Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    liese, I agree with Beeps! Sorry to hear about the broken hand and illness. My DH has broken three bones this year! :noway:

    Sue, I'm still a baby lifter so either PR sounds great to me :love:

    I finally started Stage 4 today. I think I'm gonna like it!

    I'm already thinking about what's next after New Rules? Supercharged?

    Thanks for noticing my avatar :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Insert unicorn gif. Totally feelin' the love! When I first uploaded that picture, I wondered "What's all that lumpy stuff?" :embarassed: Now, my hips... I hope to show them off someday :grumble:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Runz, you look great. wish I didn't have so much fat under my muscles :grumble: then I could show off my moo-suls.

    On the arm curling machine, I bumped it up to 60 today! woohoo! Free weights I can only curl 20 pounds .

    I worked in deadlifts today. 75 pounds is pretty good I think considering I have not done them in a couple months. I've noticed several machines I have bumped up a LOT of weight over the weeks.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    sue - how long are you away in the Ozarks?? Is this a motorcycle tour?

    liesel - I'd just jump right back into Stage 1 where you left off. Also, if you're getting "bored", don't bother with the AMRAP part of Stage 1. Just move right into Stage 2 (without a "break", since you ended up in an unscheduled break during Stage 1).
    100% agree. I'm ready to finish stage one too. I feel like I've been doing the same exercises for months.

    Got my lifting in tonight!
    DL 3x10@105 felt really heavy for some reason
    Lunge 3x1@ 20dbs no change here. I hate these
    wide lat pulldown 3x10 @75 no change
    I used the bench for my DB BB and did BB BB instead 3x10@60 sweet!
    My hands really freaking hurt.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Spin day - done!

    Beeps, yes it's a motorcycle trip, we're going for 2 weeks - it's become an annual event, the youngest grandboy's b'day is 9/29 so we plan this trip around that. It's actually a very bad time for me to be away from work, we have a big production coming in 9/18-20, which should contain the "facts" we need for a required amended complaint in one of our cases, that is due the Friday before I come back from vaca. I'm prepping everything - database, training, groups, key words, and saved searches, so the teams will have everything they need to break out of the box on the Monday after the production. I'm also carrying a wifi hotspot with me, just in case I need to get into the dbase to "fix" anything. I haven't been asked to postpone, since I've already laid out my plans to prep everything, and they feel that will be sufficient.

    Liesel, I had basically just finished Stage 1 when I went on this same trip last year. I came back from 2 weeks of no lifting (except the grandboy) and went straight into Stage 2. You can do that. You'll be surprised how much strength you've kept and how quickly you regain the rest of your strength.

    Ok, off to work!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I love reading all your lifting reports, by the way! Keep them coming!!

    Signed, benched lifter.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    Since I'm fasting today, thought I'd repost Brad Pilon's blog from today.....for some reason, this one REALLY SPOKE TO ME!

    "Because I deserve it

    by Brad Pilon

    [picture of really sexy, hot car!]

    I want this car. I read about it. I stare at pictures of it late at night. Every aspect of it is perfect in my eyes, but the simple truth is, I cannot afford this car.

    That is the truth, and it is the only truth that matters.

    Sure, we can debate all the reasons why I can’t afford this car – I don’t make enough, or I’m bad with money. Maybe it’ my parents fault. Maybe I already own 5 sports cars. We can theorize and try to find a deeper blame, but the simple, unemotional truth is – Right now, at this present time, I cannot afford this car.

    But man… do I ever want this car.

    I know what color I want (white), what interior I want (red), I even know what rims I want (black).

    And, I can think of all the reasons I should have this car.

    Most importantly – I deserve it – I work hard.
    You’re only young once.
    Why work so hard if you’re never going to treat yourself?
    Why should other people have this car and I shouldn’t?
    Interest rates are great now…
    It’s a corvette, so it’ll probably be a collectors car and actually go up in value.
    If I’m going to buy it I need to do it now, because at this point in time I can still out run Mrs Eat Stop Eat, a skill I will definitely need if that car shows up in the driveway icon wink Because I deserve it

    When you look closely at all these reasons, you see that the underlying theme is that I deserve it… All the other reasons are really meant to reinforce the idea that I deserve it, which is supposed to be the great overriding factor that trumps the ‘I can’t afford it’ truth. ‘I deserve it’ is the emotional reasoning that (at times) can override the unemotional truth – ‘I can’t afford it’.

    So why are we talking about cars ( other than the desperate idea that some bigwig at Chrysler will read this and send me a new Stingray)?… Because it’s not much different than food.

