Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Hi from oregon coast!
    Im leading a writers retreat, dont have scale, but at least can use mfp and keep track of cals and hope for vigorous beavh walks.
    Bummer i cant weigh in on last day of the challenge!
    This morning was still plateaued.
    Still claiming low of 184
    Started this challenge at 188.
    Slow but at least downward.
    Doing okay depression-wise.
    Have a great weekend everyone!

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    September 3 - 174.0
    September 11 - 173.6 = 0.4
    September 18 - 173.4 = 0.6
    September 25 - 173.4 = 0.6 I will take this...
    October 2 - 173.2 = 0.8
    October 9 - 173.8 = 0.2 UGH!
    October 17 - 173.8 = 0.2
    October 23 - 174.0 = 0.0 another UGH!
    November 6 - 175.0 = -1.0 Super UGH!

    New Challenge starting November 6

    November 6 - 175.0

    Did not do well this week, stress is taking over. :( I am suppose to get results on my biopsy today and as soon as I know something, I will let you all know.

    Gayle, I like your new picture.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    The picture was taken for my name tag at Home Instead, the senior companion place I am working about 15 hours a week. I asked the HR person to send me a copy since it is a better picture of me.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Have to get ready for work and up early so I am exercising my Saturday option. Will set my goals for the new challenge tomorrow as well. Beth, I'm looking forward to knowing what's going on, as I'm sure you are. I've been dealing with stress and comfort eating so I know just what you mean! Lill, just weigh in your final time for this challenge when you get back to a scale. Enjoy your workshop, wish I was there. Don't think it helps you to start or end a challenge with a claimed weigh. Let's all get our goals for the Nov/Dec challenge set soon. Charlie, thanks for setting such a good example!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    When I went to the Dr.Monday. I weighed 186.5 so that's going to be my starting point.
    I know it's fluid loss but i'll take it.
    New challenge will be:
    Log in my food everyday.
    Exercise at least 3 days a week.
    Log in here everyday,not only to get encouragement but also to encourage.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    love, love, love the new photo Gayle!!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I will check in tomorrow. Today started with our 3rd flood and replacement switch for our laundry pump. Plumber has not had such trouble with switches before. 6 loads of laundry later. Big wind storm. Brought down 2 huge trees and one willow. My Kevlar canoe may be bullet proof but not crush proof or stab proof. Very sad looking at it. It has been with me for 25 years or more and still was a wonderful toy. It is our neighbour's tree so have to wait for them to get back to us. Cleaning because of dinner guest and an overnight guest tomorrow. Whew!!!!! Now to make part of dinner before our dinner guests arrive.

    Thinking of you, Beth.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi Ladies, everything is OK with the thyroid! YEA!!!!!!!!!!, :) now I can stop stress eating and get back to normal. I'm ready for another challenge!!!!!!!

  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Hi Ladies, everything is OK with the thyroid! YEA!!!!!!!!!!, :) now I can stop stress eating and get back to normal. I'm ready for another challenge!!!!!!!

    That's great news!!
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    I will check in tomorrow. Today started with our 3rd flood and replacement switch for our laundry pump. Plumber has not had such trouble with switches before. 6 loads of laundry later. Big wind storm. Brought down 2 huge trees and one willow. My Kevlar canoe may be bullet proof but not crush proof or stab proof. Very sad looking at it. It has been with me for 25 years or more and still was a wonderful toy. It is our neighbour's tree so have to wait for them to get back to us. Cleaning because of dinner guest and an overnight guest tomorrow. Whew!!!!! Now to make part of dinner before our dinner guests arrive.

    Thinking of you, Beth.


    No wonder you're tired.i'm glad no one got hurt from the wind storm.Take a deep breath and enjoy your company.
  • maryschwartzroby
    maryschwartzroby Posts: 161 Member
    TO EVERYONE -- including me! (Okay, maybe not you, Pam, but never hurts anyone to hear it again.)

    I am at 143 today. My low is 141.5. I logged a new low since September 19. That is changing right now!

    We have two months before the new year. Do we want to go into 2016 weighing more than we did in 2015? Do we want to keep making excuses why we can't lose weight? (Beth, you might be able to pull that off right now with the thyroid, but I sure can't).

    I'm facing it. I'm at a standstill because:

    1. I'm eating too much compared to what I'm burning!
    2. I'm eating too much compared to what I'm burning!
    3. I'm eating too much compared to what I'm burning!

