Daily Chat Thread



  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Hi, Everyone! I'm down another quarter inch in the hips and a WHOLE inch through the belly button. :drinker: 32 inches!!! I had been stuck at 33 inches around forever. FOREVER.

    I ran last night and washed it down with ice cream :bigsmile:

    Today, I'm gonna do an AMRAP workout (first time ever even though I just finished Stage 3). I'll do another on Tuesday and take the rest of the week off before Stage 4.

    Sue, I love the workouts that leave me incapable of writing my own name afterwards :laugh: Sometimes, even typing is too hard!
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Thanks everybody and congratulations Runz!

    Well it has taken me 8 months because I travel a lot for work- but I have been really consistent with 3 days a week when I am home- plus I do whatever I can in the hotel gyms, depending on what they have (which ranges from fairly decent to nothing at all). Just did workout 5 of stage 7 yesterday. Really happy with that although I still can't do it with the 30 second rests - I think I am resting 60-75 seconds between sets but the only alternative is back off on the weight and I don't want to do that.

    Interesting discussion about the calories. I just bumped mine down from at maintenance to 100 calories below because I was not totally happy with 6 month progress. A lot of my logging is guesswork especially when I travel- sometimes I pretty much have no clue what the food even is!! - but it seems to be fairly accurate in terms of predicting my weight anyway.
  • Nadiataha
    Nadiataha Posts: 16 Member
    Congrats, Runz! That's terrific improvement.
    Kathleen, I'm impressed by your consistency. That's not easy to do.
    No workout for me today (aside from a little walking and two hours of motorcycling). But tomorrow I'll be back in the gym for 2A. Still pretty sore from the last two workouts, especially in my back. Love that feeling.
    I've decided now to make my calorie goal between what the book's fat loss suggestion is and my usual dieting goal/MFP goal, and also to really listen to how I feel. In the past I've struggled sometimes to get enough food, particularly protein, at the end of the day, and I decided I'm gonna just try to do my best throughout the day but not force it. Sounds sensible, right?
    Happy Labor Day, everyone!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I took a little vacation today and enjoyed some chips and ice cream :drinker:
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Trying to keep busy this weekend to keep my mind off of work and get my house in order. I'm trying to get to where I won't have to worry so much about house work when I go back to work. In the mean time, THe kids and I both still have a little work to finish on our summer reading projects.

    NAdia, Vegan mug cake sounds great.
    Kathleen,great consistency and your calorie goal sounds great. I just track to keep from going crazy. Under one day over the next, it all comes out in the wash.
    RUnz, great results and sometimes you need to treat yourself.

    I had a baby shower yesterday so my eating was all over the place.

    TOday is lifting day...as soon as hubby gets home from a long ride.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Go lift ladies!!! I must read about it, since I can't do it.

    I did my month-end tape measure for end-of-August. No pics, but I did take measurements....I'm up 2" in my belly button. Ugh. So, calorie control will be KING for September. I started off with an all-day fast yesterday. Today, I can do a leisurely walk before it gets too hot.

    My eye is strained quite regularly off-and-on throughout the day....this really is a MORE trying recovery than I had ever heard about or read about or anything. I might not make it into work on Friday following my next surgery. My eye does want to spend a good portion of the day closed.

    Anyway, if I want my September stats to be better than August, I'll need to really work on a calorie-deficit and try and get in some walking when possible. I can control the inputs.....the outputs, will be what they will be.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Sorry the recovery is taking so much out of you Beeps. Sue I love the sunflower pic.

    In and done. Maintained my weights but not the best workout. I got in and got out and now I have a serious case of the shakes as I suck back my protein shake. My protein is good for the day, so I don't know what the problem is; maybe my poor eating this weekend. I just hope that with a decent workout in, I will sleep tonight. I almost never sleep the first week of school. Just too much running through my mind.
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Ok, Beeps, here's my lifting log for today. MY BUTT HURTS!!!!!!

    DL day and I have a new PR - 140 I did 4 before I felt my form starting to slip - I might have been able to squeeze out another but decided 4 was enough. Then I did leg presses115#, trap bar DLs/squats 115# and rear leg elevated split squats with 25# plate, and back extensions with 35# plate, cruches leg raises and standing side flexions with 45# plate. OW!! But it's a good hurt,

    It was hard to workout in the gym today - so humid even downstairs where it's usually better. I struggled, pushed thru even as the voice in my head is saying "I really only need to do the big lift today" and I'm glad I did!

    The sunflower maze was delightful.

    Beeps I'm sorry, I know you want to be back at it sooner than later, and I'm really glad you are taking it easy. I know you have goals but please please, go slow, give your eyes time. Another week or so is ok!

    Runz, congrats on your new numbers! Awesome!!

    I am trying to get back to my cut. It's really hard and quite frankly, I feel hungry all the time right now so I've been eating over my cut, but aware of what's going in my mouth. Today, I fasted til noon except for my after workout shake, I'm going to try to fast til noon everyday this week and see if I can get back on track.

    Now, off for a little nap!
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Sue, sounds like a lovely weekend. Way to go on the PR!!!!!

