Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    1/01/16: 180.4
    1/09/16: 178.6
    Hi guys! I had a great visit with my sister and mom (visiting from Illinois) but unfortunately my sister gifted me with the cold she brought with her. So sick again but will "begin again" in earnest once it no longer feels like someone sandpapered my throat. Glad to see you all here and that you are doing well!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hey, what do you all think about Oprah becoming the WW public face and shareholder? I actually think it will be great for Oprah, mfp and the many inspired by her! I lost 20 pounds (over and over again) on WW and think it is a great program. Myfitnesspal just works better for me!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Missing Charlie. I hope all is well with her.

    MFP works better for me and so does a low carb diet but WW is a good program. I too lost weight with them years ago. My niece is doing well with them now. With a smart phone and their points program, it seems very easy for her.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hey, what do you all think about Oprah becoming the WW public face and shareholder? I actually think it will be great for Oprah, mfp and the many inspired by her! I lost 20 pounds (over and over again) on WW and think it is a great program. Myfitnesspal just works better for me!

    Gayle, I think it is great that Oprah is becoming the face for WW. I did go to WW a few times before signing up with MFP, and I will admit that I sometimes still follow some of their diet (recipes, tips). MFP is more for me, I don't think meetings etc. were my cup of tea. I agree that it is a great program, but MFP is lot better for me, here on MFP, I have met more wonderful friends and have all of you as a great support system even when I have a bad day.

    Well, I need to go outside and shovel some snow, yes we are having out first snow fall of the winter, there is already about 2" on the ground and still coming down,, YUCK!! but hey.. it will burn off more cals. :D
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    It is so frustrating. Another lb down yesterday. Two lbs up today! Back to where I started Jan 1st. I know, I know, but it is frustrating. And I am 2 days into recovering from a back spasm (happens because of an old injury) so exercise is not an option to burn off the frustration (and the weight). Sigh.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    It is so frustrating. Another lb down yesterday. Two lbs up today! Back to where I started Jan 1st. I know, I know, but it is frustrating. And I am 2 days into recovering from a back spasm (happens because of an old injury) so exercise is not an option to burn off the frustration (and the weight). Sigh.

    I hope your back gets better soon. When you have a back ache you don't want to do anything.

    I was 177.8 yesterday morning, good all day and before bed I was 179. How did that happen? I think I am going to start weighing myself only once a week on Friday morning, so not to get discouraged UGH! :(
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good idea! I normally only weigh in the morning. I am going to back off every day.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Perhaps this link should go into the studies folder but it relates to the current comments. I always do a daily weight check in the morning, before breakfast. Of course, it will be higher by bedtime because I've been eating all day and not necessarily "losing" it yet. Here is a recent article looking at several studies: usatoday.com/story/life/2016/01/03/weight-loss-scales-daily/77584478/

    I found it encouraging to see the scale go down, even in tenths - that kept me motivated. If it went up a bit - that also was my motivation to get on the treadmill for a bit longer. Though my calorie goal was set for 1 lb/wk I really average 3 lbs. a month in the beginning and 2 lbs. a month towards the end.

    Marney I hope your back feels better soon. Maybe mental exercise will work too??

    Charlie: You must be really busy. I just started "It's Okay, It's Love". Looking forward to "Moorim School" - seems like a Korean Hogwarts.

    Beth: Please send some snow to Maryland - I tired of wiping muddy paws on three dogs!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    I know what you mean about the muddy paws, I just have a little schnauzer, and my hardwood is covered in paw prints... LOL If I could send the snow I would be happy to...... :)
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks for the link, Pam. I too get on the scales in the morning before breakfast.

    Back is better but activity level still low but pain killers only needed in the evenings so I know I am almost over this. Need to incorporate more stretching in my daily routines.

    I watched Splash Splash Love yesterday. First Korean movie. Really enjoyed it! Especially the clementine through out. The outtakes at the end were funny as well. The girl is quite a good actor.

    Snow and cold here. Trying not to shovel but at least it is powder snow.

    Maybe it is time for a new scale since mine only goes done in half lbs. But I am sticking to plan so hopefully something will shift soon.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Yeah! Glad you enjoyed it Marney. You may want to check out the recap on dramabeans. They are helpful in pointing out little things missed in translation. I didn't catch that they were calling Dan Bi, her name means "more rain" dramabeans.com/2015/12/splish-splash-love-episodes-1-2/
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited January 2016
    My mother was small all her life. She was only 5 ft and was around the 100-120 lb range all through her life even after 4 large babies. She weigh herself every morning. I take after my father in weight gaining ability. Even at my current weight, I am the smallest of my cousins on that side.

    So, like my mum, I have weighed myself every morning. Unlike my mum, I did not follow her rule of keeping weight within a 5 lb fluctuation. If she went up more than 3 lbs, she cut back on sugars and starches, if she went up 5 lbs then she actively dieted. And, she watched it on the lower end too, eating more when necessary.

