Stage 1



  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Since I started 3 weeks ago, I have been doing both A & B workouts right after the other. Any harm in doing this?
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    Since I started 3 weeks ago, I have been doing both A & B workouts right after the other. Any harm in doing this?
    Per the author, not enough of a rest for your muscles because each workout is a full body workout.

    Personally, I'm going to follow the program as outlined in the book because I am confident that they know what they are talking about and it works. I just push myself to the point where I couldn't do 2-3 more reps at that weight.
  • mcbellnz
    mcbellnz Posts: 145 Member
    I did this once due to scheduling, but I don't do it as a rule... I like having a rest day inbetween, and yes, the author does recommend it.
  • autumn_mix
    autumn_mix Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all! I finally bit the bullet and scheduled my dang workouts, so I have officially re-started NROL4W! Whohoo! I made it to Stage 5 last year, but then did a half NROL4W/half cardio workout series to lose inches before my October wedding. Life got a bit crazy (still is!) but I am back in the weight room and loving it!

    Yesterday my husband and I both weight lifted, which is new for us. He does Muay Thai (boxing) three days a week at our gym, but he hardly does any lifting (they stress lean muscles, it's more of an endurance sport than traditional boxing). Though I'm still in the ungodly-high-rep phase of New Rules (ugh) I decided at the end of our workout to load up the deadlift bar and go to town. I went rep for rep with my husband the whole way, to 5x165#. Hubs is going to have to bring it next time!! Whohoo!!

    Also, whoever mentioned falling off the ball after PJK, I AM YOUR TWIN. Every single hysterical time.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    Hi all! I finally bit the bullet and scheduled my dang workouts, so I have officially re-started NROL4W! Whohoo! I made it to Stage 5 last year, but then did a half NROL4W/half cardio workout series to lose inches before my October wedding. Life got a bit crazy (still is!) but I am back in the weight room and loving it!

    Yesterday my husband and I both weight lifted, which is new for us. He does Muay Thai (boxing) three days a week at our gym, but he hardly does any lifting (they stress lean muscles, it's more of an endurance sport than traditional boxing). Though I'm still in the ungodly-high-rep phase of New Rules (ugh) I decided at the end of our workout to load up the deadlift bar and go to town. I went rep for rep with my husband the whole way, to 5x165#. Hubs is going to have to bring it next time!! Whohoo!!

    Also, whoever mentioned falling off the ball after PJK, I AM YOUR TWIN. Every single hysterical time.

    Welcome back to NROLFW...and AWESOME deadlift're a monster! Look forward to hearing about your progression!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Wow, 165#? That's amazing. At this stage for me, I can't imagine getting up to even 50 pounds on any lift.
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    good morning -

    I did 1B6 yesterday afternoon. I really pushed myself:

    Deadlift: 3x10@125
    Dumbbell shoulder press: 3x10@50
    Widegrip lat pulldown: 11@80, 9@85, 9@85
    lunge: 3x10@50
    swiss ball crunch: 3x25@15 overhead

    Feeling it this am...especially the added weight on the lunge!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    If you are doing single legged squats are you doing it with 1 leg elevated on a stool/bench or pistol squat?
    Also lunges, are you doing 1 leg at a time or alternating?

    Here's my "problem", when I did alternating lunges I kept losing my balance. My weight was right, 15# in each hang, but no matter the speed I felt off. So I saw this video and figured I'd try it tonight for w/o B but it looks a lot like a single leg squat too.

    So I'm wondering if I should try a pistol squat, elevated single leg, or something else. I don't have a barbell at home or permission from DH to buy any more weights so I have to use my adjustable dumbbells and Golds Gym XR-45 machine. I did squats with 30# in each hand last time and I think I can do more but I can't hold much more in my hand or on the dumbbell bar due to space. I felt it more in my shoulders than thighs.

    I'm open to suggestions.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    If you are doing single legged squats are you doing it with 1 leg elevated on a stool/bench or pistol squat?
    Also lunges, are you doing 1 leg at a time or alternating?

    Here's my "problem", when I did alternating lunges I kept losing my balance. My weight was right, 15# in each hang, but no matter the speed I felt off. So I saw this video and figured I'd try it tonight for w/o B but it looks a lot like a single leg squat too.

    So I'm wondering if I should try a pistol squat, elevated single leg, or something else. I don't have a barbell at home or permission from DH to buy any more weights so I have to use my adjustable dumbbells and Golds Gym XR-45 machine. I did squats with 30# in each hand last time and I think I can do more but I can't hold much more in my hand or on the dumbbell bar due to space. I felt it more in my shoulders than thighs.

