Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 7: 163
    Nov 13: 165
    Nov 20: 164

    Boy, does this weekly check in help. I was annoyed that I was gaining because I wasn't 163. But I am not 165 either.

    Charlie, you are so cheerful facing your health issues. I have another doctor's appt on Monday and I am dreading it. But I will be going.

    Recommitting this week, again. We did get 2 games of golf in but now winter has set in and we have a dusting of snow. So need to climb on the indoor bicycle.

    Good loss Beth and really good commitment to exercise Gayle.

    CONGRATS pam on 6 month's maintenance. That is a huge milestone. I hope you are not feeling deprived and can keep it up forever.

    Have a good week everyone.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hi guys, struggling but have not given up. That's as good as I've got. I've bounced as high as 173.5 and as low as 170 but glad to be at 171.1 today. I just do not have what it takes to lose right now, so maybe should just focus on keeping it as close to 170 (will accept better) during this challenge. Know I need to feel better as a start. Am getting used to working with the seniors though, and that's something. Next week I have a planned feast (turkey and fixings) but otherwise will maintain and record my food as many days as possible.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member

    Goal this challenge -- keep avoiding the plateau depression.
    plateaued since 184 pounds on 10/13/15
    Weekly report looks logical, but Between weigh in days,
    water weight bouncing up 3lbs and back.
    11/7/15, 186
    11/13/15, 185.6
    11/20/15, 185.4
    Couple days ago i weighed 188!

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Well, I'm 3 pounds over my low of 141.5. I just can't get back to it; let alone below it. And I've been really good this week, except for last night, I went to 1358 calories. Went to have a glass of wine (which I allowed for in my 1200 calories planning), but the proprietor was testing a mulled wine recipe for the holidays and asked me to be her guinea pig. Poor me... ;) It was delicious, but caloric!

    Anyway, I had a 6,400 calories deficit last week. No loss though, in fact I think that was a gain! Oh, back to the early days when that would have easily been 1 1/2 to 2 pound loss.

    Nice loss, Beth! Gayle, I see that you've been walking. You'll get there. You, and I, just have to get out of this funk we are in. :/

    Thanks for the concern, Beth. I don't have to have the device replaced yet, but probably within 6 months. The procedure will not take as long as the first time because the leads to my heart are already in place. They will just open up the "pocket" and disconnect leads. They will remove the old device and then reconnect to a new device. I never have had any problems with anesthesia, infection, or such with any surgery in the past. They keep you only lightly anesthesized, but then will put me in deeply when they put me in cardiac arrest. They have to do this to test the defibrillator part of the device. So technically, I've been dead before, but, you know what? Nothing. No white light. No old friends or family. No choir of angels. o:) But, most importantly, no fire! >:)

    Charlie, I think You, Gayle and I all need to get out of this funk, weight is not coming off as easy, even though I am trying.

    Glad you do not need that device replace for awhile. I have a port that has been replaced three times in 7 years YUK! and I think the hassel of the procedure was more a pain than the operation itself. I too have been lucky in the past when it comes to the anesthesia, no problems there. Even though you were technically dead, glad that you are back.

    It's a cold day here in Cincy, right now 35..burrrrrrrr! sitting here by the fire, and planning on sitting here most of the day. only getting up to go do some walking. How's the temp. your way? I have a friend in Elgin Chicago, and yesterday they had 7 inches on snow UGH!

    Well you have a nice/warm day, and a great week and Turkey day.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi guys, struggling but have not given up. That's as good as I've got. I've bounced as high as 173.5 and as low as 170 but glad to be at 171.1 today. I just do not have what it takes to lose right now, so maybe should just focus on keeping it as close to 170 (will accept better) during this challenge. Know I need to feel better as a start. Am getting used to working with the seniors though, and that's something. Next week I have a planned feast (turkey and fixings) but otherwise will maintain and record my food as many days as possible.

