Daily Chat Thread



  • GeeksRfit2
    Thanks for the welcome, Sam!

    I kindof like the deadlifts on a box, though I was really surprised by that. It actually seems harder to me...but then, any increase in range of motion is always a challenge for me. I have to work pretty hard to have any decent form.

    I don't have a good way to increase my step up height gradually. I work out at home. For stage 1, I did more weight but less height (about a foot), but I'd like to step higher....my next available height is a box my husband built that is about 2.5 feet. I'm 5'2" - its a little high... Would y'all recommend going to lower weights and trying that box, or trying to keep my weight increasing and stay with the same height?

    I don't know if it's proper or not, but I have trouble with the bigger dumbbells on my lunges and step up too....I went to a small bar that I could load. Thoughts about that?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Wow, samntha, your numbers are AWESOME!

    Congratulations!! Excellent lifting progress!!!!!!!!!!!

    Geeks - the whole point of step-ups is to make sure your leg is at a right angle (at the knee) when your foot is on the step....so, until you have step height at that proper point, I would recommend NOT going up in weight. Also, make sure you aren't 'cheating'....NO push-off from the back (straight) leg!

    Tomorrow I can lift! I am printing out my work-outs, today. I think I will go to the gym, today, just to re-start my membership (which has been "on hold" for 6- weeks).

    Tomorrow, I also "weigh"....so, am fasting as long as I can, today, to shove off the last of the bodyfat so as to avoid any "scale number SHOCK".
  • GeeksRfit2
    Thanks, Beeps! I'll adjust my step then...it needs to be higher.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Have fun and take care Beeps!!

    I actually do an advanced step up where I never rest the non-working leg on the step and I lift it up to my chest in a crunch, or at least at a 90 degree angle. For lunges, believe it or not, walking lunges are considered an "advanced move". You can give those a try instead of trying to increase weight. I haven't really increased weight there either. I max out at 25lb dbs. I have to shake my head at the gym when I see trainers getting their clients to basically stomp up on the step with both feet (1,2) and stomp down (1,2).

    Now I am falling on my face tired. I'm taking a rest night. Later :)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Welcome to the newbs! Good to see more ladies joining in!

    I agree on the step-ups. Keep the step high and weight low until you really feel the squeeze in those glutes. I have to admit, I've stopped doing them for my Supercharged workouts. I felt they become more of a cardio workout than anything in the higher reps. I've found other single-leg stance exercises to be much more effective for my booty/quads (single-leg squat, single leg DL, one leg get-ups).

    Sam, walking lunges kill me. I've never had my quads hurt as bad as they do when I do walking lunges. I should probably do them more often.

    Beeps, hope the lifting and weighing goes well.

    I'm supposed to start Hypertrophy III tomorrow, but I haven't picked my exercises. Not sure if I will try to figure them out tonight or just be lazy and do a SL type workout and then some HIIT. My macros and cals have been awesome this week, my sleep has been better, and my workouts have improved.
  • GeeksRfit2
    Thanks for the step-up tips! My husband is going to build me a box that's the right height tomorrow, so I can try this out on Sunday. And I used to do walking lunges a lot when I was walking my dogs (I'm sure the neighbors got a good laugh out of that!), but I haven't in a while...maybe try that as well...
    Today needs to be easy - I'm on a 9-mile run tomorrow and frankly, this work week has kicked my butt.

    I'm curious...How often do you all lift weights each week? Vs. cardio?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I lift weights 3 x per week. With luck + a better schedule, I do want to bump that up to 4 x per week sometime this fall.

    I do scheduled cardio 1 x per week.

    And..............today, I LIFT! At lunch. Will report back.

    Stepups. ugh. They are *back* in my routine (I just checked) and I'm subbing them out, already, for one-legged-get-ups!

    Having said that, I expect the bench I'll be using, for one-legged-get-ups, will be REALLY HIGH (of course....it's supposed t be REALLY low, lol!).
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Woohoo! I can't wait to hear how it went, Beeps!

    I lifted yesterday, and did some yoga. I'm gonna try to work yoga in more often. On Wednesday night I did HIIT and a 'yoga for weight loss' thing and it felt awesome. Didn't make up for no lifting that day, but felt good n sweaty.

    Joined my new gym today, leaving the Y for the year bc DH has a membership to another place included in his student fees. Didn't make sense to keep it. Especially as I'm just doing lifting and HIIT. This one's way closer to work too, so easier to walk down at lunch.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member

    ^^^ Sept. 20, 2013.

