Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Gayle -- i was in charge of retreat so of course it was brown bag :-).

    Nice exercise of control Lill!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Guys, after this week's weigh in (August 7/8) we have 4 weeks to go, until September 4th, for this challenge. How are you doing with your goals?
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Not doing too great with the goal that I have set, I know that I sent it way too high. but I have been loosing a little each week, so I am pretty happy with that. I do enjoy the group, and hope that you will have another one. I do know not to set such a high goal...LOL
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well .... I had a pig out on cheese, pate and bread for lunch/dinner so I suspect a problem. But I did meet Margaret Atwood just now. Not one of my goals but fun!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Not doing too great with the goal that I have set, I know that I sent it way too high. but I have been loosing a little each week, so I am pretty happy with that. I do enjoy the group, and hope that you will have another one. I do know not to set such a high goal...LOL

    Beth, we've been doing these challenges for a while, I can not see myself stopping any time soon. This current challenge ends on September 4th and the next challenge will go for 9 weeks, from September 4th through November 6th. The last challenge of the year before we hit the 8 holiday season challenge: November 6th until January 1st. I guess I should start numbering these challenges so it's easier to keep track.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Well .... I had a pig out on cheese, pate and bread for lunch/dinner so I suspect a problem. But I did meet Margaret Atwood just now. Not one of my goals but fun!

    Marney, I think you automatically get extra calories (it's like exercise) when you meet Margaret Atwood. What was she like? What did you think?
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Flew all day from oregon to family reunuion in mich.
    Was worried my angry child would hijack me as usual
    and make me buy a candy bar,
    so i took my 88% dark chocolate
    and she behaved!
    She didnt even stand and stare at the airport candy!
    But tomorrow the reunion starts....

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Yes Marney tell all!
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    Guys, after this week's weigh in (August 7/8) we have 4 weeks to go, until September 4th, for this challenge. How are you doing with your goals?

    Eh...doing ok I suppose. Just need to be reminded that I am supposed to be losing weight and buckle down. Would probably help if I stayed somewhat present when I was grocery shopping. Need to come up with healthier cheats if I am going to continue to run amok.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Not doing too great with the goal that I have set, I know that I sent it way too high. but I have been loosing a little each week, so I am pretty happy with that. I do enjoy the group, and hope that you will have another one. I do know not to set such a high goal...LOL

    Beth, we've been doing these challenges for a while, I can not see myself stopping any time soon. This current challenge ends on September 4th and the next challenge will go for 9 weeks, from September 4th through November 6th. The last challenge of the year before we hit the 8 holiday season challenge: November 6th until January 1st. I guess I should start numbering these challenges so it's easier to keep track.


    Glad that you will keep these going, and I promise not to make such a not so realistic goal..LOL

    I am really excited about these challenges, and I am not sure , but really excited about the one November 6 thru January 1st. I guess I like challenging myself through the holidays. I TRY to watch my weight through those times, because of so many tempting treats.

    I know that this challenge ends September 4, but I will be out of town, leaving early on the 3rd. If I weigh on the 2nd, can I just go ahead and put this in the challenge?
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    drags59 wrote: »
    Guys, after this week's weigh in (August 7/8) we have 4 weeks to go, until September 4th, for this challenge. How are you doing with your goals?

    Eh...doing ok I suppose. Just need to be reminded that I am supposed to be losing weight and buckle down. Would probably help if I stayed somewhat present when I was grocery shopping. Need to come up with healthier cheats if I am going to continue to run amok.

    I think you hit it on the nail Cheryl. I can't have binge potential food in the house because it is just too much temptation. Course that is changing a bit as I am making sure I am including a loved food every day. But you are right about the healthy cheats as well. Check out Hungry Girl's suggestions. http://www.hungry-girl.com/ she is an expert on creating lower calorie substitutes so dieters can eat big and not feel deprived.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Not doing too great with the goal that I have set, I know that I sent it way too high. but I have been loosing a little each week, so I am pretty happy with that. I do enjoy the group, and hope that you will have another one. I do know not to set such a high goal...LOL

    Beth, we've been doing these challenges for a while, I can not see myself stopping any time soon. This current challenge ends on September 4th and the next challenge will go for 9 weeks, from September 4th through November 6th. The last challenge of the year before we hit the 8 week holiday season challenge: November 6th until January 1st. I guess I should start numbering these challenges so it's easier to keep track.


    Glad that you will keep these going, and I promise not to make such a not so realistic goal..LOL

    I am really excited about these challenges, and I am not sure , but really excited about the one November 6 thru January 1st. I guess I like challenging myself through the holidays. I TRY to watch my weight through those times, because of so many tempting treats.

    I know that this challenge ends September 4, but I will be out of town, leaving early on the 3rd. If I weigh on the 2nd, can I just go ahead and put this in the challenge?

    Beth, we are not really rigid about these things. You can weigh in before the 4th or after, whatever works best for your life.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Lill, good idea to give your inner angry child the dark chocolate! I'm realizing that it's not about self denial and self discipline but rather being smart about when and what you eat.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    So far, so good. I've been weighing every morning and staying in the 129-131 range. I have no idea how many calories I'm eating each day. I do measure out servings of most things, it also helps DH keep on track with his logging.

