Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Beth, you are my '70's sister! We just need to keep on keeping on, despite recent bumps.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Beth, you are my '70's sister! We just need to keep on keeping on, despite recent bumps.

    Gayle, Yes, we are 70's sisters.LOL.... One of these days we will get past that point.....I was hoping I could do it before the new years, don't think that will happen, seems I keep gaining, and I am watching what I eat. I will confess, I am not exercising like I should, guess I will push myself to do so.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2015
    November 6 - 175.0
    November 13 - 176.4
    November 20 - 175.8
    November 28 - 178.0
    December 4 - 177.7 = Total +2.5 = It's only a little, but on the way back down YEA

    Hi Ladies, cold morning here in Cincy, suppose to get into the 40's (heat wave...LOL), Hope everyone has a great day and clean eating to everyone.. :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    After logging in for 450+ days I simply forgot to login a few days ago and was suddenly back to day 1. Actually, it is quite appropriate--I feel like I am starting over after many weeks of capriciously logging in and filling out my diary as an exception to the rule instead of the rule. Still up from our start but recording again and feel like I'm back on my food plan again. Thanks for your support and for being there!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2015
    Gayle, You did great this week, I think your going to pass that 170 mark soon. Isn't there a way the MFP can correct your number of logging days. :)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 7: 163
    Nov 13: 165
    Nov 20: 164
    Nov 28: 165
    Dec 4: 164

    On my way down again too. Tough week with a variety of medical appointments but all good so far. I was really hungry this week and let it get out of hand on some days. But I am glad i can still walk with no ice on the road.

    MFP does have a way to reset your logging days. I forget the details though. And Gayle, you are so close! Soon, you will be racing me and I have a great deal more to lose than you. But I will be ready and waiting!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    here is the link to reset your counter https://myfitnesspal.com/account/login_counter_reset_request

    Least you think that I've been too consistent for almost 7 months, yesterday I had my highest morning weight of 132.0. I don't think it is from Thanksgiving dinner - probably leftovers take the blame. It motivated me to clean house, treadmill for 75 minutes and go folkdancing yesterday. Today: 131.0.

    I was looking back at my plateaus and realized that to break through it wasn't a matter of eating less than the given calories - because that just slows down your metabolism - but exercising longer. My first plateau ended when I watched Boys Over Flowers. I had put off watching that kdrama because it was extremely popular. Well, I found myself on the treadmill for 90 minutes at a time. Totally sucked me in that week. When the plateau ended I went back to my regular 60 min/day on the treadmill or other activity and continued to lose slowly as usual... till the next plateau.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    edited December 2015
    I am here. Just so busy. Had two 12 hour days this week with movers. I have had so many moves. Some evening. Still have 64 people to move in 6 moves, but only two have been scheduled. These must get done by the end of the year, but I only have 12 working days to do it! I'm pulling out my hair because contractors can't seem to get their completion days correct or even guess at them.

    It is also inventory time. I do 3 inventories. I have 6 weeks to do them. 7000 items on one. The other is 120 pages long. The third is easy. I don't count everything, but I must organize all the lists by department and location so the various trades can do their own. Then I go spot check. Unfortunately, the company that provided my software, sold and the replacement program is not working right. I have spent a few hours now with techs in web-meetings and they can't figure out the glitch. So, as of yet, I haven't even been able to get into my inventory database to begin.

    Of course, the holidays are so busy. I have a commitment tonight and 3 tomorrow. Next weekend is worse. Haven't started shopping. I do mine and my ex's. I do shop on line, but need a day to sit down and do it!

    So, I haven't been logging. I am 5 pounds over my low. I feel it, too. I feel heavy! I just haven't been feeling great and tend to get home and drop. Workouts have not been regular.

    Sorry for providing such a bad example. I need to go back and read some posts. Maybe Monday. I have got to find time to devote to this. Not good to let it slide. I will pay before long.

    Pam: I'm loving Oh My Venus. How about you? I haven't had time to call about the Weight Loss Registry. Otherwise, I'm just watching Bubblegum. No time for more. Both are twice a week -- Monday/Tuesday.

    I'm so pleased for everyone though! Marney, Gayle, Beth...you all had losses! That's great!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks so much for the reset link Pam! Like Gayle, I got my logins all messed up over tg.
    After getting tons of long hikes over tg with my son, and not going over calories, im up 3 lbs.
    I suspect i bloated because many of calories were simple carbs
    Im back on the food plan with you Gayle!
    Pam thanks for your plateau plan too! I will try to get mucho exercise!
    10/16/15 low, 184
    Bouncing up and back
    11/27/15, 184.4
    12/5/15, 187 another bounce up
    Heading into this difficult season im so glad i have you all on my side!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited December 2015
    Hang in there Charlie! What a schedule!

