Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    Challenge Goal: 245

    July 3 - 260.4
    July 10 - 259.2
    July 17 - 258.4
    July 24 - 253.4
    July 31 - 255.2
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Dittos Charlie! And congrats to the group for weight loss!
    I hope to report tomorrow.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Congrats to everyone for their weight loss..Way to go!!!!!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    drags59 wrote: »
    Challenge Goal: 245

    July 3 - 260.4
    July 10 - 259.2
    July 17 - 258.4
    July 24 - 253.4
    July 31 - 255.2

    a little bit up but the trend is great and you are down 5 in a month. Great work!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Fyi dont worry about me. My report late due to bad timing, days starting too early for me. Tomorrow too. Leading a writing retreat so will weigh myself on my way out the door, then check in tomorrow night.
  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    a little bit up but the trend is great and you are down 5 in a month. Great work!

    Yeah a lot of emotional stress from hell this last month...we lost 3 dogs in this family in the span of 2 months. Was just heartbreaking. Wasn't all that sure Mom was going to survive this one as it just ripped her up.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cheryl I am so sorry about your loss of your dog friend and your family's losses! Hang in there girl and hope your mom will be OK over time.
    Charlie, I so agree! There have been times when I would have just disappeared into the ranks of those who fallen off the weight loss wagon if it wasn't for my commitment to this group.
    Lill, I'm looking forward to your report--and sounds like your retreat is going well.
    Marney! congrats on your weight loss and love your story about your underwire!
    Beth! Great job!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    drags59 wrote: »
    a little bit up but the trend is great and you are down 5 in a month. Great work!

    Yeah a lot of emotional stress from hell this last month...we lost 3 dogs in this family in the span of 2 months. Was just heartbreaking. Wasn't all that sure Mom was going to survive this one as it just ripped her up.

    Sometimes, diet and weigh loss take a backseat to other more important things in life. Like grief. That is a lot of loss of 4 footed friends in a short period of time. Hope you still have some animals in your life or someone to hug when you feel blue. There are probably some 4 footed characters waiting to join you in the future but we don't forget the ones that leave us. Next month will be better.


  • drags59
    drags59 Posts: 85 Member
    Thank you Marney!
    I have 2 more dogs at home, Mom has one and my little sister lost her mind and got a 6 month old Terrier. She works from home and said she was on a conference call and out of the corner of her eye, saw him walk by from the bathroom with a wad of toilet paper hanging out of his mouth. One of my dogs is still a teenager and there is no way, I'd get a puppy.... My sister said she forgot about puppies....bet she remembers now!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    drags59 wrote: »
    Thank you Marney!
    I have 2 more dogs at home, Mom has one and my little sister lost her mind and got a 6 month old Terrier. She works from home and said she was on a conference call and out of the corner of her eye, saw him walk by from the bathroom with a wad of toilet paper hanging out of his mouth. One of my dogs is still a teenager and there is no way, I'd get a puppy.... My sister said she forgot about puppies....bet she remembers now!

    They do remind you quickly! LOL
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Frustrating week
    Never saw 189 again! Not even 189.9
    Goal: "Do what I'm doing and lose 1 pound per week"
    7/02/15: 193
    7/11/15: 192.8
    7/17/15: 191
    7/24/15: 189.2
    8/2/15: 190.2
    For my mental health, im going to switch the last two weigh ins in my mind.
    But my writing retreat was lovely!
    Beautiful little farm, fun editorial consults under an apple tree with view of gorgeous pond.

  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Lill, still about three pounds down from your starting weight, so that is good. There are always bumps on this weight loss journey. Right group? The retreat sounds very lovely indeed! Actually, acknowledge yourself for only picking up a pound since I bet there was also lots of lovely food at the retreat as well.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    You guys are going to laugh at me! I'm trying out "Princess Breakfast", "Queen Lunch" and "Super Model Dinner" plus three "teas" (planned snacks). I didn't do very well with the SM dinner today but did stay in calories. This from that book I linked that I am currently reading "Dieting for the Food Lover".
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited August 2015
    @gaylebodine Do we have to curtsy at breakfast and lunchtime to you? As for the Super Model Dinner, I assume that you eat less because it is hard to chew when you adopt a hollowed-cheek, oh-so-bored look. So, what are these meals? They sound like fun!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I'm afraid I am the opposite of royalty. You will never see me wearing those silly hats, for one ;) I'm only a third the way through the book so can only tell you that he asks one to eat one of your "high sacrifice" (non diet foods that are your favorite foods and that you feel deprived if you do not have) for morning tea. He has two of his favorite chocolate cookies most days. So I could have a loved muffin or a small bag of kettle chips or something like that. Anyway, he feels that we justify overeating later in the day because of a sense of "starving" or "deprivation".

    To match our actual energy demands (this is if you are up in the morning and go to bed at night) he also recommends larger meals being breakfast and lunch (hence "princess" and "queen") and a lighter dinner (super model). I blew it yesterday, my dinner was too low protein but I'm just learning and have not yet relegated my "high sacrifice" foods to morning tea.

    He also talks about the value of eating lower GL food (glycemic load), not eliminating carbs, upping lower fat protein, including more salads, soups which also include protein. His big goal is not extreme/fast weight loss but an eating plan to live with for a lifetime (begin as you wish to continue). He states: 'Goal: to develop a healthy eating lifestyle while really loving your food".

    His big thing is that weight loss can not be maintained if there is a feeling of being deprived or starved. Oh, he also recommends eating like the French. Eating smaller high quality (delicious) food portions (actually being aware of American super-sized portions) and eating more slowly and savoring your food, especially your high sacrifice foods. The thing about the low sacrifice and high sacrifice foods. He has you make a list of the foods you love and then identify the ones you don't mind sacrificing and the ones that are "high sacrifice". Then, as I already mentioned, to be sure to include those high sacrifice foods in a "morning tea" sized portion each day.

    The link to the book is in the links discussion.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    I think that you, Charlie, and Pam, since you have been at this a long time and have no intention of ever really being done with your food plan, already do most of these things. I just really appreciate his psychological approach.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    sounds like really solid advice! the idea of high and low sacrifice is a new one to me.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    yea gods. I just found out that Margaret atwood is staying at the same b and b as we are. I haven't read her books since uni. I hope I miss her since I won't know what to say.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Oh, I think I've only read The Handmaid's Tale. How cool. Well, she is probably a normal person as well.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Gayle -- i was in charge of retreat so of course it was brown bag :-).