Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    I did the day count reset request and nice to see my higher number back. To get back to the "real" I entered today's weight so now it say "45 pounds lost" instead of "50 pounds lost" but that's a relief. Every time I saw that "50 pounds lost" I felt like a liar. So now, here I am 45 pounds lost, 462 days, 15 or so more to lose. Know my focus has to be on just feeling better and feeling strong in the new year. Want to keep my weight down to avoid or delay all the age related illnesses that are made worse by overweight. Want to live to see my grandchild (children?).
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 7: 163
    Nov 13: 165
    Nov 20: 164
    Nov 28: 165
    Dec 4: 164
    Dec 12: 166

    Going the wrong way! But I had a good time with friends in Toronto and did not overeat terribly. Just chocolates.

    I need to get back to the basics. I think my difficulty is that I am trying to reconcile reducing cholesterol and being on Atkins. I know that Atkins does not have to be saturated fats but they are the ones that taste good! And, I am struggling with all the contrary information out there. I just know that Atkins works for Peter's diabetes and I am unwilling to have simple carbs around to tempt him away from his efforts.

    Excuses, excuses, excuses. I have to log and add more veggies! Back on track, back on track.

    Gayle, glad you got 'reset'. Losing all your counts for logging wasn't fair. What can we do to spur the last 15 for you and the next 15 for me? New clothes, new book, new art supplies? Ideas?
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited December 2015
    You really didn't do that bad Gayle, I think we are all struggling. My diet is whacked out as well, and this week I know it will not be any better. My son is coming in from Virginia Wednesday and I will get to celebrate Christmas with all my kids Saturday. So you see my diet will suffer this week also.

    When does the New Year challenge start? I know I will need that, in fact Mike and I both have already said that we need to start a diet the first of the year. We both need it bad..LOL

    There is always a New Year and a New Start...and we will get past that 170 mark that we are both stuck on... :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Thanks for your encouragement! This current challenge ends on January 1st and a new one begins that day as well. A perfect day for new resolutions! Yes, Christmas is still ahead (just ate 8 gingerbread cookies last night, sigh), and my mom and sister are coming in on the 31st so lots of family meals (and emotional eating) likely. But I am still optimistic about the new year!! Know that one goal will be to finally leave the 170's behind and in the meantime just hope to hold my own and not be too hog wild.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Marney, I'm not sure what is going to spur me. I think the carrot of feeling better physically will finally do it.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Since I am 3 lbs up on this challenge, I am not sure what I have accomplished. However, January is coming with its new challenge and new start. And I am determined to stop this waffling. Sounds like we are all at the same place and have the same fix in mind. We will get there!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Since I am 3 lbs up on this challenge, I am not sure what I have accomplished. However, January is coming with its new challenge and new start. And I am determined to stop this waffling. Sounds like we are all at the same place and have the same fix in mind. We will get there!

    Yeah! I am right there with you!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Since I am 3 lbs up on this challenge, I am not sure what I have accomplished. However, January is coming with its new challenge and new start. And I am determined to stop this waffling. Sounds like we are all at the same place and have the same fix in mind. We will get there!

    I am up also, and I think after the holidays it will probably be up more. I agree, January is coming, and a new challenge and new start...We will all make it.....
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    my mom and sister are coming in on the 31st so lots of family meals (and emotional eating) likely. But I am still optimistic about the new year!! Know that one goal will be to finally leave the 170's behind and in the meantime just hope to hold my own and not be too hog wild. [/quote]

    I believe in you my dear friend! you WILL leave the 170's behind. As Paul assures me, eventually thermodynamics has to kick in. Thinnerness IS in our future. After the holidays food nightmare (logging our sugar calories ) we WILL get back on the rest of the program! I hope weather permits so you can walk with your sister and mom. Im lucky thats its just me and Paul.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Weekly report
    Goal: avoid plateau depression.
    Since i shifted from frustration to resignation last week, i have felt less frustrated. Surprise! :-)
    But also No bouncing up this time!
    Until a tiny bounce up this morning, weigh in day of course.
    11/27/15, 184.4
    12/11/15, 183.2 new low
    12/16/15, 183 midweek new low so i am reporting it.
    12/18/15, 184.4
    Went to art opening last night and was pleased i remembered my self talk, and didn't grab sugar until i was on my way out.
    Just remembered i forgot to log the free wine! Sigh.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    November 6 - 175.0
    November 13 - 176.4
    November 20 - 175.8
    November 28 - 178.0
    December 4 - 177.7
    December 12 - 177.0
    December 18 - 178.2 started my celebrating too early

    Didn't do well this week. no excuse, just celebrating... I guess I should grin and bare it and hope for the best on the New Year challenge
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Dec.18 - 132.0. It is going to be a real challenge for me to keep level this week. There are too many temptations. I'm cooking more holiday food this year. It means getting on the treadmill for longer sessions.

