Daily Chat Thread



  • GeeksRfit2
    Hey all you ladies who gave me good advice about the step ups - I tried my new box today, knee at right angle, etc., and it was great. I could do more weight than I thought, but also just enjoyed doing it right. I had a GREAT lifting session and felt really good about it.
    THANKS y'all!
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice geeks I had a good workout too
    I did a mixup of the two stage 1 workouts but I increased my squats and the height if my step, so I am pleased . Hope everyone had a good weekend
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    Oh yeah for sure..no quitting here..in fact just planning my day which includes my scheduled workout at 11:30am.

    I really need to lose some summer fat~yikes

    Anyway..onward we go :-)
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies, I just want to say that I started stage 3 and Body Weight Matrix kicked my butt! OMG....here was the thought in my head, "oh, this can't be too hard, there are no weights involved"...so naive. But on the bright side, I did get to the gym 4x last week with 3 lifting days and one cardio, so at least there is that. Happy Monday y'all.
  • tartsul
    tartsul Posts: 298 Member
    so i figured out what my problem was. i've been feeling so lethargic and exhausted lately... because... i'm PREGNANT!

    NO WONDER getting up at 5 AM has been the hardest thing on the planet lately! i am so excited to be pregnant, but i sure wish i had more energy. i have been looking up some pregnancy workouts that i think i'm going to start trying at home after work. 5 AM gym time isn't happening again anytime soon for this girl.

    oh and p.s. it's still a secret for the most part. we plan on telling our families sometime next month. i can't wait! i feel like i'm bursting on the inside! (emotionally and soon to be physically too, haha!)

    and p.p.s. BEEPS you look amazing! your arms are gorgeously strong looking!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    CONGRATS tartsul!!! What happy news to share!

    I will lift 3 x this week....am looking very forward to it!
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Congrats, tartsul! How exciting! I won't tell a soul. :happy:

    Saw this article
    and wanted to get pregnant again just to look that good. But really, no. I'm done. :drinker:

    Beeps, you are so smokin. Awesome!

    Took some after shots to do a comparison over the weekend. Showed them to DH, and his face was full-on shock. I guess it's hard to notice the little changes over time?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    won't it be nice when "others" stop trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies???

    ugh, media, go find something ELSE to rile people up about!!
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    won't it be nice when "others" stop trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies???

    ugh, media, go find something ELSE to rile people up about!!
    YES. Yes. yes.
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hey ladies! Back from 9 day vacation. It was great. We lazed around , shopped, did some sightseeing, and ATE ALL the stinkin time!

    Today I had to do laundry and get the house back in order. We left our 18 year old boy at home. Nuff said, right?:ohwell:

    Tomorrow back to the gym!
  • GeeksRfit2
    Beeps, you speak the truth!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    congrats tarts. I think i slept through my first trimester...both times.

    Beeps, right on.

    Jewel, the BWM is a die-hard *****

    Well, big news for me, not as big as being preggers, but I was excited. I hit 8 reps of 135lbs. that's right I got the big girl 45lb plates on my squat bar and rocked it. The guy next to me seemed amused by my excitement :)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Sam that's terrific- it is encouraging to read what you can do

    Tarts congratulations- If anyone tells you not to lift during pregnancy ask for a study-there's no good data- use common sense though if something hurts back down, etc. swimming is a great exercise for the third trimester less contractions and the water helps support you and it feels good especially if you are swollen.

    My swim buddy had rest day so I stayed home and jumped rope. Since I was not at the pool- I had some extra time and I made a baked omelet but forgot some apparently critical ingredients and my family thought it was awful.
  • GeeksRfit2
    Sam, you are so awesome! Wahoo! Sometimes y'all intimidate the heck out of me. LOL. Great motivation though! Keep it up, girl, no pun intended!

    Congrats Tarts!!
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    so i figured out what my problem was. i've been feeling so lethargic and exhausted lately... because... i'm PREGNANT!

    NO WONDER getting up at 5 AM has been the hardest thing on the planet lately! i am so excited to be pregnant, but i sure wish i had more energy. i have been looking up some pregnancy workouts that i think i'm going to start trying at home after work. 5 AM gym time isn't happening again anytime soon for this girl.

    oh and p.s. it's still a secret for the most part. we plan on telling our families sometime next month. i can't wait! i feel like i'm bursting on the inside! (emotionally and soon to be physically too, haha!)

    and p.p.s. BEEPS you look amazing! your arms are gorgeously strong looking!

    Congratulations! Enjoy your pregnancy and hope it's a healthy happy and easy one!

    It's time for me to get back into the conversation a bit more! I'm ready for some changes again. I'm not as sore after yesterday as I was after my workout last week and I started all over and did the first workout...I upped my weights!
  • GeeksRfit2
    that's great, Breeze...its so much fun when the weights go up!

    and speaking of when weights go up.....all of you more experienced lifters - appreciate your thoughts on this:

    I'm on phase 2 of NRW4W (and yes, I read that thread a lot), ,...when you all were just beginning, how did you handle going up in your weight that you lifted? In other words, did you strive for an amount in each lift that was challenging, and maybe the last two reps in a set were really hard, but you could do all 10 reps,...OR did you lift amounts that were challenging and you might not make the full 10 reps, say only 6 or 8? OR something else?
    I am just trying to learn about others experiences,....appreciate all perspectives!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member