Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hi Pam, your story (glad it had a happy ending) reminded me of one I heard where a woman noticed hard growth on either side of her stomach when she lost a bunch of weight. They turned out to be her hip bones!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member

    November 6 - 175.0
    November 13 - 176.4
    November 20 - 175.8
    November 28 - 178.0
    December 4 - 177.7
    December 12 - 177.0
    December 18 - 178.2
    December 25 - 178.8 Celebrating toooo much!

    I'm up again this week, no excuse, I have been celebrating too much. One more week on this challenge, and I am looking forward to that.... Celebration's will be over and I will no longer be celebrating...LOL
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Like Beth I've been yielding to the allure of holiday goodies and other usually "forbidden" nosh items. Will have reasonable Christmas meals today (except for the Cinnabon breakfast) but afraid I have another challenge ahead as my mom and sister are coming in on the 31st and staying until the 5th. My 89 year old mom loves one thing best: FOOD! After they leave then back to the straight and narrow. And will watch my p's and q's until they arrive as well. Hey, someone more awake than I am figure out what "p's and q's" stand for for dieters. All I can think of is potpies and qdoba.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Gayle, I have come to the conclusion that until all our celebrations are over we are not always going to loose. I plan on being good all week, but I know as of New Years Eve (Mike has already plans to go to Red Lobster) I will eat everything in site, probably won't even dare log that day...LOL.. Have a great time with you mom and sister, and I sure that we will both be good during the next challenge. :)
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Quick report
    On friday i weighed 184
    One lb up from my low.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi all,

    I am here too. And up to 168 this morning. I am just home from an emergency run on the 21st to my niece whose husband went into hospital again. He is out now and continuing with his ECT treatment. My niece feels she can manage now until her parents arrive home on the 31st. Whew! A lot of cooking (which as you know is not my favourite) while my husband drove back and forth (about 3 hours) as needed. Good thing we had good weather until yesterday. And I am gradually recovering from the tension.

    We are away for a New Year party but then home and knuckling down to logging, eating well and exercising. I am not going to set big goals for the next challenge. My goal is to get back on track, logging, and eating properly and getting the weight to move the right direction.

    Glad everyone is well heading into the New Year. Pam, health scares are so hard to deal with even when it turns out to be OK.

    Happy New Years everyone!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I see on my calendar on Nov.6 I was 130.6, today 131.8 - there were a couple forays up to 132.4. So overall I have maintained in my range. Tomorrow there is 3 hours of folkdancing+dinner+3 hours of contradancing - a great start to the new year.

    Yes, I agree that Oh My Venus would be a great intro to kdramas. I like the fact that the trainer stresses that healthy is the goal, that is what he finds beautiful. So Ji Sub and Shin Min Na are adorable. After episode 14 it felt like it was over.. almost. We'll wait till Tuesday to watch the final 2 episodes back-to-back.

    Splash, Splash Love is only two episodes - find it on Viki. I watched it on the treadmill yesterday and finished today. Wonderful! Don't miss the outtakes at the end. It must be educational - it was sponsored by some math and tech depts.

    The hardest question on the National Weight Control Survey is... how many flight of stairs (defined as 10 steps) do you go UP per week. My stairs are 14 steps and I really had a hard time coming up with a number. Someone thinks it is important to know - do people in ranch houses differ that much from two-story w/basements?? Does anyone here live in a ranch? My sister in Florida has ranch/no basement and says that my stairs kick her *kitten* the first couple days when she visits.

    Happy New Year to All!
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    So funny... didn't know I'd get bleeped!
    Anyway, in a note to a friend abroad I put my weight in kg. It really does sound nice to say 59-60 kg. And it feels more like winter at 10 degrees C.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited January 2016

    End of this challenge!
    November 6 - 175.0
    November 13 - 176.4
    November 20 - 175.8
    November 28 - 178.0
    December 4 - 177.7
    December 12 - 177.0
    December 18 - 178.2
    December 25 - 178.8
    January 1 - 178.0

    Beginning of a new!
    January 1 - 178.0

    Hope that you all had a great New Years. I ended up going to bed early, I tried staying up, but it just didn't happen....LOL

    HAPPY 2016 TO YOU ALL! :)
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    Happy New Year!
    1/01/16: 180.4
    Less than worthy endings (but I'm not beating myself up too much, this is just the way it is) but a happy beginning. My sister and mom will be here until the 5th, then I will really buckle down. In the meantime will do what I can (exercise, recording) to get back to my 50 lost (I'm now at 38).

    My main problem (and everyone's who struggles with weight) has been starting each day strong (weighing in, checking in, recording food) then falling apart with my recording by noon. Evening has gotten bad again, what got me in this mess in the first place. I intend to be the come-back kid in 2016 though. My sister brought laryngitis with her from Illinois and have a sore throat today.

