Daily Chat Thread



  • manic4titans
    manic4titans Posts: 1,214 Member
    Sam, I KNOW! You hit your protein and I am amazed. Between you and Sue, yall put me to shame. I think I hit my goal today 71 g protein. Yay me :) Get some fresh lettuce, green peppers, tomatoes etc to add to a wrap or have a salad with supper. I think I eat salad every day.

    How do you choke that much protein down? LOL I don't have saliva which makes it hard to break down the protein. I eat a lot of chicken. It's easier to break down with tea or water. Beef is hard to chew unless it's ground beef. BUT even before the radiation to the neck, I didn't eat a lot of protein. Never has been my "thang".
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Nice pix pearl
    Someday I'll post mine but my big motivation for nrolw was not much progress on my made up routine. I had been eating well for the past three years and still had some small increase in my weight but was more upset about my expanding waistline. So I made up a routine and lifted progressively more for seven months- then got frustrated as my shape didn't change much.
    So I took some pix and measurements . I ve been happy with my increased strength- still haven't seen much change in body shape. Although I have days when my shoulders feel massive they really are the same (maybe from swimming)
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    My favorite protein is cheese, but it also is calorie- dense. So second is fish- pacific salmon is the best. I do periodically go crazy with the protein powder. My kids are girls 6 and 10, and have become suspicious of my cooking- sometimes there's no protein powder in the pancakes they just sometimes are victims of my (lack of ) cooking skills.
    I like rawfusion vanilla- it is plant based. I'm not veg, but went to a veg convention and sampled several protein powders. So now I have a huge container on my counter and I will have to covertly feed my kids the older too sweet tasting stuff (that was designer protein)
    Hope you all have tough but satisfying workouts
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    Pmagnanifit - put up a profile picture! Otherwise, I see you as a "troll"....and nobody wants THAT!

    Today, i lift!

    Also, I'm off to see allergy specialist for testing...I haven't had my allergies tested in YEARS! (and, I'm learning through my children's doctors, that allergies can 'come-and-go' throughout ones life!). My original appt was for Feb. 19/14 - but I got onto their "cancellation" list and yesterday, BOOM, my name came up and I'll go there right after the gym!
  • GeeksRfit2
    So I took some pics!
    And I'll retake my measurements in about a week or so, so we'll see where I am then.
    This group is a motivating one, to say the least. :)

    Sam, I do admire your ability to hit your protein,...I'm really working on that goal for myself.
    Pearl, the pics were VERY cool. THX for sharing.

    I'm off to lift now.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    My appointment with the allergy specialist was scheduled for February 19, 2014 (my family doctor req'd it in July~~omg)

    Alas, a "last-minute" cancellation got me into allergy specialist TODAY.

    And, in case you didn't think I REALLY WAS allergic to everything in nature - I'm here to confirm that, yes, in fact, I'm allergic to everything in nature....BRING ON THE CONCRETE, baby!

    No "food" allergies - although the allergy specialist DID explain to me why I still have asthma symptoms when ingesting wine, beer and spirits. (He did test for "yeast" - I'm NOT allergic....so, bring on the BEER!)

    Animals - yep.
    Plants - yep.
    Trees - yep.

    Here is the EXACT list:

    guinea pigs
    western weed mix
    grass mix (#10)
    white ash
    western tree mix
    sheep wool
    mould mix

    In other words - I'm STILL not going "hiking" anywhere, I STILL can't go where "pets" are and I'll stick to my indoor (gym) activities, thank you very much!
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Lol, my protein is 135g a day. I often get close. That's what happened when I set my macros to 40/30/30.

    I wish I could get a DEXA - no where here in South Australia does it. Can't justify the travel to Sydney etc, too expensive. I really would like to know my body fat % .... but really that's just because I'm one of those people who likes to have all the answers LOL

    Not had a workout the past 2 days as have been in Uni for full days and that involves a lot of travel etc (usually I study from home). Ready to get back to the gym today. On school hols too though so it is a balance - got the kids booked into crèche this morning. My routine will be all over the place for a while as after school goes back I go on placement for 2 weeks, so working full time shifts. Makes it harder to fit gym in. I'll get there, just maybe not so often!

    Happy lifting everyone :-)
  • BarbellCowgirl
    BarbellCowgirl Posts: 1,271 Member
    Wow, I've missed a lot. Was out of town all weekend and busy the past few days. Got a quick lifting session in Monday. Should be able to lift tomorrow and Saturday to hit my 3X week goal.

    I missed the calorie debate, but my research and personal experience indicates that most people do best sticking to a very moderate calorie deficit. Moderate cardio (some of us busy moms get that simply from moving around chasing kids and doing household chores) is helpful to increase the amount you can eat, but not necessary. The most common thing I see in research and my own life is that not accounting for EVERY bite hinders fat loss. If you don't weigh everything you eat at home and count every french fry while eating out, you can underestimate your cals enough to negate your deficit completely. Of course, there's also the issue of taking diet breaks, your metabolism adapting (no, I'm not talking about starvation mode), and the effects of dieting as you get leaner on muscle loss, etc. Do some reading on the Eat, Train, Progress forum (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/872212-you-re-probably-eating-more-than-you-think) and Lyle McDonald's website (http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/not-losing-fat-at-20-deficit-what-should-i-do-qa.html) if you want some in-depth discussion about calories and fat loss.