    Thanks, Pam. I am trying to up my exercise and be stricter with my low carb diet. But exercise always makes me feel better and it does shift the weight. Since this year is so mild yet, there is no ice on the roads, so I am taking advantage of it.

    I spent today cleaning out our hot tub and refilling. It would have been quite a sight. 45 degrees, I am hanging around the backyard in a wet bathing suit to be sure that the emptying worked as planned. Then some hours later, in shorts, t shirt and flip flops cleaning the inside. I gave up when there were a few snow flakes around in the air. I am sure the heating up will show on the electric bill but we both enjoy using the tub every day. It is a luxury but so nice for the aches and pains.

    I have challenged my DH to do a fast until tomorrow dinner. He is thinking about it.

    Stay the course!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Weighing in a day early because this morning finally back to my 10/16 low of 184
    The suspense is killing me - tomorrow will i have bounced up again?
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Forgot to confess above that i haven't added to my exercise yet.
    But today hope to get in a groove.
    I have a 270 manuscript to book doctor, and plan to do it on the little sofa at my little gym after i exercise there.
    Sigh, have been enjoying book doctoring on my own sofa with cat on lap.
    The gym needs a resident cat!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Also forgot to confess that on Tuesday my angry childish child
    bought an arbys chocolate turn over because its only a dollar.
    540 cals!
    I logged it and didn't go over daily cal count, so
    though i know its really bad for my health
    to substitute sugar cals for healthy cals,
    I'm not beating up on myself as much as would have in the past,
    because at least i was honest and logged it.
    Logging food helps my mental state!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Angry children have to be fed sometime! Well done logging it.

    Peter and I did do a fast until dinner one day this week and it brought my weight down by, wait for it....., one pound! Sigh

    I am away from home at the moment and will have to do a Sunday weigh in this week after I get home. Hard to control much in someone else's home but having a good time. So I am going to enjoy my Christmas break with friends.

    For Christmas, we will be back to managing my niece's household for 10 days. They are both home now so a very different dynamic but we are still there to provide food, car service and back up to allow my niece to get out and about. Not exactly what we had imagined for Christmas but still Christmas with family. Have to finish with presents early!

    Out to lunch tomorrow and simply going to choose the best option I can. Then enjoy it!

    I hope everyone's week is going well.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    In a bit of a nice shock
    This morning down from 184 to 183.2!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    November 6 - 175.0
    November 13 - 176.4
    November 20 - 175.8
    November 28 - 178.0
    December 4 - 177.7
    December 12 - 177.0

    Hi Ladies, I did better than expected this week, been so busy getting thing ready for our Christmas next Saturday. My son is coming in from Virginia and we will be celebrating early. Looking forward to everyone being together, and also seeing the grandkids.

    Everyone have a great weekend, and a good week. :)

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Dec 11: 130.0
    Last year I managed to maintain a plateau over the holidays, but I was still logging everything everyday. So I hope to manage as well this year without logging.

    I ran across a short video of myself (and our dogs) made in 2011 that we sent on a CD to a friend abroad. I was probably up to 178lbs. (my highest), which I was at for 6-7 years. I was shocked and really felt upset to see myself. I looked like I had been blown up, like an intertube. It was hard to watch me. Also, there is a video on youtube of a dance workshop with our folkdance group. I see myself, from the backside even, and wish I could erase it! I didn't know I looked that ... well, bluntly, fat... DH had to talk me back down.

    Charlie: Oh My Venus is so great! We wait till Tuesday so we can watch two at a time, but then to wait a week for the next batch... ah the pain of live shows. We just finished High School King of Savvy. LOL wonderful. They have a nice special at the end too. I'm watching Bubblegum while treading. Wondering if I'll hit 100 dramas by mid-March, my 2-year point of kdrama addiction!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Official report
    Goal - avoid plateau depression
    So far a struggle against depression caused by frustration, but still on the program with your help.
    11/27/15, 184.4
    12/5/15, 187
    12/12/15, 183.2 first new low on my progress chart since 10/16/15
    I haven't been able to discern a rhyme or reason, except similar to Charlie's whoosh
    but teeny weeny whooshes.

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Forgot to say that now that i finally have a new low on my chart, i feel less frustrated
    and now just feel resigned to fact that my body seems to have mind of its own -- if i believed in dualism, i'd say i have triple-ism--
    It intends to lose weight extremely slowly.
    This is a less punishing mental state than frustration.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Really struggling but haven't given up. My diet has been totally whacked out since Thanksgiving. But love looking on the horizon and seeing the challenge of the New Year ahead. That's what it might take at this point, we'll see. Glad to see that you are all doing so well and thanks for the counter link.