Daily Chat Thread



  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    where are you peeps??

    OK so Tuesday I made a chocolate tiramisu cake and took it to have dinner with friends. I was like just short of 1000 calories over for the day. Woke up still stuffed on Wednesday, I had been planning to lift that day around midday after I finished clinic and a couple meetings. So, I was too full to eat breakfast, just drank my coffee, and packed a banana and a protein bar to eat later. Clinic ran longer than I thought, plus I never ate 'cuz I never got hungry- so I decided it was not productive to lift weights without eating. Today was a better day for that. :laugh:
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    So as I mentioned before I went o zumba from 9-10 last night even though I was DEAD TIRED. Even when I walked into class, one of the girls said I looked very unhappy to be there. As usual I got into it and had a good time. I didn't push to hard, and it turns out the good instructor may be taking over Friday nights which can make my schedule more flexible. Anyway, I was SO EXHAUSTED This morning that I almost threw up. I was so nonfunctional in the brain that my stupid hypoglycemic self forgot my food for the day and I'm "rolling pennies for gas" broke. The girls at work took pity on me and gave me food. My diary looks a little strange today for that reason. I ate well when I got home, so my calories came out fine, but I NEVER want to do that again. Turns Out that I'm stupid today because I'm brain tired and I got my period. Maybe I'm brain tired BECAUSE I got my period. Either way I was planning on going to the gym, but I needed to wait for clean clothes which took too long to dry.

    Long story short...I'm going to bed. Night all.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sheesh, samntha please take care of yourself.

    My cataract surgery went MUCH better this time around. Whew! I am SO glad it is done! I hadn't eaten anything all day or had even a sip of water - I ordered a cheeseburger (and ate half of it) and poutine (and ate ALL of that!) to celebrate.

    Plus a chocolate shake.

    With the hersheys kisses I ingested last night, I was over calories by 200 - on a fasting day, lol!!!

    It's okay. I decided to call in sick, today, to let my eye rest. I'll get back to the office routine come Monday.

    Thanks, sue, for asking.

    I'm so glad to be in full-blown "recovery mode" so I can put this chapter behind me....I can lift in 2 weeks, YAHOO!!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Yayy Beeps!! I am SO glad!
    And Samntha - wow, yeah take care of yourself!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Thanks ladies. I just get like this in those two awful days in my cycle. The exhaustion kicks my butt every time. I'll be high energy next week and you'll think I;m manic or something.

    Beeps, glad it was a little easier this time :)

    I'm WAY high carb today! But I'm off to the gym to lift.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I LIFTED!!

    Squat 3x10@105
    Push-up 3x10 military
    Seated 3x10@75
    step ups 3x10@50 (6 risers)

    Don't laugh but I fell off the swiss ball doing prone jack knives. First time ever and I twisted my damn shoulder on the way down.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I'm totally laughing at the thought of you falling off the swiss ball! But, crappy that you got hurt - that SUCKS.

    Today I'm going to walk, and walk, and walk. Will aim for 2.5 hours.

    I'm jumping into another "challenge" on another forum, starting Monday. So, even though I can't lift for 2 more weeks, I can certainly keep calories controlled. I think it's a 10 week challenge, so I'll just have to BRING it for the last 8 weeks!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam, that's some beautiful lifting you got going there!

    Beeps, that's a lot of walking. Wish I could tag along for moral support :flowerforyou:

    I think I might go ahead and jump into Stage 4. Or wait 'til Monday. We'll see.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Oh good grief, Sam!! You MUST take better care!! I'm also hypoglycemic and actually got that shaky feeling when I haven't had enough to eat, so I grabbed a handful of peanuts (LOVE Costco's GIANT peanuts) - that did the trick. Get a bucket and keep a sandwich or freezer bag full in your bag!!

    ...and wow that's some awesome lifting you got goin' on! Congrats!

    Beeps, can't tell you how relieved I am to hear your surgery went well and that you're feeling better faster this time!! I'm glad you're planning to take the required time to recover! Sending continued good thoughts for complete recovery so you can get back to doing what you love most!!

    I have 2 new PRs! Yesterday was bench day and I pressed 95x4! Today was squats and worked with my trainer. 95#x 5 and good form (that's more important to me than the weights).

    My butt is really sore, my trainer burned out my hams & glutes today and had me doing walking lunges followed by sprints.

    On our way to a b'day party this evening. Have fun everyone!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Great lifting, ladies!
    I'm going tomorrow instead of today since today is day of fast for peace in Syria. I decided fasting and lifting was not an optimal combination haha. It's just as well, since my back is still a little sore from Thursday. I had the low rep dead lifts (which I think I did 4x6x115) followed by the high rep Romanian dead lifts. The thing was I accidentally tried to do 4x15x95 on the Romanian's instead of 90lb. I actually did 3 sets (yayy me!!) and totally gave out after 7 reps on the 4th set.

