Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Gayle my grocery is a kroger so i am going to buy that oatmeal on my way home.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Side bar: Did you hear Kroger is opening a store somewhere in Ohio, I think, that will employ 500 people it is so big. I hope that opens up their selection. I shop mostly at Kroger, but usually see a trend that they don't carry products or varieties that they don't have an equivalent in their own brand. I notice this mostly with soups and jellies.

    Friday report: The IF is working for me, I think. I actually like allowing myself to get hungry before I have lunch (my first meal of the day). Makes for more mindful eating. Since starting IF, I am down 1.5 pounds. Considering the long, long plateaus I have gone through, that is great! Today: still at 141.5, but I'm not complaining. So:

    Starting weight at beginning of challenge: 142
    Goal Weight: 140
    Current Weight: 141.5
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Glad it is working for you, Charlie! Half lb down is going well.

    Have any of you tried mapmyrun? I was surprised that my dead end gravel roads were shown. I have also discovered that my usual walk is over 4 km, which also surprised me. The program also shows how much elevation is included. Think I will use it to log walks in more detail so I get a better calorie count of exercise.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Sept 4: 168.5
    Sept 11: 168.5

    However, I gained a lb and a half through the excesses of last weekend and I have dropped back so I guess that is a win.

    Going for a walk now.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Charlie That kroger that you are talking about, opened down here near me. It is huge. Im about 25 miles from there, but I think I am going to try it one day, on the news they were showing the opening, and it looks to have so much more. I Shop at Kroger also, and they just opened a super store by me, but this new one has mine beat.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Challenge from September 4 through November 6

    September 3 = 174.0
    September 11 = 173.6 = 0.4

    Every one have a great day, and a super weekend.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Sept 4: 128.8
    Sept 11: 128.8
    I signed up online for the National Weight Control Registry. They mail out packets every two months - so I don't know how soon that will be.

    dasher: LOL! mapmyrun sounded like something Korean I've haven't tasted yet... "gravel roads" made me reconsider.

    Charlie: have you found the frozen pajeon yet?
    We've been wondering if they'll explain the eye scar at some point in Late Night Restaurant. Hard to believe that with the nearly 80 dramas, and a few movies, I haven't seen any of the ones on your recent list. Just goes to show the great variety that exists! We watched the movies last weekend. The King and the Clown.. wow and Secretly Greatly was good too. Also watched Gangnum Blues - confusing and too much violence. Prefer the dramas!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited September 2015
    Marney, I use MapMyWalk all the time for over a year for walking outdoors. You can link it to MFP and Fitbit. I like it because it does figure in elevations. It is GPS driven so you must have your tracking on your phone. That is why it shows everything. You can use it in the woods, too, if you are hiking as long as a tracking signal can get out. I also like it because you can set it to auto pause at crossing streets or if you pop in a store. If I use it at lunch time and walk, but want to run in at a grocery to pick up something, it will automatically know I went inside and pause. It will resume once I start walking outside again.

    Pam: I had signed up, too, for the registry and haven't gotten my packet yet. Don't remember when I did, but it has been at least a month. Figure it will get here when it gets here.

    I found the pajeon (scallion), but I haven't tried it yet. I got some shrimp gyoza (Japanese) which I haven't tried yet either.

    Those were some older series, but all Choi Ji-woo. If I had to pick one, it would be Winter Sonata. It is considered a classic. Although she is paired with Kwon Sang-woo (what a hunk) in Stairway to Heaven and Temptation. Both of which really showcase a great chemistry. She plays a really unusual part in The Suspicious Housekeeper which was the most recent of the dramas until this one--"Twenty Again." She is very versatile and at 40, she is now playing a different role (as in Twenty Again) she is now the middle-aged mother of a college student.

    I have to believe that they will highlight the owner for the last episode of Restaurant. Yes, the scar must be a story. I really have enjoyed the variety of this and the regulars in the restaurant are fun, too. I always like it at the end when they are leaving. Kind of a Cheers group.

    Beth: On Sunday, I decided to take a road-trip with low gas prices and my other plans fell through. I ended up at the outlet mall at Jeffersonville. Maybe some Sunday when the leaves are changing I can take a trip down your way and we could meet somewhere for lunch or dinner -- or even at the new Krogers. I like to come down for the Union Station museums, IKEA, a walk along the river, Mainstrausse in Covington, or Eden Park and do those regularly. We will be going to the Renaissance Festival, but that we do as a family usually.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Beth, Pam and Marney: Good weeks for all of you! Yay!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited September 2015
    Charlie Taking a ride in the car this time of year is so pretty. You would really liked the Union Stations and all those places that you mentioned. Eden Park so beautiful, The Crohn's conservatory is there, and when I was a kid my parents would take us there each Easter. It was beautiful then and is now. All of Eden park is so pretty all year round.

    Meeting for lunch or dinner, or even at Krogers would be great.

    Going to the Renaissance Festival is fun, you and your family will have a great time.

