Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Beth and Gayle,

    We keep listening to the western fire news both the Canadian fires and the Washington state fires. If it is smoky, stay inside please. It will not help your breathing at all!

    Glad your doctor's nurse could help you, Beth. September 10th (unfortunately) isn't that far away. We already have cool fall weather here. Somehow, the summer heat never really got going this year.


  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Great that you have more information Beth! Do you have smoke in the air where you are? We have a thick haze here from the Canadian fires. Can't see Denver (usually can) or the mountains today. Supposed to have some weather to clear this on Wednesday. Denver is prone to having atmospheric inversions (or whatever they are called) that keeps bad air trapped sometimes. Still walked this morning but I agree, short consistent exercise is best for us.

    My acupuncture treatment has worn off and don't get in until the 5th, but at least I know it really works. Will try to schedule closer together sessions for the future.

    Hi Gayle, I do not have smoke from those terrible fires. I am in Ohio and right now weather/humidity is good. Right now humidity is not so high, so I can go out and walk a little each day.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Beth and Gayle,

    We keep listening to the western fire news both the Canadian fires and the Washington state fires. If it is smoky, stay inside please. It will not help your breathing at all!

    Glad your doctor's nurse could help you, Beth. September 10th (unfortunately) isn't that far away. We already have cool fall weather here. Somehow, the summer heat never really got going this year.



    I was glad that the nurse got back with me as soon as she did also. I know that test is not that far away, but It's something I have to do every 6 months to a year. UGH! .....I think we are all going to have an early fall, never really had summer weather here that much either, mostly rain.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I have never been a clothes horse. Give me enough to get me through a week or so at work and then a few casual outfits for out of doors or weekends. But, I will admit that shopping is a little more fun when you aren't limited by size and trying to look thinner. This weekend after the movie, my friend wanted to stop in Tropical Trends. I saw a pair of paisley leggings I loved (and bought)! Found the most perfect tunic for them at TJ Maxx. Will be such a great weekend outfit!

    @gmabethof3 We are having the most beautiful weather, aren't we? I spent the entire weekend out-of-doors except for the movie. Walking, eating alfresco, and lounging with my Kindle in the park! Nice cool day today. Will be great for my lunchtime walk!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Charlie, your weekend sounds so wonderful and relaxing! You new outfit sounds cute!
    Guys I'm 172.6 today and have a new goal of getting to my 50 pounds lost by my 365 days (according to mfp) which is in two weeks. I'm currently at 47 pounds lost.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I am very lucky to have really terrific health insurance at work. I sometimes forget how great it is and all the "other" stuff it offers. If I go to the website and check under "other coverage," there is a long list of discounts. I have purchased my bp monitors this way, but, there are great discounts on everything from exercise equipment, fitness trackers (all the big names including jawbone, fitbit, etc), even cookware and kitchen equipment (Cuisinart products have really huge discounts!) I also get discounts on massages and other alternative treatments. Everytime I mention these things to my co-workers they don't even know it is available. So...I'm mentioning this here just in case you have something similar.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited August 2015
    I have never been a clothes horse. Give me enough to get me through a week or so at work and then a few casual outfits for out of doors or weekends. But, I will admit that shopping is a little more fun when you aren't limited by size and trying to look thinner. This weekend after the movie, my friend wanted to stop in Tropical Trends. I saw a pair of paisley leggings I loved (and bought)! Found the most perfect tunic for them at TJ Maxx. Will be such a great weekend outfit!

    @gmabethof3 We are having the most beautiful weather, aren't we? I spent the entire weekend out-of-doors except for the movie. Walking, eating alfresco, and lounging with my Kindle in the park! Nice cool day today. Will be great for my lunchtime walk!

    Yes, it is beautiful out. For the first time in awhile I have walked outdoors. You know this won't last, so take advantage while you can.....Your new outfit sounds adorable.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited August 2015
    Charlie, your weekend sounds so wonderful and relaxing! You new outfit sounds cute!
    Guys I'm 172.6 today and have a new goal of getting to my 50 pounds lost by my 365 days (according to mfp) which is in two weeks. I'm currently at 47 pounds lost.

    Gayle, you are doing great. Only 3 lbs. till day 365, I know that you can do it. Good Luck :)

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I agree. You can make it.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks guys for your support!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    172.6 yay Gayle!!!

