Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    It is just you, too! I see everyone else!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Charlie, I deleted my pic and then reposted hoping that would help you, I don't know why your not seeing it.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    There you are! I actually had sent in a heat ticket to support, but you fixed it!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Folks

    Thanks for the updates. My computer is still flaky and the new one isn't going to arrive today. Sigh.

    Pam, thanks for the update and thoughts. I now have my goal weight in mind. I think 136-140 and then see from there. I know last time I lost a lot of weight (I lost 25 lbs and I was in my mid 30's) I was too small (at WW's defined 115) and nothing in the stores fit. I was also scottish dancing 3 times a week and white water canoeing/camping every weekend. My then husband was having an affair but got interested in me again since I was small and pretty again. Lost him, lost a lot of that activity and gained issues around weight!

    You are right. Putting things in my mouth is pretty easy to control compared to the rest of life. I have found though that at 61 years, weight loss is a really slow process even when eating really well and carefully.

    I love this group too! You guys have taught me so much. Like patience and to use my stick to'idness!

    Gayle, have you a new picture lately? I think 50 lbs needs celebrating. Also, I have forgotten your goal but you must be getting close.

    I am still playing golf among our colourful leaves. And much to my hubbie's chagrin, my lesson has paid off big time and he is still struggling. The scores are getting closer!

    I lost .5 this week so down to 166.5. A bit discouraging since I updated my check-in on MFP and it said I lost .5lb in a month! But it is the first time in this challenge that I have updated my check-in weight. So that is good.

    I also came across some measurements I took for sewing. It was dated 2 years ago. I have lost 2 inches from bust, 3 inches from waist and 2 inches from hips. Not bad! Still cannot sew pants that fit but I keep trying!

    The only thing I can control is myself. Thanks Pam.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    edited October 2015
    Marney! 1/2 pound is a good loss! Yay, you!

    Thought everyone might get a kick out of this:


    Oops! Forgot we have a jokes thread. I should have posted this there!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Love it!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    9/04/15: 169.5
    9/12/15: 173.5
    9/18/15: 170.7
    9/26/15: 170.2
    Ate a very salty ham at a late dinner last night. Might do even better next week! Hope you are all doing well. Will check in more thoroughly tomorrow.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Hi guys - i love this group too!
    Ate hardly anything for a couple days
    cuz focused on writing a presentation (how to write memiors)
    that i had to give yesterday.
    One day, Had to quick add 700 false calories!
    (Half an avocado had kept me going for hours!)

    Then after presentation (i aced it!) went out to dinner to celebrate
    and to eat calories
    so my metabolism wouldnt slow down again
    (Baked potato with butter and sour cream yum!
    But i put half the meal in to go box cuz
    don't want to stretch my stomach, plus i love having leftovers)
    Then the restaurant surprised me with a free bday chocolate sunday
    and i ate the whole thing
    And the next morning id lost 1/2 lb overnight!
    My body is so unpredictable.

    I dont have time to put whole weight list here.
    10/16/15, 184.0
    A new low on weigh in day!
    Finally my pants feel looser
    It appears most of my weight loss was in my lower legs.
    Still very fat above the knee, but sticks below.
    Ive got turkey drumstick legs!

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    A day late for my weigh in, yesterday I completely forgot it. Didn't loose this week, but no gain either.. I'll take that...

    3 more week left ladies!!!!!!!!

    Challenge from September 4 through November 6

    September 3 - 174.0
    September 11 - 173.6 = 0.4
    September 18 - 173.4 = 0.6
    September 25 - 173.4 = 0.6 I will take this...
    October 2 - 173.2 = 0.8
    October 9 - 173.8 = 0.2 UGH!
    October 17 - 173.8 = 0.2
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Turkey drumsticks, indeed! And at Canadian Thanksgiving no less! I laughed. And my DH laughed at the joke, thanks Charlie. And yes, bodies do lose weight while eating baked potatoes and Sundays, just not often!

    No gain, good stuff. We are all inching down and it does help to know I am not alone in the slow progress. Somehow, with 25 to lose, it should go faster! I suspect tighter control will do it but first I think I will up my water and see if that speeds things up at all.

    Raking the first of our million leaves today. Our lawn tractor normally sweeps up a great many but it is sick. So back to the rake. So exercise today for sure.

    We have snow showers at the moment so inside for lunch. SNOW SHOWERS! Are you kidding me???
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Marney where in canada do you live?
    I think i should be canadian.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I'm also a bit late, but my mornings ranged from 129.8 -130.4. Actually surprised this morning to see 130.0.

    Yesterday was a world-tour, I took Turkish Spinach Cake (with 1lb. of spinach in it, it is incredibly green! let me know if you want the recipe) to Korean class in the morning. Then joined a new group of woman that gather monthly at Renata's house (she is Polish) to cook based on a theme. Fun group, the theme was seafood - not my favorite idea so easy to limit my calories! Then went with DH to a Moroccan Culture Night Dinner. Met a woman from Libya that wants to cook and practice her English. I've taught ESL years ago. If I had a Board of Health approved kitchen (separate frigs and sinks etc.) I could offer a course Cooking in English...