    I was really surprised that I lost this week after my trip, but hey... I will take it!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Gayle my grocery is a kroger so i am going to buy that oatmeal on my way home.
    Lill, when I did a search it showed that King Soopers (Kroger) and Target had it.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Weighing in tomorrow, Saturday, because ended up going out to eat last night and I was not very "good". Did have a grilled chicken salad without dressing but ate a ton of chips with salsa and guacamole. Going for that 80% "good", not 100%.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Weighing in tomorrow, Saturday, because ended up going out to eat last night and I was not very "good". Did have a grilled chicken salad without dressing but ate a ton of chips with salsa and guacamole. Going for that 80% "good", not 100%.

    80%/20% a good rule to live by. It was just a meal and I hope you enjoyed. A little hard on weigh in day but as you did, just move the day. Good "handling".
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Marney, I use MapMyWalk all the time for over a year for walking outdoors. You can link it to MFP and Fitbit. I like it because it does figure in elevations. It is GPS driven so you must have your tracking on your phone. That is why it shows everything. You can use it in the woods, too, if you are hiking as long as a tracking signal can get out. I also like it because you can set it to auto pause at crossing streets or if you pop in a store. If I use it at lunch time and walk, but want to run in at a grocery to pick up something, it will automatically know I went inside and pause. It will resume once I start walking outside again.

    Thanks Charlie for giving me this detail. I think a fitbit in on my Christmas list. I am reviewing what it is capable of. Would you believe, no smart phone here? We do have a cell but use it only for emergencies when traveling. It is an old flip phone with a minimum plan attached. So I am using the computer to log the walk. At least for now. However, your detail makes me rethink the approach.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    9/04/15: 169.5
    9/12/15: 173.5

    Yikes! Well I am off my Chinese herbs (financial issues) and also off my game. Pretty incredible that two days of a few hundred calories above 1200 and no more herbs= 4 pounds but that's what the scale is telling me. And that's how we know that our behavior is not working like we'd like it to. Hopefully I'll have better things to report next Friday and I will continue to put one food in front of the other on my bumpy path to healthy weight.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Ah, Gayle, I am so sorry for the bounce up. And the standard line is that it isn't really 4lb because you couldn't have eaten that much so it must be retaining water. Well.....my opinion, and it is opinion only, is that half will slide off easily but the other 2 lbs, you will have to work for. Sorry. I gained 12 in a month and I am still working and I did not overeat. Just a few 100 calories here and there. There is hope though.

    Keep doing what you have been doing. The formula works for you. The bounce is likely your body trying to return to a set point that it feels is right. And you can change the set point by feeding it (that part is done) then moving the calorie count down to minimum, relaxing a bit, then minimum again. You know. What you have been doing all along so very well.

    I have a new attitude about the bumpy path. It is bumpy by its very nature. The bumps are your body trying to adjust to a new reality. And the bumps are a trial run for maintenance. My idea about maintenance is that you have a low and a high in mind and you allow swings between the two points. So, dealing with your bump up, is simply you and your body's trial run for hitting your maintenance high and dealing with it.

    Waxing philosophical this morning, sorry. Keep doing what you are doing. Not even a minor set back but a practice maintenance control!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Marney except I've given up "that isn't really 4 pounds" because that is where the danger is, in being tricky with your number interpretation, like a corporate (OK, not all) accountant. It can drive one crazy (or at least make one fat) to keep multiple sets of weight loss "books". I avoid having my mfp report number be much different than my daily scale weight. Right now it's 169. 8 or something like that and my scale today is 171.8 so at least I'm going the right direction. If the 171.8 persists for more than a few more days I'll adjust my report/check-in weight. And you are right. The illusion of being "done" with watching one's weight when you reach a magic number is a fairy tale. Maintenance is for life. Having a weight range (Pam's been schooling us) is where it is at.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    I wrote this yesterday and forgot to send it!
    Eating at least 1200 calories,
    Walking a lot of hills
    Started drs regimin that is supposed to boost my energy:
    Methylated Folate and B12, and DHEA
    9/4/15, 190
    9/12/ 15, 188.9
    I still claim 188 that i last saw on aug 20.
    Waiting for Charlies woosh

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Good job Lill! Tell me more about the Dr.'s regime.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited September 2015
    Gayle, M.y low is always my weight. I figure if MFP doesn't report gains when you log it, I'm not going to log it! How's that for rationalizing?

    However, I do disagree to some extent that we couldn't have eaten that much. If everyday we diet, our metabolism slows, and the 3500 calorie a pound formula is no longer valid but after a year more like 10000 calories deficit might be needed to lose a pound, then it would likely go the opposite way to gain and maybe it only takes 1000 calories to gain a pound with the slowed metabolism.

    Marney, I love my fitbit, but if you don't have a smartphone, then you will still have to do MapMyWalk on your computer. You will also only be able to sync your fitbit via your computer. They will all interconnect though, after you upload/sync.