    Not everyday, but enough that by the end of the week, there isn't a deficit. Period. End of excuses and end of doing it!

    As you know, Gayle, my favorite mantra is: "Being fat is hard. Losing weight is hard. Choose your hard." I'm choosing!

    1. I will log every bite and close out my log every day again. (I have gotten complacent and lazy.)
    2. I will exercise everyday again with only an occasional day off. (I will not just say that 10,000, 12,000 or 15,000 steps are enough! I need to power walk to really burn calories!)
    3. I will not give in to cravings again. (This never happened in Year One, but for some reason, after 18 months, suddenly, I love a snack!)
    4. I will come here regularly and look for all of you to kick me in the a**! Seriously. I don't need you to tell me how to do it. I know how. I need you to tell me to do it!
    5. I will renew my positive outlook about losing weight and stick with it! :)
    6. I will see 140 if it kills me and then lose the final 10 pounds from there!


    I love your attitude and goals.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    love, love, love the new photo Gayle!!!!

    Thanks Marney!!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Hi Ladies, everything is OK with the thyroid! YEA!!!!!!!!!!, :) now I can stop stress eating and get back to normal. I'm ready for another challenge!!!!!!!

    Beth, this such fantastic news!! I am really glad to hear this!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    9/04/15: 169.5
    9/12/15: 173.5
    9/18/15: 170.7
    9/26/15: 170.2

    OK, I should have taken my Friday weight after all. I am 2.6 over my "low" from mfp check-in and 1.6 up overall in terms of the last Senior Challenge. I really liked Charlie's example of listing mistakes made during this challenge (I guess I could say, in my case, rather than mistakes: strategies doomed to fail, and general excuses) as well as goals for the Nov/Dec challenge. Don't worry about closely reading any of this. It is a much needed rant.

    This challenge I have readopted a few attitudes/behaviors that got me fat in the first place.
    1. stress/comfort eating
    2. not planning ahead before I go out to eat
    3. not recording faithfully and honestly (leaving off the food eaten later in the day or after diary closed)
    4. saying "what the heck"
    5. rewarding myself with food
    6. making bad choices when in other's homes or out with others
    7. Not recording food every day

      Things I've Done Right
      1. Logging into mfp every day
      2. More long walks
      3. Working on setting better boundaries/expectations with close others
      4. Starting/trying new things (classes, walking paths, jobs)
      5. Not wasting as much time on facebook
      6. Coming more to terms with the realities of the last quarter of life

      Stressors that have contributed and excuses
      1. having an almost adult child at home (old enough to criticize my driving and financial management, young enough to not be a confident driver or responsible manager of his time/energy/clothes/health/future)
      2. My son's girlfriend here too many days/evenings and worry about her life choices or lack there of (not my responsibility and her parents are hopeless)
      3. 2 months of financial challenge since I didn't get my second class last teaching term
      4. starting to teach new art classes in November
      5. Class I have been teaching for years has suddenly been radically changed (DeVry)
      6. starting a new job that has me worrying in the middle of the night about the lives of my clients (beyond my pay-grade)
      7. More driving at a time when I want to do less driving
      8. Not feeling that great
      9. Increasing irritation at my charity case (well educated homeless man that is living in my garage storage room who is a long time attendee of AA but prob will always be a drunk). And yes, when he finally gets that job or wins the lottery he is out, out , out. Maybe if he did a better job of washing my floors or loading the dishwasher or wasn't such an imperious *kitten* I would be less bugged. Whenever I say "And why am I supporting a stranger?" my son says: because it is important to help others and be kind (who can argue with that, plus I must have done something right as a parent).
      10. Need to get my car fixed
      11. Need to get my teeth fixed
      12. Need to see the podiatrist and the optometrist and the audiologist and the dermatologist
      13. Need to get health insurance
      14. Need to meditate, make art and exercise more
      15. just getting older (oh the indignity of it all)
      16. I hate my hair
      17. I hate winter.