    I mailed in my paperwork for the National Weight Control Registry last week and yesterday I received an email with a link to my first survey. It says that it won't save partially filled out forms so I have to find an hour to complete it. It will actually be nice to sit down for an hour - maybe next week...
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    After i reported my weight today i ate breakfast and did pilates and stepped on scale again to find i'd lost .4
    Still a pound above my low so not celebrating, just wishing my body would explain its mysterious ways.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Last night and this morning I had a revelation, but then wondering if it be called a revelation if you have the same big insight over and over again, lol. Anyway: when I eat refined carbs and sugar I DON'T FEEL GOOD. Huh, could be a real cause and effect relationship there. Think the charm of "sugar plums" is wearing off. So hard to deny free range with the holiday treats, but getting easier. Looking forward to January 1st and the end of this challenge, and the beginning of a new year and new challenge. Please continue to think about what your goals are for 2016.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    edited December 2015
    Lill, Marney, Beth, thanks for your support! Pam that is so great that you remain someone standing in the light at the end of the difficult tunnel many of us are trudging through (or in my case, laying down in). Just resting! Off to the races again soon!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Still holding here. Same weight as last week.

    Lost our network this week and it is still flaky, and a power failure too so sometimes it just gets too hard! We are waiting for a new internet box but it will have to wait until we come back after Christmas.

    Trying to figure out how to fit 4 people, luggage, presents and food for 6 into our car. And just finishing up my sewing for Christmas. The rain hasn't stopped so I have been looking and riding (a little) on the stationary bike.

    Christmas promises to have walks with a large dog so maybe that will help with both mood and overindulges.

    Gayle, I know that refined carbs and sugar do not agree with me. I have been getting lazy and not eating enough veggies and that always affects how I feel.

    Hang in there gang! Christmas is supposed to be fun so don't beat yourselves up over food. Enjoy!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Here's my story with a cautionary note at the end. Monday was my annual gyn appt followed by a mammo. I was so excited since I'd lost another 10 lbs from last year and maintained it. My dr has also used MFP and he has now lost 30 lbs. All was fine until he did the breast exam and said has this always been there?? He guided my finger to a small bump-ish. He said it is probably a cyst. I totally was freaked. My mom passed away from breast cancer just before she was 57. I headed over to my mammo with the extra referrals for an ultrasound. They did the reg mammo, then a spot compression (nothing bothers me after nursing 3 kids for a total of 6.5 years). Then the ultrasound - all of which showed nothing!! Not even a cyst. It was an anxious couple of hours for me and I lost .6 lbs by the time I got home.

    But as the tech mentioned, when you lose a lot of weight - meaning fat - other things tend to stand out. Like the tide going out and finding shells on the beach. So, I just wanted to mention that in case anyone else finds themselves in a similar situation.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'm here...really, but not caught up and still crazy. I haven't wrapped anything and it is now Christmas eve. I have been working extra hours and fighting off everything. Pink eye, Norwalk virus, and a cold. Honestly, grandkids are like little petri dishes that you can't get away from. With all that, I haven't had time to stay home from work and recuperate.

    I haven't read back too far, so I apologize if I have missed anything important. I have moves everyday next week, including my day off, but things should slow down then a little.

    Pam, I am so glad to hear that your scare was for nothing. Doesn't make it less frightening though. Not only losing weight makes a difference, but so do all the CATScans and MRI's etc. Most people do have things growing in them that until recent technology, no one ever saw. Most of it is benign, but scares you at first.

    I got my National Registry stuff. Have not sent it back yet though. I need a little time. I haven't replaced Bubblegum. (That certainly was an anti-climatic ending, wasn't it?) Oh, My Venus is getting closer to the end. I'm going to miss that so much! Oh, love So Ji-Sub. I went back and found a movie called "Always" that he was in and watched it. Good movie. I had watched that short series One Sunny Day, but he played such a shy, nerdy part, didn't even seem like the same guy.

    I know you said you have watched for two years. I'm almost at three years. Never counted how many though.

    If any of you ever have the desire to watch a Korean show, I would recommend Oh, My Venus. It is about a trainer who helps a young woman lose weight. It is about weight loss. Self-esteem. Self-visualization, etc.

    Well, 2016 is almost here. I feel like 2015 was not as successful for me as I would have hoped. I am right now 7 pounds over my low (that is because I haven't been logging) and I have not been working out much either. Can only blame myself. 2016 here I come!

    In the meantime:
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Merry Christmas All!