Introduce yourself



  • pichild
    pichild Posts: 72 Member
    Ok so my name is Shai and my high weight is approx 390 and have now managed to get to 320 I seem to fluxuate up to 340 in most cases don't go over that any more. I just last week decided that I need to make some changes and could really use a support system of people who like me know what it is like to live over 300 lbs. My husband is 140 and my father while a big guy is only about 220.

    My family has stopped bugging me about my weight because they figure it wont do any good. This is why I need suppport from outside. My family is cautiously optimistic but really they don't believe I can/will do it.

    I am 39 years old and have a 2 year old little girl that I would like to have the energy to play with. So for all of you out there being told that you are to fat to have a child you are not. I was 330 when I conceived and 330 when I delivered.

    Anyway I need friends who understand to help guide me through this.
  • abbyaxiom
    abbyaxiom Posts: 33
    My name is Abby. I'm 27 and also engaged, and weigh in at 334 LBs. I started at 350 mid-May but using MFP to track my calorie intake has already proven to be a useful tool and i've lost 16 LBs. I want supportive friends who are either in the same boat losing the weight, or already lost it and can give me some pointers =)
  • Brandification
    Brandification Posts: 109 Member
    Welcome Terri, Shai and Abby! I've been using this site on and off for about a year, but got really focused on losing weight around the end of February. Since finding this group (just last week), I've become more determined than ever! There are some great people here who really encourage you every step of the way. :D
  • afioca
    afioca Posts: 2
    Haha I feel like there isn't an easy way to introduce myself without sounding like I'm in an AA meeting.

    I'm Aaron, I'm trying to fight the good fight and lose weight. I got on the scale about a month ago and it said 350, at that moment I freaked out. I've never been that heavy in my life. I went into college at 220 and now years later I'm 130 pounds heavier (and I wasn't skinny to start with!). Anyway I lost 10 pounds, but then stalled because I had to spend a week out of town. Now I'm trying to get back on track and lose some more weight. My entire Dad's side of the family has diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, and is morbidly obese. We are a family of fat Italians, so we have a lifestyle of eating. It is hard watching them struggle.

    I want to be healthy for a lot of reasons, I've never been skinny or in shape in my life so I WANT to know what that feels like. Also I'll be getting married this year, and I want to be able to start a family and not die off before my future kids get to know me. Really though, I just want to feel healthy, this kind of weight is a constant battle against depression and I never really feel good. I always have heart burn or digestive issues. It's time for that to stop.

    Anyway, this is one of my first posts, and looking at it I feel really good being able to get all of this out. I'm definitely looking for any friends, so feel free to add me!
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Hi, I am currently 315. I have been on MFP a while and can't seem to get it right. I work from home at night and I tend to ruin my whole day in that 3 hours on the computer. I am looking for support to get me started.
  • Imajicat
    Imajicat Posts: 114 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me if you like. I work nights too and will holler at you not to eat twinkies at 3 am. :wink:
  • HeatherHoskins
    HeatherHoskins Posts: 157 Member
    Hahah Thanks I will!
  • lstillwell1128
    lstillwell1128 Posts: 23 Member
    I am a 28 year old wife with no children and I started my weight loss journey (this time lol) on June 12th 2012. I weighed my heaviest ever at 305lbs... Since then I have dropped 15 lbs in the first week and am at my Current Weight of 290lbs..
    I have never been thin, EVER, but i want to experience this at least once.
    My journey is so that i can have children(i have had two miscarriages and cant seem to get pregnant now), be healthier, and maybe remedy several health issues i have (pancreatitis, infertility, arthritis, depression, etc) and i just want to be able to wear a swimsuit and feel comfortable.
    I have always been the nice friend with a great personality, damn it for once i want to be called beautiful...not sweet.
    I feel blessed to have found this group and i completely agree that those who have never had to face trying to lose 100+ lbs have no clue what it is like...
    Please feel free to friend me if you like, I'm always up for a good chat :)
  • extreme_harmony
    extreme_harmony Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there,

    Hoping to lose around 200lb for my wedding in 2014. Was really happy to find this group - finally people who understand!

