Daily Chat Thread



  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member

    And, yes, I'm "busy" like everybody else. I am 44 years old, a professional career-woman with more than 20 full-time years invested in my profession. I am a wife, mother of 3, volunteer, but I choose to take care of myself and as I come upon nearly 2-full-years focused on weight-lifting (instead of cardio), I'm very pleased with my progress.

    This is me! Lol. Ok, I'm younger and shorter but otherwise, we are the same, lol. How old are your kids? I have 3 boys - 10, 7 and 5. Oh, and I'm a student now as well for my sins ;-)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    I think because most people:

    a) overestimate how many calories they burn when they "exercise"; and
    b) underestimate how many calories they ingest when they eat

    ....it really makes more sense to eat less to obtain calorie-deficit.

    Chin up - fork down....that's my mantra!

    My kids are 26, 12 and 11.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Beeps you look amazing
    Jo you are doing fine just keep going
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sorry, I didn't mean to open a can of worms. It's just so aggravating that I have to eat so little to see the weight drop off. I have upped my cardio to 30 minutes five days a week and lifting 15-20 minutes. Cardio has to be done first or I lose the motivation . My strength hasn't changed from this.

    I talked with a trainer and he says I shouldn't focus on calories in and calories out but to eat 40/30/30 (protein, carb, fat). I can't eat that much protein. I guess I could with shakes and such . That stuff kills my tummy though. As of today, I am trying to eat 70 g or more of protein each day. That's my goal. One day at at time is my focus.

    ETA: I opened up my diary to public instead of friends only. If one has any feedback or suggestions please feel free to bash me. I need it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Aw, manic, you didn't open a can of worms!

    The debate can rage on, forevermore, about "how" to create a deficit - some people prefer to exercise, to create the deficit, and some people prefer to eat less to create the deficit.

    I spoke to my own preference. i.e. I spoke to what works for "me".

  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Manic, my protein goals are low, too. Maybe 80 grams? I only get there on a day when I'm tryin' like hell. I hate it though. I hate protein bars and I hate protein shakes. I've eaten lots of protein rich foods and just can't hit my goals without those nasty azz supplements.

    I'm over it.
  • GeeksRfit2
    Just for a different perspective, I'm gonna throw my story into this mix.

    I'd struggled for years to lose weight. Oh, when I starved myself, I could drop the weight, but if I started eating like a "normal person" it came right back. Frankly, I hated being me.

    I was tested a couple of years ago,...and my BMR is basically busted. I'm around only 1100-1200 calories BMR, on a good day. Try creating a deficit out of that and not feeling like you're starving. :(

    So, for a while, I just thought, screw it,...

    and then about a year ago, I accepted that I just wasn't happy. I wanted to be lean and fit, but I like food. Starving like I had done just wasn't an option. And I had to choose something that I could actually do, for a long while, like for life. It's been very slow, and I've really had to change how I eat so that I feel satiated and like I'm eating well. I added back in the weight lifting after a long two years away from that, and I kept on running, which I love just for running's sake. But if you were to look at my diary, what you'd see is that I set my goal at 900 cals a day (to create a deficit), plus whatever I exercise, I can have back. I eat really carefully, probably more fat than most folks, and I do limit carbs, mostly because I just can't sustain a day on them. I'm working on getting my fat/protein ratio where I want it, and most of the carbs I eat are veggies and fruit, with a few grains here or there, a bit of dark chocolate most days cause it makes me feel decadent. But the bottom line is that as much as I hated to admit it, I can't eat like other women my size. My thyroid's engine doesn't ever hum along, not even with meds. And mostly, it's working. FOR ME. I wouldn't dream of telling anyone else to do what I do. I don't think most should. And I get told a lot that I should eat more. I wish I could.

    But here's the truth - if I'm deliberate about what I eat, I don't feel hungry. and I feel fueled for my workouts, if I time my food right. And the heavy weight lifting has been such a boon! I've only lost maybe 10 pounds since I took up weight lifting again, but 2 pants sizes. and I'm slowly losing about 1-1.5 lbs each week. Which for a woman who needs to drop 30 more pounds at least,...is success. Slow success, but success.

    SO,...for what its worth,...my two cents.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    GeeksRFit - not enough info in your post, though! Stats please!

    How old are you? How tall are you? What do you weigh? What are your measurements (shoulders, natural waist, hips)?

    What about "pictures" - to verify progress/transformation??

    You gotta BRING IT if you're gonna SAY IT....
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    How do I test my BMR? Besides some calculator?

    I ingested 77 g of protein!!!:drinker: 20 of it came from a Pure Protein bar.:indifferent:

    Beeps, you and I have discussed what I need. I just hate it. WHINING COMMENCES:::: Why can't I be like other women?!!!
    Whining over.
  • nualacharlie
    nualacharlie Posts: 13 Member
    I tried a protein shake once, but it was seriously sweet and when compared to a tub of morrisons savers cottage cheese, it was the same no of calories (220cal, less protein (30g in the shake but 34g in the cottage cheese) and the cottage cheese did have a bit of fat but nowhere near the carbs. And the cottage cheese was only 60p.

    I seem to be managing to get my protein intake up to 30% most of the time just by eating food (beef jerky and chicken pieces seem good too). Is there any reason why I should try supplements?
  • GeeksRfit2
    Beeps, you are a demanding one, aren't you? :)

    I'm 46, 5'2", 154 pounds. When i measured 2 weeks ago or so, My waist was about 34, hips 40, haven't measured my shoulders yet, though I'll try to get right on that when I'm back home.. LOL! I only started tracking those recently.
    I hope to share my pics one day; I found yours really inspiring. I didn't take one before I started weight lifting, but maybe I will now, and then later. I'd like to be able to see in myself what everybody got to see in yours - progress!