    Sam I fell off the Swiss ball a number of times in the beginning trying to do those. I imagine it will happen again when I start over with Level 1 after my upcoming trip. Hope you get better soon!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Could have sworn I wrote a post this morning lol My shoulder is fine. It just felt weird for a few minutes. No pain today. Sue I get stupid when I get tired and low blood sugar just makes it worse. I lose all concentration. I usually keep emergency rations in my desk, but I haven't stocked up yet.

    Beeps take care, enjoy your challenge, but don't over do.

    Kathleen and Sue, great lifting! I don't bench, but I am supremely impressed Sue. KAthy 95 is no joke either :)

    Rest day today. Manic Monday is around the corner...literally HA Ha Ha. Going for five days this week starting with a lift tomorrow. Fingers crossed.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I didn't manage 2.5 hour walk yesterday. Did 1.5 hours. So, will try again, today.

    Meanwhile, I took my "before" photos and measurements for this 11-week challenge. H*lls bells if my hip/bum measurement hasn't gone UP, even since I took it end-of-August. Ugh, ugh, ugh. Obviously, my vacation did more damage than I suspected AND not lifting is terrible for bodyshape.

    I'm very displeased, but I have 11-weeks to manage my calories a whole lot better, and I'll have 9 weeks to really get my lifting back and STRONG.


    I am letting myself heal, because truly, I still get woozy throughout the day. I'm focusing on calories-in, strictly, over the next 2 weeks and will get back to lifting when the dr says that I can.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I was kinda hopin' some of y'all would blow rainbow smoke in my direction for updating my profile pic. You like this :love: :love: .... :laugh:

    Or :noway:

    Beeps, I think it's amazing you walked that for that long. Do you read or listen to anything while you walk?

    Sam, glad to see your shoulder is feeling better!

    Sue, those are some awesome PRs! Love the sore butt :love: :laugh:

    I start Stage 4 today or tomorrow. For now, I'm about to treat myself to a nap :tongue: I drank last night and I need to get back with the program this week!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Just seeing it now RUnz. Your back looks GREAT!!!

    Lifting tomorrow. It'll be a busy week for sure :)
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    For serious, runz, that's some smokin hot back! :smokin: :smokin: :smokin: :love: :noway:

    Beeps, take care, don't push yourself too hard, OK?

    Great lifting ladies!

    For me, I was doing a bodyweight HIIT workout after my lifting on Saturday and was able to get waaaay lower in my squats than I can with a bar. So I think I need to go back to goblet squats and work my way up again. And/or stretch more before I start with the bar. Because I'm not gonna get lower if I'm pushing the weight up, right?

    Next month we're changing over our membership from the Y to a more gym-gym and will hopefully get some lifting training help then.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    runzalot - HOT, HOT, HOT!! Thank you for pointing out changes in avatara - I'm totally not a very observant person, so unless you clue me in, I may not notice!

    pearl - I'm pushing myself a little more simply because I FEEL more like "myself" when I ACT more like "myself".

    I'm totally happy to be back at work, today. I even curled my hair and put on lipstick so that i would feel more like "myself". NO eye makeup for awhile (obviously).
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Good morning!!

    I fibbed... actually I mistyped - my bench was 75 not 95, but that's still a PR for me. And today was OHP, and I pressed the oly bar again this time for 12 reps! I really worked hard today - used the chest press machine to really isolate my chest muscles and did 5x12x 60, please did 5x12 of assisted pull-ups and dips. Love to walk out of the gym all rubbery feeling!!

    ...and I'm famished!! Oy I don't know if I can make it until lunch arrives!!!

    Runz girl l LOVE that new avatar - your back is looking really HAWT!!!

    Pearl, I so love working with my trainer! He really helps me with form and pushes me to my limits. I do too but sometimes having a cheering section is an even better workout! AND... I know just what you mean about getting low on those squats. I do bodyweight squats and good mornings to get my hams and glutes stronger so I can get down deeper in my back squats. It's also why I didn't move up on week 2 squats.

    Beeps so glad you are feeling better! I agree, I like to challenge myself to be the best I can be! My whole attitude is better when I set goals and seek them out!

    I was supposed to deload this week and start Tier 2 next but I'm not. I started Tier 2 today, and will continue until vacation (9/21) and then do body weight workouts as much as I can while I'm out in the boonies (Ozarks Mountains)
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I joined the group a few weeks ago but haven't said hi untill now. I'm halfway through stage 1 and had to take an unscheduled 2 week break because I got sick and my husband broke his hand. I'm hoping to get back today. I really want to finish stage 1 because I'm getting a little bored with it. I like seeing my weights increase but I need something new now.

    Once I finish stage 1 I was thinking I'll head right into stage 2 since I already took a week off. Does that sound reasonable or am I asking for trouble?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sue - how long are you away in the Ozarks?? Is this a motorcycle tour?

    liesel - I'd just jump right back into Stage 1 where you left off. Also, if you're getting "bored", don't bother with the AMRAP part of Stage 1. Just move right into Stage 2 (without a "break", since you ended up in an unscheduled break during Stage 1).