    How come, the older you get, the wiser the previous generation is, just at the point when you cannot say, "Thanks, I get it."? I feel this way about my mum's cousin too. What fun we could have sewing now that I have knowledge and what I could learn from her now that I have patience. As an eight year old, she got me started, and I never said thanks properly because I started sewing again after she was gone.

    Such is life. But I am grateful to them both.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I'm embarresed and ashamed to be back on here after my leave of absence.I've totally lost all control on exercise(none)not drinking water and eating what I want.The lbs have really piled on and I have no excuse.i just seemed I was struggling and gave up the fight.i didn't want to log on in here because I was afraid I would bring someone else down.But i'm back if i'm accepted back.
    I've been backtracking and reading your post.I'm glad everyone is hanging in there and encouraging each other.Tomorrow i'm getting back on the scale and regrouping.When I lost I had so much confidence and felt good about myself.Not anymore.My biggest problem is sweets,i'm addicted to them.At least I haven't gone back to sodas.
    I f it's ok with this group i'd like to come back and get encouragement and give it also.Grateful for this group.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    I'm embarresed and ashamed to be back on here after my leave of absence.I've totally lost all control on exercise(none)not drinking water and eating what I want.The lbs have really piled on and I have no excuse.i just seemed I was struggling and gave up the fight.i didn't want to log on in here because I was afraid I would bring someone else down.But i'm back if i'm accepted back.
    I've been backtracking and reading your post.I'm glad everyone is hanging in there and encouraging each other.Tomorrow i'm getting back on the scale and regrouping.When I lost I had so much confidence and felt good about myself.Not anymore.My biggest problem is sweets,i'm addicted to them.At least I haven't gone back to sodas.
    I f it's ok with this group i'd like to come back and get encouragement and give it also.Grateful for this group.

    Welcome Back Mary!!!! Glad to have you aboard, remember that we are are human, and losing control is only natural.. Always glad that your back! :)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    My mother was small all her life. She was only 5 ft and was around the 100-120 lb range all through her life even after 4 large babies. She weigh herself every morning. I take after my father in weight gaining ability. Even at my current weight, I am the smallest of my cousins on that side.

    So, like my mum, I have weighed myself every morning. Unlike my mum, I did not follow her rule of keeping weight within a 5 lb fluctuation. If she went up more than 3 lbs, she cut back on sugars and starches, if she went up 5 lbs then she actively dieted. And, she watched it on the lower end too, eating more when necessary.

    How come, the older you get, the wiser the previous generation is, just at the point when you cannot say, "Thanks, I get it."? I feel this way about my mum's cousin too. What fun we could have sewing now that I have knowledge and what I could learn from her now that I have patience. As an eight year old, she got me started, and I never said thanks properly because I started sewing again after she was gone.

    Such is life. But I am grateful to them both.

    Marney, we should all take your mom's advice, and keep our weight within 5 lbs..LOL I know that I would have a hard time doing that, but it does sound great. :)
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    I'm embarresed and ashamed to be back on here after my leave of absence.I've totally lost all control on exercise(none)not drinking water and eating what I want.The lbs have really piled on and I have no excuse.i just seemed I was struggling and gave up the fight.i didn't want to log on in here because I was afraid I would bring someone else down.But i'm back if i'm accepted back.
    I've been backtracking and reading your post.I'm glad everyone is hanging in there and encouraging each other.Tomorrow i'm getting back on the scale and regrouping.When I lost I had so much confidence and felt good about myself.Not anymore.My biggest problem is sweets,i'm addicted to them.At least I haven't gone back to sodas.
    I f it's ok with this group i'd like to come back and get encouragement and give it also.Grateful for this group.

    Welcome Back Mary!!!! Glad to have you aboard, remember that we are are human, and losing control is only natural.. Always glad that your back! :)

    Thank you!!!!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited January 2016
    January 1, 2016 Challenge

    January 1 - 178.0
    January 8 - 177.6 = -.4
    January 15 - 177.2 = -.8

    Going slow, but I am loosing. Starting back at the Y today, going to start some weight training and hope that gets the lbs. off me...We'll see!! :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    1/01/16: 180.4
    1/09/16: 178.6
    1/15/16: 174.3
    The up side of being sick in bed with a sinus infection almost all week: no appetite! Easy to stay in calories. This one is being stubborn, hopefully I will feel better soon (on meds for for three days now). I'll see if I can find Charlie. Thanks for hanging in! Marney I loved your story about your small mom. A good demonstration of life-time maintenance.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited January 2016
    Hello Gayle, hope you get better soon! Take it easy!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    Good morning ladies.I'm having a difficult time with MFP.I try logging in all my food but it's not letting me.not even letting me do the quick calories.I'm on day2 and not showing it.Have they made some changes I don't know about? when I go to my home page it's not showing anything either.Thanks for any info you can give me.
    I hope everyone has a successful day whatever you do.