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Thanks Lill. Was out of the house until fairly late last night and did not track my food although I watched it. Too tired to log last night and coming down with a cold (which is in full bloom today). Might be a little absent for the next few days.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hope you feel better soon Gayle!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Awwwhhh..nothing worse than a summer cold. Drink plenty of liquids and get some rest. animated-sick-smiley-image-0038.gif Feel better soon, Gayle.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Hope you Get well soon!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    feel better, gayle. I think the cooler weather is starting the 'beginning of school' cold a bit early this year.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well, the good news for me. 168.5 this morning, so a 2 lb loss this week! And I am feeling much better with a controlled blood pressure.

    I modified the Atkins diet though. It seemed to be more than salt driving the BP and it was scary high. I added in a small potato and a banana yesterday and the BP came down to a more reasonable level. I think I need more carbs, less salt or something. So I am fiddling. However, it is trying to find something that works and something you can live with, isn't it. Still watching the calories, for sure.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    July 3 - 176.5
    July 10 - 176.0 = .5 loss
    July 17 - 174.6 = 1.4
    July 24 - 174.4 = 1.6
    July 31 - 174.0 = 2.0
    August 7 - 173.8 = 2.2
    August 14 - 173.8 = 2.2
    August 21 - 174.2 = 1.8
    August 28 - 173.6 = 2.4

    One more week to go on this challenge!!!....I will be leaving for VA next Thursday, September 3 and will weigh in on that day. I am going to my sons house, he lives way outside of Charlottesville (no mans land), and he does not have any internet. When I can I will get on line when we make trips to sightseeing, Vineyards (many out there) I know I will be eating out a lot, but I will be as good as I can.

    Am I correct that the new challenge starts on the 4th? If so I will weight in the Third for that one as well.

    It's beautiful here today, going to go out and take advantage of it. Hope everyone have a great week-end!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    I'll start the check in. I actually started to intermittent fast last Saturday and have been doing the 16:8. (I logged it as if I were eating 3 meals a day for a couple of reasons, but mostly so I wouldn't hear from people who aren't part of this great little group insist that I HAVE to eat breakfast!!!!) I didn't hit my low, but I did lose 1.5 pounds from last week. Down to a solid 146. And that was this a.m. before I went to work. If I could weigh myself before my first meal, it might even be a little lower.

    Gayle, you have advocated IF in the past (I think you do 5:2, but I thought I needed something more consistent) and Marney your link to those videos really convinced me to try it. As I mentioned, I am not diabetic, but I do believe I am hyperinsulinemic due to my body's reaction when I overcarb. So, I figured I had nothing to lose. Also, I think I had mentioned that this is how I had eaten most of my thin life and only started eating breakfast about 15 years ago. Prior to that I never ate before lunch. So, here is what I found:

    1. This is not difficult for me. I'm not hungry. I have lots of energy in the morning and even can do my lunchtime walk or morning workout if I want with no problems. (I do drink black coffee, tea, or water).
    2. I'm still eating 1200 calories. I eat lunch. I eat a mid-afternoon snack. I eat dinner.
    3. This has stablized my weight for some reason. I had no fluctuations this week. Just a steady loss. If this keeps up without dramatic swings, I will be back to my low in a couple of weeks and it will seem more "real."
    4. I can't explain this at all, but for the first time in 1 year and 7 months I have been regular! No matter what I tried before, I could only go once every week or two OR even then sometimes I would have to take a laxative! (I took fiber. Softeners. etc. etc. nothing worked.) Between that and water weight, that would cause fluctuation, I'm sure! The only other times I was regular was if I overate. I think I need the food to move into my gut in larger quantities at a time which this type of eating allows me.

    So, I may not be at my low yet, nor will I come anywhere near the 140 mark as I had hoped this month, but I am, again, feeling more positive about getting to my ultimate goal.

    Hope everyone else has had a good week and I hope we see everyone check in! We are in this together. Lose, gain, or totally go off track! I love this small group and all you guys! You are my rocks!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    wonderful news, Charlie! And Beth, good losses too. I think my loss was partly because I finally am more regular too. But it took some carbs to get there.

    My theory, Charlie, is what I used to tell my mum when I was a child. "But, Mum, my tummy hasn't woken up yet! And if I eat, I don't feel well." My mum never listened but my body is still the same. I have to be up an hour at least before I eat. I, too, am very happy when the first meal is lunch. Same calories, different spacing. Glad it is working for you!

    I am looking forward to the start of the next challenge, although, my losses are good even though I joined in late for this one.

    Good work, guys!