    It’s the same battle. The simple logic of ‘I can’t afford to eat that’ battling the emotional reasoning of ‘I deserve to eat that’

    The problem is the food decision is much quicker.

    If, when I went to the car dealership the salesman simply said “You know what? Take the car, we’ll figure out the finances later” there would probably be a new car in my driveway. Luckily, cars don’t work that way, but food does – You can just take it. And, the results aren’t immediate – you don’t eat a dozen donuts, look down, and watch yourself gain fat. It’s a slow process… often times an unnoticeable process – as people say – it just sort of ‘creeps up on you’.

    Because it’s so slow we often don’t perceive not being able to afford to eat a food. Instead, it becomes something much less concrete – ‘I shouldn’t eat that food’. But ‘shouldn’t’ doesn’t really imply a reason, and without a reason it is very simple for the ‘I deserve it’ argument to win out. The reason is still ‘you can’t afford it’ and it will always be a battle of knowing you can’t afford something vs the feeling that you deserve it.

    The very first step in winning this battle is knowing what you can afford. Whether it’s food or money you need to have a basic idea of your budget. If you can afford it – then you can afford it. Buy two Stingrays, eat a dozen donuts, it’s no one’s business because you can afford it (sure, we’ll talk about you behind your back because your jealous, but still it’s not really our busines)

    No matter how much you can afford, there will still be a budget… and you need the discipline to stay close to this budget.

    If you want something, save up, cut costs in other places etc. Do what you have to do to make it fit, but make it fit.

    This is why I fast once or twice a week. It’s how I balance my budget. It allows me to eat the amount of food I want on the day’s I’m eating because I did a bit of saving on the days I was fasting. It isn’t a cycle of fasting and feasting, instead it’s just the best way for me to management of what I can afford.

    In the end this is what almost every diet is – calorie management – creative ways to stay within your budget. The diet that works for you is the one that is the most manageable way for you to stay within your budget. And, as your budget changes (exercise, job, changes in your body etc) so does you budget – so the diet that fit best years ago may not be the diet that fits best now.

    But in the end, you need to know whether or not you can afford something, and then have the discipline to act on that truth, and not the “I deserve it” lie.

  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Thanks for that, Beeps! Definitely speaks to me.

    In the 'fast' and 'afford it' vein, I've always thought that's why I have trouble at food courts/with fast food. Because you *just paid for your food* so it's like "Yeah, I'm gonna eat all of it, that cost me $8!" Or whatever. Whereas at home, or a restaurant, the exchange of money isn't so recent, or hasn't happened yet. Anyhoo.

    Lifted yesterday, a deload day so:

    DL: 5 x 6 @ 95#
    Pullups: 5 x 6 assisted -105 (so only really lifting 70#ish)
    Overhead Press: 5 x 6 @ 40#
    Plank x 3 - 1:30, 1:00, 1:00
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    That was an awesome post, Beeps. Wish I'd taken it more to heart before I pigged out on chips and cocoa puffs for dinner :sick: I dunno what got into me. I went out and ran a couple of miles which made me feel better and guiltier at the same time :grumble:

    Tomorrow I will be nicer to myself!!! I will I will!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Hey girls! Just jumping in to say "hi!". Got my lifting done yesterday, have a great case of DOMS today, and will lift tomorrow. Hypertrophy II workout 5A. I'm really dragging the Hypertrophy stages out.

    Beeps, that's a great read.
    Sue, sounds like you're set for a great vacation.
    Runz, now I want cocoa puffs.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Hi ladies- just checking in! I have been traveling - now in the airport in Frankfurt. Only one more flight - whew!! Hope to get in at least a short workout in the hotel gym tonight. I've been doing some walking in the airports but otherwise just sitting and I feel major icky.

    Beeps- I had a car I LOVED for 18 years. Every time I walked out and saw it, I smiled. I couldn't really afford it when I first got it, but it was GREAT. Probably I will never have another one. Loved your post.

    I'm happy to have my bench press (incline) up to 6x60 LOL. But making progress.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    I think I can start lifting again in 10 days! That's not too long...
  • M00NPYE
    M00NPYE Posts: 193 Member
    Beeps I love that post, that's a great way to think about the calories you have within YOUR means... it's like YOUR checking account... for food. thanks!
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Not too long at all, Beeps!

