn off and don't get in until the 5th, but at least I know it really works. Will try to schedule closer together sessions for the future.