Introduce yourself



  • bears461
    bears461 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone. Well this year when the scales started to go over 400 I told myself that something had to be done. Just welcomed our 4 month old son home back in February and right away I had no energy at 40 to be taking care of a baby. Trying hard here and will not lie it is a struggle each day I wake up. Food has always been a comfort for me especially in the stressful line of work that I am in as a college bookstore director at a Big 12 school. Glad to see others out there are here so that we can all be of some support system.
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    good luck bear and all that recently joined!! please add me as a friend if you dont mind someone that is a 'foodie' and loves YUMMY lower sodium options. :)
  • MalloryCurrent
    MalloryCurrent Posts: 62 Member
    Hi guys! I started MyFitnessPal at 315 and proud to say That I am only 6 pounds away from breaking through that 300lb mark! I can't wait to see myself under 300 again! Its will be great!!
  • MalloryCurrent
    MalloryCurrent Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Stacy! We are right around the same weight! You got this! Just think of all the clothes we are gonna be wearing when we get down! =)
  • skittlezjunkie
    skittlezjunkie Posts: 6 Member
    hello my name is Rivers.. i am 27, the last time i was weighed after my 3rd child i was at 360 and been happily handfasted to my soul mate for 4.5 years.. I am a mom of 3 beautiful children.. My two youngest, my boys are autistic and they are a handful.. I want to loose weight so i can fully live my life and have fun with my kids..
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome Rivers! Feel free to add me...we can slay this dragon together!
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm Brandy. I started losing weight earlier this year and have currently dropped from 323 to 307 lbs. I know I still have a long way to go and I am so glad to have found this group of people who are like me! Feel free to add me, I could use all the motivation I can get! :)
  • christykirby
    christykirby Posts: 23 Member
    Hi all! I'm Christy and just joined MFP several weeks ago, and I just love it! I'm on a journey to take back my life... So glad to have found this site and now this group. I log on daily. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • hollydfitch
    hollydfitch Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! My name is Holly (age 42) and I live in Maine and have for most of my life.I have also been overweight for most of my life.For a few years I avoided the scale and convinced myself I was "around 300 lbs" A trip to the doctor for a physical revealed that I had gotten up to 340.I had a mini mental breakdown and walked out of the office with a perscription for antidepressants and a list of therapists.

    Since then I HAVE been seeing a therapist who specializes in weight and body image issues and eating disorders.I went there hoping to gain the confidence to have bariatric surgery but with her help I have decided I can do this without surgery! I have lost 40 lbs but have hit a plateau.A co-worker introduced me to this website and I'm going to give this a shot while I continue to see my therapist and have 6 week check ins with my doctor.They are both very supportive but it would be nice to have some friends who understand my struggle.

    I'm not looking to be skinny.My original goal was to change the first number on the scale from a 3 to a 2 but now I'd like to see it be a 1.So my new goal is to get down to 199.

    Feel free to friend me.I welcome you all to join me in this weight loss journey and build up some self esteem along the way!
  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    Hello everyone Im Laura a wife and Mom of 3
    I'm 5'10 and I when i found this site I was 308.8 just a mere 3 weeks ago Im now right at 300 and cant wait to drop more.

    Ive lost weight in the past so I know i can do this. I lost 55lbs in 2010 in the matter of 12weeks and it took 2years to gain it back.
    so this time around I'm making lifestyle changes not just dieting.
    I love the food and exercise Diarys on here they helpout so much I never thought I ate alot till i started tracking my cals.

    I have one big goal(180lb/ walk a thoushand miles before new years) a couple middle goals (10lbs each/35 mils a week) and a Several small ones (5lbs each/ 5-7 miles a day)
    I plan to do all this one lb & one step at a time. I know that there are no shortcuts in losing weight, so im not allowing myself take shortcuts on my walks that have already turned into part jogs
    (woohoo I used to be a long distance runner and had 8.2% body fat I want to get to a Healthy weight and be FIT I dont want to be SKINNY)