    I was happy with getting to size 10 jeans and allowed myself to get a couple more pairs. But then they were looking baggy... I got a size 8 and it fit. I've been wearing the GVanderbilt jeans at Costco for 14.99. Getting two pair every time I went down a size. I was wearing 18 when I started. Nothing has changed but I guess my body is still adjusting.

    I'm keeping up with an hour minimum of activity everyday and am heading off to the treadmill when I finish this note :)
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    I tend to eat the same thing over and over, because introducing something new to my body when it is working perfectly fine is at times asking for trouble. Usually when I am grocery shopping, junk doesn't enter my basket or if it does, it is removed before I get to the check out. But this time I went twice for the same thing and both times the shelves were completely empty. I complained and was told the store is too small to service the neighborhood...well ya know, you can either up the delivery times to keep the "sale items" on the shelves or you can up the amount you order. Because a 24 hour store should be able to get through at least the daylight hours before running out, otherwise your management sucks! My healthy snacks are usually eggs, Kind bars, yogurt or fruit, but when the items are not on the shelves...anger enters the picture and junk ends up in my cart. Most of the time the child puts the junk in and the adult takes it out...apparently the adult was pissed off this time.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    I'm realizing that it's not about self denial and self discipline but rather being smart about when and what you eat.

    I'm not all that sure I could be as self disciplined as I am without the medical issues, that tends to change your habits in a hurry. But even with the medical issues hanging over my head, I still had to go through the withdrawal for lack of a better word. I would buy say ice cream and after a couple of bites be in pain from hell and then 2 months later do it all over again as I forgot about the pain. It took a handful of times of being curled up on the floor with a gall bladder attack from hell before I finally got it through my head. The emotional connection is no longer there for me, I finally managed to break that...but it was just as hard as quitting smoking. I don't think I am emotionally addicted to any one food anymore. I do still on occasion make bad choices, but it isn't a constant anymore. Honestly, that is half the battle...
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Goal: 161.5 (15 lbs.)

    July 3 - 176.5
    July 10 - 176.0 = .5 loss
    July 17 - 174.6 = 1.4
    July 24 - 174.4 = 1.6
    July 31 - 174.0 = 2.0
    August 7 - 173.8 = 2.2

    Going slowly, but happy that I am loosing, I thought I had loss more this week since starting at the Y and going M-W-F, but I guess it takes awhile before It shows. It's 7:45, and I am off to the grocery, (I hate this job), but my Krogers is so big it is almost like an extra workout. LOL...I am getting better on what I buy, I make up a list and stick with this, doing this has helps me a lot and we don't have much junk at home, even Mike is enjoying the benefits of not having junk food in the house. Hope everyone has a great day, and a great weekend.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited August 2015
    drags59 wrote: »
    I'm realizing that it's not about self denial and self discipline but rather being smart about when and what you eat.

    @drags59 Cheryl, if you get that, you've got it ALL! Eating in the moment, smart choices, good planning! That is what will keep you on a down-scale track.

    @gmabethof3 Beth, you are doing great! You will notice the Y the next time you measure inches. Also, when you first start to exercise, you may retain some water/glycogen weight. So you next loss might be larger.

    @dasher602014 How exciting! Yes, what is she like?

    @gaylebodine LOL, we definitely aren't "rigid" around here. Life can be too much fun to ignore some alternate routes. I love our non-competitive challenges.

    @Cclill Have fun at the reunion.

    @MapDancer You are doing so well at maintenance. Seemed to be a fairly easy transition for you. Smart to keep measuring. I know portion control has always been a downfall for me.

    @maryschwartzroby Mary, are you out there?

    As for me. I'm at 148. Still haven't recovered from the drinking and fair food last weekend. This weekend are two more chamber music concerts (one was last night). A little more civilized. Wine instead of beer. I can pack my dinners, too.

    I have done well with my challenge and now leave a bite almost every meal. Is easier for me to have one goal at a time.

    You probably all know my favorite saying. I made it up as wallpaper for my computers and my phone to remind me that I have to make the right choices (like Cheryl said):


  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Lol, actually, Cheryl was quoting me :) but I will take the high five too! I've had a good week but last night I starting eating popcorn and ended up eating a big bowl so not weighing today. I'll catch you guys tomorrow. Love you wallpaper Charlie! Beth, slow and steady wins this race!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi all,
    I will step on the scale tomorrow morning but despite being all over the place with friends, B&B and hotels, my clothes still fit so I might be OK. Glad to be home where I have better control.

    Yesterday morning, I rounded the corner to the breakfast room and there they sat, Margaret Atwood and her partner, Graeme Gibson. We saw the same play so she asked me what I thought. Now, I have seen her interviewed more than once and she can be really sharpish if she thinks people aren't thinking. And, I am an English major, although, since we weren't introduced, she might have believed I did not know that I knew who she was, yeah right! And I am not a morning person but .... I took a big breath, and said I liked it and there were some things I liked and some I did not like. Of course, she wanted to know what I did not like. I think I sounded intelligent since the conversation continued for awhile. I wish I had had a chance to talk to Graeme Gibson because honestly, his books are more often open in our family, than hers! She looks amazing. Her hair has gone from blonde to white/grey and she doesn't look her age at all. Very pleasant if brief meeting and if I sounded stupid, she doesn't know my name!

    Back to reality now.