    Will line out my more specific resolutions and goals in the next 7 days. I wish everyone great success in this first challenge of 2016.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,681 Member
    gmabethof3 wrote: »
    Gayle, I have come to the conclusion that until all our celebrations are over we are not always going to loose. I plan on being good all week, but I know as of New Years Eve (Mike has already plans to go to Red Lobster) I will eat everything in site, probably won't even dare log that day...LOL.. Have a great time with you mom and sister, and I sure that we will both be good during the next challenge. :)

    Beth and all--yep, in some ways this new challenge will not start in earnest until all the holiday festivities settle down.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well, my holidays have settled down so back to it.

    Goals: logging, staying in count and eating more veggies. After I get the food organized, I will get the exercise more organized. I got so far off track, my goal is to get back to basics.

    Beginning of this challenge: 163 End of this challenge: 168.5 And it rose steadily. Not brilliant.

    Happy New Year everyone. Gayle, don't get sick.

    I am going to try that drama. Thanks for tip about what one to start with.

    I know others are still enjoying the holidays. Truly enjoy it! We will get the weight off over the long term and a few days of "off plan" are nothing in the scheme of things. But worrying about diets when you should be enjoying visiting family and friends, just shouldn't happen.

    Pam, you asked about stairs. Yes, they matter. I live in a small bungalow with 8 steps to the unfinished basement. So I go down to do laundry and get something from the freezer. Not daily. Doctors like this answer for older patients (I hope not me yet, because of less falls) BUT after spending time at my nieces where I was running the stairs to my bedroom regularly to get something, I certainly felt the exercise my legs were getting.

    For those of us with few stairs and sore joints, one of the basic lower body exercises you can do, is to step up on one foot, then bring the other up, then step down again. Takes only one step, done at the bottom of even a small stair run. It is safe and I certainly feel it when I up the count. (Good aerobic too.) Change your lead foot now and again. For those of you with stairs in your house, just going up and down regularly keeps you stronger and more limber than those of us in ranches or bungalows!

    Day 1 for me starts today!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Jan 1: 168.5

    Goal: To drop weight .5lb to 1lb a week during this challenge
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thank goodness the holidays are over,
    so i can finish our annual newsletter and gift shopping!
    Report --
    Goal -- avoid plateau depression
    Reached my goal by shifting from frustration at glacial speed of loss, to resigned to it.
    11/7/15, 186
    12/16/15, 183 lowest, 11 lbs since june.
    1/2/16, 183.4
    I credit the 11 lb loss to:
    To Gayle for inspiring me with her 50 lb loss, for starting this terrific support group, and hanging in there despite her plateau from hell.
    To my doc who told me if im hungry eat good fat -- finally a way of low cal eating i can live with for the long term.
    To logging, which allows me to eat what i want and still feel in control so im not consumed with guilt.
    To mfp for doing the math, thus making it easy to log.
    .To all of you for your kind support!
    Confession is good for the soul! (chocolate covered cherries were on sale again)
    Now its time to get back on the program!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I really like that gratitude journal! Yes, to Gayle for staying the course despite the plateau from hell. And Pam, for staying with us. And Charlie, for her commitment to exercise and her ability to lose weight while eating out. (There goes that excuse!) And all of the rest of you for being there and listening.

    Well, I got back on the wagon yesterday, it was hard, but the scale showed 1 lb down this morning. But, today I found the shortbreads!!! Heck.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    edited January 2016
    January 1, 2016 Challenge

    January 1 - 178.0
    January 8 - 177.6 -.4

    New Year is starting off better than I was doing, I am loosing a little, guess it will be baby steps but at least it's a loss. Hoping that we all have a better body in the New Year!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good for you Beth. Keep it up.

    Jan 1: 168.5
    Jan 8: 167.5 -1

    A loss for me too. Hard to get back to it although my body is feeling better not eating so many unusual foods.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    I finished the holidays where I started 131.8 - so that's a good thing. DH is back on MFP with a renewed effort so that helps me to continue measuring out portions.

    So, has anyone else picked up a Korean drama? I mentioned before "Splash, Splash Love" - Consider it a mini-drama. It is only two episodes long and can be found for free on viki.com. Funny, warm and fuzzy :) My DH, sister and a friend have all watched it this week - we all give it 5 stars.

    It's been 8 months now of maintaining in my range of 130-132. I kinda miss the NSV of people seeing me for the first time in a long while and realizing that I've changed.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I set up Splash, Splash Love, Pam, but got interrupted. It is still on my radar. Good for you for maintaining through the holidays. Very hard to do as we all can attest. Glad to hear your husband is back on MFP. Helps to have company.

    I know what you mean about missing that particular NSV having lost in my 30s. I did have my niece do a double take during these holidays which I don't quite understand because I am only 5lbs down from when I last saw her. Maybe new clothing.

    I worked at Curves for a year or so when I was thinking of changing careers and I said to one of star members to remember to celebrate and reward "staying the course" because you lose all the cheering squad around you as time goes on. She had lost over 60 lbs., felt good and looked terrific. She had been maintaining for almost a year when I met her.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Jan 1, 183.4
    Jan 8, 183.4
    Energy is good which is good.
    But havent upped my exercise for some reason.