    My minimum protein is 120 grams/day (a little more than my LBM). I normally get well above that- my average for the last 3 weeks has been 132 grams. My focus is to eat lean protein and build my meal around that. If I don't get enough protein and veggies in my diet I feel like crap and my workouts suffer. I've pretty much eliminated protein shakes and bars from my diet in favor of greek yogurt and lots of chicken and egg whites. When I do protein powder, it's just the cheap stuff from WalMart (BodyFortress Vanilla Creme). Has 30 grams for 130 cals and it's the best tasting I've found.

    Beeps, that's quite a list of allergies! Sorry you have to deal with all that.

    Pearl, you pics look fabulous! I can tell you've worked so hard. Some day I may put up some pics for my friends that show more of what I've lost.

    Runz, it's so easy for us to focus on the negative. Remember how far you've come and that this is a lifelong quest to stay strong and healthy!

    Sue, I hope you've had a wonderful trip so far!

    Jo, I am the same way- I would love to know what my BF% is "just because". At this point, I just go with the highest calculator and make sure it continues on a downward trend according to that.
  • runzalot81
    runzalot81 Posts: 782 Member
    Whew my arms are shaking!

    I guess my lazy azz week last week wasn't a total loss. I am kickin' butt and takin' names this week and increasing weights across the board to boot :drinker:
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Did stage 1 workout 9 today...over halfway done with stage 1 WoOt wOoT!! Very excited I have gotten this far! One weight at a time haha!
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Cowgirl, I will be able to say I remember you when. Your progress and attitude are amazing!! Keep it up girl. You inspire me ;)

    Mary, I do the protein on limited animal product. I just eat eggs, tuna, dairy and grilled chicken. (actually I'm getting sick of the tuna hence the salad today) What can you mix with your meals to make them more easily digestible? Didn't know about the no saliva thing. I can see how that would make life difficult. Your body chemistry is probably VERY different after the treatment you received.

    I am off to the gym since this seems like my only chance to go...FOR A WEEK!!
    I took my week off last week at the end of 6 weeks of stage 1. Started stage 2 Monday. Turn out my gym will be closed next M-F for renovations. The other location is just not convenient. I can't go Friday either because hubby has a late staff meeting at his new company. I suppose I will "Get ripped like Chuck Norris" and use the hubby's "TOtal Gym" and maybe bust out some YouTube Zumba videos...but knowing me, I'll be lazy whenever given the opportunity.

    On the bright side, hubby was recruited and will start a new job on the 20th. 10K more a year, less hours during the week, and a much cooler company. Looks like he caught those blessings afterall :) Couldn't have come at a better time since I faced a pay REDUCTION this fall.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Help I am trying to upload a photo but Im a computer idiot- all my pix are too big-- any help??
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Rocked my workout at the gym. Did my first stage 2 WOB . I'm tired of dead lifts, even wide dead lifts . Knowing I wouldn't get in another great workout for a while, and the pumping music coming from the studio, I decided to join the end of the Zumba class again. Beats the hell out of intervals lol.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Great job Sam
    Welcome pick
    I didn't workout today - it's a long work day
    I did figure out the avatar that's my family- get back to the gym tomorrow for my next to last stage 1 workout
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    Well it turns out my B workout is actually easier than my A workout - thought it would be the other way round. So went for some weight increases and different style moves. LOVE the kneeling lat pulldown - so much better than seated - you can really feel the difference in the core. If you haven't tried it, you should!
  • pearlmullet
    pearlmullet Posts: 81 Member
    :smooched: Thanks everybody! :blushing: I'm glad I put those pics up.

    Great lifting everybody!

    Beeps, that is certainly a long list of allergies. :(

    Great news, sam, and glad things are looking up!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,004 Member
    The allergies are totally-well-controlled - I've had 'em (diagnosed) since age 8!!

    So, since it's all asthma related, and I like to breathe, I simply pay close attention to avoiding my triggers (which is why I had more testing done - can't avoid what I don't know about!).

    No lifting today. But, yes lifting tomorrow.
  • samntha14
    samntha14 Posts: 2,084 Member
    Off today too :)

    I've decided that I don't like cheap whole wheat tortillas. Going back to flour. Not that much difference if you think about it.

    I've noticed that my body now insists upon a certain number of calories. If I eat less at a particular meal for whatever reason, I get hungry sooner and end up filling in the gap.
  • Pmagnanifit
    Pmagnanifit Posts: 665 Member
    Hello I lifted today but could not increase my squat- which was frustrating. I had a painful week which can make me feel weak. I was also tired all day- but that could have been boredom.

    I ve got one more workout before stage 2- any advice?
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    LOVE the kneeling lat pulldown - so much better than seated - you can really feel the difference in the core. If you haven't tried it, you should!

    This sounds like a wonderful idea! Is it a version in the book that I missed or is it just something you came up with to make it more difficult?