Daily Chat Thread



  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I wish I had TOM to blame - I've had stupid cravings lately and doing all I can to resist, mostly unsuccessfully. Instead of candy though I swap out Quest bars, but I've been craving pasta and breads - and that ain't good for me! I'm going back to strict low-carb until I get past this crap.

    My latest NSV is BF% When I started NROL4W back a year ago, my BF was 35% - yesterday 30% I'm really happy about that!

    Sending good thoughts to you Beeps! I know it will be completely successful, and I know you will follow doctor's orders! Best of luck!
  • Nadiataha
    Nadiataha Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, ladies,
    Just want to chime in and say thanks for the inspiration! I've been following this thread for a few days and am now committed to starting the program after work *today*! I'm a repeat offender with starting and stopping. Last time wasn't that long ago so I'm starting at stage 2 (for the second time). Can't wait to put up some of the strength gains and other victories posted here!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Hi, ladies,
    Just want to chime in and say thanks for the inspiration! I've been following this thread for a few days and am now committed to starting the program after work *today*! I'm a repeat offender with starting and stopping. Last time wasn't that long ago so I'm starting at stage 2 (for the second time). Can't wait to put up some of the strength gains and other victories posted here!

    Best of luck to you, hang in there and get it done!!

    Sue, great NSV and we're girls, we get cravings. I'm particularly hungry today because I was under by over 800 yesterday after my Zumba class. My instructor was at full tilt yesterday and had me hitting max heart rate. Burned over 600 cals in an hour. Going to Zumba always gets my head back in gym mode. Ok, now I will be a good girl and go lift. Time to reclaim my big numbers.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    In and done

    Being conservative with weight and watching my form. Squat 2x12@100

    You know you worked hard when you boon sweat through a padded bra. (I need to make a meme for that)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    That's a high squat weight - 12 reps!! Nicely done, samntha.

    My left cataract is out....my vision isn't "clear" like I thought....maybe tomorrow. Oh, and it wasn't "quite" the Sunday picnic they described....my blood pressure tanked on the table, they had to rush in to put in an IV with some meds, but I had NO veins because I was completely dehydrated/fasted, lol.

    Anyway, next week I've got my right eye - now I know what to expect!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!!!!!!!
    I've pretty much given up on posting in the individual stages. I think I did stage 6 all by myself and I feel like no one else must be in Stage 7 now either. Ah well. It was interesting to read from those that passed before me though!! :wink:
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Congrats on being almost done,Kathleen!
    Welcome, Nadia! Can't wait to hear how you progress.

    Sam, that's an awesome weight! I tend to be cautious with those higher reps too. Go you!

    Beeps, speedy recovery to ya! Hopefully next week will go a little smoother.

    I will lift tomorrow. Today I didn't move as much as usual (so dang hot outside!) and I ended up going over on my cals again. Oh well. I think my body needs it. I actually took a small nap today I was so exhausted. TOM just needs to hurry up and happen.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    That's a high squat weight - 12 reps!! Nicely done, samntha.

    My left cataract is out....my vision isn't "clear" like I thought....maybe tomorrow. Oh, and it wasn't "quite" the Sunday picnic they described....my blood pressure tanked on the table, they had to rush in to put in an IV with some meds, but I had NO veins because I was completely dehydrated/fasted, lol.

    Anyway, next week I've got my right eye - now I know what to expect!
    Wow Beeps, I hope the next one goes easier :flowerforyou:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Me too Cowgirl, Me too. I came from the gum yesterday and fell asleep on the couch after making dinner ("Steak strip" with nothing else) I have much to do before Tuesday and Zero energy to do it.

    Kathleen, welcome and congrats on almost being done. I should go back to the stage threads and post since I'm doing 4W again.
  • Nadiataha
    Nadiataha Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, everyone! Thanks for the warm welcomes.
    Kathleen, I'm really impressed with what you've done.
    Cowgirl, have a great workout!
    Sam, I had a similar experience: home from the gym at 9:30, zonked out by 10:00 (pretty early for me). It's a good feeling, isn't it?
    Beeps, how's the vision today? clearer?
    Made it to the gym last night, as planned. check and check. Man, have I lost strength, though -- and put on fat. It was very noticeable, both through struggling to lift near where I left off and in the mirrors all along the gym walls! But I'm actually encouraged, instead of discouraged, because I know I've been through this before and can do it again.
    This has probably been hashed and rehashed to death, but does anyone want to share their philosophy on calories? It's tough to believe that I need to eat as much as the book says (and I mean the fat loss number) because it's about 25-50% more than I would if I were just dieting. TIA.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Welcome back, Nadia. You 'll find some eat what Lou recommends and some eat less. You have to find out what works best for YOU.

    I am so stinkin' bloated and feel like a blimp. Makes me discouraged and feel like stuffing my face with anything and everything.

    Beeps, yeah, can you see clearer?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    My re-check this morning was totally fine....vision is about 20/20, hoping for 20/25, I think - it's supposed to get clearer and clearer....I *did* cry when the freezing wore off, last night...not due to pain, but because I actually COULD SEE out of that eye!! It's been 25 years??? Dunno.

    Anyway, all good.

    Dr. has cleared me to 'walk", so I can do that at lunch-times - nothing strenuous, but at least it will help regulate my sleep. No clearance for 'sex' though....I asked and made sure hubby was in the room so that we all were on the same page. Oh well, can't win 'em all!

    ("Sex is not considered a light activity"....said my dr.....)
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Hi Ladies!!!!!!!!!
    I've pretty much given up on posting in the individual stages. I think I did stage 6 all by myself and I feel like no one else must be in Stage 7 now either. Ah well. It was interesting to read from those that passed before me though!! :wink:

    Hi Kathleen! I noticed that the later stages were less commented on too. But ask here. There are lots of us NROL4W vets here!

