Daily Chat Thread



  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    oops. Double posted.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    chubby - I'm listening to my dr, don't worry. I choose not to lift until Friday. In the meantime, though, I *did* test my heart-rate! Did 2 hours of hills on Saturday and another 2 hours of hills on Sunday. Heart-rate racing didn't pop my eyeballs. I'm fine.

    runzalot - HURRAY on more lost inches!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    pearlmullet - yes, 3 each side.

    If you don't have time to do 3 each side, choose a HARDER variation of the side plank (i.e. use the entire length of your arm and elevate your feet onto a bench, for example) and do your 2-each-side-reps.

    What she said, Pearl. He revised his methods of using planks in Supercharged. You only do 1 or 2 sets of 45 secs max. But you keep progressing the variations( feet elevated, reduced support, etc). I feel they're more effective.

    Beeps, good to know you're healing correctly!!!!

    Breeze, how'd it go?

    Go my lifting in today. Squats 105lbs X 12 X 2, inverted rows, BSS suspended with TRX 22.5 lbs X 12 X 2, bench press 25lbs X 12 X 2. Complexes 55lbs x 8 x 4. 3 mins of HIIT . Best way to start a Monday!!!!!
  • lieselLalor
    lieselLalor Posts: 169 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for your advice earlier. I'm still having trouble getting back to the gym, every night that I have planned on going I find an excuse not too. Well, I forgot my headphones today and I contemplated not going because of that but I just HAVE to. I sometimes forget why I am doing all this and for some reason today I remembered my motivation.
    I have been eating like crap but today I am finally sticking to my plan. I agree with you guys, if I start my day out with something crappy my whole day falls apart. So I made my meal plan last night and during lunch today I ran out to do some errands so I wasn't tempted to eat the tacos they had at work. I'm feeling better already than I have at all in the last 2 weeks.
    Hope you all have a good day.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I have a pile of stuff to do. I will get it all done. I'm a superstar. :sick:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    chubby - I'm listening to my dr, don't worry. I choose not to lift until Friday. In the meantime, though, I *did* test my heart-rate! Did 2 hours of hills on Saturday and another 2 hours of hills on Sunday. Heart-rate racing didn't pop my eyeballs. I'm fine.

    runzalot - HURRAY on more lost inches!! YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    pearlmullet - yes, 3 each side.

    If you don't have time to do 3 each side, choose a HARDER variation of the side plank (i.e. use the entire length of your arm and elevate your feet onto a bench, for example) and do your 2-each-side-reps.

    What she said, Pearl. He revised his methods of using planks in Supercharged. You only do 1 or 2 sets of 45 secs max. But you keep progressing the variations( feet elevated, reduced support, etc). I feel they're more effective.

    Beeps, good to know you're healing correctly!!!!

    Breeze, how'd it go?

    Go my lifting in today. Squats 105lbs X 12 X 2, inverted rows, BSS suspended with TRX 22.5 lbs X 12 X 2, bench press 25lbs X 12 X 2. Complexes 55lbs x 8 x 4. 3 mins of HIIT . Best way to start a Monday!!!!!
    What she said about what she said lol
    Great lifting chubby!!

    Felt so good to eat like a normal person today :) Though at one point I mysteriously had the shakes, as if my blood-sugar was low, but I ate well today so no explanation for it. Eat good to feel good :)

    I got my lifting done last night AND I have a VERY clean house, at least clean by my standards:laugh: . NO MOVEMENT on weights. I did try to go for 65 in BB BP but I could only rock 8 reps instead of 10 so I backed off to 60. I don't get it. Guess I'll keep on trucking, my form is getting awesome though.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Chubby, I want to check out supercharged!

    I was less than super today.. It was the first day of 3 sets and I felt like I could not increase weight . And I was repeating today's workout A5 because last week I only did 2 sets

    Anyway on the upside I will be able to keep training -- I have a chronic pain in my r hip/ butt. I had scheduled a prolotherapy session but I got a third opinion and am going to try a steroid injection instead.