    Lilli: awaiting your fermentation story when you have time...!

    Charlie: we make Mak (everyday) Kimchi with napa cabbage. From the Kimchi Cookbook we've also made quick kimchi with cumcumbers and one with butternut squash, pinenuts and baby kale.

    Yes, that is the hanbok in blue & white that I like, the green is a 'vest' over the white top. I found a website in Korea that makes hanboks and I referred to that episode. They sent back more pics of her in the hanbok and said it would cost $550. The extra photos helped and I'm going to try on my own using a Folkwear pattern. The skirt is done- the easy part.

    DramaFever is showing a Rain movie R2B:Return to Base available only this weekend. Dr Who may have to wait another day.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    still at the fall chores here in Ontario. It was warm for so long then suddenly cold and the leaves are falling like snow. Literally. I rake a spot and come back in under 10 mins and it doesn't look like I have been there! But beautiful except for the odd snowflake! Below freezing tonight and forecasting up to 70F during the day next Tuesday. WHAT!!!!

    I am certainly getting my exercise and the walking is lovely and give us all rosy cheeks.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    SNOW SHOWERS!!!... and I was complaining abuot the freeze. Hope the freeze and Snow do not want to stick around.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Marney & Beth: We did not have snow this weekend, but sure was cold (nice sunshine though). A little warmer today.

    Pam: I went back and yes, the mint is the vest, I see that. I looked at some hanbok design and sewing websites, pretty basic, I think. You won't have any trouble with it at all!

    I am not a huge Moroccan food lover, but I do like a lot of the Turkish/Lebanese cuisine.

    Oops, missed the Rain movie. Didn't see your post until today. I finished Twenty Again. So sad to see it end. :'( I have started "She Was Pretty." The lead actress is over the top, but I just haven't been into anything else. Sometimes, when they start exaggerated, they calm down later. I really like both the female and male second leads though. Only watched two episodes, so we will see.

    Me, I've been on a "try different restaurants" kick with a friend. We have been splitting our meals so it hasn't shown up on the scale (of course, I haven't lost either), but have had some great variety. Yesterday it was a sandwich of brie, pears, fig and honey jam on a thin sourdough bread, with beet chips, and butternut squash soup garnished with spicy pumpkin seeds, duck confit, and crème fraîche. It was pretty good. But then we are talking brie, figs, butternut squash and duck confit in one meal. How bad can it be?

    The local International Festival is the first weekend in November. I think I will join the Tai Chi demonstration on Sunday if they do one then. They have one schedule for Saturday, but I'm not taking off work to do it. I will attend the festival though. It is a big one!

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Challenge from September 4 through November 6

    September 3 - 174.0
    September 11 - 173.6 = 0.4
    September 18 - 173.4 = 0.6
    September 25 - 173.4 = 0.6 I will take this...
    October 2 - 173.2 = 0.8
    October 9 - 173.8 = 0.2 UGH!
    October 17 - 173.8 = 0.2
    October 23 - 174.0 = 0.0 another UGH!

    I gained again this week as you can see. Been working on maintenance till I have this thyroid biopsy and get the results. Guess I am so -so in this right now. You ladies are wonderful and give me insentive to stay here. Thanks to all of you, and I continue to look forward in working with all of you.

    Two more weeks on this challenge, I didn't do that great, but I am already anxious to start the new challenge, and hope that I will do better.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,356 Member
    Beth! .2 is not a gain, especially when you are keeping to maintenance. If you had weighed an hour later or after the next pee, you probably didn't gain at all. You have done great!

    I saw my 141.5 twice this week but today was 143. (Beth, I can easily fluctuate 5 or more pounds in a day or two), I am on one of my never-ending plateaus, but who knows, I could have a whoosh like I do. Probably not though as I don't feel light. Feeling very heavy, achy, and tired. Haven't been working out like I should. Been in bed at 8:30 3 times this week, too. Still having some back and leg issues. My blood work recently was fine. It doesn't feel like medication tired. It is just I'm so busy tired, that my body is rebelling right now, I think. I just need to plow through it. Energy begets energy!

    Got my flu shot a few minutes ago.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Hey guys, struggling a bit, lagging at logging. Taking my Saturday login option.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Hope the struggling isnt sickness again Gayle
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    Cclill wrote: »
    Hope the struggling isnt sickness again Gayle

    Thanks for your concern Lill. Just stressing a bit and starting a new job and eating a bit more free range than is ideal. But going to stick with it. Working gradually on my health. Just a bunch of little things I could be doing better with. Sorry I've been pretty absent. Will do better in the holiday challenge. And hope to at least finish below my start weight but not looking that promising at this point. But keeping my "chin up".