    Feel free to add me as a friend. :)

    Leah :)
  • Hi all my name is Vicki I'm currently 410 lbs and way way way unhealthy, I need to get this weight off to save my life.
  • Jayme34
    Jayme34 Posts: 160 Member
    Hello my name is Jamie and my starting over weight is 365.6. I keep coming back to MFP but I just cant seem to get it right. Im either eating right and not excercising or excercising and not eating right.......why cant i just do both!

    I am 35 years old and already osteoarthritis and making living in this big ole body impossible. I need desperately to lose this weight and be healthy, I want to be around for my kids and grandkids some day.

    I have an appointment on July 26th for a gastric bypass consultation, I really dont want to do the surgery but I am stuck in this massive rut that I cant get out of. I need support, please add me!
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    Hi all, my name is Sam, I'm a 52 year old cancer survivor and started MFP at 315lbs a month ago. I've lost 19lbs so far, with a goal of at least 90lbs. I gained about 75lbs. after my bout with cancer and I know that if I don't change my lifestyle I will not survive long enough to enjoy all that life has to offer.

    My good friend introduced me to MFP and he has lost 130lbs down from 379! He is an inspiration to me and I would like to pay that forward, so if you need an accountability or encouragement friend, feel free to add me.
  • taziwac
    taziwac Posts: 15 Member
    Hi folks - Joined MFP a couple of weeks ago after I decided to get serious about dropping weight. I turned 39 this month and hoping to spend the next year gradually shedding so that by my 40th I'll be a changed man. As of today I'm at 293, but started my journey at 320 back in April. So far, I've been really lucky. I don't have any medical reasons for my gradual weight gain since leaving college - I've just spent too many years eating too much and moving around too little. Hopefully, those days are behind me forever.
  • Hey yall. My name is Alex im 23. When I started losing weight I was 389 I started using this app at 340. I have battled weight my whole life im a big boy 6'3 and I lived large all of High School And College. Being the funny fat guy and doing eating contests to impress people Example 6lb cheeseburger. Now that im out of school, my goal is to be 280 which is what I weighed at 13-14. I have not been under 300 since I was in Middle School.
  • SKBrown76
    SKBrown76 Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Ya'll! I don't think that I have introduced myself yet so here goes. I am a 35 y/o mother of 4 and wife to the greatest man ever. I topped out at my highest weight the beginning of this year at 317 and decided enough was enough. In February my husband and I decided to get healthy and we started excercising and eating better I had lost 25 lbs and seemed to be at a stand still. I found MFP about 2 weeks ago and LOVE it. Since beginning MFP i have lost 3 more for a total of 28, I know I still have a loooonnggg way to go but seeing results + finding supportive people = success, right?
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I'm a 33 y/o father of one very active 2 year old. I joined here at 380 lbs a month ago mostly because of the food tracking ability - figured it'd be a good way to figure out how balanced I'm eating day to day, and see if I can lose a few pounds in the process.

    Instead of just being the "fat guy", I've also been the "strong guy" - I've been picking up heavy things ever since my teens, so I've packed on muscle as well as fat. Every time I tried working out, I just got bigger (because I didn't watch my eating as well). Sort of like a decade long bulking session. Currently I'm about 24% bodyfat - I don't want to go below 12%, so that gives me about 40 lbs in fat to lose.

    As for my goal, I'm aiming towards winning my Highland Games competitions, so I've started doing some heavy powerlifting in the gym and seeing how much fat I can trim off before next spring. If I can lose the extraneous weight and get even stronger, then I'll call this a success.

    Any other 300+ people who are like me? Into strength games and such? If not, that's fine, I'll chat anyways!
  • SKBrown76
    SKBrown76 Posts: 19 Member
    I've personally never been involved in any highland games, although watching would be spectacular.
  • Hi my name is Michelle but you can call me "MEME" I started at 312 and now I am at 301. I am trying my best and doing what I have to do tomorrow is a new day will be getting my work out on in the morning with my sweat suit. I am going to embrace all of summer because I am ready for a new me. My goal is to drop another 30 pounds before the summer is over. Loosing weight is not easy but I will keep on trying :). Please add me so I can have work out buddies or motivational buddies :)
  • You can do it as long as you have the motivation and the help :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Hi. I'm 49, married, no children. I started MFP at 410 over a year ago now, lost some... easily, then fell off of the routine and gained some back. I'm presently at 378 and losing again.