    I'm open to suggestions.

    I think I may have answered my own question so I'll post in case I'm wrong or someone else is in my shoes, Goblet Squat:

    I'll be giving this a shot this week and doing the lunges in the video from the first post
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    If you are doing single legged squats are you doing it with 1 leg elevated on a stool/bench or pistol squat?
    Also lunges, are you doing 1 leg at a time or alternating?

    Here's my "problem", when I did alternating lunges I kept losing my balance. My weight was right, 15# in each hang, but no matter the speed I felt off. So I saw this video and figured I'd try it tonight for w/o B but it looks a lot like a single leg squat too.

    So I'm wondering if I should try a pistol squat, elevated single leg, or something else. I don't have a barbell at home or permission from DH to buy any more weights so I have to use my adjustable dumbbells and Golds Gym XR-45 machine. I did squats with 30# in each hand last time and I think I can do more but I can't hold much more in my hand or on the dumbbell bar due to space. I felt it more in my shoulders than thighs.

    I'm open to suggestions.

    I think you need to focus on your feet being wider apart. Start with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart. Then move your working leg directly forward. A wider stance will give you more stability.

    A pistol squat is A LOT more difficult.

    I always do my reps on my non-dominant leg, take a short break, and then do the same number of reps with my dominant leg.

    A goblet squat does not work your legs like lunges do. There are more lunges in other stages, so you should learn them now.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I do alternating lunges, and count each leg as 1 rep. So, left leg forward first, return to standing, then right leg forward, return to standing, that is 1x. Maybe lighten your weight and build some stability before adding more weight? Make sure you have proper form, on the leading leg don't stick your knee out past your foot. That foot should feel very stable as of course the back one you will be balancing on the ball of the foot.

    The squats, you should feel in your legs if you get your thighs fully parallel to the ground. A lot of pics I have seen, people are only squatting half way.

    Editing to add pics:




    Of course she is doing a squat and press in the second photo, but the squat position, her thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    My lower half has always been really strong so that was my 'fear' when doing squats with the weights I have at home. The 60# I had when I did traditional squats was good but my arms were having difficulty holding the weight. So that's why I was thinking a different form of the squat, pistol or goblet.

    Lunges were just awkward because it was the first time in a long time I did them with heavy weights in my hand. Last time was a bar with 20# and that was a while ago. I just need to get my footing or try 1 leg at a time.
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Finally managed to get workout 1B in today. I watched a ton of deadlift videos and even though my form wasn't awful I think it wasn't perfect either. I did feel it in my lower back a bit so i stopped the 2nd set after 10 reps. I don't feel anything in my lower back now so i wonder if maybe what i felt was just the muscles working?
    I saw a personal trainer training with a lady today and I asked him if I could maybe book a one off session with him. He said he would call me but I have to see how much he charges first. I would really like to have someone to show my the proper form.

    It was great to be back today though.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I found the videos were really helpful. But, I can't see myself when I'm doing it, so, it is hard to know if you have it exactly right.
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    I found the videos were really helpful. But, I can't see myself when I'm doing it, so, it is hard to know if you have it exactly right.
    From what I've been told, if you are feeling DL in your lower back then you are doing it wrong or too much weight.
  • sara4159
    sara4159 Posts: 40 Member
    Victory from my workout last night: I finally squatted with the bar! I need to get deeper, but I did it!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    To add to the lunges discussion:

    When coming up, I tend to use my back leg a lot, is that correct? Am I stepping out too far maybe?
  • lcuconley
    lcuconley Posts: 734 Member
    sjw - when i went up in weights on my last workout, I really felt it in my straight leg, but I don't think that is right...I think you need to focus on pushing back with your bent leg. It should be a big step, so I am not sure if you are stepping out too far.

    sara - yeah!

    I am looking forward to my lifting in the am!
  • Fr3shStrt
    Fr3shStrt Posts: 349 Member
    sjw - when i went up in weights on my last workout, I really felt it in my straight leg, but I don't think that is right...I think you need to focus on pushing back with your bent leg. It should be a big step, so I am not sure if you are stepping out too far.

    I just watched the video, I think it is when I bring my front foot back to join the back foot (and is off the floor doing so) that I feel it in my straight let... which would make sense seeing as how the other foot isn't on the floor... but I'll pay better attention next time.

    And the dude's voice is totally creepy BTW - on the female version