  • pickmom
    pickmom Posts: 26 Member
    Hi ladies,
    I've been researching strength training for a month or so now, after following a friend's transformation over the past year or so. Before kids (pre-2003), I was anywhere from a size 2-6, depending on whether I was exercising. After my second child, I cried in a fitting room for needing to buy size 12 jeans. I cardio-ed myself into a size 4, and stayed there until I was pregnant with my third (2006-2009). Throw an adoption into the mix, and I'm now a mom of 5 kids, and I'm an 8/10. Not terrible, but I want something different than what I had with cardio only. I never had the look I wanted, never saw muscles.

    I joined a gym, took measurements, and started NROL4W today. I explored the weights on my own last week to make sure I knew my way around the room. My alarm is set for an early enough time that I can be home before kids start waking up and the hubby has to leave for work. Working out in the evenings just doesn't work. I'm too exhausted at the end of the day to find energy to work out. Working out in the morning gives me so much more energy throughout the day. Here's my info:

    Age: 30
    Height: 5' 5"
    Weight: 163
    Bust (below bra): 34.25
    Natural waist: 32
    Navel: 35.5
    Hips: 40.25
    Thighs: 25
    Calves: 15.5
    Biceps: 12.25

    I'm coming close to my 40/30/30 goals, though I'm still falling a hundred or more calories short. I'm not planning to measure again until the end of Stage 1. I need to get hubby to take pictures. I'm already inspired by you all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    manic - contact your local university and get a DEXA scan done. They are likely cheap (maybe $40) and it will tell you, in REAL data, what your bodyfat % is, and where your body stores most of its fat. Was interesting read a couple weeks back when the author of my program showed a photo of one of his female fitness-competitors....she has 4% bodyfat in abdomen, but still 25% bodyfat in her legs (which is where she is genetically programmed to store her fat). She looked TOTALLY proportionate - ripped....she had to build up her upper-body to balance out that lower part that is gonna stay at 25% - because it is what it is. She was BEAUTIFUL!

    Geeks - yep, I demand data, for sure. Helps me recognize if people are "walking the walk" or merely talking some kinda talk!

    pickmom - take starting 'photos" too....I don't care if you post 'em, but you gotta take 'em! Front/side/back.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Today my daughter is 11 years old. Hard to believe how fast the time goes by. On the other hand, I derive GREAT joy in watching this person develop! She's soooooooooooo awesome!

    I have a late meeting after work, so won't be home until about 8....we'll quickly do gift-opening then, before she heads off to bed!

    No exercise for me, today - and I'm trying to fast through until supper (since I have function with fancy food, anyway!).
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    I actually kind of like protein powder. (Rivalus Promasil in Soft Serve Vanilla) - I mostly mix it with greek yogurt or almond butter, but drink it with water after lifting. Definitely helps me hit my macros and prevents me from eating All the Empty Carbs.

    I haven't taken comprehensive enough pictures, but I have a picture of before/after from May/September. It makes me happy. I've posted it in my profile. Don't feel brave enough to post it in the thread, but you can check it out. I'm going to make it just friends after a day or so.

    My stats:
    Age: 37
    Height: 5' 8ish"
    Weight: 166.6
    Natural waist: 31
    Navel: 36
    Hips: 39
    Thigh: 22
    Calf: 15
    Biceps: 12.5

    Happy birthday to your daughter Beeps! Enjoy the celebration.
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Finally dove in again and worked out yesterday and it felt fantastic!! I am determined to keep going this time without the big breaks in-between. Keep on lifting ladies!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Wow, pearlmullet, I think those side-by-side pics are AWESOME! I'd totally go post 'em somewhere....of course, I'm a bit of an attention-*kitten*, so that's why I do it! (that, and it feels GOOD!).

    You look AWESOME! Keep up that good heavy-lifting!
  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Pearl, AMAZING! Congrats on the hard work.

    Princes, keep on lifting. You got it.

    So at the gym today I could not focus or want to be there. I managed to do 30 min elliptical with only a few calories less per machine than normal. Then lifting I didn't lose any gains , but for the life of me I couldn't and didn't want to lift. After the first round, a light went off in my head. DING DING DING you only had 4 donut holes for breakfast. DERRRR no wonder I had zero energy. I did 2 more quick rounds and ran home to eat lunch.

    Husband brings home fresh Krispy Kreme donut holes.:grumble: He knows I love donuts.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    OMG the donuts! :laugh:

    I got in a respectable weight training session yesterday. Today, I run. DS needs to hurry up with the homework so we can head to the park.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    I don't know what I did yesterday, but it wasn't signing on here.

    Well it's been an interesting couple of days on the thread. I started out at 5'6'' 163 lbs. I'm only down 15lbs, depending on what week of the month I weigh myself, but I lost a collected 21 inches and went from a US 14 to a US 7ish. I lost 14 inches off my butt/hips alone. Henceforth, I love these programs. I gained weight doing cardio. Weird I know. Then again doing three hours a week probably wasn't enough to make it effective.

    I finished stage 1 and started stage 2 yesterday
    No DOMS today which is surprising is odd for the day after the start of a new routine. ALso, I forgot how tough the static lunge was. I went to use the 25dbs that I was using for step ups and One point rows (I can't believe I pulled off the one point rows) but that was NOT happening. I settled for the 10dbs

    Mary my daily target is a minimum of 100g protein a day. You're always on my diary. You're right I need more fresh food, but I hit my protein target :) I usually get my fruit and veggies in salads...when I eat them. I have a protein bar as my afternoon snack daily. THinking about changing that to some kind of mini wrap sandwich if I can figure how to make the ratios work with the ingredients.