    Gayle, Looks like you and I can not get under the 170 mark, I'm beginning to believe that my scale does not go under 170 LOL. Lets just hope for the best and I am hoping that before January 1, I will be at least 170-169 trying, could try harder.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    A bit late checking in: Saturday 130.2

    I notice that DH has been more diligent with getting on the treadmill on days he doesn't play hockey or do yardwork. We aren't competitive with each other, but I think he must feel a bit motivated by my success.

    Last week I found my high school gym suit (one-piece bloomer style) in the cedar chest. I could actually get it on and snap it up - a bit tight,not a good look, but still... I got it on!

    Marney: I can honestly say I don't feel deprived. I do have a sweet tooth, but I freeze portions and can limit myself to one. I do like to have a sweet/protein and milk for bedtime - I think I fall asleep quickly. Since dinner is 6-ish and I usually go to bed at midnight I am hungry by then.

  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Marney: Love the new pic. Can really see what you look like! Lovely! I have a friend Marianne (actually two Mariannes -- Mariane 1 and Marianne 2.) You could be Marianne 1's sister!

    Pam: That is such a NSV! I love it. Was your gym suit navy blue? Ours were. I hated those things! Even worse were the tank swimsuits. They were like a knit that once wet, stretched out!

    Lill: I haven't recorded a loss since 9/19!

    I think we have all forgotten the article http://www.runnersworld.com/weight-loss/biggest-weight-loss-myth-revealed We've all been here a while and as this article states the longer you diet, the slower it will go. You cannot go with 3500 for a pound once you are here for a while. First year averages 7000 calories for a pound. I will be starting my third year. Probably closer to 15000 calories for a pound.

    Beth: Was cold, but sunny most of the day. Did have a quick snow this morning. Is really cold now at 7:12. 29 degrees. Supposed to get down to 18 degrees overnight. Can't really complain though. Thanksgiving high and low will be in the 50's. Has been a mild fall.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Thanks Charlie. I guess every one has a twin somewhere. Most of mine that I have seen had ancestry from Somerset.

    The gym suit story made me giggle. I had what was called a red romper. It was never long enough in the back and my mother hated it in the wash. But wear it now???? Good going, Pam. And the awful swimsuits; thank God for spandex.

    And yes, weight loss is slow. That is why we need each other's support.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    edited November 2015
    Our high school colors were maroon and silver - the gym suit is maroon. There were iron on letters that we had to put on and a fabric belt with silver buckle. I remember that our swimsuits (we had one of the first indoor pools for a HS in our area) were color-coded by size - that's like making an announcement to everyone. cringe...

    Did you see the recent article about the TwinStrangers.net website? It figured into the plot on a recent "Elementary" tv episode that we saw - though in a criminal way. It is an interesting idea!
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Our gym suits were navy. Also with a belt and bloomers. Although I am short, I am long-waisted and they always were uncomfortable being one piece. Our bathing suits were also color coded, but not by size, but by swimming level.

    That was also the days before hair dryers. You always tried to get a gym class scheduled for the last period of the day, so you didn't have to walk around with bad hair. AND we all wore panty girdles with real nylons. I remember how hard it was to get them on when everyone AND the locker room was hot and damp from the showers. Everything just sort of "stuck" as you would try to pull them up! :o

    I haven't watched Elementary. I have friends who do. I don't really like crime dramas. I guess I prefer to live in a make-believe world where crime and violence don't exist. At least, not in my leisure hours. Pretty much stick to comedy and romance.

    I only watch one American show and that's Big Bang Theory. Otherwise, seems like they are British (Masterpiece Theater period dramas or the like with a Brit comedy thrown in occasionally) or Korean.

    Started Oh My Venus with So Ji Sub. Only watched first 3 episodes and I'm really hooked. If I watch 4, I'll be caught up. Caught up on Bubblegum, too. But really that should be enough screentime. 4.5 hours a week. After all, I only need 3.5 for the stationary bike for the week. Unfortunately, when they are really good, I always want to come home and finish the episode (or two)! ;)
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    "Gayle, Looks like you and I can not get under the 170 mark, I'm beginning to believe that my scale does not go under 170 LOL. Lets just hope for the best and I am hoping that before January 1, I will be at least 170-169 trying, could try harder".

