Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Yes, cats rule but don't want them drooling in my water! ;)
    Are you guys gearing up for the final week of our challenge?

    Geared up Gayle, but this will be a short week, I will be weighing before I leave for VA. Will also start the new challenge with the same weight. I will try and keep in touch. I hope I can get internet on my phone, I will be out in no mans land and my son does not have internet. I will be in VA till next Tuesday.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Beth, I know you have momentum now and will be able to stick to whatever you decide to do in regard to diet while at your son's an away from the internet. If you take your scale with you it will just like all of us watching you, lol.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Beth, do the best you can, but allow some room for enjoyment. I always feel that if I can eat at maintenance level, I will have done well. And, someday when I travel I might actually accomplish that! ;) I bet you are better than I in that department.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member

    Pilates: doing slow motion sit ups i touched my toes for first time! That is an improvement in flexibilty of about six inches!
    Jeans: looser today!

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Wow Charlie! 142! You are an inspiration!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Pilates: doing slow motion sit ups i touched my toes for first time! That is an improvement in flexibilty of about six inches!
    Jeans: looser today!
    You are MY inspiration Lill. Later I will see if I can touch my toes sitting up, slow motion or not. I have no idea.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Lill: we forget how important flexibility is and how we lose it as we get older. Pilates seems to be the answer for you. That's terrific!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Beth, I know you have momentum now and will be able to stick to whatever you decide to do in regard to diet while at your son's an away from the internet. If you take your scale with you it will just like all of us watching you, lol.

    Gayle, Great idea, never thought of that. I will take it with me.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited September 2015
    I think years ago I popped into Trader Joes and never went back again. It is really not in a convenient location. But one of my MFP friends always eats their pumpernickel pretzels and Pam mentioned their panjeon. I was over that way yesterday so stopped! OMG! It has opened up a whole new world of food for me! (Pam: I found a lot of Korean food, but not panjeon, where is it?) Out of the way or not, will be worth an occasional trip!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Charlie, Not only will I take my scale, I will eat at maintenance level or better while I am gone. I am already setting myself for not loosing weight while I'm out there, but I don't want to gain anythings or at least gain much while I am gone.

    Lill, Congrats on touching the toes and getting that 6 inches of flexibility. Long time since I touched my toes, now you have me wanting to try it..LOL
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I think years ago I popped into Trader Joes and never went back again. It is really not in a convenient location. But one of my MFP friends always eats their pumpernickel pretzels and Pam mentioned their panjeon. I was over that way yesterday so stopped! OMG! It has opened up a whole new world of food for me! (Pam: I found a lot of Korean food, but not panjeon, where is it?) Out of the way or not, will be worth an occasional trip!
    Funny you should mention that.. Trader Joe's is about 50 min away but we end up at that end of Delaware often. Today DH took an insulated bag and freezer packs and brought home 5 pkgs of pajeon. They are in the freezer section, four in a bag - ask someone if you can't fine them. Don't bother adding oil to the pan as suggested, they have plenty already. So yummy!! I had one with kimchi and an apple for dinner- and a string cheese stick and a Borders chocolate ginger cookie .... while we watched Late Night Restaurant!

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Pam, how do you like late night restaurant?
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    July 3 - 176.5
    July 10 - 176.0 = .5 loss
    July 17 - 174.6 = 1.4
    July 24 - 174.4 = 1.6
    July 31 - 174.0 = 2.0
    August 7 - 173.8 = 2.2
    August 14 - 173.8 = 2.2
    August 21 - 174.2 = 1.8
    August 28 - 173.6 = 2.4
    September 3 - 174.0 = 2.0

    New challenge from September 3 through November 6
    I am weighing in a day early just in case I can not get on here tomorrow.

    Challenge myself to try and loose at lease 1/2 lb. a week. I am also going to challenge myself by eating all of my 1200 calories before 7:30 P.M. and not eat anything after that time at night. If I should have any craving, I will drink a cup a green tea in hopes that this will curve the craving.

    Getting ready to leave for Virginia, taking my scale with me. I will keep in contact one way or the other. All of you are great inspirations, and I feel pretty good about staying on the diet while away.

    Everyone have a great day!


    September 3 = 174.0

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well, I am reviewing the last challenge. I am now at 168.5, so no change this week. However, I lost 7 lbs this past challenge and established my new working diet! Yeah!!!!! And Peter and I are in this together, double Yeah!!!!!