    And welcome Nadia!! I never followed Lou's suggested cal intake though I did slightly increase on the days I lift.

    Today was squat day - I was supposed to do increase to 90 today but I honestly wasn't happy with my form, so I stuck with 80 and did more reps and went deeper into the squat.. I'm with you Sam & you too Cowgirl, I don't want an injury and I don't feel like I have to compete with anyone except myself. My accessory lifts were good mornings - I really love those nearly as much as SLDLs - walking lunges and back/abs. The program calls for 5 sets 10-20 reps (sound familiar anyone?) I choose to stay with hypertrophy and rep at 10-12 and got a tremendous workout but I have to say that I could easily take a 5 hr nap right about now! I'm exhausted!

    I've been reading Bret's blog for other glute exercises or adaptations to existing exercises to really fire glutes - Beeps, your American DL is one he recommends and I will try that on Wednesday next week.

    Nice long quiet weekend, tomorrow is OHP and accessory lifts. I should PR the main lift (hope so - I have such pathetically weak shoulders!)

    Beeps, such wonderful news! I am so very happy for you! And yes, my dad said his vision improved as he healed after his surgery
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sue - I'm glad you didn't go UP in weights just for the hell of it.....so TRUE that injury is NOT warranted and you can get a PERFECTLY GOOD work-out at 80. (Heck, I get one with 45.)

    I'm moving into higher reps come fall....likely the 12- or 15- range. Not my favourite, but it's time to do some VOLUME work, I think. Yes, it takes longer and No, I'm not banging around big weight at those reps, but I want a well-rounded look and it's the right time of year to focus on Volume, I figure.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, Boo to no sex, bummer. Hooray, for clearer, near perfect vision. That alone is worth the price of admission. Hubby is going in for an eval about lasix. Also when I did life all the lifts were 12-15. I felt stronger so I didn't lose anything there but my shape didn't change. I'm weird though.

    Nadia, for most people calories is trial and error. If you go back a page or two I posted Lou's own update about calories. Cowgirl had some very good incites too. I've always used the MFP settings to determine my daily calories. If you want to do a deficit and get some weight off I suggest 1/2lb per week. Otherwise eat at maintenance whatever that is for YOU! I'm done loosing weight at this point so I eat at maintenance for the most part and eat back my exercise cals. Again that's just me. Everybody had to find what works best for them based on the goals they want to achieve. Don't drive yourself crazy trying to figure out some magic number using the calculation in the book. I add 300 on lifting days, about the equivalent of my post workout protein shake, not everybody does.

    Looks like I am skipping zumba tonight. We are going to have a final family fun night at the bowling alley. Free bowling ends this weekend :(

    New back to work training schedule will be Lift Sun, rest Mon, lift Tue, Zumba Wed, Lift Thurs. Zumba Fri, Rest Sat. Thurs is going to be tough. I either keep kid care and go early, or I go at 9 when hubby gets home. I'll have to play that one by ear. I think I'd like to budget better this fall and keep the kids care.
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    I am new here! Just started the program a couple weeks ago. Looking for some more lifting buddies! Feel free to add me!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    phew what a workout I had today! I worked with my trainer did OHP and then he burned out my shoulders and triceps - ack I could hardly move my arms at the end of the workout! I did PR my OHP - I've only pressed 40 and today I pressed the oly bar 3x12 for the first time. It felt great to finally get that thing over my head! Did a lot of tricep work - skull crushers and single arm pulldowns - and then some chest and more shoulder work that totally wiped me out. I love walking out of the gym feeling like that!

    Welcome pikminprinces!

    What movie did you see Sam?

    Tomorrow my girls and I are riding to a sunflower maze. It was so much fun last year - looking forward to the day!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    THat's AWESOME Sue!!. and A sunflower maze sounds great. What area is it in? I have some growing badly in front of my house. Not enough morning sun so they are droopy. Wish I could move them to the side of the house. They come back every year.

    Yes, my pathetic self went to see Mortal Instruments by myself, and my husband was sound asleep when I came home (He has a century scheduled for tomorrow and will be getting up with the sun) I quite enjoyed the movie as I read the book last week. All of my favorite books lately fall into the YA genre. Perfect since I will be teaching YA LAL this year.

    I assume it will be me and the crickets here until Tuesday. I need a life. Too bad I will be going back to work Tuesday and will not have a time for a life until Winter break. I probably won't make it the gym tomorrow :( already my plan is shot to hell. Ok positive thoughts, positive thoughts.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    I'm still around Sam, but getting ready for bed now, watched InkMaster tonight

    The maze is up in Sussex County - have you ever been to Chatterbox? It's near there


    I'll check in tomorrow! Sweet dreams everyone
  • Nadiataha
    Nadiataha Posts: 16 Member
    Hi, everyone! Looks like it's going to pour here in New York City but hubby is determined to show me a lake he found out in the country... and we're getting there on our motorcycles. It's not far, thankfully, and the rain isn't supposed to start until the afternoon.
    Anyway, I'm pleased with the number on the scale this morning, but moreover I put on my yoga shorts to go to bed last night and could tell a difference in the way they fit -- and so could my husband! I'm sore all over from 2B yesterday but feeling good. I skipped the intervals afterward for time reasons so I'll make that up today.
    Oh, and for breakfast I made my first ever mug cake, using protein powder! It came out cakey and yummy and I poured some thin pb2 on top of it. Still have to adjust the ingredients a little, but for 200 calories and 29 grams of protein and vegan to boot, I'd say it's a success!
    Hope you're all having a great weekend OFF the computer.