    This made me laugh Beth! Yes, I think I must just buy a new scale that goes below 170, lol.
    Going into the kitchen now to cook and cook with a weigh in of 171.3. Today is my planned feast day so we will see what the weekend weigh in looks like.

    Good news! I finally had the courage to pack up my "guest's" belongings, block him on phone and facebook and put his stuff in storage in his name. He is out of town visiting a friend for Thanksgiving so I seized my opportunity.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, glad you had that courage, been there before when someone your living with will not leave. You hate to be mean, but you need to do what you need to do.

    I will be weighing in on Saturday this week, I over did it today. No were near that 170 mark. LOL :D
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    After treading this morning I'm at 131.6. I almost didn't look after last night :)

    I received the 'Informed Consent' forms today from the National Weight Control Registry. Signatures required on the use and disclosure of information and Privacy Notice. After returning this with some before and after photos I'll be sent a link to complete my first survey. I now join my two golden dogs in being involved in research studies.
    Did you get yours yet Charlie?

    We enjoy Big Bang too, and Modern Family - PBS and BBC America filled in before we found kdramas. Fawlty Towers still makes me snort laugh.

    I couldn't find Let's Eat 2 searching Viki on Roku, though they have it on the website. So I decided to take a look at High School King of Savvy. Ten minutes into it there is a ice hockey scene and DH came in and said I want to watch that too. Aigoo! So now we are juggling 3 dramas (Shine or Go Crazy, Oh My Venus, HS King of Savvy) and I'm watching Virtual Bride (not sure about this one yet) on the treadmill. But it's all for our language skills!....
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Busy with family
    Quick report
    Hope everyone having good tg!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    November 6 - 175.0=
    November 13 - 176.4 = +1.4 = No excuse for my gain......
    November 20 - 175.8 = +0.8 = YEA.. back on track
    November 28 - 178.0 = +3.0 = No Excuse

    Hope everyone has a great day and a great weekend. I have a lot to do to get rid of that extra weight that I thought I was doing good at getting rid of..
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Nov 7: 163
    Nov 13: 165
    Nov 20: 164
    Nov 28: 165 (Boy does my body like that number!)

    No Thanksgiving here to blame but.... we had to drop everything and rush to Toronto where my niece was dealing with her husband's suicide attempt. This has been an ongoing problem for over 2 years, but he finally made a real attempt. He is now in hospital and changing meds again, and receiving ECT. Hopefully it helps. A great guy, on disability from the police force. My niece just got back to work after a 5 month disability leave for herself, and they told her that she was to be laid off. Not good timing and certainly a factor in the trauma. She is on disability again now to get through this period. Puts all my problems in perspective.

    We were keeping the home front going, with 2 cats and a service dog, driving her around and doing chores. Meals were a bit sketchy for all of us. Her parents took over from us, so home now and catching up on sleep, eating better etc. A week has felt like a month with no walking, a strange bed, packing care packages of food and never knowing when the next request will be made. But they are both safe and being cared for.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Today I actually entered all of my thanksgiving recipes into "my recipes". Something I should have done BEFORE Thanksgiving. Now I know the dirty truth about the calories in my favorite thanksgiving foods. A stick of butter in the dressing--that is the killer. One more serving of that today and then it is out of here. Mashed not that bad with light whipped butter and 1% milk. Did make a lighter pumpkin pie (splenda/sugar mix instead of sugar, egg beaters instead of eggs, low fat evaporated milk) which makes it 235 for an 8th of the pie. Hopefully I will get myself in control again soon. For some reason just haven't cared enough to put the brakes on. But not giving up!!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Gayle. Shout out to you for taking control. His illness controls him; it should not control your life too. Well done.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Marney, love your new picture! Sorry about your niece's and her husband's struggles. Service related injury (PTSD, etc.) is so under acknowledged and under treated. Hope they get the right professional help soon. Great of you to pitch in! When one is in emergency mode "dieting" can certainly lose it's priority status. But, thankfully, such emergencies do not occur everyday.