        Goals for the 2015 End of Year Nov/Dec Senior Challenge
        1. 167 on the scale on January 1st (or better)
        2. frequently remind self of 155 longer term goal
        3. Have planned "feast days" for Thanksgiving and Christmas
        4. Include favorite holiday treats in daily planning
        5. Do a weekly 1/2 calorie day each week (Tuesday or Thursday is good)
        6. Daily weigh-in with time I'm weighing in each morning
        7. Honest recording of EVERYTHING I eat
        8. Making a list of next day "to-do's" and goals each evening
        9. Walking 5 days a week (winter no excuse, so walk at Walmart)
        10. Recommit to my fitness goals each day
        11. daily honest tracking of meditation, art making, movement
        12. quit worrying about things I can not control/fix/improve
        13. Make a plan to get Petr back on his (separate from my house) path
        14. Make a plan and execute a way to address what is broken or needs to be fixed
        15. Use YouNeedABudget to track my finances faithfully
        16. Make progress with mending my relationship with my youngest sister
        17. Improve my wardrobe

          Guess that's enough. Thanks for listening. So grateful that Charlie is the co-leader and that everyone here is so great--I've been leaning on you all, thanks.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Sept 11: 168.5
    Sept 20: 168.5
    Sept 25: 167
    Oct 30: 166.5
    Nov 6 166

    So some weight loss. But like others, just drifting along. Hummmm.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am so glad to hear Beth's news!!!!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    my rant and goals. (I really thought Gayle nailed it and what a busy life, Gayle.)

    I am not logging in every day because the computer is so slow. excuse.
    I am not deliberately exercising every day because I am doing chores every day. excuse.
    I am watching what Peter eats every day and just eating along with him. Working OK because of his dedication. After all, he is the one with diabetes. excuse.
    I hate winter. excuse.
    I am old. excuse.
    Some days, I don't care. excuse.
    Some days, I think others don't care either. excuse.


    I will log everything and every day including the wine I had for dinner that gets forgotten more often than not.
    I will deliberately exercise 5 days a week.
    I will take care of my health.
    With you guys helping, I will care.

    to help me in this:

    I will log twice a day. So it isn't such a chore.
    I will do a short fast twice a week.
    I will eat more veggies. I miss them and despite the Atkins low carbs I can work them in and stay on plan.
    I will get a membership in the community centre.
    I will book needed and outstanding appointments with health care pros.
    I will look up the modern stoic website.
    I will re dedicate each day with a few minutes introspect, to really accept those things that I cannot change, and draw courage for those that I can (which are often so difficult) because I do have the wisdom to know the difference.
    I will focus on me and be selfish.
    I will enjoy something about our weather each day since I do live with nature at our door step.
    I will stay in touch with you.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I would have checked in yesterday but I had to watch the final two episodes of "Twenty Again" :) Thanks for the suggestion Charlie, I really enjoyed it! We're watching "She Was Pretty" and "Shine or Go Crazy". Now I'm considering "Let's Eat 2" or "Warm & Cozy" for the treadmill.

    This week 130.2-131.2. I've stayed in my goal range and coming up on 6 months of maintenance on Nov 14th. I have not received my registration for the National Weight Control Registry. Did you gets yours yet Charlie?

    Last holiday season my goal was to just plateau till Jan., which I managed to do.
    I planned extra exercise to earn extra calories to spend.
    Also I find when faced with the holiday foods put out at the office, parties etc. that I won't waste my calories on less than wonderful stuff. That means most store-bought cakes, cookies etc. (exception is Carr's Lemon Ginger cookies).
    And if I do try something and it isn't great I won't finish it.
    Water, not sodas, thought flavored Polar Seltzers are nice and 0 calories.

    The hard part is to ignore my own goodies - which since I make them - are wonderful ;) I package them in smaller containers and put them in the freezer. I do have a sweet tooth and plan an indulgence everyday. I don't say never, I say later I can have the snack I planned for.

    Next week in Korean class our teacher has told us that she is bringing silkworms (canned) for us to try. I doubt that I will ever get fat on silkworms... but they are listed in MFP - 100g=100calories, 9g protein. What's worst than finding a worm in an apple? ....As a teenager I bit into an apple and found a half of a worm...ugh!!!

    So, my goal for the next challenge will be to stay the course through the holiday fare.
    Best wishes for everyone's success!

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    My goal this challenge is to go back to what I did before to help me loose better, like exercise more and each day plan foods ahead of time, (this helped a lot), when I go out to eat I will check the nutritional guide, and order/eat better, and also stop making excuses so I can indulge more.... I hope to do better this challenge, started off good, lets see how it goes. Good Luck to all on the new challenge!!!! :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,682 Member
    Good luck everyone! Pam, silkworms, if that's what I had to eat I would lose weight for sure!