    A stupid meeting bumped my workout today. :grumble: In terms of 'budgeting' my calories and not overspending, I like to burn before I eat, not after. Save up and spend, if you will. But I'll lift after dinner today, I guess. I just hope I don't get all revved up and have trouble sleeping. The good part is that I'll do my lifting and HIIT right after, which is a good feeling.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    My style of logging calories is to plan my week, in advance. So, it's already built into my "budget" where my "high calorie" days are going to be and where my "low calorie" days are going to be. For me, this seems to work best. Then, it's a matter of "execution" and sticking to the budget I've created.

    I don't have too many "spur-of-the-moment" FOOD-attacks to worry about at the office, so that helps with the M-F stuff.

    On the weekends, I've consciously DECIDED to stay "low" over the next few weeks.

    #1 - to PROVE to myself that I can.
    #2 - to BUILD UP discipline. I do find that if I say "no", I actually get BETTER at saying "no", and "no" and "no".

    I guess I'm trying to see if I can get rid, once-and-for-all, of ANY mentality that weekends are some "time off" from my Venus lifestyle. Because, long-term, they CAN'T be. Weekend days have to fit into my plan as much as anything else.

    Maybe, come maintenance, it can be different. But, during bodyfat loss, it's CRITICAL that Sat/Sun are treated just like all the other regular diet days of the week.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Got my lifting done. Having pizza for dinner and the calorie budget is safe today.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Yeah I try not to over-think my food intake. I track more for my macros than anything else at this point.

    Got my lifting done tonight :)
    Squat 3/10@110
    Seated 3/10@75 STILL! I really hate that cable machine for seated rows jumps by 15 pounds instead of 5 like the others.
    Push ups 3/10
    Step up 3/10@50 STILL
    ok so some improvement

    My hands are now very caused and they actually hurt .
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    I'm still mad about that meeting. Because it basically made me blow my budget on food I wasn't all that excited about eating. Stupid catering. (I know I shouldn't complain about free food, but I like having control.)

    Got my lifting in and done. Deload week day 2.
    Reverse Lunge 5x5@ 70
    Pushup 5x5 high step, military style
    Inverted Row 5x5

    And then a half-hour HIIT and I still was just under my cals for the day, eating back my exercise. Yergh.

    sam, are there little 5lb thingies you can add to the cable machine? That sit on the weights? My gym has that.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Hi from Croatia ladies! Finally made it to the hotel gym today and what do you know- they have a real bench press and a squat rack!! Enjoyed the workout although I was too tired to do a long one.

    Beeps I love your plan-in-advance with calories I pretty much do that too, although I don't usually log the whole week. If I am home, though, I usually log dinner first and then figure out what I need for lunch to balance out calories and macros.

    Pearl- wish my gym had those!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Beeps, I still haven't conquered my weekend "binges". I at least try to track it all so that I know why I'm not losing when I don't lose. But it's hard. I do even worse when I'm out of town like we were this past weekend...and the weekend before...and the weekend before.
    I tend to do better if I plan my food for the day in advance and plan what days I will eat out, etc. But it rarely happens.

    Sam, those are killer weights! I haven't progressed in step-ups hardly at all since I finished NROL4W. I've realized that I have to focus on FORM for them to have any affect on my legs and not just become a cardio exercise. When I do that, I can't increase my weights.

    Pearl, sounds like you made the whole thing work in spite of the catering and meeting.

    Kathleen, I've only stayed at 3 hotels (out of at least 12) in the past year that have had any type of weight set-up. Glad you've got a place to lift!

    Did my full Hypertrophy Workout A5 yesterday. It kicked my tail. My whole body hurts and I actually decreased my weights from what they were. I did lunges on Monday and my quads are still in knots despite rolling them and stretching etc. I don't think they've ever been this tight.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Two days of lifting and two days of running. In and done. That was goal my this week. Anything else is gravy.

    I got soo mad at my DH this morning. I was looking for uniform clothes to lay out for DS this morning and couldn't find any shirts (that's the ONE chore my DH said he could be consistent with- DS's laundry). I found the laundry in the washing machine. I pulled out one shirt and tossed it in the dryer. I told DH he forgot to put the clothes in the dryer... He said he didn't even know that DS needed shirts? Why didn't I tell him?

    WTF? Why does he need hand holding for ONE *kitten* chore?!! Why can't he check? He was such baby about it. He was nice after school today... because he wanted to go out and watch a football game. Fine. Get the fvck outta my house. So, here we are. I get DS to school everyday. I make him breakfast. I help him pack his lunch (and provide all the food). I made sure he finished his homework. I took him to the park. I fed him dinner. Made sure he bathed and will put him to bed. And DH is b!tching about checking the shirt stash.

    The end.