    Samantha Keep listening to your doctor

    Runzalot keep going it will all get done ( and if it doesn't maybe it was not important)
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Ok..so today I'll work out...I had an interview that ran long but I signed up, membership is paid for and I will be there today at 11:30!

    Back later!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    1 completely out-of-the-blue TOM + 2 previous-fasting-days + 15 days of low-cal = HUGE UNEXPECTED UNCONTROLLABLE BINGE-FEST last night.


    But, I *still* logged it! 2,156 calories yesterday - for a scheduled 1,400 calorie day.

    My god, if I EVER get another period, after 2.5 weeks, I am going to friggin' go MANTAL, for sure!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Beeps, my mother will tell you, the closer you get to menopause , the more erratic your cycle will become. I'm feeling blahs from ovulation today. Falling on my face exhausted. No gym today, but I spent my evening scrubbing my aunts ceiling.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I don't like reading that - even though I'm sure it's true. Periods FARTHER apart - Like. Periods CLOSER together - *kitten* that noise.

    Anyway, I fasted yesterday, kept ALL my calories for a yummy restaurant supper out. I logged my restaurant calories and they came in <900, so it was a GREAT day!

    I feel WAY better, today, even though TOM is still raging (I bled through my underwear AND dress at the restaurant last night - NICE.).


    ^^^ Pay attention to THIS, only.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Beeps, sorry to validate Sam's mom, but as I was closer and closer to menopause, my periods were more erratic, sometimes 2 wks sometimes 6 wks, sometimes barely a drop and other times like I was back in HS with all the awful cramps and incredible mood swings. Actually the mood swings lasted well into menopause, along with sleeplessness, hot flashes and the most awful headaches. My doc actually put me on EffexorXR (it supposedly had off-label success) which actually helped the sleeplessness and mood swings but not much else. I weaned myself off it after 18 months. I still sleep very poorly, unfortunately.

    Last night was one of those sleep poorly nights - I was supposed to OHP and accessory lifting but had no energy at 4:30, so I opted for 90 minutes more sleep/rest. Tomorrow I spin, Friday I lift and then I'm off for 2 weeks. I've lost a couple of pounds this week, and since we're staying in a cottage with a full kitchen, I'll be more careful about food at least some of the time.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    suelegal, don't you think the KIND-er thing would have been to LIE YOUR *kitten* OFF TO ME?!?!?!?



    I'm not ready for menopause. That much I know. Maybe it is "happening". Maybe it isn't. For today, I'm ONLY focusing on the fact that, in 2 days, i can lift, lol!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hey I am an ob/gyn and I learned nothing about nutrition and exercise in med school so don't ask) I know a little about menopause and irregular more frequent periods are the most common pattern. Anything can happen to in specific so be prepared
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member

    This is my 1st post here. I completed stage 1 and just wanted somewhere to share my numbers. Hope you don't mind!

    I'm rubbish at taking measurements and progress pics and I don't really pay attention to the scales. I have gone for a right UK 12 to a much more comfortable one and that is enough progress for me at the moment!

    Stage 1A
    Squat 10kg-48kg (105lbs)
    Push up 6inch high step-floor (all reps). Need to work on going lower!
    Dumbell Row 5kg-17.5kg (38lbs)

    Step-up I had issues with getting a big enough step and form so not much weight change as I kept changing the step. Prone Jacknife I completed 15

    Stage 1B
    Deadlift 30kg-61kg (135lbs)
    Shoulder press 7kg-12.5kg (27lbs)
    Lat pull down 18kg-36.2kg (80lbs). Only did 4 weeks of this and did pulldown before as my gym machine was broken
    Lunge 10kg-15kg. Struggle with increasing weight so dropped back in the last do a 15kg barbell on my back but better quality lunges and I felt the burn more
    Sit up Nothing to 5kg weight held behind my head

    I'm pretty pleased with my numbers and progress. I hate the step-ups because I just don't have anything high so I've worked on my form and made it harder by bringing my leg higher in front of me. I found it really hard to progress the shoulder press and lunges. My favourite is probably the Deadlift because it makes me feel badass!