    SW: 308.8
  • urasweethart
    urasweethart Posts: 123 Member
    Im not try to lose the weight before newyears
  • faith99436
    faith99436 Posts: 17 Member
    hey everyone my name is Faith i'm 31 years old and i started my journey with MFP about 7 weeks ago. A friend of mine and her family started on MFP in Jan. and have had amazing results and i have been encouraged hearing her updates each week. So i finally decided in May to try what would i have to loose other than weight. It has been a challenge just getting myself familiar with counting the calories so i have decided i did not get 375lbs overnight and i know i'm not gonna become skinny minnie overnight either. I have decided to concentrate on one thing at a time and hopefully will not hit a plateau too soon. I have tried different things before and did good for a lil bit but it fell by the wayside. So far this is working for me and i look forward to recording my items every day! I love this site and all the encouragement and help that you can get from it! so far i have lost 15lbs. and am excited about this journey!
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    hey everyone my name is Faith i'm 31 years old and i started my journey with MFP about 7 weeks ago. A friend of mine and her family started on MFP in Jan. and have had amazing results and i have been encouraged hearing her updates each week. So i finally decided in May to try what would i have to loose other than weight. It has been a challenge just getting myself familiar with counting the calories so i have decided i did not get 375lbs overnight and i know i'm not gonna become skinny minnie overnight either. I have decided to concentrate on one thing at a time and hopefully will not hit a plateau too soon. I have tried different things before and did good for a lil bit but it fell by the wayside. So far this is working for me and i look forward to recording my items every day! I love this site and all the encouragement and help that you can get from it! so far i have lost 15lbs. and am excited about this journey!

    Great attitude, Faith! I have to have the same mindset that I didn't gain it all in a week, so I'm not going to lose it all in a week! Good luck on your journey. MFP is an excellent tool!
  • violet456
    violet456 Posts: 674 Member
    Welcome newest members. Congratulations on starting (or continuing) your journey.
  • projectxreborn
    Just wanted to say a quick hello. I have joined mfp today and am so glad I have found this group! My highest weight
    was 368 but I am now 320.2. I have been this weight for months and am seriously ready for drastic change! I want
    to be able to wave goodbye to my son in the morning before school without being afraid of my upper arms slapping me silly...
    I want to be able to drive by McDonald's without feeling the need to go into the fetal position...I want to keep chin up (and have just one!) and be proud of myself. Right now I feel like an earthworm has more self worth. I don't know why I did this to myself...
    I didn't intentionally think, "Oh boy, my dream is to one day get up in the morning and feel like my knees are going to snap when
    I put my weight on them, my stomach to hang like a hammock and never see my feet again! I can't wait!" No. Not even close.
    I have just kept eating and have not been able to stop. BUT it is going to stop now. It has to...I don't want my kid to end up with
    my bad habits, my bad health. I love him and my husband and it is time I start showing it by getting healthy for them. And seriously?
    If I have to buy one more ugly shirt because it is designed for "fat girls" a.k.a. with flowers the size of my head...I don't know what I will do. I mean, really...I am fat not blind.
  • shortandchubby
    Hey group, I am 340 pounds, looking at losing some weight, hopefully 8 pounds a month x 12 months... 96 pounds off in a year
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome new members! Great to have you here! Feel free to add me :)
  • selfinflicted
    Hello! Technically, I'm not new to MFP, but I'm just now starting to use the website. The highest weight I have ever seen was 335, but that was AFTER I had went from 300 pounds to 248. Luckily, I've only seen 335 once, and have managed to stay around 330 since. I went down to 315 a year and a half ago, but it went back up to around 330 last year. I started a brand new journey about a month ago at the weight of 327 pounds, and as of today, I am 317. Right now, I am mainly focusing on getting out of the 300s. Once I get out of the 300s, I'll take it 5-10 pounds at a time. I'm not in a rush this time around, I just want to see the number go down steadily, and know that my health is improving the more I exercise and the healthier I eat.

    Looking forward to the rest of this journey. I wish you all luck on your own adventures\journeys as well!
  • CleanKim
    CleanKim Posts: 29 Member
    Welcome! Good luck on your journey. Slow and steady is the healthiest and MFP is an awesome tool!
  • tlelizondo
    tlelizondo Posts: 45 Member
    Hi, my name is Terri and I am 42 yrs. old. I have been single for the past 16 years and I have 2 kids who have been the focus of my life. I have always been heavy (11pounds when I was born!) I am tired of looking and feeling awful. I was diagnosed with celiac and started gluten free in January. I have been working with a trainer for the past 6 weeks 2x a week and exercise another 2-4 x a week but I am not losing weight. Started in January at 307 and weighed 291 on June 14th. I have been using Mfp for about 4 weeks, but this is my first post of any kind. Love reading about all your successes and encouragement. I hope this will be the time I continue going down on the scale instead of losing 10- 20 and then going back up over 300.