    The other goals, not so much. I did get walking again, just not everyday. I did stay on diet, more than 80% of the time but got way off track with salt, corrected, and now have a working plan. So a win overall. I did log every day.

    So, almost all my goals achieved. But the biggie, back here and back on track.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Goals for new Fall challenge.

    1/2 lb a week, and some exercise of some sort every day.

    To achieve this:

    log what I eat every day

    walk 3-4 days a week especially on days when other activities haven't happened

    if scale is discouraging, I will try a fast until lunch

    plan my foods to stay away from salt

    introduce beginner pilates but this gets added to aerobic exercise

    Appreciate every day, that there are 'strangers' here who have become my friends and are consistent in their efforts, which inspire me. Appreciate every day, that you are all at different places on the weight control journey and these differences, from small to large loss, maintenance and everything in between, give me hope, knowledge and encouragement.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Sept 4: 168.5
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Beth: taking a scale along may sound silly but I felt more confident when I was at my friend's kennel in NY for a week since I weigh every morning. Actually it was my sister's scale and we ended up forgetting to pack it up - but it's there for the next time!

    Charlie: Late Night Restaurant is very nice - perfect 30 min. for lunch time viewing!
    This weekend we decided to watch some movies and be slugs for a day. My sister bought The King and the Clown (because she loves Lee Joon Gi) and then probably Secretly Greatly and Twenty. Eat pajeon and kimchi. Also review our Korean class notes since fall semester starts next weekend.

    Lill: I just tried touching my toes, standing and sitting on the ground - not making it :( Maybe closer after folk dancing tonight? Something to work on. I tried yoga a few times but found it incredibly boring. One of the folkdancers was a Pilates instructor - I'll ask her.

    Sept 4th: 128.8
    1) stay in maintenance range of 130-132
    2) sign up for the National Weight Control Registry
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Goal: 169
    7/03/15: 174.3
    7/11/15: 175.1
    7/18/15: 174.4
    7/24/15: 175.5
    7/31/15: 175.0
    8/08/15: 174.4
    8/14/15: 173.5
    8/21/15: 173.1
    8/28/15: 172.9
    9/04/15: 169.5

    My big goal for this challenge was to get under 170 pounds. And I did it! :) In my mind the 170's are the last weight decade where I really feel "fat". For some reason(s) I had been stuck in the 170's for months and months. I did my half calorie day yesterday so might have a bounce up tomorrow but today I am really embracing this big breakthrough!!!

    My initial goals for the September 4 - November 6th challenge is to get to 165. That was the initial weight goal I established on mfp. I'll add more goals as I get my stride this challenge.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Sept 4: 168.5

    Right behind you Marney!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Wow, what great losses!

    I hope you all have been enjoying the challenge and the camaraderie. Lill, Pam, and Beth all joined us about the beginning of this July 4th to September 4th challenge and you have really been so great to have on board! You have helped motivate me, that's for sure. I am concerned about Cheryl. Gayle, do you know what has happened to her? I keep hoping Nancy will show up, too. I'm glad that Mary pops in regularly. It isn't always easy to keep in touch with our busy lives.

    My goal this challenge was not a scale goal, but to leave one bite on my plate. I now do that for almost every meal. I forget once in a while. Sometimes more than one bite, too!

    I started though at 143 or 143.5 and I am at 142. Things are going so slowly now. But, it is still on a downward trend so that is good. I'm off another med because of the weight loss and improved fitness, so that is really a plus!

    I have now done two weeks of 16:8 and although it isn't making the weight pour off, it is so much better for me. A more natural way for me to eat since I never have been hungry in the morning. I still post a "breakfast" so that I don't get a hear all the admonishments on my newsfeed, but basically, I'm eating after noon and before 8 p.m. If I think I will be after 8 p.m., then I delay lunch. And then adjust over the next couple of days so that I end up doing a 17:7. I get hungry about 11 a.m. and actually enjoy that empty tummy feeling while I take my lunchtime walk. I have a hard time distinguishing hunger and fullness and this helps. I actually get hungry yet I don't really seem to need to eat more. In fact, it is difficult now for me to eat my 1200. I eat a snack to tide me over until dinner, but I don't really need it most days. It has really helped me over my struggle that lasted for a few weeks, too.

    My goal for this challenge will be to hit 140 (I think that has been my goal for sometime). But, I'll get there this time. For sure!

    Good luck, Ladies!