    I'm not doing AMRAP because my numbers were too low to start and I'm away for 2 weeks from tomorrow. Going to take that as my lifting break and then start stage 2 when I'm back. I can't wait!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Nicely done Hev! I'll be finishing my second go around of stage 1 this coming week, and seems like it is taking FOREVER. I guess since I finished LIFE right before going back into 4W, it seems like I've been doing the same exercises FOREVER!. My weights aren't really moving either, so that's frustrating too. I thought I was all strong and bad-*kitten*, negatory.
    Waiting for hubby to get home so I'll have one less workout.

    (I know my time will come early, so I'm not looking forward to my 40s at all)
  • GeeksRfit2
    Hi, y'all...I've been following this group for a while, and frankly y'all seem just great. I just started S2,...and its going pretty well. Or at least I enjoy it! Lifting even the tiniest bit more makes me feel badass. LOL.

    I'm really new at this - posting and all - but I'm giving it a try. Happy Wed!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Welcome Geeks!!

    I take back what I just said. I had the most bad-*kitten* session at the gym.

    I did 50 min of lifting and felt so freaking bad-*kitten* that I stayed for the last 35 min of the super hard-core Wednesday Zumba class.
    Let me explain how bad-*kitten* this session was. I cam within 5lbs of my 4 rep max for back squats at EIGHT REPS. 'm going to say that again 5lbs closer to my 4 rep MAX at EIGHT REPS. In fact I am 10 lbs away from getting big mama 45s on my bar. WHOO!
    Then I rocked the zuba class, though I don't recommend doing zumba in lifting shoes, ouchie. She made a new mix on a cd with the songs blending into each other. No stopping and no skipping on the music. Holy Hannah that was tough.

    My stats:
    Back squat 3x8@120 (Up from 105)
    Push-up 3x12@ millitary
    Seated row 3x8@90 (up from 75)
    Step up 3x8@50 w/six risers (same)

    Not sure how to go about increasing the step-ups. Ideas?
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I worked out yesterday..finally...on deadline and just checking in..so sore...ibuprofen helps but holy moly ouch.

    But a good ouch..let's hope I'm ok to work out tomorrow.

    Since this is an official restart and I'm doing the entire program I'm going to take before photos but I'm not going to post until at the end of each stage.

    Good to be back at it.

  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Good job hev!
    You really stepped up your dead lifts!

    Were you mad, samntha? That's great. If I'm upset about something I can suddenly lift more than I thought I could.

    I was extremely tired all day but ended up satisfied with my workout
    I know this has probably come up before but two workout questions..

    I can't seem to increase the dumbbell weights for lunges etc because my forearms are sore and my hands are weak. The actual lunge is not hard-- is it better to try to hold more weight and split up the sets-- or try to do 15 of both leg without resting my hands?

    My other question is on dead lifts. When you increase to a bigger plate, the bar is higher from the ground and it seems easier but probably is just a problem with my form?
    Any thoughts are appreciated.
  • Hev_uk
    Hev_uk Posts: 82 Member
    I think deadlifts are slightly easier (to get good form the higher the bar starts which is why you move to the deadlift on a box to get a greater range of movement. Correct me if I'm wrong, more experience lifters! I was planning on sticking with normal deadlifts rather than going on a box in stage 2 because I enjoy increasing my weight and I think I can get more. If I stall with weight increase I will go on a box!

    I also struggle with increasing lunges and step up. I now do my step up like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLLtYbaWrc8 which makes it loads harder and has meant I can decrease my weight to be more comfortable on my hands. I don't know if that is New Rules style or whether i was doing them wrong to start but it seems to have helped