    First weight-training work-out post cataract-surgery. I'm 5'9" - weight is 147 lbs - no "scale shock", but also not as pleasing as I had hoped. Mind you, I haven't hit the weights in 6 weeks, haven't "worked out" in 3+ weeks, and I *know* when I was on my August holiday that I weighed MUCH MORE because I couldn't button my capris by the end of Hawaii!

    All-in-all, I'll be okay. I do want to move more bodyfat off my frame this fall (I have an "end-number" in mind), and am eating at a calorie-deficit to accomplish that.

    I'm a woman with a plan!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    You're a HOT woman with a plan! I'm three inches shorter and only weigh 5lbs less. You are a dynamo lady.

    I did my lifting tnight. My B workout always seems to be behind my A workout.
    DL 110
    Lunges 25db 50 total
    DB BP 30db 60 total (went back to DB, felt I could get them up and I did :)
    Lat pull down 85

    So everything is up a little but I was really tired today and my hands are SCREAMING at me. I need to wear gloves on B days

    Oh and I lift three times a week and I try to squeak in a zumba class.
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    I get the best results when I lift 3 X week. That's what I usually do.

    Sam, your weights are so similar to mine it's crazy. Great lifting!

    Beeps, you're looking so strong and hot! I have no doubt you will reach that goal.

    Didn't lift today. Figured I'd wait until tomorrow morning when I won't have the kids. My workouts are much smoother when I don't have them with me.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Chubby, your waist just keeps getting smaller :)!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Yep, i noticed that, too, samntha.

    I did my step-cardio class this morning....i'm REALLY tired, now. I didn't feel tired during the class, but now i want a nap!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Today's exercise was theme park walking. I never what to enter for that. I gave myself 2 hours even though I was there for five. I'm way under today. Just didn't stop to eat. In fact I went 6 hours without eating and ran into a blood sugar problem. oops! And I am horribly sunburned. You don't expect it to be so outrageously sunny and hot on the last day of Summer :)
  • GeeksRfit2
    Y'all are really so far ahead of me!! But REALLY good for my motivation. I'm back to lifting tomorrow and my sweet husband built me a new box, so hopefully I can try out your suggestions for step ups. Here's hoping its another pretty day here and not 90 degrees. (Our weights are outside on our deck.).

    I'm gonna have to think about how I could lift 3X/week....and do the running I like to do. Thanks for being so welcoming o this newbie!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Beeps be smokin' hot! Good grief!

    I worked out exactly one day last week. One. And didn't log my food several days. It's a new week.
  • breezedaze
    breezedaze Posts: 357 Member
    I was too sore to work out more than once! OMG this was harder this time than when I started last time!

    So Monday I do workout #2 and carry on...last week I worked too much..this week I'm doing just my column and that'll be done today..working on the book and then having more of a schedule.

    I had to take ibuprofen to sleep...and my abs hurt for days.

  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    It'll come Breeze, just takes a little time to get in the swing of things. I don't remember being this tired in June. I never had a problem going from work to home to the gym, but the last couple of weeks have been REALLY tough. This week is better :)

    We were all tired today. We all slept until 8 am, unheard of in this house. Even Hubby skipped his usual Sunday Ride to sit on the couch until 11. It's 11:30 and I'm still in my pjs. At least I was doing the bookkeeping. Now for the usual Sunday fun and games of laundry, cleaning, shopping and work.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    I'm relating to that being tired thing. I swam Friday and somehow tweaked my si joint --- even though swimming is low impact it seems I can tweak it with anything . Then I get tired but wake up with pain because lying down isn't comfortable...

    At least lifting seems to help so I will get back to the gym today when hubby gets home from work. Today's fun activity is checking out a vegetarian convention (my older daughter doesn't like. Meat - so we want to try a bunch of other protein sources)

    Thanks for all the tips about lunges and else
  • GeeksRfit2
    Tired is right...my fatigue almost always comes from work. No wonder sometimes I want to change my job. I think most of it is not the work itself but the environment...don't know about y'all but the culture of my workplace is definitely anti-fit, anti-strong. Well, I guess that's just my particular office of folks...and i work in healthcare! LOL!

    One of the reasons I joined this group and started trying to create a community online was that the majority of my FTF community is just not here...not even struggling with it. Is that just Texas or do yall have that situation too?

    We took our dogs for a long hike in the wood this morning,...that was so relaxing and rejuvenating. Housework be damned, I'm going to the movies later.