    Beeps, I'm sorry the recovery has been difficult. Here's hoping the next one is much better. As far as measurements, my measurements vary that much from day to day depending upon what I've eaten, time of month, etc. remember that stress can contribute to some bloating as well. Sounds like you've got a good plan.

    Sam, good job getting your lifting in. Hope you got everything organized before you go back to work.

    Runz, great progress! Love it!

    Been a frustrating weekend for me-no lifting, poor eating, not enough sleep. I'm inhaling some chicken breast and broccoli and whole wheat spaghetti to get some energy to get to the gym this evening. TOM has hit and I feel like crap. Had some sad things happen to family members and friends. My schedule for this fall is getting busy and I officially start homeschooling my son this week. Sorry to be so negative. I feel better just venting.
  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Just back from workout 6 of level 7. Hate those step-ups- they really make my heart race!! But I feel them the next day- so they must be good for me!!

    Cowgirl- hang in there and we don't mind if you vent!
    Beeps- thanks for staying with us mentally! I hope your recovery will speed up so you can be back in the gym with us too! Yeah the tape measure was what got me to drop my calories. I also find it variable as is my weight. My weight is up a couple pounds but the thing I care about is my problem area- hips and thighs- so I backed off on the calories a bit to see if it helps. Time will tell.

    I should be able to get in 2-3 more workouts before I leave town again- but I won't be able to finish unfortunately. Ah well.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Sam, are you a teacher?

    I didn't do any of the planned AMRAPs this weekend :embarassed: But I did run two times. I think my sinuses are starting to bother me. I made an amazeballs brisket today and... I didn't like it. I only want ice cream. :sick:
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    Sue, sounds like a lovely weekend. Way to go on the PR!!!!!

    Beeps, I'm sorry the recovery has been difficult. Here's hoping the next one is much better. As far as measurements, my measurements vary that much from day to day depending upon what I've eaten, time of month, etc. remember that stress can contribute to some bloating as well. Sounds like you've got a good plan.

    Sam, good job getting your lifting in. Hope you got everything organized before you go back to work.

    Runz, great progress! Love it!

    Been a frustrating weekend for me-no lifting, poor eating, not enough sleep. I'm inhaling some chicken breast and broccoli and whole wheat spaghetti to get some energy to get to the gym this evening. TOM has hit and I feel like crap. Had some sad things happen to family members and friends. My schedule for this fall is getting busy and I officially start homeschooling my son this week. Sorry to be so negative. I feel better just venting.

    For me, I say vent on, we're a safe place and non-judgmental. I hope you find some peace and the family and friends are better soon. My step-daughter home schools her kids. She is amazing, the kids are learning well ahead of public schools. Good for you Cowgirl!

    Runz, what are amazeballs brisket or is that autocorrect?

    Kathleen, I still do step ups as part of my accessory work - not every workout but pretty often. They work!!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Yes I am a teacher :) Happy First days to Cowgirl and Runz... Mary how do you work breaks with your daughter?

    Sue, Way to lift chica, you are amazing!!

    KAthleen what do you hate about the step ups?

    Cowgirl, vent away. hope life gets a little less hectic for you :flowerforyou:
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    hey, all!

    Been so busy over the weekend and I was a gluttonous heifer too. Today, I was so busy with housework and yard work that i didn't eat enough calories. So while I'm typing this, I'm eating a slice of bread and turkey ham to boost my cals.

    I homeschool too. My little one and I started 2 weeks ago.
  • ajidllensi
    ajidllensi Posts: 71 Member
    Ladies, just want to pop in and say HI. I am back from a wonderful honeymoon in Spain and Portugal. I managed to work out twice the first week, but then threw in the towel for the last 1.5 weeks. I go back to lifting today. Wish me luck...and little soreness!! Oh, and gained 5 lbs, dang! Oh, but the food was SOOOOO good :-) Happy lifting ladies.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome back, lambentjewel, and welcome to Nadia and kathleen!

    Going back to your question about cals, Nadia, I found maintenance cals to be too high, but have to be careful about eating too low - I get jumpy and have trouble sleeping. So go with what feels right. As others have said. I also wanted to ask about the protein mug-cake? Please share the recipe! If I'm low on protein at night I often do an almond butter + protein powder + a bit of water mix and eat it with a spoon. I could just eat almond butter with a spoon...mmmm.

    I lift today - DLs, Chin-ups, standing overhead press and planks. I think this might be my favourite workout. Freaking love DLs.
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    In and done. :drinker:

    Managed to do a couple sets of 55 in the overhead presses, was pretty impressed with myself. But pull-ups, I don't know if they're ever going to improve.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    pearl - pull-ups will improve! I've actually never done an unassisted pull-up or chin-up, yet, though. Means:

    1. I still need to improve my upper-body strength; and
    2. I still need to weigh less (I carry most of my fat in lower body....like most women....)

    I am going to work on this from oct - dec and hope to pop an unassisted pull-up AND an unassisted chin-up by Xmas-time!
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member

    Runz, what are amazeballs brisket or is that autocorrect?

    OMG :laugh: Brisket is cow breast. It's a TX thing. "amazeballs" means it was amazing... braised in beer and chili sauce :drinker:
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    I will do AMRAPs I will do AMRAPs I will do AMRAPs I will do AMRAPs I will do AMRAPs